Neverwinter Forest innaktuk (2)

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,299 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
Kigipigak crossed the river towards where he had last seen Kukutux, then on to where the air was warm and sharp-tasting. The fog rolling off the springs shrouded his pale coat and served to cleanse some of the mess from it, not that he would notice. 

Beyond that was a forest—rich with scents, again. How populous this land was! This valley held more than Kigipigak expected and so he felt a thrilling sense of accomplishment, even if he could not find what he sought for Valmua's plan, it would be good to learn of these places.

The boy lingered on the fringe of the trees, settling to his haunches. He cast his chin back to call, I am here, I am waiting. It seemed best to speak in their common.
I've learned to lose you, can't afford to
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Ooc — hela
Today was the first day since returning that she had been out on a patrol. The angry wound on her shoulder had become infected, and even if she had wanted to continue her normal schedule, she hadn't really felt up to it before now. And the patrol she was running would be short—she had no interest in making things any worse for herself. 

The call made her freeze. A spark of annoyance flared in her chest. At least this one had enough sense to call for someone instead of just barging on in. 

When she arrived, she made sure to hide any irritation behind a blank mask—most of it had nothing to do with this stranger in particular anyway. She stopped in front of the silver, scarred man, her fiery gaze looking him over a few moments before she spoke. You are on the borders of Neverwinter Forest, she informed him. Can I help you with something?

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,299 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
When he is attended it is by an attractive white wolf. She holds scars across her body which he reads and appreciates, along with a stern face that tugs at Kigipigak's heart-strings for how frigid she seems. So very much like a glacier incarnate.

Kigipigak wonders if his hunt will be short after all; this southern land is full of wonderful creatures, many of which would fit well with any Tartok village, but he must be careful with how he explains himself. It is possible his questions could offend.

Hallo. Yes, I... He pauses to try and connect his thoughts to his words, the translation taking him a moment as he seeks the right ones. I am Kigipigak, son of Sedna Tartok. I come from the north—but I have friends who seek to settle over the mountain. I am learning of the valley.

It seemed best to keep his true intentions hidden for the time being; launching directly in to the request at the last village had felt awkward. 

You call this Neverwinter? I ask, how many are you? Perhaps we can learn from each other.
I've learned to lose you, can't afford to
813 Posts
Ooc — hela
He offered his name and explained he was from the north. She didn't know the father he mentioned, and she thought it was odd that he had mentioned it to begin with, but maybe that was his custom or something. 

She was unsure if she wanted to completely answer his question; he was a stranger and could be another spy, sent here to find out information to report back to Kynareth and his Saints. She didn't really know who to trust anymore, outside of her pack members anyway. 

She dipped her head in a stiff nod. I'm Simmik, Beta of this pack, she started. We have a good number of wolves here, she offered, answering but not really answering; she decided that she didn't want to give him an exact number seeing as she knew nothing about him other than his name and that he was from the north—which reminded her: My mother is from the north and taught me her language. She paused and watched him curiously. Maybe you speak it too? She had never met anyone outside her family who knew the language of her mother's home, but maybe he did. What kind of things can I learn from you? she continued, honestly interested to see if he had any information that would be useful to her.

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,299 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
Too lazy tonight to translate, so italics are inupiaq.

Kigipigak listened intently. He could not help studying her face; the serious mask never slipped and the frigidity there seemed quite at home. Her answers were somewhat vague but Kigipigak did not mind - he was not truly after those answers.

When she slipped to a more familiar languge he grinned openly. 

We all speak it in the North, yes. My friends do, somewhat, too. He could not say what their true language was as it did not make sense to Kigipigak, but he knew it was different. How odd that a family of Tartok origins be so far removed from the norm.

Is your mother of Tartok? That is where I am from; my village was Unnuniak. Now I help my bond-brothers, they wish to take the cliffs where the ravens fly. He spoke as openly as he could. Kigipigak was an unusually poetic sort when it came to his commentary, always, although he did not realize it. My friends are Stjor and Sol. I am looking for more friends, perhaps betrothals for them. I came.. To ask if there were any women here, any that might be interested. Or a deal that could be struck?

He spoke quickly. Everything flowed from him in the inuk speech and Kigipigak did not think to pause or slow for clarity; he presumed this woman would be fluent as a northerner.
23 Posts
Ooc — Jennifer
Just spyin'. :P Cameo unless called out.

Normally Ciaran just hung out with his direct family, did some learning things, and goofed off a metric ton. It was a nice life. Usually he ignored anything that was definitely meant for an adult, but because he was already up and looking for a snack, maybe he'd go look and prove to himself it was super boring. So, he trotted that way to satisfy this brief bit of curiosity. He kept fairly far back, ducking around trees and the like because he knew he shouldn't be so close to the borders, but pfftt, he was being sneaky, it was all good, right? Nobody'd know. He slunk along and kept to the foliage so he could stay out of trouble. The stranger was some white-furred guy and that's about all he could figure. 

However, he didn't recognize even a teeny tiny bit of what Simmik was saying by the time he arrived. Huh. Well, maybe it'd be good to stay -- this seemed weird and different. So, he huddled in his bush and watched.
I've learned to lose you, can't afford to
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Ooc — hela
i'm always lazy, so no judgment here

She relaxed a little as the northern tongue flew from his mouth—still alert and suspicious, but also intrigued. It wasn't often she got to speak her family's language anymore. He spoke quickly, asking if her mother was of Tartok and offering the name of his village, which she had never heard of before. No she is not—not that I know of. As he continued, she suddenly had many questions for him that she planned to save until he was done speaking. She wanted to know where these cliffs were where the ravens fly. She had questions about his friends. She even had questions about these Tartoks that also lived in the north. But all those questions were momentarily forgotten when he said he was looking for women who would want to be betrothed to his friends. What a strange reason to come here. 

That's an odd request, she told him. Not only that, but she was pretty sure no one here wanted to be betrothed to someone they didn't know. Can they not find women themselves? Why was he the one doing the searching for them. And did he not get a betrothed? She thought he should if he was out here looking for his friends. Most women aren't interested in finding a husband that way, Simmik pointed out with a slight raise of her eyebrow. If they wanted wives, why not go out and find someone to start forming a bond with. 

Despite his strange mission, she was further intrigued by the mention of a deal—anything to make the pack stronger. What kind of deal did you have in mind? she asked, her face finally shifting to show her interest in the topic. 

For now, Mal's son went unnoticed by the Beta, although if she had known he was there, she would not have let on to the stranger that he was.

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,299 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
The woman's comments made him chuckle, the sound loud even though he made an effort to be amicable and keep his mirth contained

It is common in the north to make arrangements. It is difficult there for all, and tribes are careful of who may enter their land, so arrangements are made. It is tradition. Kigipigak explained.

If we had a matchmaking woman, an elder, she would know the histories of the tribes and their children. Who is father to who, which would match well. I do it now, until we are established and learn of this place. Kigipigak did not like explaining this part. It was not a job for a young man which was partly why he was so bad at it. Marriage of your women to our bachelors would help us establish, strengthen us both, and grow family. That would be the deal.  Mixing your tribe blood with ours. An alliance of convenience as far as Kigipigak understood it; a strengthening for everyone involved, otherwise.
I've learned to lose you, can't afford to
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Ooc — hela
It seemed she had more to learn about her mother's side of the family. She certainly had questions for her the next time they talked. She still wasn't quite sure why the men needed a third party involved; she felt like they should be out finding their own wives, but who was she to judge their customs.

As he spoke of what sounded to her like a certain type of alliance, she found herself intrigued once more. The Saints came to mind then, and the monster who was still at large. Suddenly she had a idea, one that might finally give Mal some peace of mind. She studied him intently a few moments before finally speaking. I can offer myself; with a few conditions, of course. She wouldn't agree to such an arrangement without there being more in it for them. My pack would be allied with your tribe. If we need help fighting an enemy, we would be able to call on your warriors, and the same would go for you in return. And once the marriage is official, I would like to stay here and continue leading my pack. She wondered if those terms would be acceptable to him, she would process what it meant for her later.

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,299 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
Offer herself..?

In the next breath Simmik explained that this was her pack; that stunned Kigipigak. She was so young—! 

You are a leader here? You are the matriarch? How surprising to Kigipigak that someone so young could be the issumatar of their own tribe, to rule and to bring forth new life without even earning their name! It struck Kigipigak that this might not be the right choice to bring home for Stjor; this woman was strong and Valmua had wanted the opposite, someone to keep her brothers occupied and not compete against.

I will bring your conditions home with me. Are you sure to offer yourself? It is not something I expected, to be honest. The boy's ears pivoted with nervousness. I am searching for those you might pledge to us, betroth, to have them live with us as we live... But I can make the effort to ask. It would not be up to me, I am merely searching.

He hoped he made sense, and that she would accept his concerns without changing her mind. If the wolves of this Neverwinter tribe were as formidable as Simmik then the Watch would be blessed.
I've learned to lose you, can't afford to
813 Posts
Ooc — hela
Not the matriarch; the Beta, Simmik corrected. I am the second in command to the Alpha. This pack is my family—I am one of it's warriors; I do not want to leave them, but I am willing to compromise in other ways. She thought what she was offering was fair; it benefited them both without costing either too much. But of course, it was up to them whether or not they felt the same way. 

Why is it so unexpected? she asked. I want security for my pack and for its members to flourish. Why wouldn't I do whatever it takes to achieve that. But it was also more than that; she wanted to be the reason they could rest easier instead of the bringer of more trouble like she had been in the past.

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,299 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
She used words he did not know; in Tartok custom the matriarch was the apex of the family and everything after that was subordinate, regardless. Kigipigak could not see her as anything else now. If she truly was a leader then she had to have been the uppermost. He was awed by her, taking in the commentary as humility more than anything else.

I seek partners for my friends and the stay might be long. Anyone that agrees to this betrothal would add their blood to ours and strengthen us in the future. It was not a temporary arrangement but a lifelong commitment, so far as Kigipigak understood it. He was young yet, and marriage was not a priority for him personally. 

Can you think of any women, besides yourself, who might do well in this arrangement? The goal is not to strip your tribe of a strong creature such as yourself, Simmik, unless you... Truly think your strength would be better served elsewhere, such as with my brothers at the Watch. Kigipigak tried to explain better but he was not sure it was clear. He did not want to dissuade so much as give pause, allow for thought. I still must ask my brothers before anything is final; it will give you time to think about things, to be certain.

The boy smiles, bowing his head. I give thanks for consideration.
I've learned to lose you, can't afford to
813 Posts
Ooc — hela
It seemed like her offer was not quite what they were looking for, which was fine. Although, she did still feel like they should have an alliance. Maybe she would further investigate once they were more established. 

His question was met with hesitation and an uncertain tilt to her lips. I would have to discuss it with my Alpha, and I'm not sure he would be okay with it. In fact, she was pretty sure he would not be up for it at all. But she would keep her word and at least mention it. As for my strength, I feel it can serve multiple places simultaneously. It didn't need to be so traditional. It doesn't even have to be marriage; I would also offer a different kind of agreement, one that would mean I would have pups from one of your members and raise them here to solidify a strong alliance. But of course, only if that would work for your friends.

She dipped her head in return. Of course. And you know where to find me if your friends are interested in my proposal. She offered a curt nod. Good luck.

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,299 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
Kigipigak held off on leaving when he heard her comment—something about consulting their leader, which he must have misheard. Simmik was their issumatar as far as Kigipigak understood things; he blinked, opening his mouth to say something, only to click his teeth shut again.

She offered another option which Kigipigak made sure to listen closely to; it was not one he had thought of himself, but he could present the concept to Valmua privately and see what she thought—perhaps it would be valuable to have blood ties to this forest tribe in the long run? He was not accustomed to looking ahead to the future and so it would take some deliberation.

Good luck, the woman offered him. Kigipigak nodded with a smile on his face, I will try not to be long in returning. Goodbye, Simmik. 

And with that Kigipigak took his leave.