Sun Mote Copse Fairest of the seasons
lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Set for tomorrow at dusk (10/29) after the FH trip.

The trip had been positively good for Phox and company. He had wished Alyx would have joined them, but he didn't blame her for sulking. In time, she'd get over it. He was sure of that. There was still a bit of light left when the group finally stepped back into more familiar territory, and Phox split off to find @Niamh. They hadn't been able to spend much time together since the discussion about moving, and he wanted to unload (huehuehue) his thoughts on her about the trip now that he was back.

Ambling his way to the rendezvous site, he spotted her up ahead and woofed gently in her direction. Nobody else was around for the time being, and a quiet moment alone with his fellow Regent was exactly what he wanted after all that socializing. Hey cutie, he said, flopping himself down and grabbing a nearby stick to gnaw on.
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Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
In the wake of the trip to the Caldera, Niamh had taken a bit of time to rest her legs and raided perhaps more than one cache to replenish the energy she'd spent on the trip. She'd had a late afternoon nap, and woke up just as the sun was setting, which she knew would inevitably mean she'd likely be up half the night. Still, she had no ragrats as she stretched and prepared to go off for a trip along the borders when she caught sight of Phox, who appeared through the darkening forests, having returned from the trip to visit the Frosthawks. 

She growled softly as a greeting, and reached for him with her jaws open, mouthing harmlessly at his shoulder as she sank down alongside him. She leaned against his side, and could feel the grating of his teeth against the stick he'd found through the muscles of his neck, which was where she chose to rest her chin. She eyed the stick for a moment, just long enough to make up her mind that he really ought share everything with her, and she reached out with a sudden snap, hoping to grab a hold of it as well. She was feeling unusually playful- and the combination of having a late afternoon nap and the return of her mate left her wired and full of energy.
lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Niamh's aim was true, and soon enough, the two were both gnawing on it. Phox tugged gently, though even if he did manage to yank it out of her mouth, he'd let her grab on to it right away. Tug was no fun with just one player, even if it was "lazy" tug. Eventually, Phox relented, letting her have the stick in the end, because let's face it: that was a great metaphor for their relationship. Niamh always got what she wanted, and Phox was perfectly content with that arrangement.

He stretched and yawned, flexing his feet as far out in front and behind him as he could. I brought up the caldera to Raven, he said after a second yawn. She seemed to think it was a great idea for us to go back. The more I think about it, the more I agree with her. Phox paused, then added. I think we should roll out sooner rather than later if that's what we're gonna do. I don't want to be out there when the snow starts getting too deep. Already he'd noticed the frost collecting on the grass in the mornings. Towhee would get the news soon enough, but it wasn't like he could call for her, and who knew where she was hanging out right now?
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Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
She was fortunate that of all the wolves in the world, she'd found one like Phox. As she 'shared' the stick with him, she chewed at it with rough, crunching clenches of her jaws, and snarled as she did so- the same way she did, without even noticing it, as she ate. And when he tugged at it, she'd only snarl louder, and she clicked her teeth together once or twice when he managed to sneak it out of her mouth and pull it toward himself. She'd pout, but without fail, he'd push it back toward her and she'd latch back onto it again. And every time he did, she'd scooch a bit closer to him, and growl a bit softer. 

When he stretched, he left himself open to more snuggling, so she nuzzled her muzzle into the fur of his shoulder and wriggled her shoulder in against his ribs, tilting an ear as he soke of the Frosthawks, and mentioned the Caldera. Apparently, he seemed inclined to leave the copse soon, citing the advent of winter as part of his reason for doing so. Niamh didn't fear the season changing- she'd travelled through snow before, and knew that the Caldera was close enough that they could make the trip even after the snow fell. But her concern was that they had neighbours she either didn't like, or didn't know. So regardless of the fact that they had different reasons for wanting to move, at least they had the same aim. 

"How soon're you thinking?" She asked curiously, her tone optimistic. After all, while she'd raided a couple caches over the past couple days, she knew there were still some places she had food stashed away- and she wouldn't want those to go to waste.
lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
There wasn't all that much to do before they left, but there was some. They could eat as much out of the stores as possible before they left, which should give them all a little bit more energy, too. The thought was energizing, despite how tired Phox was from his trip to the Frosthawks. With the new groups moving in, it seemed even better to do it now rather than wait for the colder weather.

As soon as we want, he decided. We'll need to let everybody know, of course. And we can try and eat up as much as what I've gotten stored here before we go. One big feast before we head out. Head home, he thought to himself. I'm sure Quetzal will be cool with it, but Alyx and Primrose might throw us for a loop. I'll let you be the big bad wolf and wrangle them if they're being pills. I'll try and keep Quetzal from getting herself murdered for screaming at everything, Phox laughed.

We can find Towhee first thing tomorrow and let her know, too. Maybe she got a chance to talk to Hydra, get her opinion, too. But now we've got a plan, and I'm hesitant to let Hydra's opinion get in the way of it. He liked Hydra well enough, but he wasn't nearly as close to her as Towhee was. She wasn't a Redhawk, after all.
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Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
wc: 459

Phox seemed fairly optimistic about leaving for the Caldera, which had seemed to Niamh, a suitable home for them. It would be far enough away from the Kingslend wolves and the new pack that had moved into the Strath, so that they would not need to compete amongst themselves for food when the winter made prey scarce. She'd also leapt to the conclusion that if the Kingslend wolves got cozy with the new pack, the Firebirds might find themselves cornered and ousted from their comfortable coop before winter even began. She kept those paranoid thoughts to herself, but was grateful that the opportunity to relocate had come up so that she wouldn't have to share that, or face that becoming a reality.

Of course, Phox had Niamh's ear as soon as he mentioned food, and digging up their caches for a feast. Immediately, she began to try and plan out where her caches were, and what she'd tucked away. She felt certain that the majority of it was small things- rabbits, pheasants and creatures of that size- and that she could make it all disappear and leave nothing behind for the scavengers who might inevitably search through their former claim for any tidbits left over. As a selfish wolf, she didn't want to leave anything behind.

“I like that idea,” She said, licking her chops. When he brought the kids up, she sniffed. She'd be given Primrose and Alyx, and she grimaced slightly. Both of them presented a potential challenge. Alyx might not want to move further away from Rusalka even if it meant that she would be at least going somewhere, and moving to a new place, and eventually she'd get the permission to travel to and from the Glen on her own so she could visit Meerkat and Bronco, and maybe make some new friends there. Prim she could generally handle- though she wasn't sure if she had completelly quelled his desire to fit in with the Kingslend wolves. So long as Prim had no intentions of fraternizing with them anymore, she figured he'd be easy enough to handle. So she nodded; but in case they did decide to be too much, she shrugged. “If they're both pills and Quetzal won't shut up, I'm sure we can pawn one of them off on Towhee, and just take one apiece,” She said with a soft laugh.

She'd forgotten about Towhee's conversation with Hydra, and her ears perked. “Oh! I wonder what Hydra had to say about Towhee an' finding a baby-daddy,” She said. “Also- is it bad that I don't want to let the Kingslend wolves know we're moving? I'd just as soon ghost them and not give them any indication of where we're going or when.”
lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
He had her buy-in for the feast, which wasn't all that surprising. Food was something everybody liked, and it would be a good way to kick off their journey. Giving one of the kids to Towhee also sounded like a solid plan. Maybe Fig can lend us a paw, too. I'm sure he wouldn't mind paling around with one of them. In reality, Phox had a feeling all three of the kids would get handed off to various guardians throughout the trip. There would be plenty of watching to do, and they'd likely need to stop halfway and rest before they actually set foot in their new/old home.

I don't see any reason why we'd let them know. We hardly know them at all, and what we do know hasn't been exactly great. He didn't have much to say beyond that. They might have been fine, but clearly they weren't going to be buddy-buddy with the Redhawks, and that was enough for Phox to hightail it out of here as quickly as possible. If the Kingslend wolves had any intention of following them (for what? some kind of revenge for something the Firebirds had never done?), they would be rather stupid to do so. It would mean pitting themselves against three packs who were aligned with one another.

How did the caldera look when you visited? he asked, deciding to give no response to the baby-daddy question. Without Towhee here, and without knowing if she'd gotten to talk to Hydra, there wasn't much to say that hadn't already been said. He was supportive if that was the route Towhee wanted to go, although he still had his doubts about a Moonspear wolf actually staying out of the way like Towhee wanted. Phox was firmly in camp "stranger daddy."
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Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
WC: 278

Figment could be a big help as well. There was a chance, of course, that the kids might simply take a bigger interest in one of their other packmates. Primrose might tag along with Chanel, Alyx might find something to chat about with Weejay, and maybe Eljay could somehow convince Quetzal to have a competition to see who could stay quiet the longest. There was a chance that Phox and Niamh could simply make the travel work in peace, and stroll side by side without having to worry about what their children were doing.

Unlikely, but it was nice to think about.

Fortunately, he also saw no point in letting their neighbours know that they were leaving. Niamh liked the thought that perhaps the Kingslenders might stay where they were, and respect the Firebirds' claim to the bog and the creek as hunting grounds for a while. She'd laugh if they went hungry in the winter, all the while avoiding perfectly fertile hunting grounds that they still thought belonged to the Firebirds. Would they go searching when they found out their adversaries had gone missing, or would they move in and claim the Copse for their own? If they did...She hoped it would flood again, just to spite them.

But when they moved to the Caldera, that would no longer be their circus, and the Kingslenders would no longer be their monkeys. ”It was nice. I like that we'll have the high ground, and can see strangers coming from a distance...And it looks like there's a good fresh water source, shelter in the forest, and food.” She said. “Why'd you guys leave, in the first place?” She asked.
lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
She asked why they left, and Phox remembered why he had left. Was that the same reason the rest of the pack had abandoned their namesake caldera, too? It was hard to remember, especially since there was plenty of stuff he didn't recall from before his concussion. Do you remember when I first showed up at Heron Lake Plateau? he asked. Towhee had greeted him, but it was Niamh who had been the first wolf who had shown him any amount of kindness. It was hard to believe that there had once bene such a rift between himself and Towhee, considering how close they were now, and he wondered if they would be just as close if he had stuck around at Redhawk Caldera. There was no way to know, not really.

Towhee was really angry with me then. Redhawk Caldera was about to go to war with another pack, I was just a kid, so I got the hell outta dodge. I wanted nothing to do with it. I guess that's kinda how I feel about Kingslend, too. There's plenty of land in this world, so what's the use of fighting over it? Sure, some parts of this world were a little nicer than others, and he would be a little sad to leave the copse with its hazy days and comfy afternoons. But there was plenty to enjoy at the caldera, too.

I wasn't here for it, but I guess they ended up leaving shortly after that. Towhee probably knows the specifics since she was here for it all. Raven was, too. That made him wonder what it had been like for Niamh. What was it like when you joined the Redhawks? He knew that Towhee didn't like not-Redhawks very much, although as she got older, he had noted some of that had worn off (as it had for him, too). Recruiting for the grove had helped "cure" him of that, more or less. Couldn't be picky when you needed the numbers!
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Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
wc: 351
Niamh had to squint a bit to recall the first time she'd met Phox. Her clearest, earliest memories of him involved trying to convince Towhee that she should forgive him, though she couldn't recall whether or not she'd been told why Towhee and Phox had been fighting in the first place. But she remembered when the two finally began to see eye to eye again, and now look at them- thick as thieves. She liked to think that she'd had something to do with getting them back together again- but she was thr sort who liked to think she was quite an important, permanent fixture in everyone's lives.

She knew the name Blackfeather and assumed that that was the war that they'd been moving away from when they'd come to the Plateau. She smirked- technically she and Screech had claimed the plateau as their haunt before the Redhawks had shown up, and Towhee had threatened to kill her the day they'd met. Her smirk faded. Funny to think, but also painful too- that she would end up being so close to Towhee, but drifting so far from Screech. Those memories were ones she would rather leave in the past.

But she could mend the story enough to make it into something she could talk about, and she figured she owed it to Phox anyway. “Makes sense, then. I 'member when you and Towhee were pretty tense. Pretty sure I had a hand in fixin' that,” She boasted playfully. “Gah, I can't believe this was that long ago,” She said, in reference to the day she'd joined with the Redhawks. “Honestly, I was living at the Plateau before the Redhawks showed up. Screech, some dude named Redshank and I had claimed it as ours, an' then your lot- minus you of course- showed up an' tried to roust us out.” She said. “'Course, Towhee and Screech had history, so it got pretty shouty-growly, an' Towhee basically threatened that if we didn't either join with the Redhawks or get the fuck out, that she'd kill us.” She said, with a concerningly pleasant smile.
lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
You got #1000!

Phox didn't remember hearing the part where Niamh had been there (and with Titmouse?!) before he had come home. What a trip. What he did remember was that his sicko brother had attempted to do the nasty with Raven, and yikes. Talk about the family's black sheep. At least Phox had never done anything straight up demented like that. He was vaguely aware that his brother was possibly still alive, though Phox hoped he didn't run into him in this life or the next.

Wild, was all he had to say to that. I feel like that was eons ago, really. Not long after he'd arrived, he'd found and rescued Camilla. Figment and Fennec had come not long after that. Camilla was gone not long after that. Somewhere in there, Niamh, Colt, and company moved to the Firebirds while Phox and Towhee went south to the grove. In some ways, he still regretted that move. They should have waited. He should have gotten more backing before they'd gone and set up shop there. But it was what it was. (That's just is, y'know?)

I wonder how the trio will feel about next year's kids. Figment and Fennec had both been pretty cool with it. Honestly, they'd been astoundingly accepting of Niamh in general, which Phox had not expected. Phox was just so dang lucky to keep getting blessed with such good children.

Maybe we should plan on sending next year's lot to Moonspear or Firefly Glen when they hit five or six months. That seems about the time they start getting antsy. We could do a little musical chairs-style shuffle with all the kids from the different packs. Then maybe they could avoid an Alyx-style blowout. Learn from their past mistakes, as it were.
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Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
I give you 1000 words for your 1000th post <3
wc: 1011

She would nod and growl in agreement with Phox, and the conclusion he made about the way their lives had gone- and how strange time could be manipulated by the passing of so many eventful twists and turns. It was almost impossible for Niamh to believe how she had ended up where she was- especially consdering everything that had transpired along the way. How many tmies had she come to find something she wanted, only to lose it either through fate or by her own foolish actions? She'd lost a mate both because she'd been a hot-headed fool and then again, to the fangs of the wolf that she had personally trained in the art of fighting. She had once been the beta of a pack whose alpha had seen fit to demote her- but had shown her the mercy to tell the masses that Niamh herself had elected to step down. With one swift, ill-fated move she had completely changed the demeanour of a wolf- shifting him from being her closest friend, to putting his name at the top of her kill list.

But she was not the only one who had found their life had taken several unexpected turns. She knew that Phox had drifted from his sister's side, and had had to claw his way back into her life- the same way Niamh had had to do, after she'd left the Redhawks to move to the Firebirds. And that was no simple task- while Towhee was not an unforgiving wolf, she wasn't one to suffer betrayal without a flinch. Phox, like her, had taken a mate, had children, and had then been widowed shortly after the birth of his first two children. Like her, a son and a daughter.

If nothing else, their lives had been eventful- and yet here they were again, each with a devoted and loving mate as they led their pack and family alongside Towhee. It was amusing to trace all of the ways that their lives had run paralell to one another before they'd collided, like two stars drawn together into a never-ending orbit as they circled one another for eternity.

She smiled when he mentioned the children they would have the following Spring, and referenced their current children. Between the two of them, they'd already made seven children to pass on their legacy, though this would be the first year for both of them to have a second litter with a mate from the previous year. She was glad that their relationship had persevered through the difficulties of raising a large litter of children and the difficulties that the summer had brought with it. She felt guilty still about how she'd reacted when Alyx had gone missing- but she also forgave herself for being so protective. She loved her children.

“Well, hopefully they'll step up and help out,” She said. “And hopefully next year's kids will only take the best qualities from their older siblings. I'm pretty sure if we have another kid as loud as Quetzal, I'm gonna go deaf. Though-” She admitted with a shrug, “It might make it easier for putting up with the next seven litters we have, if I can't hear their screaming,” She said. Not that she thought Towhee had it easier, of course- she recalled the morning that one of the twins had been stung by a bee, and she had awakened from her dreams by her child's pained screams, though she'd been too tired to wake up when she'd heard the bee's buzzing. If she'd heard it, she potentially could have stopped it from stinging Alyx. So while she didn't want another banshee baby, she wouldn't take her hearing for granted.

She assumed Phox was joking when he mentioned sending their next batch of children to Moonspear once they reached the difficult age. To be fair, Meerkat had gone to Moonspear (alongside her escort, Bronco) when she'd been about that age and she seemed to have thrived, though Niamh fully believed that Meerkat was a good kid to begin with, who hadn't elected to leave because she didn't like where she was. The kid visited every month like clockwork- how much more could a mother ask for, from a child who'd moved away?

“Just as long as we don't have to take someone else's kids in return,” She joked. “Unless they're grandchildren, though I highly doubt I'll see any of those anytime soon. Who knows- maybe Nellie'll come back with a bratpack in tow,” She said, with a shrug. She pondered the idea a bit longer- about sending their kids to another pack, be it the mountain or the glen, for a bit of work away from home. Perhaps six months was a bit early, unless they had an escort- but at the same time, maybe their older siblings might step in to take that role upon themselves. The one thing that she found remarkable about her cowardly son was that he was a faultlessly devoted older brother. While she did feel as though he sometimes spent more time and attention on Meerkat than he did his other younger siblings, she was grateful that he'd stepped in to take care of her.

“But you know,” She continued, having spent a few more thoughts on the matter, “I think that might be a nice idea, especially if we could pair them off with one of their older siblings,” She said. “I think we'll have to wait and see what we get, though, and see how well they connect with Alyx, Prim, Quetz and Figment” She added in Phox's eldest son, considering the fact that he was the only one from that brood which had chosen to stick around for any amount of time. “We'll need to make some more allies over the next couple years if we wanna keep doing that, though. Something tells me all it's gonna take is one of our ambassador-hellions for one of our neighbouring packs to turn away any future Redhawk-Blackthorn kids we send to their doorstep.”
lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
She did not seem to take his suggestion seriously, even balking at the idea of welcoming other kids into the fold. He sort of "hmm"d at this, but he didn't bother arguing about it right now. There was still plenty of time between now and then. She mentioned Nellie then, and Phox snickered at her comment about a brat pack following her around. He did wonder what she was up to these days, and he couldn't really recall how she had left things when she'd departed. On good terms, probably? Especially if Niamh was making light-hearted jokes about her daughter.

As far as Phox knew, neither Figment nor Fennec had any romantic interests. Then again, what were the chances they would even share such information with him? He had never really had interest in ~romance~ until Niamh. The thing with Camilla had been... practical. A means to an end, however cruel that might seem in retrospect. It wasn't as though Phox had disrespected her in any way. He'd been faithful to her, ignoring the fact that he'd tried to overpower Tegan for that one girl. Hell, Phox couldn't even remember her name.

Niamh did seem interested in sending them off in pairs. Now that was a stellar idea. That would be nice, he commented, Although I think Towhee's pushing Figment toward branching out to build his own pack if we're ever overflowing. Phox rather liked that idea, though it would be hard for him to choose where to live. Maybe he wouldn't have to choose, and he could float between Towhee's pack and Figment's future pack without a care in the world.
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Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
When Phox mentioned Figment potentially taking over another sister-pack, her ears perked. It felt like they already had several sister-packs, though it wasn't exactly an over-crowding issue, nor was it a bad thing to have so many allies. She hummed softly, trying to imagine Figment as an alpha. If nothing else, she saw Figment as being a younger version of Phox, in that he was mild-mannered and civil, and had turned out pretty well. He'd never made any bold strokes in their politics from what she could remember, and he'd done an amazing job of being a good brother, especially to Fennec.

“Figment, eh?” She asked, though her tone was optimistic. “I could see that. Though we may want to keep an eye on the prey situation, especially in the winter, before we go branching out again,” She said. Of course, she always had her concerns about food, especially when it meant that famine could cause them to branch out for bigger hunting grounds. “Otherwise, it's four sister-packs within a couple days travel of each other...If I was a deer, I wouldn't hang around.” She said, and stretched. “But that's why we should be grateful that deer are stupid. Maybe they won't figure it out.”
lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Aye, Phox agreed. I don't think it'll happen anytime soon... if it happens at all. The current leadership didn't even have the excuse of aging out in the near future. They were all in their prime, and Phox didn't see himself, Towhee, or Niamh stepping down for other reasons. As he had come to learn, though, life would throw a curveball any chance it got. It never seemed like a bad idea to have a backup plan if anything happened to the three of them.

Phox snorted at her comment about the deer. Stupid, but tasty, he replied, nibbling on the other Regent's foot. She did bring up a good point though. With so many predators in such a condensed location, it was possible the herds might thin, and they'd be forced to search out a ways to get their usual meals. For now, it didn't seem to be a problem, but they'd only just gotten here.

You think Bronco and Meerkat are going to stay with the glen permanently? Phox asked. It did seem like they enjoyed their time there, and he knew that it wasn't far away now... but he did miss having the both of them around. Maybe that's how it would always be, though. Missing the kids who wanted to branch out, however close they moved away.
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Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
She would think on the idea of Figment leading a potential offshoot of their pack, but it also occurred to her that she, Towhee and Phox couldn't lead the Firebirds forever so it was worth considering, too, that some day they would have to choose heirs to take over for them. It wasn't something she wanted to think about- but it couldn't hurt to name a potential heir just in case they either decided to step down, or something else forced them out of their leadership positions. It had been incredibly trying, deciding on who would lead the Firebirds when Colt had died; had that heir already been decided, perhaps it might have made things easier for her.

She pulled her foot away with a small growl when he tried to nibble on it; like a finicky dog, she did not like her feet touched. She slowly placed it back where it had been, but kept an eye on him just ni case he decided to try his luck again.

He mentioned Bronco and Meerkat, and it surprised her to realize how little she'd thought about the two lately, with the exception of the knowledge that they were now a part of the Glen rather than Moonspear. Their move had felt almost permanent the moment they'd left, to her. “I'm pretty sure they'll be staying there,” She commented calmly. “And for that matter, I imagine Fennec'll be staying with them too.” She said. “Whenever someone wants to really get away, they pass it off as 'going somewhere to learn something.' Then they go off, and sure as shit, they just don't ever come home except to raid the caches and eat all the food.”
lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Phox frowned a little at that, but he couldn't claim to be surprised. Children grew up and wanted to spread their wings. He was glad that they'd chosen somewhere so close by, so at least visiting wasn't an issue. Phox chuckled at her comment about coming home. It was true that his standard greeting to any of the kids that came home was to dig up some grub for them. He couldn't help himself; he just wanted the kids to be happy and full!

I suppose that's the only way we get them to keep coming back, he said. Phox sighed, happy that one of his kids had decided to stick around. Figment didn't appear to be running off anytime soon, especially with his new apparent interest in learning the leadership ropes.

I'll probably hit up Fig sometime soon and see how he really feels about leadership. I love Towhee to pieces, but she can push pretty hard when she thinks she has a good idea. It would be nice to have a backup.
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So then find Dodge, then get out of it
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Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
“Gross, Phox,” Niamh jested, “Don't love her to PIECES, sheesh. I prefer my Towhee all in one piece, thanks, so backoff,” She said playfully, lifting a forepaw to shove it deftly against his shoulder. She settled back against him afterward, and took a moment to consider Figment potentially stepping up into a leadership position. She couldn't recall off-hand if they had another position available that he could step in to, as an honorary member of the leadership team, but she felt certain that there'd be something of that ilk they could simply wish into existence and bestow upon him. They could probably find a wicked title to give him too.

“Yeah, see what he thinks. But it can't hurt to push him a bit, make sure he knows what he's getting into if he wants to lead, 'cause it h'ain't all sunshine an' roses an' free food an' having your subjects happily bow down to you,” She said. “I wish SOMEbody had seen fit to tell me that,” She muttered sarcastically. “I can see if he wants to train a bit more an' make sure his sparring skills are up to par. But all the leadership advice for the whole...Ambassador, peace-keeping stuff, that should prolly come from you, not me,” She said, and bapped his nose with her paw.
lord of the hunt
1,602 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Wanna wrap here? They need an updated one!

Oh, are you not getting the same perks as Towhee and I are? Phox teased. Alas, he was not getting free food, nor were their subjects bowing down to him at every turn. Phox was pretty sure he wouldn't enjoy that kind of treatment. He enjoyed hunting, and somebody worshiping him like a god would be just plain weird.

I'll bet he'd like help with training and practicing, Phox said. He was about to mention something else, but he heard a shout from Quetzal. It seemed as though their quiet time alone was coming to an end.

I suppose it's time to go see what Miss Screams-a-lot is up to, he said, pushing himself up off the ground. It was rare that it was anything life threatening. In all likelihood, she just wanted to show him a mud pie she'd created.
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So then find Dodge, then get out of it
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Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
“Inconceivable” Niamh protested. The idea of Phox and Towhee being showered with gifts and grovelling, while she received none? She couldn't and wouldn't believe it. She might've been a hardass, but she still figured that she would have been voted most popular in the pack, if not at least prom queen, if there'd been any popularity contests on the go. Unlike her mate, she would have taken to a life of being worshipped with the gluttony of a narcissist, insatiable and content to allow others to continue to stoke her ego and fill her belly with food. She was rarely yhe type to turn down a free meal, regardless of what the circumstances were.

She might've said something in reply to Phox about Figment, but she heard it to- and she let out an exhasperated sigh and flopped to her side on the ground. When would she ever grow out of this phase, where she thought she had to scream all the time? She gazed up at Phox, who volunteered to go and see what was up with their daughter, so she nodded and sat up so that she could give him an appreciative kiss on the cheek. “I'll go round up the other two; see if we can have a civilized family dinner tonight or something,” She offered, before she smiled, gave Phox's rear end a swat with her tail as he walked by, before she stalked off, chuckling.