Two Eyes Cenote help, I’m alive, my heart
immortal longings
764 Posts
Ooc — anon
she worried after @Legend. she aided @Tavina in her recovery. and as she drew into the woman’s chambers today, she could smell Senmut too had been present. a good prince, who cared for his people as she did—
but there might be more to it than that, the thought born of but the day prior, when she had come alive in a way that was new, to her, as new as the Sphinx she might name King Consort. 
no jealousy came with the thought—this divine spark, it was something that could be shared. should be shared! it was a thing of the Gods. and Legend, who has worked so hard—Legend was worthy of it! 
these thoughts came unbidden. there was no way of knowing for certain, only that she seemed to imagine passion at every turn now—even perhaps in the places that she should not! 
like here, like now, in her healing place—Toula drifted nearer, turquoise eyes surveilling her patient. you are looking much better, relief, then; she found she could take a full breath of air in at last. how are you feeling?
426 Posts
Ooc — Neoma

An obedient dog, utensil, she laid herself straight, and hid her face between her arms.

Good, my Queen. ‘Ana ‘akun..” Her tail had fixed itself to a neat tuck. “Tired. I ready— soon, to repay.

No holy-born. But she did not know that. Did not know right. Did not know wrong. Did not know purity. Did not know sin. She only saw. Her legs that night demanded her to kneel before them.
To inevitable and the striking palm of Fate.
Legend felt what was also the strange pull of love for the horror it gave her. That made it beautiful in the imps mind. A feeling. Something to chase.

Toula, also, she knelt before.
Legend was sure she was in trouble.
immortal longings
764 Posts
Ooc — anon
you repay everyday, simply by existing here. you work so hard, Mazoi—I did not miss how you have kept all protected the time that I was at Akashingo, and you at the Pass. you have worked so hard—you must not forget to rest! and if I have been pushing too much, she frowns at that, stepping nearer with worried eyes as she looks upon her, you must promise to always tell me so. I would never seek to harm you, or overwork you, she breathes. she wanted her people happy, and healthy most of all!
Toula lifts a foreleg to place the back of her paw against the forehead of her subordinate, slowly as to show her the intent to check the she-wolfs temperature. well practiced in the art of healing thanks to Tavina, she would be certain the she wolf was well sooner rather than later!
426 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
The blessed touch of a pure Goddess touched down upon the devilbornes inked head. She did not deserve it. She deserved nothing of it, and not the warmth of care that poured from it. How could she? Even the Gods, perhaps, were unaware of if she could give back such feelings at all, or if she even understood them. What they were. How to hold them.

Her body temperature ran fine, but soon warm by the press of the Queen's examination of it. That tail of hers moved rapid at the tip for one second, two, then abruptly stopped.
"Over-work?" Her ears fluttered. Her voice swapped from a low beat to a high. "Oh, no! I like work! I on duty- always on duty! I enjoy! Fun. I will learn to be great mazoi, yeah? I travel! Love travel." Her eyes stayed down, a little hum from her lips as the next question, dainty as it was, it was serious with worry pulling her voice- Her speech frowned out its guilt.

"...I in prison?"
immortal longings
764 Posts
Ooc — anon
Legend was sweet! she loved her work, and Toula felt immense happiness for this. it was all she could wish for, that one felt passionate for their life and the things they did. I am glad, she answers in turn. 
the question comes as a surprise. prison? what do you mean? she wonders, tilting her head. it had not sounded before as though she had felt that way! Toula looked around them, at the things being placed here—wares for Tavina. where you are now, it is the medical room—not prison, she clarified, but gave a small smile, although perhaps her period of rest advisement might feel that way, given your love for travel, an apologetic look passes over her features as she considers this.
426 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Legend was pretty sure that even Akashingo Prisons were probably pretty.

And if she was not locked up now, she would be soon.
For, she had done something terrible and traitorous. Her teeth, they had gone for the Queen. Wild, feral teeth and devil eyes. Guilt was plastered over the imps eyes for seconds, her foggy hues placing over every infirmary tool in sweeps.

"Aaaa... Legend- very," she flashed her teeth in a cheesy smile, then quickly shut her mouth while she realized that was not a proper face right now! She burrowed her head in a guilty whisper.
"Legend very sorry."

And what she didn't add, but was assumably somewhere in her concerning heart

srry for almos biting u face off

I love u
Queen <3

- Legend