Swiftcurrent Creek Generation I
Swiftcurrent Creek
410 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Her cry rang out in the mist filled air, lit only by the moon which hung high, wreathed in an halo of silver light above the little circle of tamarack trees. Their roots twined together, like gnarled fingers woven together over a sizeable stone. With the help of her brother, the stone was removed- leaving behind a pocket in the earth, protected by roots, beneath boughs covered in soft, mint green nettles.

The birthplace for her children. For @Swordfish’s children.

She paced around the ring of trees, breathing as she was instructed, and having been close at hand for a birth before, she recognized no frightening signs in her own labour. 

The moon had fallen to the horizon, still wreathed in a halo of light, by the time Suzu’s labour finished; and with @Etienne’s guidance, she brought four living, squirming children into the world: two females and two males. 

It be as it was wid us, She whispered softly to her brother, as the babes nursed at her side. Four, in one litter. The smile faded softly; Theo and Requiem had not been seen in ages. She looked to her brother, and the warmth returned to her eyes. I could not ‘ave made it t’rough dis widdout you, Eti. Dese babes will know dat.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
983 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne did all he could. But this was a lot on Suzu. He could only cheer her on and be on hand should something and gods he hoped it didn't went wrong.

But his sister proved over and over again that she was her mother's daughter. A queen among women and had no trouble.

A soft aching pain lit up his chest at her small admission and he nodded his head. Dey be beautiful Suzu.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,212 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette had heard the cries and couldn't stay away. She was still a healer after all. The woman went to her cache and left the pups with Arric in a short while. She carried with her a stash of different herbs that also helped her. The pale female was not going to interfere of course, she figured that the woman might be the same as she was with her pups; protective.

The Beta approached with her head low she placed the burdock root, poppy seed head and a bunch of lavender down close to Etienne. For Suzu, she spoke. Make sure she chews on the root and poppy seeds. Lavender is just to help her rest, she spoke. She hoped the female was in good health to nurse the pups. I assume all went well.

can be a cameo!
Current State
Chewed up nipples
Swiftcurrent Creek
410 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She felt proud of the children who nursed quietly at her side, and of her brother who had sacrificed his own free will to become her constant escort, and source of food. She opened her mouth to speak to him, but through the tangled roots of the tamarack trees she saw movement and she stiffened for a moment.

She sniffed, and felt herself bristle for a moment. Had Arlette come to uproot them? She regarded the woman warily for a moment, as her maternal instincts put her into a defensive mode. They were, after all, embedded in a nest of strangers and the pups were at their most vulnerable. 

But it was in goodwill that the beta had come- bearing offerings of herbs, it seemed. She trusted that Etienne would recognize them, if she did not- but when they were named, she realized that she was being gifted with herbs to aid her comfort. 

She did not move from her nest, where she kept the children safe and warm. She couldn’t see Arlette well from her position, but she called out with a voice that was warm and appreciative.

T’ank you, Arlette. De children an’ myself, we be doin’ fine. If you come by in a couple days, I would be ‘appy to show dem to you. The first few hours would be critical, the first few days a steep learning curve- but once she felt certain there were no immediate concerns, she felt she might welcome Arlette as their first visitor.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
983 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne watched the approach and the fur along his nape rose, and his shoulders tightened, but he didn't outright show any aggression. She didn't seem to be wanting to cause harm and she was being nice. He looked at teh plants and he swallowed the bile that lit up his throat as she proceeded to tell him what was what.

He bit back the sharp retort and laid his ears to his skull. Ashamed at himself for his less than polite thoughts. He nodded, but said nothing. Allowing Suzu to speak.

Only adding, in a small voice. Dey be fine. I be takin' good care of my sister and 'er babies. T'ank you for dey 'erbs miss. Arlette.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,212 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette was glad to hear that all went well. She was surprised to hear Suzu, she kept her distance though. She knew how she had been when her pups were born and this had been a place where she had been feeling safe for the longest time. She couldn't imagine giving birth somewhere she only knew one other wolf. I'm glad to hear it. I will come check upon you in a couple of days then, she told her. Mostly wanting to look out for Suzu as a mother, the pups she wasn't too worried about if the mother was well.

She turned to Etienne who was standing much closer. You are welcome to, Etienne. If you need anything you can take it from my cache. I will show you where it is later, she offered. He had mentioned he had been a healer as well so then if something was amiss they could self medicate. I will take my leave now. Again my congratulations. With that she left the two and went back to her own little family.
Current State
Chewed up nipples
Swiftcurrent Creek
410 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She was glad that Arlette would not see her face. As pleasant as her tired voice sounded, her expression was lightly pained; while she seemed maternal enough, Arlette was still a stranger and she had appeared so swiftly after the birth that Suzu was left wondering if they were being watched. It felt uncomfortable, but it was better than having her children stolen from her.

Tanks again, She called out, and then waited in silence for several moments until she felt that she, Etienne, and the children were alone again. Then came a sigh of relief, and a soft smile as she looked down upon the nursing babes. 

Ah, my brot’er- you are an uncle now! Four times an uncle…’Ow you be feelin’?
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
983 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne had been surprised himself at how swiftly Arlette had arrived. And it had wrankled. But they were not in Sapphique anymore. They were at the mercy of these wolves now.

Etienne leaned his head in to look at Suzu and the babies at her side. A soft smile.

I be 'appy Suzu. Dey are precious.
Swiftcurrent Creek
410 Posts
Ooc — Jess
"Dey are," She said, happily. 

She felt as if she glowed; relief swarmed her, to see her children hearty and healthy. She did not yet fully realize how taxing it would be to raise four children- but she believed that she could, especially with Etienne by her side. Arlette and her pack might also yet prove to be welcoming and helpful; she had good reason to be optimistic now that the difficulty of pregnancy and childbirth were over. 

"I be t'inkin' of names for a while," She said. "We 'ave two boys, an' two girls." She gazed down at them, wishing the sun could lift again and afford her a bit more light so that she might have an easier time telling them apart. Currently, their puppy coats were all quite similar; dark, with a tiny amount of ticking along their shoulders. Their size and gender would serve, for some time, as a means of identification, until they began to show markings. 

She smiled. "I t'ink I be knowin' what to call dem now."

For her children, she had chosen names that might honour their heritage- on both sides of the family. 

"Caliste," She motioned to the small female, noting as she gave the girl a kiss that her undercoat was slightly paler than the others, indicative that her fur might lighten as it grew out. A moment later, she was given her second name. "Seahorse."

"Saturin," She kissed the larger of the two boys, who squirmed beneath her hot breath, and began to suckle again. She chuckled; he was the largest of the litter, the hungriest as well. She added, a moment later- "Sea Lion."

"Leonore," She breathed as she kissed the larger of the two females, who wriggled, but remained silent. Suzu smiled. "Barracuda." 

"Requin," The fourth was kissed as well, a male who was similar in both size and hue to Leonore. Their births had come within minutes of one another. She wondered if it might mean the two might continue to be close as they grew. "Shark," She said, with a grin. 

"Dey be livin' a life inland...But I t'ought...Dey should 'ave names like ours, an'..." She shrugged. "Dey might never meet deir fat'er but if dey don't...It be my way of showin' t'anks." She looked to her brother then, hopeful that he might understand.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
983 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne would not tell Suzu. But he had been so frightened. Fearful that the constant walking may have caused her or the babes trouble. Fear that the children would be taken. But yet here they were. Healthy. Lovely

Does all be lovely names Suzu. And an even keel to both us and deir fadder. Beautiful little babes.

And he understood. Swordfish had given his sister a gift just as their father and their siblings fathers had also given to their mother.

You bot' did good Suzu.
Swiftcurrent Creek
8 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Single post from me. <3 I LOVE YOU ALL!


The boy was a blob - colored in warm tan and speckled with blue-grey along his back. Small and round and so incredibly fragile. He had been tucked neatly against his mother and he squirmed into that warmth as though he sought the dark that had held him before being birthed. As he fed, he found comfort. Until his belly was round and fat and satisfied. The newborn found the sweetest solace in the soft fur of Suzu. The bodies of his siblings were close and moist and warm. It was all so warm.
Swiftcurrent Creek
never be so clever, you forget to be kind
12 Posts
Ooc — Chan
There was peacefulness in the time that followed Saturin's birth. He was quickly attended to, his mother cleaning and placing him to her breast, and settled next to his siblings. When he found his food source, he eagerly latched, ate well beyond his fill, and then fell asleep still attached, as milk dribbled from the corners of his mouth. 

He snored as he drifted off, deeply satisfied with the first few experiences in his life—all was well, and there was nothing to complain about.