Firefly Glen But you see, it's not me
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
All Welcome 
Fennec slept the majority of the next day, trying to shake the final effects of the poision running through her system.  She still had a pounding head, but after a long drink at the stream, in the afternoon she felt closer to normal.  Close enough to try to maybe eat something.

First things first.  Fennec gathered up her pouch and made the trek back to where she thought she'd left the plant.  It took her a bit to find it... but eventually she did.  Carefully, and using only her paws, she rolled the thing into her pouch and grasped the hide.  From now on, she'd always use the hide if she wasn't sure.  It had probably been stupid of her to forget it yesterday, and that stupidity had almost killed her.

She carried it back to her spot and dropped it within the shallow dugout.  She'd leave it in the fur for now and somehow carefully plant it later.  No one else would likely come in here to get it, and she'd remember.  There was no chance of her mistaking it for anything but deadly now, but she wasn't convinced she wouldn't have use for it later.  It was too good of a find to let rot.

With a quick shake of her pelt, she set off, nose to the ground in search of either easy pickings or a trail.  Maybe she'd get lucky and stumble on something unawares.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
253 Posts
Ooc — Zina
Her body was hurting. The bramble had fiercely torn at her in a way both expected and annoying When Toad awoke that morning, she had wanted more than anything to push past the pain and begin hunting. She had wanted to fill the caches with nothing but groundhogs and chipmunks since those critters had been the most numerous. Instead, Toad found herself in pain and rather infuriated by her largely inability to move.

What made her angry was that she was not disabled. Toad had merely stumbled into some nasty blackberry thorns and then been entirely slave to the aftermath. The huntress was hardly one to be kept captive, however. She pushed herself up from her willow covered home and strode forth.

Toad occasionally felt mild but nasty pain in her side from where the thorns had dug into here the most. When it did, she voiced it with a vibrato, haa as though the feeling was funny to her. And as Toad moved she came upon a sandy, odd eyed wolf that she immediately made a chuff at.
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She'd picked up an old trail that she didn't have a lot of hope for, but it was better than nothing (at least, until something better came along).  Fennec followed it, nose down, until something haa'd nearby.  A wolf?  She pricked her ears and now, focusing on the sound again, heard the approach and then a chuff.  

It wasn't a familiar voice.  Hey?  Fennec said, the word lilting up in a question before she could really help herself.  I was just... actually, nevermind.  There was no way she was going to catch the darn thing anyway, let's be honest here.  She smirked, settling in a more comfortable stance.  Who're you?

WC: 110
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
253 Posts
Ooc — Zina
The little wolf did not look directly at her. Her eyes were glazed. Toad smiled, answering the question with a question. You're Fennec, right? She sniffed lightly at the slender young woman, introducing herself. I'm Toad Amelia; Meerkat told me about you, she said, recalling what her friend had said. Fennec was sister to Meerkat, although Toad wasn't super clear on the parental situations. She and Bronco seemed to have a whole pile of siblings and four parents — Toad had trouble keeping the relationships straight.

Toad sat in front of the vision-impaired woman. She had been curious about Fennec as soon as Meerkat had mentioned that she was completely blind. She had trouble imagining a world without sight. She had known at least one blind puppy that had quickly perished — their world was not kind to those with disabilities. She knew that she must be fierce.
Moonspear and Firefly Glen members can powerplay Toad for whatever they'd like barring injury, just tag her!
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Really? Surprised you could tell it was me, she said, the ghost of a smile crossing her features.  She actually wasn't aware of the way her eyes looked, or that anything set her apart.  Apparently Meerkat had shared some kind of information, and Fennec was in a good enough mood to tease about it.  

That name though.  You said 'Toad', right?  Toad Amelia.  She paused a second, then huffed out a laugh.  That's pretty great.  While it was generally pretty hard to read Fennec's tone, she was actually sincere.  It suited the type of style she enjoyed, and she enjoyed even more that the other woman offered it up so freely and without a bit of embarassment.  Did you pick it yourself?

WC: 122
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
253 Posts
Ooc — Zina
Toad didn't explain why she could tell it was Fennec. She had been taught that it was rude to point out physical appearance to anyone, regardless of the intention or circumstance. Yeah, was all she said, watching Fennec closely. Then, quickly, the odd wolf decided that she would laugh at her name.

Toad had many pain points that surrounded her name. At times, she had wondered why her mother had decided on such a name. She had been told by some that it was strange, or even cruel. Toad herself had never fully understood it, but had assumed her mother had an intense labour and been delirious upon naming her youngest daughter. Why her brothers had received non-ridiculous names, Toad wasn't sure.

No, she said. She hadn't picked it. She felt annoyed. She ignored it, or tried to. My mother, Amelia, did, she said. My family names our children after the animals they resemble, and I guess when I was little I looked like a toad. It was starting to become a bitter thing. It was difficult for her because she knew that her mother had not meant to harm her with such a name. She knew that her mother loved her with every ounce of her being.
It didn't change the fact that people had treated her differently even from childhood because of her name.
Moonspear and Firefly Glen members can powerplay Toad for whatever they'd like barring injury, just tag her!
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Fennec heard the slight tightening of annoyance in her tone, but chose to ignore it.  She was selfish enough that she didn't usually apologize when she meant to cause annoyance, much less when she didn't.  Wow, usually parents give their kids boring names.  I've never seen a toad, but they sound pretty cool looking.  She hadn't really enjoyed walking through the swamp near the glen for the damp, but the sound of the frogs once they got to singing made it more than worth it.

Wait.  Toad.... Sialuk.  The conversation from a few weeks ago clicked into place and if Fennec could have face palmed she would have.

Guess if I ever have kids I couldn't do that, unless they all want to be named 'Wolf'.  Can't go wrong with that.  She snickered.  Weird, though, I think our family does that too.  Maybe it was a popular convention?  Both the Blackthorns and the Redhawks seemed to do it, but the Redhawks were stricter.  Eljay and Clover and Penn were all testaments to that, though Fig presented an exception too.

WC: 179
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
253 Posts
Ooc — Zina
"Cool-looking." Toad thought about it. They didn't look cool. They looked the opposite of cool. She wondered what other weird ideas the blind woman had about the way anything looked. Maybe looking "cool" was a good thing to enjoy, at least for the time Toad spent with Fennec.

Toad laughed lightly at the declaration that any pup named after an animal, for Fennec, would simply be "Wolf." She was about to follow it with a joke of her own, but then Fennec said something interesting.
Our family does that too.
Toad assumed it must be a coincidence, but, maybe, it wasn't. She had long been looking for clues to the whereabouts of Fox's legacy. They do? As Toad had never heard of a fennec fox nor a meerkat, she didn't make the connection. Toad wanted to ask more, personal, probing questions. She wanted to know who Fennec's mother and father were. She wanted to know if Meerkat and Fennec were full or half siblings. These, however, are rude questions. She abandoned them as they popped into her head.

My family also doesn't allow surnames for girls. We're to take our husband's name, Toad said, probing lightly to see if it might be the same for Fennec.
Moonspear and Firefly Glen members can powerplay Toad for whatever they'd like barring injury, just tag her!
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She seemed surprised enough that it must not be a normal convention.  Yeah.  My mom's name is Towhee, my dad's name is Phox, and they have a bunch of siblings named things like 'Raven' and 'Titmouse'.  Towhee had mentioned a few others, but those were the two she'd heard the most about.  One not in the best light.

That second part was definitely not true though.  We've got Redhawk.  Apparently my dad got it from his parents from the pack they founded ages ago.  What if you don't want or find a mate?  I'd definitely pick my own.  She liked theirs, but she also didn't mind the idea of picking her own neat last name.  No offense, but I'd definitely ditch that tradition.  It didn't make any sense to her that her mate would automatically get to keep his name, a fact that made perfect sense given the crazy family situation she'd grown up in.

WC: 155
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
253 Posts
Ooc — Zina
Towhee was the one who was deaf, the one who had taught Meerkat the strange gesture language. Fennec described her family and Toad listened carefully, but none of the names she listed sounded familiar. Two families that named their children after animals might have been a coincidence had the blind woman not followed it with talk of the Redhawk name.

Toad felt her heart jump. The words after "my dad got it from his parents" drifted into a whisper. The world seemed to fade out of existence while Toad found herself alone. Behind Fennec, she saw her sister, Fox. Alongside her was the dark shadow of Peregrine.
Toad's image of the couple was pristine. Fox was thin and young, a modelesque picture of perfection. Toad had never met either of them, having only had them described in stories.

Coming back to reality, she blinked.
I think we're related, she blurted, not answering the question she hadn't heard. Her mind was alight with the need to learn more, and fast. Your parents, where are they at? I have to talk to them, she declared, though really, she only meant Phox.
Phox Redhawk.
Moonspear and Firefly Glen members can powerplay Toad for whatever they'd like barring injury, just tag her!
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
it fits so I'm gonna say this is after move news!

Huh.  For Toad Amelia, who had spent so long without family, this was obviously huge news.  For Fennec, who had never been without family, this was just another day.  Thats cool.  She did smile though.

They are in the glen, but pretty soon will be moving closer, to the Caldera.  I'd ask Meerkat if you wanted to know where that is because, well.. she let out a soft 'snrk' of laughter.

WC: 71
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
253 Posts
Ooc — Zina
Awesome :D
Family meant everything to Toad.
She had noticed during her time in the Wilds that it was similar everywhere, but others had family all around them. Toad had a strange desire to leave her birth pack in order to locate the family that her sister had left behind when she left this world. For some reason, it was more important to her than almost anything else to do this — it had always been her mission. Moonspear and now Firefly Glen as well had become her chosen family because there had been no trace left in the Caldera of where Fox's children had gone.

Fennec explained that Phox and the rest of the Firebirds were moving to their ancestral home soon. Toad relaxed a bit, sighing slowly. She did not want to go over or around the mountains to them if they would be coming closer soon. She would have her answers. For the moment, Toad returned to Earth and nodded to Fennec, even though she couldn't see it.

The Caldera? It was one of the first places I visited when I came here, she smiled softly, remembering how pristine it looked with fondness. I'd hoped they'd still be there, but they weren't, and so I wandered around for a while trying to find some sign, and well... Once more, Toad breathed a sigh of relief. Now I am here, and I feel very lucky that my blood is here after all. It really did feel miraculous to her.
Moonspear and Firefly Glen members can powerplay Toad for whatever they'd like barring injury, just tag her!
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Well, good, I guess.  Fennec replied, without sarcasm but without much inflection either.  She was glad she'd been able to deliver the news, though it was hard for her to really gel with how excited Toad Amelia seemed by the revelation.  She tended to take about everything for granted; family, to her, was just the wolves who were around you and who put up with you.

She could warn her about Towhee, or give her some sense of how the Caldera might welcome her, but that seemed like a lot.  She'd rather poke a little at Toad, honestly, and see what kind of a wolf her newfound fam was.  

So, if you are a friend of Meerkat's... are you as annoying as she is?  Fennec asked, innocently enough.  If she had been able to tell from Toad's voice that she was older, this track might have been moot, but Fennec had made the assumption that Toad was similar in age to herself.  She waited, curious to see just what Toad would do with that little prod.

WC: 176
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
253 Posts
Ooc — Zina
Fennec didn't really share excitement, and she supposed that it made sense. Everyone else around her seemed to be drowning in family all the time, but Toad had always had difficulty controlling her excitement about things in general. The words from the blind woman deflated her, pulling the wind from her sails even further. Toad remembered being excited about meeting Fennec, but now it felt almost like the girl was disinterested in her. Maybe she was just reading into things too much.

She frowned, though, when she spoke ill of Meerkat. She didn't seem to say it like a joke, and wasn't sure what to do with it. Sisters, she supposed, often found one another annoying. Meerkat definitely hadn't talked about Fennec this way, though. Meerkat's not annoying... she said slowly, making a face, taking the comment to heart. She's been nothing but generous and kind to me. Heh, she even set me up on a date with Bronco! she laughed lightly, thinking fondly of the gesture.
Moonspear and Firefly Glen members can powerplay Toad for whatever they'd like barring injury, just tag her!
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
A part of Fennec had hoped that Toad Amelia would lash out at her for the statement, just because she never minded getting a rise.  At least she didn't agree, though.  Sometimes wolves were friends and then sometimes they were the type to gossip to bond, and if her sister had found a friend who'd agree with something like that behind her back, Fennec would have been ready to step in and nip that right here.

Good.  She responded, satisfied, though she didn't bother clarifying what part of that was good.  She did give a bit of a smile, though, which might have been indication enough.  That second part was a reveal, though, and one that Fennec didn't really know what to do with.  Wow.  My condolences.  Fuck, first off - why was Meerkat playing matchmaker?  Second, how did it go?  Third - why did she both want to and yet not at all want to know?

For a guy who constantly acts like he's a looker, weird he'd get Meerkat to set him up like that.  Hope it wasn't too terrible for you.  She added.  She'd grown up with him and was well practiced in throwing the same shade out that she might have if her own brother had been the one set up.  It wasn't the same, not nearly, but she didn't need Toad Amelia to know that.

WC: 228
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
253 Posts
Ooc — Zina
Toad smiled awkwardly at first at Fennec's comments, confused about why she would act this way with someone who was speaking only good things of her close family members. While few people had Toad's sunny disposition and rose-coloured view of the world, she hadn't quite met anyone who was this... rude?

Unsure of how to respond, Toad laughed weakly, thinking about the date. She felt a bit weird about the whole thing, since she was now realizing that she and Bronco were related, sort of. She remembered that Meerkat and Bronco were... half related? Something like that. They had some kind of mixed family arrangement that Toad didn't really remember or understand. It was all no harm no foul in any case, and she smiled as she thought about him fondly. No, no, it wasn't terrible. He's a great guy, she said. She was quite happy to have followed Meerkat and him over to the Glen, even if she did feel a bit out of place. It was fun actually, although we tried to hunt some deer, and he, sort of got stabbed, she admitted, laughing sheepishly.

Now that she knew slightly more about Fennec, she thought she might find the whole thing crudely funny.
Moonspear and Firefly Glen members can powerplay Toad for whatever they'd like barring injury, just tag her!
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
That definitely wasn't a real laugh.  Apparently Toad didn't share Fennec's sense of humor (who did?) but she was nonplussed.  Even if Toad told Meerkat Fennec had dinged her for being annoying, the older sister had few doubts Meerkat would laugh it off.  She was just happy to know that the woman didn't have a mean streak, which meant Meerkat had okay taste in the friends she was picking.  The girl was too friendly for her own good, honestly.

A great guy.  Well, swell, good for him then.  Who apparently got himself stabbed on a date?  It must have been a while ago if she was laughing about it and he hadn't come to her, unless he hadn't come to her for some other reason.  Maybe he'd found someone better to patch him up.  She should ask how he was... tell Toad Amelia she was a healer, all that shit.  In another context, on hearing that it was a while ago, she probably would have laughed about it.  Instead, she got to find out that jealousy really wasn't a good look for Fennec.  It was a feeling she had felt often growing up, but never in this variety.

My mistake, then.  Guess he is all that, sounds like a great time.  It was rare she let sarcasm slip into her tone, but this time she actually did.  Obviously a pro hunter and expert romantic if he was able to nab a girl while getting set up by their younger sister and stabbed in the process.  Fuck.  Suddenly she really wasn't feeling this conversation.

If he tries to take you on round two, let me know.  I'll get some herbs ready.  She said, offhand.  But I have to get going.  Nice to meet you, Toad.  Unless the girl stopped her, she'd leave on that note.

WC: 304
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
253 Posts
Ooc — Zina
It was strange. Fennec seemed quite displeased at... something. Toad had no idea what. She could hear the sarcasm and feel the stiffness emanating from the blind girl, but she didn't know what she'd said that might upset her. Perhaps she shouldn't have laughed so much, or maybe she was expected to agree that in fact Meerkat was annoying. None of it seemed quite right to Toad, and she frowned a bit.

Oh, she said, at the herbs comment, though she still didn't make the connection. Okay, you too, she offered, but Fennec turned around and left.

Toad stood there for a minute, wondering what had gone wrong. Was it her? She must have said something. Fennec seemed to joke about it happening all over again, and Toad realized that maybe she thought that she and Bronco were item. That definitely wasn't the case, but it also didn't seem like something that would particularly upset the sister. Perhaps she was sad that she was left out?

Toad wracked her brain for the next hour, wandering around the Glen, talking quietly to herself. She never did figure out the source of Fennec's reaction, and it bothered her for quite a while.
Moonspear and Firefly Glen members can powerplay Toad for whatever they'd like barring injury, just tag her!