Ocean's Breath Plateau Dreamer
443 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Master Rogue
All Welcome 
Water soared the skies with arms mighty as a mountains. With a body of iron, shadowing the shore in its awakening. A thunderous rush and an eerie still as it reached for the sky; it was a beast in the living world with a roar of a god.

Its figure a titan, with wisps of skylight enforced in its essence. A deep blue, and something greater than life. And it was not Ra. Nor was it Anubis. He was not Osiris. Was not Seth.
A new almighty.

 Under the waves shadow, Legend was upon the shore. Her eyes, shocked out of a plane they’d grown comfortable in, and oh, they’d grown comfortable. Her limbs were shaken and her heart trembled to its core, then to a stop, and silence as Ra gifted her sunlight she did not deserve. An open jaw, marveling, and her mind taken out of her head.

That this had been taken from her. And she would never know, perhaps never grow to be that aware of deprivation, but she did not understand now. She did not understand now.

The ocean crashed itself to land, and the aftermath of water rushing up the beach rushed under her feet.

And only in fairytale she’d heard, and only a dream never fulfilled, it came in a passing day that perhaps would only come once. Perhaps she’d forget it, too, as time went on and she, too, was forced to move on into the monotony, the ritual, the comfortability of same, continued.

That the ocean was real.
And the world was a little bit bigger than she knew.
Erpa-ha *
1,142 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
there was a certain guilt in semnut for how he had dealt with legend. their union had not been one of love, but he should have informed her when he and nazli had at last seen one another for what it always had been.

the sea rippled around her feet.

senmut came to stand beside her, facing out across the endless expanse of cold water upon which Ra burned in cool blue fire.

he did not speak.
443 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Master Rogue
The sea wasn't gentle today. It wasnt kind, but it wasn't cruel. Everytime water rushed up shore, it was cold.

It tickled her pads. Like a million little critters were hugging her feet, and then they quickly fled away! But it was different, and euphoric. It was magical as it was wildly entrancing; yes, Legend was entranced. For all its gloom and cold deeps, was there anything more beautiful?

Wonderstruck, and lucid.

Here in the world. Alive. So much so that the approach of erpa-ha was unnoticed beyond the crash of water and roar of even the most gentle waves. Dainty, as if the waves were going to prick her with each step, it was with a low hesitation that she walled forward in the waters. Just enough that her pads were covered. A lowered head, flittering ears, and a twitching nose, the ocean smelled so strange. It burned, almost, but when she pulled away the beach winds were fresh! She'd never seen anything like this before. Never once. Never twice. There was no glued smile upon her mouth. But her eyes! They were curious and wondrous. So, so curious.

Her eyes trailed up the legs of Senmut by chance, or perhaps by the inevitably that she turned her head.
Or had she noticed him all along?

He did not speak. And nor did she. But she stared at him, and there was a battle of focus between him and the sea, torn. He was erpa-ha. And she was mazoi. She forced herself to look upon him only, after a final longing stare to the ocean.
Erpa-ha *
1,142 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
prince. guardian.

what singed between he and nazli might never come to fruition. he wished to wait. he wished always to wait.

but no royal children were yet forthcoming. and he was the sole prince in akashingo. racharra was too young to be expected in fulfillment of such a duty.

it fell, in part, to senmut. continuation. 

prince. guardian.

her eyes were upon him.

"i must apologize for how abruptly i turned from you. i was not displeased. i — sought fulfillment of a hurting heart."
443 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Master Rogue
Sea breeze was a cold thing.

She stood before him as a mazoi. As a whore.

Senmut drew carefully, and she was still convinced that they'd lie in his bed and reminisce silly things. That, she had never done before until then, where there were more words than touch. She thought of it strange, and yet they overwhelmed her thoughts regularly.

He said he turned from her. She dissolved that thought. Still with a plastered smile.



She tried to imagine what the next part of this. And she..didn't know. So, she asked him-- for an answer, because she didn't have one. How did this story go? "Do you leave me now then?" Her head quirked. She tried to speak proper, too. To try and fit a seriousness she couldn't comprehend. "To who has filled your heart?" The end?
Erpa-ha *
1,142 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
his spine stiffened, not in anger but in recognition of his hurt toward her, toward legend. "now i am returning to akashingo to serve our pharaoh." and he knew what she asked, but this also was the truth; he and nazli would not return to a place together, but unto separate roles within separate palaces.

and yet senmut did not think it would be enough to amend.

the sea moved on in its endless way.
443 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Master Rogue
The water struck once.

The way that she watched Erpa-ha was unwavered. A quiet stare that did not pierce and prod. There was only the dance of a million droplets of water, and the ocean pushed as it pulled. Maybe there had been nothing there, as maybe there was nothing here. How could one know? No one really did.

Legend listened like one did when they were being read a paper, as if she waited for notes to be given that she would take gently and try to remember. As if he spoke to her like he wanted her to remember, and that attention was given. It always had been. 

So, by the end she gave what she always did, featherlight with a smile that never moved.
Erpa-ha *
1,142 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
he turned to her now, anguished;

"tell me what i can do, for your heart." he sought absolution. he sought to lift any pain he might feel, while seeing also that this too, was an irony: how could he pretend to have touched her spirit when he had not given his?

he did not regret them. but he did not know how to move forward with them, and his own chest ached for the reality that he could not mend.

her voice had carried a thousand passions. he was weak to turn from them.
443 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Master Rogue
One moment, he was stoic and hardened. The next, life flooded his eyes. The striking turn of his voice, and the way their eyes then met alive; though, dying. The string between them would die now. It was supposed to. What else could happen to it? How else could it come from this?

That was only logical. It was the only way things worked.

"My heart will be happy if yours is."

Her head fell to sand slipping underneath her feet. Never had the ocean wanted her. Never had Legend wished to dive headfirst into water, yet she wanted to now.
And why did her voice challenge the rules. "Do you still wan-t" she pushed through an uncomfortable embarrassment of her faulty tongue, passionate, "to see me?" Can I still see you?
Erpa-ha *
1,142 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
"yes!" hoarsened with want, roughened by surprise. "i am not — i do not use others, legend. and i find myself feeling often that i used you. i know i did not," his heart beating a slow ache as he turned his eyes upon her. "i know — i know my feelings were and are genuine. but — our stations, legend. i feel — yes."

he considered her face, the way their eyes met one another in not so much a clash but a caress of pain.
443 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Master Rogue
It was in that moment that something far more sinister swept up the throat of the devil. How they touched upon one anothers gaze, it was sporadic, and it was cruel as hurt riddled her chest. Legend didn't like hurt. Didn't like how it made her feel, and how when Senmut spoke, she felt these things that made her feel all the more feral. Legend could not control the fire in her chest that made her feel now so distraught, and that did not even begin with her Time striking this trip. That if he wanted her still, if he could have her around and make her feel these strange things, then he should make love to his opinion.
Such was the ways of Akashingo people, was it not?

"I see."
Moondusted, soft eyes and a pleaders face painted over with a thousand smiles. "She sees." Her eyes were blessed by tracing the curves of his wrists, of which moments ago God said he would take. Those same wrists returned as moth to flame. When both were moth. And both were flame. Burn, oh, burn. Burned, oh, it burned.

"There is nothing more real to me than when we are as one. Such as then," the demon would explain, "such as now," she would engrave. "I would see him a million times then." Sick. "A million times now." A twisted little tummy. "She likes looking at Him now." There was a shelter when he looked back. "If I were only more than mazoi, perhaps whispers not so..loud." Senmut surely had been embarrassed when the Fellahin had riddled their secret across. This, she had observed of others, so it must have been an emotion he could feel too. "And They are loud, yes?." Legend's neediness would always be louder than any voice she could ever hear. Her body pouted into a meek curl of her neck.

Make me more, make me more, make me more, make me more, make me more, make me more, make me more, make me more, make me more, make me more, make me more, make me more, make me more, make me more, make me more, make me more, make me more, make me more.
Erpa-ha *
1,142 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
"i am not ashamed of you, legend."

he had turned toward her with the green eyes lidded; he caught her in the next as she described him as a conduit for godslight, feeling himself respond with a sharp and pious hunger.

"no one worships me as you do," senmut murmured at the juncture of neck to shoulder, "for it is not only i you worship. it is the gods through me. i feel it, you yearning for them through the joining of our bodies."

and he looked upon her with a thousand things in his eyes, and regretted every moment that out of guilt he had avoided legend's presence.

"it is as if i am an altar, and there you kneel," he whispered, his voice a wonderment.
443 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Master Rogue
Not ashamed. When she listened to him, she could not hear creeping disgust within his voice. Maybe she understood now, and now as he spoke into her neck. That there was godspeak between their words and what he whispered to her, and that should Ra encapsulate her, it was Senmut who devoured. What a wonderful thing to realize now, to acknowledge now, to feel now. That they were simply different, and different was a beauty for her and her alone. Special.

Not quite the gods he worshipped, nor the woman he walked tight to, or the ground he walked on. Legend was none of these things, and that was the holiness of it. Oh, to be in glory. Oh, to be special. Oh, to be special. She was special.

An iced spine, chilly eyes, none of it would cradle the way she felt then blissfully manic: how when she thought he would move on as many should, as many did, as many would, he moved to her. Special. Special. Oh, to be special. Though, their special now gave her nothing of what she starved for. It did not make her more. They could make it more, but the way her mind molded was then into water that wasted away to hear more of his words. How could confusion be full of wickedness when she loved feeling it so?

"The gods speak through You." Turning her muzzle into his nape, her eyes were now soft and open. As if she now saw the voices of gods in an mirage of colors coming from his lips. "I," she saw him, hypnotized, just as she was hypnotizing, "feel them upon You. And when he speaks, it is a commandment."

What did it mean? When you wished to fulfill someone's word with your very being so excruciatingly bad? When your breath halted for them and breathed only when told to. To feel so drowned, to wish to be. A feeble whine fumbled itself from her sorry, and very lost lips.

"Like You are the altar," the red upon his throat was touched, and then pulled from, for she lacked the permission. She met his eyes and stayed there while fire bled into fire. Self-validated, because it was what she starved for in his teeth now. "And there I kneel."