apprentice ceremony for @Shadowpup! the naming convention is also opened up for @Esma & @Acantha! @Ash Paw @Wren (@Crowfeather & @Enelise) for visibility <3
![[Image: 985783246stars-sky-space-gif-26.gif]](
within the packlands was a scarcely visited cave studded with starlight. upon entering, it was quite dark, but once one's eyes adjusted, they might look up to see the thousands of glittering stones in the blackness, resembling stars. beneath the high ceiling lay a dark pool of water, the entire thing lit by a single shaft of moonlight. it was here that silvertongue called for the pack, sitting beneath the glow of the giant skycurve. but her smile was visible, as was the elated gaze, brighter than anything she had worn in some time.
December 02, 2023, 06:55 AM
Ash headed towards the call. She knew what this was and felt it justly appropriate that Silver handle this. Shadowpup was so upset with her birth mother. Perhaps this would help to sort her out. So excited to change her name.
Ash wasn't sure if she would change hers it seemed a good idea especially it seemed if she ever wanted Shadowpups respect.
A brief nudge to Silvers cheek and she settled nearby.
Ash wasn't sure if she would change hers it seemed a good idea especially it seemed if she ever wanted Shadowpups respect.
A brief nudge to Silvers cheek and she settled nearby.
i changed on peofile but don't know how to do display/account name
silvertongue smiled more and more these days. not once had wren forgotten how much she loved it, that smile, how she had longed to see it again; how she would never again take it for granted.
she had come alongside ash paw, crouching so that she may fit through the mouth of the cavern and squinting fiercely as the inkblack darkness swallows her vision. she is quick to find a place to settle wedged against the jagged stone wall, and she searches for the seaglass eyes through the dark with her own starlit gaze. she wonders if the sharpfang can see her smiling back.
she had come alongside ash paw, crouching so that she may fit through the mouth of the cavern and squinting fiercely as the inkblack darkness swallows her vision. she is quick to find a place to settle wedged against the jagged stone wall, and she searches for the seaglass eyes through the dark with her own starlit gaze. she wonders if the sharpfang can see her smiling back.
u can change it in user CP, @Ash Paw! there's a menu for it <3
December 03, 2023, 04:36 PM
(This post was last modified: December 03, 2023, 04:37 PM by Night Fire.)
A day Shadowpup had long waited for and worked towards was shrouded in a gauze of stormy emotions.
Maybe she had forgiven the Sharpfang, but her trust and respect for any adult in the pack was waifer thin. Every night the dark teenager asked Starclan for strength. For knowledge. Maybe, someday, they would answer her.
She entered the cave reticent and broody, but brightened when she saw the shaft of moonlight upon the pool of water. If there was one thing she loved, it was Starclan and the tradition surrounding their society.
Maybe she had forgiven the Sharpfang, but her trust and respect for any adult in the pack was waifer thin. Every night the dark teenager asked Starclan for strength. For knowledge. Maybe, someday, they would answer her.
She entered the cave reticent and broody, but brightened when she saw the shaft of moonlight upon the pool of water. If there was one thing she loved, it was Starclan and the tradition surrounding their society.
December 07, 2023, 12:32 AM
crowfeather would be the one to say the old words. the first words. "shadowpup." and silvertongue beckoned for her daughter, for their daughter, to come and stand before the shadowprince. "you are beyond the age of six moons. it is time for you to be apprenticed. from this day forward, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as shadowpaw." silvertongue was stunned by a dizzying dart of pride, and when she spoke it was to say, "your mentor will be — me. silvertongue. and i will pass down all i know to you." her lips trembled, but her smile was true, and she hoped shadowpaw would accept this. her voice, raising; riverclan would chant the new name several times.
December 07, 2023, 03:43 AM
Much like Silver, Ash felt emense pride for her adopted daughter. Though she fast realized that she may not have the right of that soon. And that was okay.
She lifted her voice in the way of Crowfeathers people.
A smile on her face and hope in her heart.
She lifted her voice in the way of Crowfeathers people.
Shadowpaw, Shadowpaw, Shadowpaw.
A smile on her face and hope in her heart.
distinctly, wren felt as if she was out of place.
apprenticeship. mentors. a new name. if there was any sense to be made of this strange new culture she had now become enveloped in, the newly-appointed fang did not know. the chanting echoes and bounces off of the cave walls, and while she at first hesitates, wren soon found herself joining in, if for no reason other than this was silver's — daughter. crowfeather's daughter. their daughter.
even as she stands among the wolves of riverclan, she is not one of them. these people did not trust her. no one did, not anymore, and she could not blame them.
she swallows the bitter pill of alienation and gazes now upon the teenage girl who wears the pride of her family.
apprenticeship. mentors. a new name. if there was any sense to be made of this strange new culture she had now become enveloped in, the newly-appointed fang did not know. the chanting echoes and bounces off of the cave walls, and while she at first hesitates, wren soon found herself joining in, if for no reason other than this was silver's — daughter. crowfeather's daughter. their daughter.
even as she stands among the wolves of riverclan, she is not one of them. these people did not trust her. no one did, not anymore, and she could not blame them.
she swallows the bitter pill of alienation and gazes now upon the teenage girl who wears the pride of her family.
December 17, 2023, 12:21 PM
When the small entourage was gathered, Papa addressed his daughter first.
Shadowpup puffed out her chest in pride and arranged herself to be seated formally. Her yellow eyes grew big, attuned to the words of Riverclan’s star – their link to the ways of Starclan. She willed herself to remember the words and all the details surrounding this day.
The apprentice name she had long desired!
Shadowpaw looked over her shoulder at Ash Paw, her gaze filled with accomplishment.
And then Silvertongue spoke. Their relationship was fragile. Mending. But Shadowpaw was so delirious with happiness that she did not think negatively. “I-I won’t let you down,” she stammered, voice filled with emotion.
Then, Riverclan’s voices chanted her new name. Shadowpaw detected Wren’s among them and so she was pleased by that – to see her commitment to their society’s ceremony.
Shadowpup puffed out her chest in pride and arranged herself to be seated formally. Her yellow eyes grew big, attuned to the words of Riverclan’s star – their link to the ways of Starclan. She willed herself to remember the words and all the details surrounding this day.
The apprentice name she had long desired!
Shadowpaw looked over her shoulder at Ash Paw, her gaze filled with accomplishment.
And then Silvertongue spoke. Their relationship was fragile. Mending. But Shadowpaw was so delirious with happiness that she did not think negatively. “I-I won’t let you down,” she stammered, voice filled with emotion.
Then, Riverclan’s voices chanted her new name. Shadowpaw detected Wren’s among them and so she was pleased by that – to see her commitment to their society’s ceremony.
December 26, 2023, 10:09 PM
the chanting died away, and then silvertongue revealed that there was more. reaching forward, she touched noses with shadowpaw as a small smile shook on her mouth and crowfeather spoke again to cement them as mentor and apprentice. "warriors and healers of riverclan, i present you with this apprentice. they will soon choose their path. grant them your wisdom and insight so that they may understand your ways and heal or protect their clan in accordance with your will." behind the assemblage was a pool of water that glittered with the blackness of star-studded depths. "shadowpaw, you and i will spend the night here. we will drink from this place, and we will dream together. the rest of you may leave for now. thank you for being part of this." her voice was steady. silvertongue allowed pride to carry the rest.
December 31, 2023, 12:15 PM
Ash gave a smile to her adopted daughter and the nother who had born her. Then she slowly left them to their ritual. Pride in her heart.
shadowpaw. wren wondered for a fleeting moment if perhaps there would be a ceremony such as this in her name, some day.
she is quiet as she weaves through the bodies to make her exit, and over her shoulder she passes a soft, secretive smile to mother and daughter. a night alone, the first in many weeks — but it was worth it for silvertongue's serenity, was it not?
she is quiet as she weaves through the bodies to make her exit, and over her shoulder she passes a soft, secretive smile to mother and daughter. a night alone, the first in many weeks — but it was worth it for silvertongue's serenity, was it not?
January 01, 2024, 01:28 AM
Shadowpaw stood tall before Riverclan, proud and confident, as Crowfeather debuted his daughter.
What path should I walk? Shadowpaw thought to herself.
The answer would come in time. For tonight, the young girl would run with Starlcan alongside Silvertongue in her dreams – an event she had long awaited.
Hope returned to the new apprentice, and she felt more determined than ever to keep her clan’s spirit alive.
What path should I walk? Shadowpaw thought to herself.
The answer would come in time. For tonight, the young girl would run with Starlcan alongside Silvertongue in her dreams – an event she had long awaited.
Hope returned to the new apprentice, and she felt more determined than ever to keep her clan’s spirit alive.
January 06, 2024, 12:36 PM
when the rest of their small pack had gone off, silvertongue turned toward the newly named shadowpaw with a smile. "this is very exciting. i wonder what we will dream about." the moonpool was an small expanse of pitch black water that moved and lapped, illuminated by the glitter of the ceiling. her heart was pounding loudly, but she stooped to drink, glancing at her daughter.
January 16, 2024, 12:11 AM
One by one, the others left until only Shadowpaw and Silvertongue remained.
The young girl’s breath shuttered excitedly. The drip of icemelt echoed in the cave.
“I fear I won’t be able to sleep!” Shadowpaw joked, though her words were half-truths.
The young girl’s breath shuttered excitedly. The drip of icemelt echoed in the cave.
“I fear I won’t be able to sleep!” Shadowpaw joked, though her words were half-truths.
January 19, 2024, 06:16 PM
"it is very exciting to know that starclan will come to us," silvertongue agreed, her eyes glimmering. she found a place near the moonpool and lay down, hesitating only a moment before she invited shadowpaw as close as she would like. "fix in your mind what you want to become. who you want to be. let starclan bring you a dream." and even as she closed her own eyes, silvertongue knew she would not sleep until shadowpaw had slipped into her own slumbers.
February 13, 2024, 10:14 PM
The newly minted Shadowpaw mimicked Silvertongue and curled up beside her and the moonpool.
Then, the girl listened closely.
What I want to become.
Who I want to be.
She formed a picture in her mind.
The soft lull of Silvertongue’s voice was nearly enough to carry any wolf off to sleep. Soon, the girl’s breathing slowed as she was carried away to the plain of her ancestors to commune with the ancient spirits of yore who called themselves Starclan.
Then, the girl listened closely.
What I want to become.
Who I want to be.
She formed a picture in her mind.
The soft lull of Silvertongue’s voice was nearly enough to carry any wolf off to sleep. Soon, the girl’s breathing slowed as she was carried away to the plain of her ancestors to commune with the ancient spirits of yore who called themselves Starclan.
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