Stone Circle Did the Heartbreak Change Me? Maybe
lift me higher, let me look at the sun
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Master Guardian
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The Constable moved at a steady pace towards the borders of Easthollow but with each step, a new sense of dread formed a pit within her stomach. She had a few concerns about seeing her father again given the news she carried, but this had to be done. Ira had done her best to hide the growing anxiety since Speedy gave her the news, but now it couldn't be helped. Her tailed flicked uneasily at her hocks as her gaze shifted to @Winterbourne who traveled at her side, ensuring to herself that he was still there.

She knew what Greyback would think, at least she believed she did given how she was raised. Perhaps Valette would think differently, she had a way of grounding her father. If they were lucky, they would miss the giant of a man all together along the borders just as she had last time. With the stones growing in the distance, the roan woman slowed coming to a stop just before the scent markers and after a moment's hesitation called for the rulers that claimed them.
#DAA520 , pawprintIra's Playlist  3/20*, * = incomplete threads
"The mountains do not break to the wind nor does the sky change for a single individual."
508 Posts
Ooc — Wilthking
It wasn't long before something woke the slumbering man; a voice? No. A howl? He groaned, throat dry and swollen from the lack of moisture. He had barely just stepped paw into the territory, and judging by the light filtering in through the mouth of the cave, the man assumed he had only been asleep for a couple of hours since he return.

He had half the mind to resume his rest, but something about the howl was eerily similar. It's tone, it's length... It was when he laid there, desperate to find the strength he needed to walk that he realized that perhaps it was his daughter.

It had been long since he'd seen the leader.

Raising, the elder dragged himself from the den towards the call. He hadn't gotten the chance to groom himself, to preen and be presentable to an audience. His fur was still worn and flippant around his frame, his eyes dark and tired. It did nothing but accent his age; his neck slightly dipped from a heavy spine and greying face.

It was only when he saw ira that he would smile, regarding her with a slowly and shaky bow before turning to the male beside her and nodding his head. "Ira, welcome home."

Mother Overlord
2,653 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Master Ranger
Valette had not wanted Greyback to go but knowing that it was Ira who was at their borders she didn't want to refuse him. Valette walked with him, knowing his muscles would be probably sore. She tried to groom him a bit last night and get the clumps of shedding and matted fur out of him but she could not reach it all. So he looked really a mess. What would Ira think? Valette smiled when seeing Ira, it was good to see her. "Ira, hello," she smiled.

She eyed over the female, she carried herself differently. Her green eyes moved over the other curiously for a moment. "How nice of you to visit," she smiled. Valette's eyes then fell on the male. Had she seen him before? No that had been a different male. "Hello," she greeted politely.
236 Posts
Ooc — xynien
sooo sorry for the wait, we can do a three day skip rule after this if everyone is good with that <3
He'd sort of expected Ira's father to be big like her, but as the man comes into sight, he finds himself wishing Ira had warned him properly about the sheer size of the man. Incurring the wrath of a giant among men is rather low on his list of life goals — but it's too late for regrets or second thoughts now. He takes in a deep breath and steadies himself as the male draws nearer, followed by a smaller, dark woman. Not Ira's mother, he reminds himself, a moment before his attention is drawn away by the heavy marks of age drawn over the large man. He's wasting away. The thought slips past his filter before he can stop it, and he flushes, feeling ashamed. He offers a dip of his head to the pair, and quickly finds himself grateful when the woman addresses him. Hi. I'm Winterbourne. It's nice to meet you both, His response is primarily directed at the leader who'd spoken to him, but his gaze flits briefly to the other as he finishes.
Winterbourne's voice is low and raspy due to a throat injury during his childhood, and it can sometimes be difficult to understand him.
lift me higher, let me look at the sun
893 Posts
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Master Guardian
Master Ambassador
Works for me! This thread should prob be finished before the 30th lol

Her father arrived first, tall as the stones but likewise worn with the age of time. It seemed that his age might be catching up quicker than she expected. Something gripped her chest that she could only define as fear. Would she lose him soon? He had always stood tall even when he groveled for her forgiveness. The Constable found herself biting her tongue, but offered a smile as she stepped closer to embrace both leaders properly. It is good to see you both as well. We bring news from Kaistleoki.

Ira stepped back to the Grocer's side longing for the distance to read the expressions of both easily, though their first bout of news had no reason for concerns. As you likely recall I stepped in as Count due to a serious injury Evergreen received. We are happy to announce that he has recovered and reclaimed his role and I have stepped back to the rank of Constable. Additionally, a group of wolves came to our borders, some familiar and some strangers. They sought to join our ranks, but the numbers were too large so an agreement was made. The roan woman turned, motioning towards the peaks where the Empire laid nestled between the clefts of the mountain tops. They formed a sister pack by the name of Reneian Empire. Their claim is not far from ours and while they are their own pack, I'd like to encourage Easthollow to seek an alliance as well. It may provide as a resting point in the mountains for those who travel often.
#DAA520 , pawprintIra's Playlist  3/20*, * = incomplete threads
"The mountains do not break to the wind nor does the sky change for a single individual."
508 Posts
Ooc — Wilthking
Greyback smiles once more as it appears that his daughter has been leading her pack well. The male with her is polite, and he appreciates the action. However, he is weary as to why he is there. Ira was more than strong enough to have a boy by her side to protect her, and Greyback can't help but narrow his eyes a bit.

"That is great, my star. I haven't heard news of the pack on the wind yet, thank you for sharing. Im sure Valette and I will discuss in private on what we shall do. I see no reason not to if you trust them if they have good enough standards to pass by you. But what brings you here? How is your leg?" He looked down at where the injury had laid.

Mother Overlord
2,653 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Master Ranger
Valette was pleased to see Ira. She wasn't really that interested in this Winterbourne but it was good to see that Ira wasn't traveling alone. He did seem polite enough. Valette smiled at Ira when she recapped her life at her pack. Lots of things happened. Valette was proud of her for taking the lead of the pack and really thriving there. "We will look into them," she returned to Ira. "And nice to meet you Winterbourne," she commented to the other with a dip of her head. She realized her mate hadn't greeted the other. He always was a bit gritty with males around his daughter.

Valette looked at her leg as well when Greyback started about her injury. She hoped that she wasn't injured anymore. Valette was glad to see her, she looked good. The female smiled. "It is so good to see them," she smiled.
lift me higher, let me look at the sun
893 Posts
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Master Guardian
Master Ambassador
Three days so im skipping wb!

Of course Easthollow wouldn't just accept an alliance, they would need to talk it over that much was understandable, but the roan woman couldn't help but hope they visited. It would be nice if they could also benefit from the rest point in the mountains, but that was up to her father and Valette. The topic shifted to her leg which her father seemed to try to get a glimpse of. Saving him the trouble she'd turn to show the healed over scar that stretched across her hind leg, It's healed nicely, though I'm afraid the scar isn't going anywhere. That was ok though, she didn't particularly care about the "imperfection" she was a warrior it was only natural.

Ah...and for the last news, Speaking of not going might be a while before I visit again. She couldn't help but give a quick glance to the grocer at her side, I'm pregnant. The words felt heavy on her lips, it was different from the previous times she acknowledged her status, but now more was on the line. Golden orbs glued to the mountain that was her father and even in his ragged state his gaze planted a seed of worry within her as she waited for his reaction.
#DAA520 , pawprintIra's Playlist  3/20*, * = incomplete threads
"The mountains do not break to the wind nor does the sky change for a single individual."
508 Posts
Ooc — Wilthking
Greyback flicked his ear to the tune of Valette welcoming Winterbourne. She was kind as ever, especially to his own daughter. He was glad things have changed since they all first came together; the turmoil, the hate.

"Scars are only natural, my star." He quipped, studying his daughter's leg closely before returning his tired gaze to her. She looked healthy, glowing. He hadn't expected her to visit so soon, though he supposed with the words that just fell out of her jaws that he didn't expect that either. Eyes growing wide in shock, he stood, mouth agape at her. "P-Pregnant!?" He exclaimed, looking down at her sides in an attempt to catch any sight of swelling.

No. It couldn't be. Not his daughter. "Are you sure? You're not even mated! Who was it? Do you want them? Heavens above, if you don't I will gladly put a-" He was rambling, unnoticed, and flushed with emotions. Who had done this to his pup?

His gaze then slid over to the male at her side, and with a dangerous glint he frowned. Was he to blame?

Mother Overlord
2,653 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Master Ranger
Valette had sort of been expecting other news. She just had a feeling. Maybe it was the way she had been bringing the news. Then the news came. Valette instantly grinned. "Pregnant! How wonderful! Congratulations," she beamed but clearly her mate wasn't taking it so lightly. She shook her head a little for Ira to see. Clearly Greyback was being his typical self.

"Greyback, love," she spoke and nudged him to calm him down. "Your daughter is a very sensible and responsible woman. A grown woman. I am certain she wouldn't tell you if she wasn't very excited about this news," she reasoned with a chuckle. She looked at Ira. "I am certain after this news is processed he is extremely happy for you as I am," she told Ira smiling.

She stood by Greyback to offer him support if he needed it. She knew that this was big news for the man. His daughter, pregnant. It would also mean he was going to be a granddad.
lift me higher, let me look at the sun
893 Posts
Ooc —
Master Guardian
Master Ambassador
Permission given to continue to skip winter as long as he's not addressed

And there it was, the questions she knew would come. Valette was quick to jump in assuring her that Greyback too was excited for her. She appreciated the Matriarch's words, but she knew the worst had not even come yet for her father. Thank you Valette. A quick bow of her head was given to the woman before she addressed her father's many concerns. I am, and I do. The pregnancy was planned. Even if it was last minute. How to say the next part, the Constable had rehearsed it at least a thousand times yet she still struggled to find the right wording. I am not mated, the fathers are. Greyback would have a field day with that she was positive. Evergreen and Winterbourne will be parenting beside me. Rather she had made the right decision or not it was too late to go back now. It was out in the open and Ira could only pray her father did not make a scene.
#DAA520 , pawprintIra's Playlist  3/20*, * = incomplete threads
"The mountains do not break to the wind nor does the sky change for a single individual."
508 Posts
Ooc — Wilthking
Greyback side-eyed Valette as she exclaimed praise to his daughter. He wasn't sure if that was the right move, and no matter how much his mate tried to calm him he still was heavily skeptical and winded. His daughter! Ira! Pregnant! What would venicy say? Gods above—what would she think?

And fathers? Greyback's brow twitched at that. There was two? More? Greyback had been aware of such things in the world, but to think his own daughter would get mixed up in it. Had her heart been set on two males and not one? Would she even mother them? He was worried for her, for the children. He tried to calm his beating heart with a well-mannered cough. "I see," he wheezed, trying to hide his shock.

He didn't know what to think.

"That is... nice," he offered, head still rolling through all the information. He tried to smile, to be supportive, but he was clearly having a moment of the internal hysteric. He would have to go to Kaisteloki and have a strong word with Evergreen.

Mother Overlord
2,653 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Master Ranger
Valette smiled when Ira thanked her and that the female had planned the litter. See, she knew Ira was responsible. But her eyes widened when the female said that she wasn't mated. Wait what? Valette looked at Greyback, confused. The father's are mated? What? Valette was never really exposed to anything related to someone being gay. She didn't understand. "Huh?," she frowned and then looked from Greyback, to Ira, to this Winterbourne.

"What do you mean the fathers are mated? Why would two males be mated?," she asked, genuinely confused about this information. Why would males be together? They couldn't have pups, and then she realized that Ira was pregnant for them. She was worried now. Did that mean she would have to give the puppies up to them? What? They wouldn't survive without milk! But then Ira confirmed she would be parenting beside them. Now Valette was the one who had to deal with the shock at it was clearly seen on her face.
lift me higher, let me look at the sun
893 Posts
Ooc —
Master Guardian
Master Ambassador
I think I'll do my closer post next post if you guys wanna wrap up now or after that one!

Her father offered...kind words, but she could tell. It was a reaction she would likely share had their roles been swapped, but he was surprisingly tame in his answer. This whole time she had been awaiting an explosion yet it never came. The disappointment in his face was still hurtful, but she had made her place. There was no going back now and Ira knew exactly what she was doing when she agreed to this. Surprisingly, it was Valette who openly questioned her. Ira's gaze shifted to the Matriarch, pondering the question for the best response.

It was hard for her to answer truthfully given she was still overcoming her own feelings over their mating. In the end, she could only think of two words to explain...For love. It was true, for some the rest did not matter, and if it did they find a way. That had certainly been the case for Evergreen and Winterbourne at least. Ira could feel herself growing antsy now as she'd rather not explain further. She had delivered her news and that was all she had intended to do, Would it be alright for us to rest here a day before we travel home? The Constable wanted to believe there was no reason for them to say no, but a voice in the back of her head knew better. In all honesty, she'd rather walk away now to avoid their looks, but it would be safer to rest here.
#DAA520 , pawprintIra's Playlist  3/20*, * = incomplete threads
"The mountains do not break to the wind nor does the sky change for a single individual."
508 Posts
Ooc — Wilthking
Greyback liked to regard himself as a fairly open-minded man. Religion, species, the earth; however, he had never heard of two males being mated.  Such a thing was foreign to him, causing his brows to raise even hire and tilt his head. He looked to his mate for reassurance, but she seemed to be in the same mind-set as he; both confused. Both stumped.

"Love?" He echoed? But two males couldn't love each other like that, right? It wasn't practical, it wasn't natural. "I have never... heard such a thing? How does that work?" He questioned. He wanted to ask more, curious as to what sort of thing had his daughter been wrapped in. But she appeared happy, and wanting to end the conversation. That was good enough for him.

Even though he couldn't help but fret over the fact she was pregnant.

"Yes, a-ahm." He cleared his throat, still off-tilted. "Yes. Of course, come—let me find you something to eat."

Mother Overlord
2,653 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Master Ranger
Valette looked also to her mate for reassurance, but she was met with the same look on Greyback's face. She thought she had heard about most things in her life but it seemed that she was wrong. She was still hearing new things it seemed. It must be very rare then, since she had never heard of it. She nodded along with her husband, also curious as to how it would work. Though it didn't seem that Ira wanted to explain it. "For love then," Valette commented. She would probably go over this with Greyback later to see what he thought of it.

"Of course, come," she assured, she would lead Ira and this Winterbourne to a safe spot on their side of the border where she could rest while Greyback would fetch them a meal. While Greyback was probably baffled over the pregnancy news, for Valette this news of two males together was baffling to hear.

- end? -