Swiftcurrent Creek Made of protein milkshake and low carb intake
1,022 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
All Welcome 
Wylla had spent half her life on the coast and half her life inland. Like the paler of her brothers, she preferred the taste of rabbit and venison over fish and seal, but she wasn't really picky. Food was food, after all. As long as she had something to eat, Wylla was happy enough. Time in Grimnismal had given her an advantage, though, when it came to procuring food from the sea. She mistakenly thought that fishing in a river was much the same.

She was chest-deep in one of the shallower sections of the river. Flanked on both sides by raging rapids, the water here was frothy and fast-flowing, but there were no undertows capable of pulling her legs out from under her. Ocean fish could be had by moving with the ebb and flow of the sea and learning to swim and dive; river fish were more clever, it seemed, and gave her such a wide berth in the water that she couldn't possibly reach one. She made several attempts, lunging at silver shapes streaking by, but came up empty every time.

With a frustrated groan, the sopping wet Wylla pulled herself up onto a rock and flopped down on her side to dry off. Idly, as she watched the surface of the river rippling, she lowered her muzzle and began to lap at the rock between her paws.
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
The first thing Easy did once she was accepted was trot off to find that girl. Distractions like hunting and exploring pulled her from her course for a few days, but she did eventually catch up to the small, mottled female.

"Hi! I found you," she said in what was, for her, a relatively subdued and quiet voice. It was probably just a bit too bubbly to be labeled as either. "What are you up to today? And can I do it with you?" she asked, because at home, the second answer was almost always yes. Morningsiders were social that way, and there wasn't really a grumpy or asocial wolf among them unless you counted Sylvas, which Easy didn't since he was PPC'd and no one really talks about him anymore.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
63 Posts
Ooc — Sarah
editing my post to include Easy. We posted at about the same time, lol
There had been plenty going on in this new pack since Clock and his group had arrived. Chusi's heat had not gone unnoticed to him, and even though he wasn't the type of male to chase after a female who wasn't his, that didn't make him an oblivous idiot. The days when her scent was strong around the territory, Clock kept busy by "patrolling" the boarders - taking his masculine frustrations out on anything that moved while keeping clear of the strongest of Chusi's scents.

And now, Clock could tell something else was going on. Durnehviir, nesting and ready to give birth. Having just arrived, Clock found himself caught off guard by how soon it seemed although on closer introspection, he shouldn't have been so shocked. The red-furred queen had looked ready to burst the day she graciously accepted himself and his group into the Swiftcurrent pack.

Puppies. Clock was surprised to find a little rush of excitement go through him at the thought of that. What would it be like to have puppies around? He himself had never known.

Lost in thought, the grey wolf descended a hill toward the river, intending to get a drink from a calm spot near the rocks. As he approached, he heard two female wolves conversing and saw Wylla, whom he only knew from sight, and the dark-furred female who had just been accepted into the pack. He approached at a smooth walk, intending to make introductions, and chuffed to announce himself. "Hi there, I'm Clock," he said, nodding politely to each of the females in turn. He noticed how to the white fur on Wylla's paws stood out, looking pristine and fresh after being made clean by the river hunt minutes earlier. Clock had never seen a white-toed wolf before, and he quickly averted his gaze before he became accused of rudely (or ignorantly) staring.
1,022 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
She half-expected to spend the rest of her afternoon alone on that rock, lapping dirt from its surface while wandering the endless corridors of her troubled mind. That was what would have surely happened if she was still in Grimnismal. This wasn't her former abode, though, and these weren't the same elusive, anti-social wolves she'd become familiar with. Thank god, she thought idly, because anti-social wolves seemed to think they could do whatever they wanted without any regard for authority.

Her brow furrowed as she waved those thoughts away. She didn't need that negativity. She had enough. Her ears swiveled first to the sound of an approach, but Wylla's head only came up when Ishara actually spoke. She leveled a bored but attentive look on the vaguely boyish wolf, tail stirring slowly on the stone despite herself. Her body language said she was receptive, but her tongue said, "why?" What did anyone have to gain from hanging out with the resident grumpus?

Her tongue passed over the rock between her paws one more time before Clock's arrival distracted her from watching Ishara. "Hi," she said gruffly, but her frown deepened. "Don't you have better things to do?" she had to ask (both of them), but it was self-doubt, uncertainty and the beginnings of depression that made her intent on isolating herself from her pack mates rather than an actual desire to be left alone.
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Easy wagged her tail, bemused by the older girl's question. Why did anyone offer to do stuff together? "Because I'm bored, and I wanna be friends so I'm not bored," she said cheerfully, her tone indicating that this answer should have been obvious to the stranger. "My name's Ishara. What's yours?"

That was when another wolf arrived, probably trying to poach from Easy the friend that she had found first. That wasn't going to fly with her, no sir! "Hi. I'm E- Ishara," she replied, stumbling a bit. Sometimes it was hard to remember to use her proper name. Her attention was soon turned back to the girl, though, who had decided to ask another really weird question. "I don't," she said guilelessly, although her eyes were narrowed in suspicion. Was she being mocked? It was a bit hard to tell, but Easy was ready to claim she hadn't wanted to be friends anyway.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
63 Posts
Ooc — Sarah
:Rough around the edges, I guess,: Clock thought to himself in an attempt to be optimistic when the older wolf gave her short greeting. He noticed she did not return the introduction, and he struggled to not feel rejected. Now would not be a good time to display low self-esteem, and what did he expect anyway? A group of warm, nurturing canines ready to hold his paw and tell him how happy they were that he had come along? No, that was his puppyhood. He did not know these wolves and had to remember that just because he had physically been accepted into the group did not mean that he himself, as a fellow sentient creature, had been accepted. Still, it was an uncomfortable feeling and he bid himself to push it down.

He wagged his tail a few times when the new wolf, Ishara, greeted him but her attention was soon turned back to the older wolf. Wylla's sharp, intelligent eyes swiveled between the two of them when she posed her question, and Clock ducked his ears abashedly when that gaze fell on him. He suddenly felt like he was in trouble for something. It was his turn to explain himself, and he did not want to appear to be loitering around, wasting time and not contributing to the pack.

"I'm getting to know my pack," he said mildly, "I think that's a pretty useful thing to be doing." His ears came back up at his own confident words.
1,022 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Ugh. Optimists. Ishara just wanted to be friends and Clock just wanted to meet his pack mates. Both of these things were perfectly normal and acceptable to wolves that didn't feel as downtrodden as Wylla, and she had encouraged her own subordinates to do them as well. She just didn't feel like it, though. Her self worth had crumbled into dust and building it back up took more effort than she was willing to put in.

But the two were here to stay, it seemed, so she reluctantly lifted herself off the rock and splashed back into the running river. "Name's Wylla. You can get to know each other better if that's what you want to do," she grumbled, implying she didn't care to get to know either of them better at this time, "but if you want to be useful, you can help me catch some fish for the pack." With a flick of her tail, the she-wolf stilled her legs and watched with a keen eye for silvery shapes darting by, but her ears were turned back toward the two wolves.