Moonspear I can't find the right romantic line
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Alaric stayed to the outskirts of Moonspear. He listened to the wind in the trees and the way it bent against the rocks. He listened to the very spirit of the cliffs that overhung and clung to the world as if fighting for that last glimpse of the sun. But most of all he listened to the quiet in his own soul. Alaric wasn't a staying kind of wolf. That he had stayed this long said something. But there was a restlessness to his spirit now. A need to run and race and grow. He had promised though that he would stay and Amalia was near.

Though truthfully the dark wolf figured honestly that no one would even notice he was gone. Not eve Sialuk. She'd notice he was gone and just go on with her life and that was fine. Though he'd be lying if he said he hadn't expected this sense of disquiet in pack life. At home there had always been a sense of belonging. here he felt adrift, ostracized even if they didn't do anything to him. And that wasn't fair to them, but he also knew that there was a reason, he ust had to figure out what it was. He knew he was hard to take.

So today he made it to teh very edge of the spear and he stood looking down over the land. The wind blowing against his fur. He closed his eyes for just a moment to feel the breeze. Poised on the precipice, one wrong move and he'd be done like dinner.
2,033 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
A member now of Moonspear, but Fennec’s first move had been to push away her sister’s attempts at niceties. Fennec had already decided that she wasn’t interested in forcing friendships here. If that meant she wound up some spinster freak on the boundary line, well; she’d always pictured that future for herself.

Her first task was in learning the mountain. That was what she was doing as she passed near Alaric now, so intent in where she was placing her paws that she didn’t notice him. She needed to better memorize the routes down and up, since every time her paw reached out to meet only air was still heart-pounding.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric heard the noise from around him and turned to look with green ryes. He blinked at the she wolf that made a slow crawl. Pretty girl he supposed.

He didnt want to startle her to bad so he made a soft chuff and followed it with a hallo
2,033 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She sensed someone the instant before he chuffed, so the sound didn’t make her jump. It did make her ears perk up immediately as she judged her distance from him and altitude by comparison. That second aspect was a novel experience. They seemed to be about level, though he was a little lower on the trail.

Hi. She picked her way down a little further, then felt the stone level some beneath her paws. With a small sigh she sat down, feeling for any ledges nearby with her tail and forepaws by sliding them subtly on the rock. Nope, none.

She still wasn’t all that interested in socializing here, but she would take the excuse for a break. Let me know if someone comes and needs me to move, alright? I assume I’m blocking some kind of path here. She’d move when she needed to, she just didn’t feel like dealing with it right this second.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric shifted and moved upward, making sure to let her know where he was. He was a healer for a reason and her eyes told him all he needed to know. The paws and the tail were the second indicator. He met her halfway and then smiled. 

Pretty lady like you. They should move themselves, not you. Alaric Willow's m'name by the way. He meant nothing by his words and imagined he probably spoke to soon, which was usually the case, but he was only being honest. She was pretty. It didn't have to mean anything. Just was something that was.
2,033 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Pretty lady like you. The expression she gave was clearly readable and a mixture of bemusement and slight annoyance. I’m not big on flattery. You want to give someone empty compliments, find someone who cares about that shit.

It was needlessly harsh. She hadn’t gotten a compliment from a stranger in a long time and knew he was being polite, but unreasonable was her default mode lately. Especially when it came to protecting herself from another mistake like Germanicus.

She let silence follow after that, waiting for how he might react.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He chuckled. Oh Thorny and pretty. Be still my heart.

He shifted and looked back the way he'd come.

But for the record, I don't give empty compliments. I'm Alaric by the way.

He curled his tail around his paws a decent space between the two. He let the silence run, and he'd leave if she wanted.
2,033 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
sorry! A few of these are getting away from me

She scoffed but relented. She wasn’t big on flattery but she could at least appreciate an unflinching sense of humor. At least the guy didn’t have a stick shoved up his ass.

I guess we all have our opinions, she replied with a small smirk. I’d return the favor but obviously I’d be lying. My compliments take a little more effort. Lucky you.

It’s Fennec, by the way. Much as he might enjoy pretty lady, she figured he could use an actual name to call her by.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
You're fine. We can fade if you need/want too. <3

Alaric's default was humor. No matter how much someone hurt him, he'd give back with a smile. It kept his heart safe and his mind quiet. Though sometimes he was sure he pushed the envelope too far.

He gave a soft gasp, And I have to work for her favor, well damn keep it up my heart my burst.

A gentle laugh. Truthfully though, any man worth his salt should work for any type of favor from a woman or a man if that is where their colors lie, but still. Any type of relationship friend, family, romantic, you gotta put a little work in you want it to come up roses.

Well met Fennec. So you're foxy is what your telling me hmm? All your fam named after foxes?
2,033 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
sounds good! I can grab a more up to date one sometime soon <3

Fennec listened and agreed in part, though she couldn’t help the comment that followed. Sometimes even work isn’t enough. There was none of the previous edge to it, more of a reflective sense, as though she were saying it more to herself than to him. She’d worked her ass off in every relationship she’d ever had but at the end of the day, they hadn’t loved her enough to try and make it last. Something crucial had still been missing, something no amount of work would have earned.

Unless a Meerkat is a kind of fox, not exactly. Animals moreso. Meerkat is my sister. Assuming she claimed her, and since I (Starr) don’t remember if this thread is before or after, we’ll be vague about it.

Fennec stood and stretched, then tilted an ear his way. I’m still learning the lay of the land around here. It’s been a while since I was on this mountain. If you’re determined to talk my ear off, we could make a round of some of the nearby borders while we are at it? Despite the fact that her tone was dry, there was a hint of a smile to her expression that belied the words. She wasn’t as annoyed as they implied, and the company wasn’t the worst thing on a day like this.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric shifted. A dark look in his eyes for a moment as memories stirred. Especially you been hurt bad by someone. that was all he said and he 

A sweet lady. Her husband and i have traded a time or two. I make little things to be put in dens or stories herbs that kinda thing.

He chuckled. I'll let you get a word in edgewise maybe if youre lucky. Shall we.