Lost Creek Hollow Hurry before the pain sets in
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
340 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri ran as fast as her legs could carry her towards the borders of Riverclan. The screams and echoing cries of the fevered child enough to make her stomach sick. She didn't know what to make of it, but she did know Gunnar had asked her to run a message and so run a message she would.

She called frantically for a healer anyone would do. @Germanicus and @Crowfeather @Veran. She needed someone to help this boy.

She paced in agitated circles while she waited. Certain that if she stayed there much longer the boy would succumb and die. And she didn't want that to happen. He was so young.

Calling Germ because I can <3

85 Posts
Ooc — box
She came on fast feet.

Her galloping motions akin to a forest sprite, her ears pulled flat, her eyes wide as she darted from the brush.

Whats going on? She would pant out at the face upon their borders, her tail waving and half curved over her flanks. It sounded important, and she was here after all.

The scent was familiar. One of their neighbors then.

Im happy to wait for Germ if he’s going to come by!

Doedapple speaks both French and English, though she prefers English
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
a call from an ally rose and germanicus went to answer.

he felt he knew this woman. "friend to kvarsheim," he announced himself, exiting the shadows.

his eyes were curious upon faun and then he looked to the newcomer, waiting for her to speak.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
340 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A nod. Yes I am Inkeri. Inkeri.

She panted and grimaced, but continued. I am of Kvarsheim. Kavarsheim.

Gunnar sent me. Me. We have a wounded boy, dark as shadows, he screams in pain, and fever. He is feverish and sickly, hallucinating. hallucinating. Scars upon his eye. Eye. We seek a healer. Healer. Gunnar knows a little, but not enough. Not enough.

Inkeri shivered. You have a healer? Healer?

85 Posts
Ooc — box
A wounded boy.

Her ears fell back further, and she looked to the dark man who emerged from Riverclan’s borders.

I am a healer. She said a second later, folding her paw to her chest. A child, harmed? What was this world coming to?

Do you know his name? How old he is? Where his parents are? Faun said, her brain scrambling to catch up to the situation after its stumble over her patient’s age.

How bad are the injuries? She looked to the dark man.

If they’re bad, I may need a hand or two to hold him down.

Doedapple speaks both French and English, though she prefers English
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
"i will come with you," he said.

an injured child was not a situation which needed his fumbling field medicine. those in riverclan were skilled.

"allow me to help you carry things," germanicus went on toward the hollow's healer.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
340 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri shook her head. he cannot say. he seaks of demons and spiders and chasing. chasing. He looks to be maybe, maybe. 6 months, a year. Youngling. Youngling. Do not know where his parents are. Are. Showed upon our borders this way. Way.

Inkeri looked down sadly. Gunnar say if he doesn't make it to Valhalla tonight it will be a miracle. Miracle. Broken ankle, ten times to large. Large. Open wounds. Wounds. All over. Over.

85 Posts
Ooc — box

She inhaled sharply, feeling the faint pinprick of tears in the corners of her eyes. She drove them back with a steel backbone, her voice faintly trembling with rage as she spoke.

And this was inflicted by a wolf?

Being chased by demons, it was no wonder his mind would leap there if someone who looked like him was what tore him to shreds. Faun inhaled sharply, shaking her head.

No, no, I will determine that when I get there. Give us one moment. The rigid stone of her voice was a development that surprised her, but she knew it. This was the voice of her mentor, a thousand women and men and everything in between who had looked death in its bleak black eyes and told it no, you won’t take this one.

She turned, gesturing for Germanicus to follow.

It would take her only minutes to lead the way to her herb storage, wordlessly passing him a carrying skin, before beginning to yank and pull herbs from her storage. Goldenrod, catmint, yarrow, a sticky bundle of cobwebs, a sheet of moss, everything she could think of as she filled her own carrying skin, then stuffed Germanicus’s, before she would take flight back to the woman.

She would not wait for long. Just until the ally would lead the way.

Doedapple speaks both French and English, though she prefers English
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
from imperator to carry-servant of a healing woman.

the contrast amused germanicus, who stood placidly as a pack mule whilst the other whisked about him, gathering things and creating a pack for the roman to carry.

he would remain a shadow as the three of them set off, speaking nothing but hearing all.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
340 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri shook her head. We do not know. Know. Gunnar has given him fur to drape across, and cool moss, herbs for fever. Fever. But he only know so much. Much.

As they came to her, she would lead them away. In a racing movement, her body not yet exhausted. She only hoped they could keep up. To tary here would be the boys death and she wouldn't have that on her conscious. No sir. Not her.

Once they arrived. She'd lead them to Gunnar and she'd be off.