Bearclaw Valley Goldilocks
Bearclaw Valley
923 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Pack Activity 

The golden hour came earlier to the valley inhabitants, as the tall walls that kept them safe spared them from an hour and a half of evening light. Heat settled in, and the humidity from the river gave them golden, misty mornings but also sweltering afternoons. She kept the children in the shade in the midday hours- but by the time the sun hung five times its own width above the horizon, they could dance about with the flitting flies, in the gilded evening light. 

She hadn't encouraged visits from either Athens or Annorak- she wanted her girls to be at least somewhat mobile, and able to see before she presented them to the other members of the pack. Drust and Keiko lived within the valley still- and now with children, she felt compelled to forge some kind of legitimate agreement with them. Now was the time for many things to be accomplished; she and her mate called for them all to come, and waited for them to settle in before the meeting began. For her children there were toys to play with, regurgitated food to eat- she figured they might take little interest in what was being discussed, but their inclusion was nevertheless important.
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
he did not much approve the idea of leaving his post at the entrance of the valley. but when ameline called, he did not disregard the summons. 

arriving in swift time, he settled before her, and sat in silence as they waited for the rest to gather.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

Bearclaw Valley
17 Posts
Ooc — bon
when mama lead her sisters and herself out from the nest, the bear daughter wasn't quite sure what to think.

of course she's taken little peaks at the outside, but never had she thought she could actually go outside and explore it. her mother was right to think that her daughters would hold very little interest to the goings on of the adults — adalynn is more preoccupied with a bug with big pretty yellow wings than the gibberish her little ears were not yet prepared to decipher.
Bearclaw Valley
524 Posts
Ooc — ebony
awash in a buttery light and painted with gold, the queen of bearclaw valley and the bearchildren at her paws painted a beautified picture of promise and health. 
ameline was fiercely royal, as she had always meant to be. but ancelin had never aspired to princeliness, let alone the status of a king; he was forevermore her knight.
taking up a proud pose to her right, ancelin drew a more stark image: he had taken the time to clean sap and needles from his multihued pelt, and the bearclaw tangled into the matted fur of his chest gleamed from its perch.
tiny bones glinted from their places along his shoulders, his chest, his cheeks.
a long thwack of his tail sent a thousand golden wings to fluttering, and ancelin grinned both for himself and for ameline as bearclaw gathered.
80 Posts
Ooc — Twin
will likely only post once w/ thal unless she's needed <3

athalia did not want to be here.
she came at ameline's call only out of obligation, shuffling from her hiding place looking rather dreadful. mud-flecked and disheveled, likely now carrying an aroma of wet dog and dried blood. the sunlight nearly earned a hiss from her.
she stays far away from the group, watching the procession with her back covered by an old sequoia and her sleepless face shrouded in shadow. mother watches, too, from over her shoulder.
8 Posts
Ooc — twin
not yet quite a month old, avalita was scarcely considered "mobile", let alone a creature that resembled a wolf. as of the present moment, she had just woken up from her afternoon nap and now prowled about with a burst of new energy, wobbling (unsteadily) after her mama and her sisters.
adalynn is preoccupied with a little insect — but her insect of a sibling caught the sight of a waving puppy tail. her eyes follow it for a few moments, studying the way it moves, before she pounces on it with a wide jaw and waiting milkteeth.
Bearclaw Valley Resident
39 Posts
Ooc — Raven
The summons rang out through the valley. The bear did not know who was calling or what for, but it was a summoning nonetheless. Was he to be included in the goings-on of the small group forming alongside Keiko and his shrine? They had crossed paths before a few times, and each was... amicable, but there was still much to know of this group and the additional new scents lingering in the valley.

Drust rose from his resting spot in the shade and lumbered towards the call. By the time others came into view there was a small gathering already taking place. Ameline and Ancelin preparing to address others before them with a small gaggle of pups underfoot.

One such wolf awaiting their words was a large dark and silver male. His size massive. One that would match Drust's if not for his more muscular and toned build. But unlike our bear, this male was unmistakenly canine.

Drust approached the gathering cautiously, giving them a wide berth as not to impose, unaware of his impending significance on Ameline's agenda.

I'm going to need a Drust Annorak thread XD
*This boy is a wolf - - - Not a bear - - - Common mistake*
*Drust's name is unknown to others*
8 Posts
Ooc — Mai
A great yawn parted her tiny jaws. Already, specks of white milk teeth flashed, poking past her gums. She had been roused from a rather deep little nap, courtesy of her mother. Groggily, she stumbled to her feet. Followed obediently, out into the light.

It still stung against her young blue eyes. Soon her vision adjusted and smaller details became clearer. But, much like her three sisters, she held little interest towards this grand meeting, largely centered around their debut. 

Her sights were set elsewhere. A ragged patch of deer skin, set amidst the collection of toys for them, caught her eye. It was more so the smell of aged meat, long since stripped away, than the object itself.

With a predatory glint creeping into her eyes, little Athella crouched, bum wiggling, then pounced. "Raaa!" Tiny growls bubbled from her mouth clutching the skin, eyes darting from one sister to the next, challenging them to play.
Bearclaw Valley
923 Posts
Ooc — Jess
round two! This will last about two weeks or until everyone has posted. No posting order <3

The wolves came, and Ameline watched each arrival with a fixed gaze, warmth for each who obeyed her summons; and in the time she waited for the next to arrive, with a light amount of skepticism. 

Athalia, wounded, arrived. Annorak, new to the pack, arrived. Drust- the pack's first inhabitant, arrived. But absent from their collective was the pale Keiko, and the would-be guardian, Athens. Their absences were noted by the sharp-eyed Regina, who would have to make decisions regarding tardiness and absence that might prompt their packmates to be more obedient. 

'Thank you for coming," She said, her gaze lingering poignantly on Athalia, who had braved her own ailments in order to be present. She would treat the young woman afterwards; her eldest daughter would know how important it was for her to be present, and how valued she was for putting in the effort. 

"We would like to introduthe you to our youngetht children; four healthy girlth, to grow up alongthide our eldetht, Athalia." If Annorak and Drust had not known of their relation, they would now. Shadowed as she was, Ameline still appreciated her eldest's presence. "Here, we have: Avalita, Adalynn, Andrelia, an' Athella." Of course, she did not expect for her children to sit still while in attendence; not at this age. But she hovered her muzzle over each as they were introduced, so her packmates would know which one was which. 

"We athk you now, too, to declare yuhthelveth." She said. "We want to know which role you would take up within the pack. We will be looking for leaduth, ath well ath thkilled tradethwolveth." She looked to Annorak, and to Athalia. 

She glanced to Drust; she did not expect him to speak; he would be addressed directly once she had answers from her two pledged packmates.
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
the bearclaw children were here, shown to the pack as a whole. he eyed each with careful attention, nodding in acknowledgement when each name was spoken.

but that was not all ameline had called them here for. 

to pledge. to decide their fate. or what they wanted that fate to be, anyway. 

shifting ever so slightly, he fixed his gaze upon the bearclaw woman. he knew his answer, just as he'd given it the day upon first meeting her. 

I am here to serve as guardian, as promised. but if your grace be willing, to rise to a place in leadership will be sought. she knew this. but he said it again, this time hopefully with less arrogance as the first.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

80 Posts
Ooc — Twin
declare themselves?
athalia knew hardly who she was, let alone what her place was within bearclaw. all she knew was that ancelin and ameline — and by extension, their children — were hers. they certainly did not belong to this... annorak.
his comments draw athalia out from her shadow cover, the snort of a wild hog announcing her presence.
you not leader, she shouts matter-of-factly, cinnamon hackles bristling in a manner that called upon her bloodline. her dominance is clear in her stance, her figure which blooms into young womanhood; if she had it her way, bearclaw would be rid of him and of athens, of drust and keiko. either way, her message is clear — stand down.
her gaze falls upon ameline, silent and yet demanding of power in a way that had never truly been revealed before. in the bruingirl's eyes, she was here first, before any of them. bearclaw was hers. ancelin and ameline had made her who she was, and if anyone was deserving of ruling alongside them, it was her.
mother smiles from behind the cover of the trees.
Bearclaw Valley
524 Posts
Ooc — ebony
annorak's offer of leadership was interesting to say the least. ancelin hardly knew him, though he appreciated the man's staunch presence on their borders. yet the regina had asked for leaders to name themselves as well. 
the melonii eyes lingered on the man thoughtfully, before the forward march of the eldest bearclaw girl announced itself.
athalia tore from her shadows, and ancelin was pleased to see that she did it with the same abrupt ferocity he had sought to employ more than once.
silence, and then the crash of teeth down upon skull.
now she stood in seething demand. her father smiled also. 
"he's not. but he's offered to be that and a guardian," he prodded a little, wanting to hear athalia declare herself their princess of bones first. they saw it, they all did. say it.
Bearclaw Valley Resident
39 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Feel free to skip Drust unless he's addressed :)

The gathering of wolves ensued and there were many parties to consider. It was difficult enough to decipher the intentions of one familiar face let alone multiple unfamiliar ones.

He stayed to the back of the group observing and making what inferences he could. The conversation seemed formal and respectful enough until the young Athalia crept out from the shadows with her hackles raised to the large dark male. Drust's muscles tensed under his burly body, but Ancelin's response did not appear concerned.

Of the group, Drust had been in the valley the longest, never imposing himself on others and keeping much to himself. Was that to change?
*This boy is a wolf - - - Not a bear - - - Common mistake*
*Drust's name is unknown to others*
Bearclaw Valley
923 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Quick round here! Please allow Annorak to reply first.

Ameline was not the least bit surprised to hear Annorak speak first- though it did cause her brow to raise when he offered himself for leadership. 

His ambition was now free for all to hear- and deny, if they chose to. Clearly unimpressed, Athalia was the first to rush forward and deny him his highest request; Ancelin, calm as ever, reassured their girl. 

Ameline moved forward so she could stand before him directly.

”The day our daughter wath attacked,” she said, in a voice low and level. ”Who wath on thentry duty?”
Bearclaw Valley
524 Posts
Ooc — ebony

the gathering faded, questions unaddressed. ameline and ancelin saw weakness before them, and were not displeased to let it go.
gathering their daughters, they saw cowards in teeth to the borders. he marked fiercely for an hour thereafter, decamping to the packland's core only when it seemed that the others had gone.