Sun Mote Copse i just want to be part of your symphony
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,127 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
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All Welcome 
Eljay was still pretty much waiting for someone to call him out on being a total fraud ever since Wildfire had made him a honoree council member thingymabob. He didn't even know for sure what he was supposed to do as one but Wiffle had assured him that he was already doing it... Whatever that meant. Anyway, things were still pretty good, though the worst of it was starting to settle down. Now that Eljay had some time to think, he realised once more that he was fully unequiped to deal with these kind of situations. Help! Who put him in charge? He needed advice from someone who would know what to do... But who was such a person? The first person that came to mind was mommy, but she was already convinced that he had a crush on Wiffle and even if it was true, he didn't want to face more embarrassment by asking her for how to woo Wiffle. Also, he wasn't entirely confident that mommy, however close to perfect she was, would come up with something Wiffle would actually like that wasn't totally over the top and not-Eljay.

Then there was daddy, but Eljay was not entirely confident that would be a good idea, either. Hmm. Maybe... Should he... Ask Tegan? Eljay frowned at the thought, but it wasn't the worst idea in the world. Tegan was pretty good with the ladies, right? Or maybe he should just do that thing Wiffle said about reaching out to ladies. What was it... The reward was worth the risk? Eljay had somehow hoped that everything would fall into place as soon as the deed was done and all that, but somehow it just really hadn't. Eljay still had no clue what went on in Wiffle's head and what she thought of him, and he had big ??? marks above his head when it came to this whole love thing. The best he could come up with was pick flowers -- a thing made difficult by the snow anyway -- and just tell Wiffle, but there was a catch in the plan even apart from the snow. He was Eljay, after all, and he'd totally stumble over his words and look like a total dweeb.

All these were very first-world-problems for a wolf in winter who had a comfortable pack and was somewhere near the top of the ranks, which made Eljay feel a little guilty.

Uncertain how to fix his problems and sort of hoping that he'd magically run into someone with killer advice, Eljay trudged through the Copse, clearly very lost in thoughts.
160 Posts
Ooc — Ilona
Epic is the /worst/ advice-giver but I couldn't resist an Iris-thread <3
It was sort of funny how first world problems would accumulate for everyone quite differently; while Eljay was worried about adult responsibilities such as ranks, relationships and the prospect of becoming a first-time father, the yearling Epic was challenged by meeting all of his pack mates, making good impressions and earning a trade. It was a difference of becoming a first-time family man versus a high school drop-out, trying to make something of his life.

The Twiddlesticks male roamed freely across Sun Mote Corpse, tracking down scents, trying to remember catches and getting a general feel of the lay of the land. Epic wasn't here all the time, his heart and wanderlust also wanted to roam free and see more parts of the Wild. But when he was around the Firebirds, he wanted to make use of his time and turn a complete stranger into a face that he knew and perhaps, given the time, a friend even. Luck was on his side because in the distance a silhouette of a wolf appeared onto his eyesight, quite a contrast when compared to the snow-covered white wonderlands of winter.

Slowly Epic closed the gap between himself and Eljay. And as the silhouette turned more and more into that of a wolf, he noticed a gray-coated wolf, with a stark contrast of white and a distinguishing black stripe running all the way from the tail to the head. Most noteworthable (had Epic looked more closer, but he didn't out of respect) would be the freckles that adorned his face. "Uh, hello." The young male said, showing friendly with a wag of his tail. "I'm Epic one of the new wolves, rookies, rookiebird. Um, I mean newly accepted into the Firebirds pack." What was the word for newbie, greenbie or new wolf anyway? He had to ask someone!
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,127 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
yay, thanks for joining! :D

The approach of another wasn't instantly noticed. Eljay was so lost in thoughts that he didn't realise someone was there until he heard a greeting. He jumped a little, startled, and blinked as he looked up at the other. It was a young-looking guy, a little scrawny, but seemingly amicable. Oh, uh, sorry, he murmured and grinned sheepishly. Eljay wondered who would call their child 'Epic', but then again, that was exactly the sort of name Finley could come up with too. He stumbled over his words a bit, which was a little awkward for Eljay because he was usually the one to do so.

Nice to meet you, uh, Epic, he said kindly. I'm Eljay. He wasn't entirely sure what to say next, so he hoped that Epic had some ideas of a conversation; if not, Eljay'd probably just talk about the usual stuff: like how long Epic had been a part of the pack, how he was settling in, how he liked the territory; you know, small talk, even though Eljay disliked smalltalk.
160 Posts
Ooc — Ilona
Epic wasn't interested in small talk either ..but neither into deeper conversations or giving some silly advice, instead there was something else upon his mind. That is, if Eljay wanted to join in with the fun because he couldn't do it on his own. A not-so-secret anymore that he had been holding back until he met someone capable; Eljay was. At least physically by posture and strength of the body. "Pleasure to meet you, Eljay." And to cut to the chase, Epic added. "I need your help!"

For a moment he paused, trying to catch his breath as there were a zillion-and-one-things to say. "Yesterday I saw an old moose straggling, stumbling and often laying down near our borders. Quite a beast; but also quite a grandpa. Old, sick and possibly looking for a place to die." The moose had been on his thought ever since and the thought of working together and killing brought him in a state of enthousiasm. "Want to check out grandpa moose?" Because tracking its every move made him hungry for more.

Maybe, just maybe superteam Eljay and Epic could bring down the beast. That wasn't his intention right away. First things first: check out the whereabouts of grandpa. And if the beast was too formidable, the thought of having a pack hunt (and meeting more wolves at the same time) also excited him.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,127 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Woah, it seemed like his prayers were overheard. Maybe a little too much so, though. Epic immediately cut to the chase and said he needed help with some old moose. Eljay wasn't sure if it would be smart handling it with the two of them. He was pretty decent at group hunts, but mostly with more wolves involved. Even an old moose could be pretty dangerous. But he also didn't want to seem like a total buzzkill, so Eljay said after a bit of a hesitating, I guess we can check it out, at least. He thought of the potential puppies in Wiffle's womb and decided he would be careful right away. He didn't want to risk leaving the at this point mostly hypothetical puppies hypothetically fatherless.

If it's still there, maybe we should ask for back-up, though... he pondered out loud, and Eljay waited for Epic to lead the way on this hunt slash scouting mission.
160 Posts
Ooc — Ilona
What better way to get to know a new packmate when it came down to teamwork; maybe hunting down the moose was a little dangerous with just the two of them. However there was something very exciting about tracking as well that made his adrenaline gush through his body and already he could feel the increase while his heart pounded heavily in his chest.

"Good, project tracking down the Moose has begun." Epic spoke enthousiastically with golden eyes that lit up lightly at the prospect of another adventure. Though, before moving into the direction of where he had last seen the moose, Epic turned with another question towards his tracking-partner-in-crime. "Hey, I know we just met.." Epic paused, uncertain if it was too early to ask but they were about to go on a mission. "But are you okay if I call you El or maybe Jay?" Or another short code-name. But if his answer was replied with a 'no', of course that would be respected as well.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,127 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay nodded and they were on their way to find the moose that Epic had found earlier. They were barely underway when Epic asked him out of the blue if he could call him El or Jay. Nobody had ever really nicknamed Eljay except for his closest relatives. It sort of felt like all of the suggestions were already taken; 'El' was daddy's nickname that mommy had for him and 'Jay' -- or well, Jayjay -- was mommy's nickname for him. He supposed that was free-for-all, but had never given it much thought until now. Even though it wasn't specifically hers, he still felt a bit possessive about it. But it wasn't like Eljay was going to stand up to Epic about it.

Oh, um, my mom calls my dad 'El', so I guess that's... That'd be a bit weird. His name's Elwood. I was named after dad. Then, after a few seconds while he sniffed a scent trail that turned out not to be any good, he added: But I guess Jay is... That's okay. There wasn't a lot of enthusiasm to his voice, but neither did he sound unenthused.
160 Posts
Ooc — Ilona
For a moment Epic wondered if Eljay had seen a ghost for there was a strange expression on the male's face. Of course asking for a shortened name came a bit early; after all they just met. But even still, his gut feeling told him that Eljay was the sort of male he would take a liking too fairly quickly. "Oh!" Epic murmured as he learned that Eljay was named after Elwood. A selfish thought bubbled up as he suddenly questioned if he too was named after his dad. With the faint scent of the moose still lingering around the thought soon faded into the background.

"Guess I'll just have to call you SuperJay!" Epic grinned gently, trying to break the ice between them just a little. But ...if these two turned out to be friends once they got to know each other a little better, SuperJay it was! The moose-train was just about to leave so almost impatiently, Epic's tail wavered as he began to move. "Let's goooo!" He would have shouted enthousiastically, if it weren't for the fact that the moose was not that far away. (Feel free to powerplay them arriving at an observation point).
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,127 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
'SuperJay' just made Eljay feel more uncomfortable than just Jay, but he decided not to say anything and instead just smiled. After all, Epic was just trying to be friendly with him and he knew that probably, Epic was trying to be super optimistic and positive with the 'super', even though Eljay didn't feel it was very deserved on his account. Either way, he set off with Epic and they soon found the scent of the moose.

It did not take them long to find a spot from where they could see the moose, right in the place where Epic had described it to be, near the borders. They were on a small hill and Eljay could see the unsuspecting moose through the woods. There it is, he said with a hushed voice. It must be sick indeed since it was alone and it hadn't moved too far from where Epic had seen it last. The beast stomped at the ground, a thing Eljay knew prey did at times when they were sick, too. It looked thin, but if it was an easy take-down, it'd still be worth the risk.
160 Posts
Ooc — Ilona
Since Epic had no idea that Eljay didn't like his idea of SuperJay all too much, the boy was now dubbed as SuperJay like Wraen was named Rennie. There was something very heroic about their scouting mission and looking at the status of a moose that Eljay deserved a superhero name. Or maybe Epic still lingered too much on his thoughts about stories and fantasies of great deeds that were not always so realistic in real life. At the same time, there was something very heroic about the superempathic Eljay, but Epic still didn't know his newfound hunter-in-arms too well to figure that out on his own.

Stalking slowly behind Eljay, Epic kept his head low to the ground while his nostrils flared at the scent of the moose. His ears stood erect on top of his head as he felt the hunter inside him grow stronger. When SuperJay had pointed to the moose, he gently nodded while his golden eyes looked at the creature. It was thin (like Epic) except for one difference: the moose had aged, having seen many summers and winters alike. Grey hairs were crossed with brown hairs, especially around the eyes; a sign that the deer was old. There was a strange, sickening smell coming from the direction of the prey animal and Epic face cringed slightly while he wondered if the creature was sick and looking for a place to die.

"Where do we go from here?" Epic whispered as soft as he could, soft words only meant for Eljay's ears. "Should we prepare the pack for a hunt or..?" He wasn't sure what was needed to fill in after ..'or'..for while Epic was often reckless and inexperienced, he wasn't stupid. He wondered how SuperJay gauged the situation.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,127 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
That was a very good question. Eljay felt that it would be best to alert the rest of the pack at this point, but then again, the magnificent beast did look like it could keel over any moment... He frowned thoughtfully while he tried to piece together what was the best course of action. If only they were with three, it'd be easier...

We could... Eljay wasn't usually one to take big risks, and especially right now he wasn't because the thought of Elwood Junior Junior without a dad was terrifying. But then again, it really did look like it was about to keel over and die... We should call for back up, he decided after pondering for what felt like the longest time. He howled to call for any wolves available that could help them bring down the moose, even if there were odds they could've even taken down the old beast with the pair of them, considering it looked about ready to die without their assistance.

i'll throw this in the discord in case anyone wants to join :)
So then find Dodge, then get out of it
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Niamh had been in the area for some time, and was trying to make her mind up as to whether she wanted to find something to eat or go for a border patrol- she wasn’t sure which she wanted to do first. Both were a sort of daily requirement, but as she’d set her sights on the deerstalker specialty, she’d begun to meander in search of a bigger meal- and found moose tracks that had Eljay’s tracks following it. So she’d picked up the pace to follow him and the other wolf who’d also apparently found him.

When his voice sounded, it was fairly close so she responded with a kEk of her own, letting him know she was nearby. She didn’t recognize the other male, but bobbed her golden head to him in greeting shortly before she bumped her muzzle into Eljay’s shoulder as a respectful but friendly gesture. ”Gotta get me moose!” She said, quoting a silly song she thought she could remember her parents singing to her. She looked past them to the creature in the distance in question and nodded her head. ”We got this, I think,” She said, considering how old and frail the moose looked. ”I’m Niamh, by the way,” She said to the newcomer, her voice quietly hushed so they didn’t draw too much attention to themselves.
160 Posts
Ooc — Ilona
For a second a humane thought slipped in his mind as he looked at the moose, its physical body old and fragile, its spirit settled down dangerously upon the ground readying himself to die. Grandpa Moose. Would they ever do the creature a favor to kill it? Not only would it feed new life but at the same time it wouldn't gruesomely starve to death.

When Superjayjay keked (lol) to get help, he wondered for a second if that would startle the moose. His golden eyes observed the creature's every move like a hawk hungrily searching for a prey. Maybe it was a risk to work together with just the two of them, however if one or more wolves would arrive the mission would definitely succeed.

Another wolf heard their call luckily, it was a blond beauty who introduced herself as Niamh. Dipping his head in a polite greeting, Epic introduced himself albeit softly not to startle the moose; in case it had some last living wish. "Epic, a pleasure." He ended that statement with a wag of his tail and a gentle smile. "What's the gameplan?" Epic added thereafter, looking both at Superjay and Niamh for instructions as they probably knew these lands better and were more experienced.
I still don't get it right sometimes · I just don't get it as wrong
692 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
while I'm stuck...

The howl came when he was a distance away, but Colt wasn't about to pass up a hunt opportunity. So he ran, hoping to intercept and join in.

He arrived quietly and slipped alongside Niamh, glancing over and taking in the moose.  Ah, so that was the target!  They were smart to call in backup, even an old moose could put up a hell of a fight when backed into a corner.  This would be fun.

He gave a silent look to each and a nod, though he didn't ask questions.  He'd caught the tail end of Epic's and that was really the only thing that needed knowing here.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,127 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Niamh soon showed up, and Eljay greeted her with a soft smile and a wave of his tail. Colt showed up just after Niamh had introduced herself and Epic asked what the game plan was. Eljay had sort of hoped someone else would take the initiative. He decided eventually to just share what he knew and could do well: I'm good at distraction, while someone else goes for the kill, said Eljay. A bit like a target dummy to distract the prey while someone with better accuracy got to it. Eljay was pretty mediocre at most things, he felt, and having to be the one to make the kill was a bit more pressure. He'd done it before, but not often. Still, this should be an easy kill. I'm not the best at leading in the hunt, but I follow commands.
So then find Dodge, then get out of it
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Once they were joined by Colt, Niamh's confidence definitely picked up; four strong, healthy wolves versus one old moose...They could take it down, she figured- and they'd have a great meal afterwards. Eljay admitted that he was more the chasing, distracting sort, and the fellow who kindly introduced himself as Epic seemed like he was long of leg but lacking in brute strength, so she pinned him as a chaser as well. Eljay seemed willing- almost keen- to hand over the reins so she bobbed her head. She'd done this before, and was aiming to gain herself the deerhunter specialty, so she was confident enough to step forward and offer a bit of a lead.

"Well, I'd say you an' Epic would be best off herding it. Colt and I can do a sweep and bypass the moose, and bunker down say...Say that little copse of cedar trees over there," She gestured to a small grouping of cedar trees far beyond the moose, which didn't seem to be in too much of a hurry. It wouldn't take them long to get there. "If you an' Epic wanna chase it toward us, I can come in from the side and pin it, and Colt can go for the kill," She said. After all, Colt had a bit more weight than her, but she was vicious enough to be able to attack it almost front-on to slow it down and distract it while her mate sweetheart went for the kill. "Any objections?" She asked, quietly, ears flicked forward.
I still don't get it right sometimes · I just don't get it as wrong
692 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
going to skip and move this if that's ok! So we can get it wrapped <3

There didn't seem to be any objections to Niamh's plan, which was good since it was a great one.  After you, m'lady, he said with a gesture and a small bow, a swift endearing joke before the seriousness of the hunt set in.

His part would be important here, and he felt himself slip into the zone as they rounded the moose.  They'd need to be quiet if they wanted to catch it off guard and he would need to be quick to kill it before it could fight back against their maneuver.

As soon as he and Niamh reached their meeting point, he gave her a silent look and a wink, then kept his eyes trained on the moose... waiting.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,127 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
I'd like to wrap this soon, so I've sped things along a bit in my post. Feel free to finish this if you want :)

Niamh took charge and suggested roles. Eljay just nodded and said, Sounds good. Let's go. He looked at Epic and then the two of them set off to do their part. Eljay waited for Colt and Niamh to get to position, and only after the pair of them were gone for a good while did he and Epic set off towards the moose so they could chase it their way. The moose didn't come into motion right away, but with some snarls and snaps from Epic and Eljay it started heading towards Niamh and Colt, exactly according to plan.
So then find Dodge, then get out of it
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
As the group agreed with her plan, Niamh gave Colt a wink, and flicked her tail in a happy, sassy manner. She'd been focusing on hunting more, as opposed to only focusing her energy and attention on guarding, and found that it was just as gratifying- if not more. Where she didn't lust for fights or brawls anymore, the guarding task became fairly sedate , and hunts rewarded her with food. That was enough motivation for the walking stomach-on-legs. 

She moved to the side, and watched for movement from Eljay and Epic, which spooked the moose into a run. On its long, gangly legs, it coudl kick up quite a pace- but it had been surprised, which gave the wolves an advantage. As Epic and Eljay herded the creature forward, she began to approach from the moose's side, closing the gap between them as she ran on an angle, to cut off any escape route it might have had planned. Being ushered forward, and having a wolf come from its left side, the moose could only go in one direction- and that was toward where Colt had gone off to hide in wait.
I still don't get it right sometimes · I just don't get it as wrong
692 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
And there they went!  Colt watched them work, though Niamh more appreciatively than the other, from where he lay in wait.  And when they got close enough.... lunge!

He did not catch the neck, but he did catch the nose.  He stiffened with a snarl as soon as his teeth sank in, dragging the head down and slowing the beast.  The moose gave a throaty bellow, and then Colt released, trying for the throat once more.

If the others had slowed it, he would hopefully be able to tear at the throat enough to bring it to its knees.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,127 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Exactly according to plan the moose was chased towards Niamh and Colt. Niamh first chased it further towards Colt, who then lunged for it. Eljay caught up with the pair of them towards the end, and started to snap at the moose's front legs so that it would not be able to run on much anymore. Uncle Colt had already wounded it severely and Eljay could see the creature was starting to realise this was the end. As Eljay snapped at its front legs the moose slowed down considerably so that Uncle Colt or Niamh would have the perfect opening for a finishing move.
So then find Dodge, then get out of it
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Colt lunged and caught the moose by its lofty head, forcing it to slow, and its momentum was halted further when Eljay sped past the moose, arcing around so that he could close in and snap at the moose's front legs. In being beside the moose, which was more focused on the two wolves snapping at its front legs and face, Niamh had an opportunity at its side and seized it as soon as she realized she had an opening. As the moose lifted a foreleg to paw at the air between itself and Eljay, Niamh ducked in and seized the moose by the tender flesh just behind its front leg so that it couldn't bring its leg back all the way or strike out. The impact and the hobbling of one leg caused the beast to stumble slightly, and it put in a futile attempt to keep its balance on three legs as it was attacked by three apex predators.
I still don't get it right sometimes · I just don't get it as wrong
692 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight

And now, swiftly, the hunt was done.  Niamh and Eljay both took out legs and the creature bellowed again.  The slowing, and the great neck lifting, were all Colt needed.  He grasped firmly below the head and clamped on, and he felt warm blood fill his mouth as he did so.  He'd hold a deathgrip until the poor beast passed, but it was already fallen, its legs buckling beneath the strain.

They could have their fill now and there would be plenty left for the pack.  Good thing, too, with kids on the way and a hell of a lot of mouths to feed.