Hushed Willows Even if it makes me blind, I just wanna see the light
1,621 Posts
Ooc — xynien
She hadn't expected to see Reina so soon, but welcomed the Middleman's presence nonetheless. It had never been her intention to leave a rift between them. Reverie's opinion had not changed since their last conversation, but had softened in some ways. It wasn't that she never wanted to see Everett find someone; it just seemed far too soon to her.

There's plenty of space, but you'll have to dig your own hole, She said with a faint smile, leaning back into the snow as if to emphasize her point. That Reina still thought of her as an angel was another surprise, but Reverie said nothing of it for now. Instead she glanced around at the little patch of land. I plan to build a garden here, come spring. I've always wanted one, but... But the opportunity had always been ripped away from her before she could realize that dream.

Well, now we'll have one, She finished, eyes still flitting over the snowy little island.
Watching me is like

watching a fire take your eyes from you

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RE: Even if it makes me blind, I just wanna see the light - by Reverie - February 20, 2024, 08:59 PM