Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: very vague references to foxes yiffing.
A loud shriek startled Javelina awake from a mid-afternoon nap. She sat up and rolled onto all fours in about four seconds flat. She didn’t see @Glaukos and wondered if perhaps what she’d heard was him making a kill. But then she heard a second, louder scream. Her fur raised and she found herself stalking warily through the woods.
The scent hit her well before Javelina came upon the scene of the coupling foxes. It wasn’t the same pungent odor ubiquitous to this forest. It was one she’d smelled a few times in her life, most often from her own kind. Her nose wriggled as she cataloged the peculiarities of the vixen’s heat. She ventured close enough to spy on them between some trees before quickly gliding away in another direction.
She trotted smoothly along a game trail. Javelina’s wound had healed so well in the past week, she thought she might even be able to hunt. But she wasn’t hungry. If anything, she was distracted. She sucked in a breath, thinking about the foxes’ shouts of—was it pain? Pleasure? She shuddered a little at the recollection of the male clinging to the female’s back.
I don’t want anyone mounting me, ever,she said under her breath, one of few holdovers from her past.
Fortunately, she’d never had to deal with that sort of attention. Despite what her mother had told her back then, her second spring had come and gone without any sign of estrus. It had been a relief to Javelina, even though she knew it was probably due to her poor body conditioning at the time. That season had been her closest brush with death, up until recently.
She paused to nip at a sudden itch in her thigh. She was very careful and took the opportunity to examine the wound to get her mind off other things. It was unbelievable how much different it looked from only several days ago. The itching was unbearable at times but it didn’t hurt much anymore. Gingerly, Javelina began to brush her tongue over the knitting flesh.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: less vague references to foxes yiffing
the vixen were a sight, the kind that gets ya goin', if you're a creep or desperate enough, and would you guess - gun was both.
she crouched in the underbrush with an idiot grin as the pair went at it. took restraint, not to cheer them on, and she really wished to! kudos to the dude; what form!
yet, as minutes dragged on, and instead of comin' to completion gun's own mood stagnated and went acrid, the scene got soured and the bitch found herself rumbling a growl.
with a booming bark gun burst out the shrubbery, making both foxes leap, scream and part, fear of God in their hearts.
last second's entanglement completely forgotten, they each ran in separate ways, gun's snapping jaws chasing down the girl who went running - unbeknownst to them both - in the direction of a fourth party.
January 15, 2024, 10:16 AM
The she-wolf startled as another loud noise echoed through the wintry woods, sending a flock of chattering birds into the sky. By the time Javelina straightened, the air filled with screams. Now there was no question the foxes were shouting in fear rather than ecstasy. Had a bear attacked them, or perhaps a mountain lion? Did either one of those bark?
Before she could organize her thoughts, one of the foxes—surely the vixen, her heady scent washing over Javelina—flicked past, pursued by a beast that was neither bear, nor cougar, nor anything she had ever seen in her life. Her two-toned eyes flew wide before she scrambled to get out of the way, darting low and sideways.
Before she could organize her thoughts, one of the foxes—surely the vixen, her heady scent washing over Javelina—flicked past, pursued by a beast that was neither bear, nor cougar, nor anything she had ever seen in her life. Her two-toned eyes flew wide before she scrambled to get out of the way, darting low and sideways.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
January 15, 2024, 05:16 PM
she hadn't had the sharpest peepers, nor speediest brains, so what happened was that gun bulleted past the wolf with her mind wholly on the racing white tailtip.
it was maybe a hundred feet later that gun realized there'd been a wolf.
by that point, the vixen proved her partner did a piss-poor job, as her legs still served her well, and she outran the wheezing mastiff. gun lumbered to a stop and leaned against a tree to catch her breath.
right. wolf.
she turned with the elegance of a lump of clay and stumbled her way back. her tongue dangled out the ruined side of her muzzle, dripping with foamy saliva.
it was maybe a hundred feet later that gun realized there'd been a wolf.
by that point, the vixen proved her partner did a piss-poor job, as her legs still served her well, and she outran the wheezing mastiff. gun lumbered to a stop and leaned against a tree to catch her breath.
right. wolf.
she turned with the elegance of a lump of clay and stumbled her way back. her tongue dangled out the ruined side of her muzzle, dripping with foamy saliva.
you sheen that?she panted/shouted at the other as she approached, tail wagging at thighs-level.
hhackersh ish hhast!
January 15, 2024, 07:35 PM
The beast lumbered past without slowing. Javelina’s heart thudded hard against her ribs as she peered after it—her, going by scent—full of wonder. When she came to a halt and turned, that curiosity turned indeed morbid. The she-wolf had never beheld an uglier creature in all her life.
Then she spoke, a strange voice booming from somewhere between rows of jagged teeth and fleshy lips that dangled obscenely. Javelina blinked, every fur on her body rising at once. Her own lip curled to expose her fangs as her ears pinned backward and her tail went rigid as a bottle brush behind her.
Then she spoke, a strange voice booming from somewhere between rows of jagged teeth and fleshy lips that dangled obscenely. Javelina blinked, every fur on her body rising at once. Her own lip curled to expose her fangs as her ears pinned backward and her tail went rigid as a bottle brush behind her.
Don’t come any closer,she warned, shoulders pinching together and haunches coiling.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
January 16, 2024, 09:15 AM
the wolfie blurred in her vision, but gun could see it was gray, small and leggy. didn't even catch onto the defensiveness until she spoke, and gun halted, halfway there.
gun's brains cooked as she vacantly stared at the gnashers on display. then, she replied with her own - grinnin'.
gun's brains cooked as she vacantly stared at the gnashers on display. then, she replied with her own - grinnin'.
eeeeashy, doll. i ain't gonna hurt'cha.the mastiff stretched her forelegs until she plopped down on her belly, tail idly beating the ground.
shee? harhhlesh.
January 16, 2024, 09:31 AM
The jowly beast heeded the warning and ground to a halt. Javelina let out a breath, releasing some of her tension, only to stiffen when the strange creature leered at her. Javelina only understood every third word out of her fleshy lips as she eased onto the ground in a distinctly canine gesture of appeasement.
Was she some kind of mutated wolf, then? She was too small to be a coyote or any of the other wild dogs Javelina had come across. As she registered the telltale thump of a tail, an errant thought flitted through her head: could bears mate with wolves? But the longer she stared at the beast, the less she resembled a bear. Could pigs mate with wolves?
Was she some kind of mutated wolf, then? She was too small to be a coyote or any of the other wild dogs Javelina had come across. As she registered the telltale thump of a tail, an errant thought flitted through her head: could bears mate with wolves? But the longer she stared at the beast, the less she resembled a bear. Could pigs mate with wolves?
What are you?Javelina asked, the question a little pointed but her entire demeanor starting to soften around the edges a bit.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
January 16, 2024, 03:32 PM
without missing a beat or losing her misaligned grin-
gun's tongue flopped out the side of her mouth to accentuate.
the mastiff stretched with audible pops, then casually rolled onto her backside - the way her mass of loose skin sagged was a wonder to behold, and was - as gun firmly believed - irresistibly seductive.
gun's tongue flopped out the side of her mouth to accentuate.
alsho, dog.would've said bitch if she could've.
the mastiff stretched with audible pops, then casually rolled onto her backside - the way her mass of loose skin sagged was a wonder to behold, and was - as gun firmly believed - irresistibly seductive.
how a'out you, legsh?
January 16, 2024, 03:41 PM
Javelina recoiled slightly as the creature’s tongue snaked out from between fleshy flaps to dangle even more obscenely. Truly, she had never seen something so grotesque. But according to the beastly woman herself, she was some kind of dog. The ecologist couldn’t even argue; she had all the features of a canine, only sort of…
She stared for several beats, then realized she’d asked a question. Javelina straightened out of her defensive crouch, blinking two-toned eyes as if trying to clear them of the vision before her. But it remained.
Without warning, the she-wolf threw her head back and laughed loudly.
Melted,she muttered under her breath, her fascination really beginning to eclipse her innate disgust when the dog oozed into a fubsy puddle of loose skin.
She stared for several beats, then realized she’d asked a question. Javelina straightened out of her defensive crouch, blinking two-toned eyes as if trying to clear them of the vision before her. But it remained.
I’m a Jav—she began to say, meaning to cleverly introduce herself, only to suddenly remember she was named after a pig herself!
Without warning, the she-wolf threw her head back and laughed loudly.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
gun blink-blonked at the laughing wolfie, herself with a dumb - melted - smile on her face, that of a swedish tourist in a japanese restaurant not understanding why everyone was laughing at him pulling out a fork.
her tail beat and her smile was still present.
jah-gun tried, but her lack of half a face stopped her. her tongue uselessly flapped, lacking enough lips to form the third sound.
legsh.the bitch said instead, rolling back onto her chest.
hhat'sh 'unny?
her tail beat and her smile was still present.
January 16, 2024, 05:51 PM
The laughter stopped on a delicate wheeze, Javelina’s head dropping back down to peer at the unseemly dog. For all her ugliness, she seemed friendly, patient too. Her skinny tail kept thumping, the body language projecting clearly even when her expression was rather too deliquesced for Javelina to read.
I was laughing because—never mind,the she-wolf said, smiling lightly now.
I’m a wolf, of course. My name is Javelina. What’s your name?
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
gun.the mastiff said, still in the same mood.
hhatcha doin' here, leggy?
the other was pleasant to look at, but if she was with a pack, even dumbly gun knew she'd have to skedaddle - tar-snout and the gang had gotten into some shit in the area last fall. one slip-up and it'd be a speedy escape to the mountains for her.
January 16, 2024, 06:12 PM
Legs, she realized. Leggy. She blinked down at her black stockings then back up at Gun, not entirely certain she’d earned that particular nickname. She gave an inward shrug, deciding it didn’t really matter.
Gun,she repeated. Javelina hesitated slightly before deciding the beast had surely seen her laceration.
I’m here to rest and heal. What brings you here?
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
January 16, 2024, 06:59 PM
gun's head cocked to the side, inspecting the wound legs brought attention to.
don't reek too 'ad.gun outwardly shrugged. still, she noted the other probably couldn't run long with a gash like that. good if gun needed to leave. fast.
oh- uh, 'ee?the mastiff pulled a paw toward herself while awkwardly sitting up.
jusht uh, ah, hhiguring out the lay ohh the land. yeah! lookin' 'round hhor ohho-... ohhorh- guysh. dudesh. gender-neutral. there any, uh, packsh around?her eyes darted in the direction of the creek and then back to leggy.
January 16, 2024, 07:24 PM
As comfortable as she was getting with Gun’s gruesome appearance, Javelina didn’t want her touching her. She sidestepped, instinctively shielding her vulnerability. She had the presence of mind to offer Gun a slightly apologetic smile, even though she wasn’t very sorry.
It took her a moment to parse the dog’s words, then she replied,
She didn’t mention Fiona or her warnings. Nor did she say anything about Glaukos. Gun was an interesting beast, to be sure, but her differences bred mistrust in the she-wolf. And now that the novelty of this encounter began to wear on her, she quietly hoped Gun might take the lead and go.
It took her a moment to parse the dog’s words, then she replied,
I think there might be one living in the hollow next door,with a flick of her tail.
She didn’t mention Fiona or her warnings. Nor did she say anything about Glaukos. Gun was an interesting beast, to be sure, but her differences bred mistrust in the she-wolf. And now that the novelty of this encounter began to wear on her, she quietly hoped Gun might take the lead and go.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
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