Broken Antler Fen turnwrath
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
we needed a new oneeee

having worked through a good deal of her own emotion regarding the birth of ibis' children, teya had reemerged from her self-imposed cocoon a more palatable and gracious individual. she felt strongly toward the auspex, and of course she would help with the newest little ones. family was written into the construct of brecheliant.
intending to visit where tambourine had been laid to rest, and then off to see ibis, teya paused in all of this to seek red-masqued @Bridget. "we should go on trip in summer, to sea," she stated when she had found her companion, kissing the other's gentle face if allowed.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
818 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight

From what little she'd known of Tambourine, Bridget had liked the guy well enough, but she wouldn't allow herself to take responsibility for his death. It seemed like he'd gone peacefully and there was little warning beforehand... likely there was nothing she could have done either way. In her training, her mentor had drilled that into her mind well enough to sit almost at default. Sometimes there was really nothing you could do.

She was collecting mint when Teya found her and allowed her friend to close in, though she laughed after. Be careful or you'll be smelling like this for days too, she said, indicating the plants. Mint was useful for a number of things but she hated collecting it. She wasn't all that partial to the scent and it overpowered just about anything. It would take at least two days just to get it out of her nose.

Alright. What's by the sea? It was easy enough to agree, but she was curious what spurred the sudden desire for a trip. Was there something there Teya wanted to see?
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"is better that way," teya blurted, shoving herself chest deep into the aromatic leaves. "there. now we have same scent." bridget, fortunately, agreed to her suggestion. the raven lolled against the ground.
"yes." a mischief-laden glint in her coolwater eyes. "you and me." they had toiled long here, and by summertime she expected brecheliant's new nestlings to be more steady on their feet. "have you seen ocean?" teya asked, wondering if the light between them had only lapsed to friendliness now.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
818 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She wrinkled her nose but laughed again as Teya shoved herself into the plants as well. She could argue but it was too adorable, and for the sake of that, she could put up with the scent lingering for a bit. Without really thinking, she leaned over, brushing her muzzle against Teya's cheek before pulling back, shining.

I haven't. She set aside the last of what she would gather and stretched. I meant to, but then joined the Faeries and never made it so far north. She nearly had, when she'd met that one woman. I'd like to. It was more the trip with Teya than the shore that appealed to her, though. Have you?
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
she shook her head. "i not see this sea before." but once, she could remember the rush of cold dark water. "i come to faery and stay also. but now i have traveling on the brain," the raven said severely, before her face shifted into another expression of delight.
"brecheliant soon have babies," teya explained. "not always for me. or for you. we go for a bit." a wave of her tail. the pack thrived, and would hopefully not miss the presence of the pair for a time.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
818 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
They would. If she were a proper healer, Bridget supposed she should stick around, just in case anything went wrong and any of these moms needed her when the time came. But she nodded, unwilling to pass up on the chance and far from guilty about that fact. Truth was, she knew few things that applied to midwifing. She'd be about the same amount of help, there or gone.

You're the boss, Bridget responded with a cheeky, cheshire-like grin. It really did sound ideal. Her last trip had been the mountain search and she hardly considered that a vacation... or enjoyable.

I am definitely behind escaping all of that for a while. She shouldn't be surprised that Teya knew who was having kids, now that she was on the Council. It was easy to forget that, though, at times. Who're the lucky parents? And by that I mean, who should I prep some stress relief for, pre-trip? She laughed. It was a playfully delivered joke, but there was some honesty there. She definitely didn't envy them.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
she grinned. "ibis. and maia, soon." she was thankful that she would not be alone in a sea of pregnant bellies. and wraen, the more that she observed, did not seem inclined. arcturus, whom she would have assumed would be the older raven's choice, did not seem riddled with desire himself.
but there was something between them.
she would puzzle it another time.
leadership. boss. she grew contemplative. "now? or ... summer," teya mused, suddenly second-guessing her own decision. "eljay, will he need you to stay?"
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
818 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
on the edgeeee with her gajgljhgklsjflksdj

I doubt it, Bridget responded easily, brushing off the concern. Some of the kids were his, but from what she could tell, there were plenty here eager to be put to work if he needed help. And while she'd helped with births and pup care in the Court, they weren't her specialty. She was much more practiced in treating wounds or addressing deeper issues.

He has a pack to help if he needs anything, and I'm sure most wolves here are smart enough to follow directions. Which is what I'm sure I'd be doing, if he asked me. She added with a slight laugh. She had no false aspirations as to her ability level.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
<3 we can fade our threads!

she grinned. "next month?" signing with her eyes the pleasure of their current and intended company. she enjoyed the easy freedom between the two of them; she would trade it not for anything.
bridget valued her for more than what her body provided.
she leant forward to swipe the red-masque with a sudden kiss. "you will be pretty in sea." and she let herself mischievously imagine the saltspray dampening bridget's flanks.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
818 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
we can fade or no, up to you!! <3 I know we have some new ones, but I don't plan on droppin anyone anytime soon. Just been slowwww

Next month, she agreed, and she felt excitement growing for the unknown of it. She enjoyed it in Brecheliant, but when she had left the court behind, she'd done it with the intention to see what the world had to offer. She hadn't lost that goal despite being in no real hurry to fulfill it. There was more than enough time.

Prettier than I am now? Not possible. Bridget joked, nipping at Teya affectionately and laughing. Then she skipped away, hoping to lead her friend into a chase or a game. Later she might ask about the sea and what to expect, but then again, a part of her wanted it to be a surprise. She liked the expectation and the mystery of it all.