Falls of the Hinterlands I tried to write your name in the rain
"Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future."
1,902 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Master Guardian
Master Warrior
Set right after this thread

After the meeting, Kyn had said goodbye to Teya. Though, he knows he cannot leave her like that. Simmik’s icy stare and even colder tongue caught Teya between a them and a hard place. She seemed visibly frightened, or at least obviously nervous.

So he wait a while then moves to catch up for her. His large from would trot up behind here. “Teya.” He would call easily, but loud enough to halt her. 

He moves to walk beside her bumping a massive head softly to her neck if allowed. “Are you alright, darling? Those two can be fairly intimidating at times.” He says it as if he’s not. “My wife,” He begins. “is especially so. Due to my recent…” He pauses, searching for the words. “…fuck up I suppose is what Simmik would call it.” 
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
teya shouldered away from him. "you wife."
and that, of course, made her accessory to an affair. she had known it, she had always known it, hadn't she? but the little violet had blissfully ignored it, until one day life dumped the true enormity of leadership onto her flighty little head, and teya had finally been blessed with better sense.
guilt drove her anger now; as much as she had learned, it was still a relief to put the blame onto the shoulders of another;
who better than kynareth? "you married," teya mumbled aloud, more to solidify it to herself than to speak his own truth.
"fuck up," and her eyes blurred with tears of pain, for it hurt her to hear him refer to their passions in so ugly of terms. "am i most recent?"
not only an accessory, but another notch.
the way that he said her name — his wife's name — harassed and harried her back into wrath. simmik. even the sound of it was lovely and cold, jagged ice at the edge of a cliff. how could she hope to compare?
teya whirled upon him, edging away like an injured stoat, hackles rippling. crooking a fore-ankle, the young raven dabbed at the infuriating tears. "you tell wife she do not need to worry now. this is over."
jaw set, chin still atremble, all of her carefully poised, crumbling inside of her own ribcage.
"i keep my word to simmik and nyra, and saints. our agreement. do not worry. brecheliant never part of this."
"neutral," and she wheeled around, walking stiffly away and hoping that kynareth would not pursue.
and yet, of course, she also hoped that he would.

[Image: zTO57rj.png]
"Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future."
1,902 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Master Guardian
Master Warrior
She’s absolutely pissed. He can definitely tell. Honestly, one would have to be brain dead not to be able to tell the sun kissed she wolf is shaking with all type of emotion in the moment. He doesn’t like it when she’s mad at him. Their relationship has been so pleasant and carefree. That’s how he likes it, but it just seems he’s an expert at pissing women off. It’s a gift he doesn’t want but he’s the only one to blame. 

So when she moves away from him, his ears shift back. Not in anger, irritation, or anything malicious, but guilt. He keeps following her of course, close enough to touch, but not doing so due to her obvious physical suggestion not to. 

He doesn’t say anything as she mumbles about him being married, but the second he mentions his ‘fuck up’ he knows he used the wrong words. But that is a misunderstanding. His first fuck up that made Simmik change the ‘you can fuck whoever you want’ rule was Whrist, not Teya. When he’d taken Whrist in the middle of her heat — thatis when the punishment hit.

So he stutters out a breath to try and explain to her, but her voice beats him to the punch. Am I the most recent? She says and his eyes never stray from hers and he legitimately feels bad when he sees the tears brimming in her eyes. Why would she be crying…over him?

“No, no, Teya, you’re misunderstanding-“ He tries to get out, but she’s not having it.

Teya whips around and meets him with her hackles raised. For a moment he thinks she’s going to strike at him. It wouldn’t be his first or last time being beat up by a woman — his face is evidence of that.

You tell wife she do not need to worry now. This is over.

At that a slight panic makes his heart skip a beat. What’s over? This… thing between them or the alliance? He realizes that he doesn’t want either to end. But Kyn knows those feelings for the first option are wrong, oh so horribly wrong, he doesn’t stop himself though. So he stands there in mild shock, brows furrowed in slight confusion but his expression is not one of anger, but concern and perplexity. 

The Grandmaster is rooted in spot as she continues on by confirming what he feared. She’s keeping the alliance, but that means that the other thing is over. He doesn’t want it to be over though and he knows that’s not the right answer. So as she starts rushing off again, he stands there. His muscles twitch with the desire to follow… and he does. He doesn’t even hesitate as he trots up to move softly in front of her.

“Teya, listen to me.” He asks softly. 

Whether she indulges him or walks off, he’d continue. If she walks off, he’d follow. This,” he emphasizes between them. “is not the ‘fuck up’.” He admits. It’s the reason for his most recent fight with Simmik, but it wasn’t Teya who forced Simmik to put him in chains. 

“The ‘fuck up’ was when I got with another pack member when she was is heat.” He explains. “Before then, even when Simmik and I got together officially, she allowed me to do as I pleased with others.” He hopes she catches his drift. “She didn’t care that I was with her because I allow her to do the same if she so pleases. She only cared that I was with her when she was in heat.” 

So hoping he explained enough to at least make her understand the interesting relationship between the Saint and his wife, he stands there and looks at her hopefully. Maybe not all is lost.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
kynareth spoke, voice by turns passionate and pleading. teya grew more confused and hurt, and enraged — that was the last of it. so he and simmik had something open and indulgent — so she had been another notch, and kynareth! a father twice besides! for what else might happen after heat?
her mouth was dry, tongue bitter. such a horrid muck into which she had stumbled; such a horrendous and useless investment she had made into this staircase to no existing world.
he was married, leader of a pack, heavy with obligations. and yet it felt during their interludes as if she and kynareth existed in a slow-wheeling expanse of soft velveteen space, without the echo of the common days to deter them, to hurry them along.
such was his spell!
turning night to day and then back again! even now teya had forgotten all concept of time, struck by him in equal parts adoration and misery, for how easy it would be to return to his arms.
and then;
the scarlet face of reyes flowed into the eye of teya's mind, and she knew she — must, must — somehow break this thrall that the brindled man held over her.
she wanted him again, even now; her chest swelled with an inhale at the thought of —
"you have many choices, kynareth," teya growled, unable to keep the malicious turn from her voice. "i just not be one of them anymore."
whirling, continuing the former flounce, the hard, bouncing step of a woman scorned; shoulders turned to redleaf bristling; teya did not want him to see her weep, not — now.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
"Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future."
1,902 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Master Guardian
Master Warrior
Kyn can see her thinking and honestly he’s terrified of what she’s going to say next. He’s rather smitten with her believe it or not. She’s cunning, smart, responsible when it comes to her pack, a good leader, and much, much more that he won’t mention because it would definitely be inappropriate. 

So he stares at her and no matter how much he tries to read her mind, sadly, he cannot. But by the fire lighting in those beautiful, baby blues it’s not good. 

Then his suspicions are confirmed and she’s spitting back at him words that surprise him. He knew she could be mean, but he was mildly thrown back by the biting tone of true hurt and deceit. He had not been trying to deceive her! What begs the question is to why shes so hurt. This is how he knows their relationship was possibly going somewhere the neither of them, or at least the Saint, couldn’t handle. He suspects she grew feelings for him — at least a little bit. Or else she wouldn’t be so hurt at the idea of his wife, the idea of his children. If their ‘fun’ was casual, then he suspects she’d have no problem, but truly everyone’s different so he tries not to jump to conclusions instantly. 

The Saint is a stubborn bastard — everyone knows that. So when she spots back at him and turns away he huffs out a frustrated breath, making sure it’s not loud enough for her to hear. 

“Teya,” He calls to her uncaring if she ignores him or not. He doesn’t move from his spot yet, but he tries his luck again. Not willing to let her leave him on a bad note. “I like spending time with you. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t. I suspect the same of you. You’re a strong, capable woman and I have no doubt you can handle yourself,” A soft pause ensues and the Grandmaster looks almost timid. “but if I give you time, would you be willing to be with me like that once more?” He uses his charm, canary orbs hopeful as he looks to her as of he truly hasn’t meant to hurt her. And it’s the truth too. He’s never had any intention of ruining things between them or hurting her feelings, but shit happens and he knows now that all he can do is work through it.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
he wanted her. he wanted to continue — and teya drew in her breath and stopped, tightening her paws against the earth with a clench. what did it matter if kynareth desired her now; what was to stop him from casting her aside when he had tired of her? when he chose to be finished?
it was a face hard with resignation and wet with tears that teya at last tipped toward kynareth. "you not know how — humiliating — to stand there. to see that nyra know, to meet your wife in this way. she not like me. i not want to be a secret. or something —"
enjoyable, their trysts, the pair of them existent only in the breath of the other;
but now it would not be that again.
"maybe, kynareth," teya said at last, heavily, though tears threatened her reddened eyes once more. "maybe after i be under someone else for a time. that should not make you jealous."
sorrow gave way to anger, and for the third time she turned, willing herself further and further away from the beloved brindle man.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
"Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future."
1,902 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Master Guardian
Master Warrior
He listens to her carefully, eyes trained on her beautiful face. She mentions Nyra and Simmik. She doesn’t understand. Perhaps Kyn could speak with Simmik, convince her to allow him to roam free once more, but he doesn’t want to push his luck. Simmik is unruly when she wants to be and her punishments are painful. 

Then a soft pause ensues and he can see the tears brimming in her eyes. She’s beautiful when she cries. Perhaps it’s a sadistic thing for him to think, but the thought crosses his mind anyhow. 

The thought is wiped away with her next words — maybe after i be under someone else for a time. that should not make you jealous. But how come when she says it like that it does? God he’s selfish. He wants all the freedom but the toxicity in him wants to keep others all for himself. Simmik has never wanted to bed anyone other than him and, theoretically, he assumes he wouldn’t have a problem with it if she did. But the feeling that grips his chest when Teya says that makes him second guess himself with Simmik as well. What if Simmik did truly have the desire to bed someone else? How would he truly react? Back then, it bothered him not, now though, he fears it may be different. And for some reason, it feels the same with the sun kissed woman before him. 

Yet, the Grandmaster cannot tell her no — will not tell her no, for it is not his place to. So he nods his head in understanding. Perhaps when she says it, Teya would even be able to see the heat that rises to his eyes at her provocative words. 

“I understand, darling.” Is all he able to get out and with that, he watches her turn around once more, moving with a purpose. He doesn’t stop her this time.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony

yes, she saw the fire of kynareth rise;
and ached to quiet him with herself a last time.
but instead teya felt a tearing between she and the fierce, beloved leader of the saints. perhaps it was better this way; perhaps their fuckery might have affected the alliance between their packs after all.
and she would not have that.
teya was still monumentally anguished that he did not follow a third time; she told herself truly was better this way, and took herself at the long lope until she faded from his vision.
then and only then did teya find herself weak. she  aliantly, defiantly, returned to brecheliant.
but there she dropped down among bee-inhabited flowers, among the butterflies and trilling insects of summer, and wept until the exhaustion of so many things at one time at last put the little raven to sleep.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]