Firefly Glen What's in your head
2,033 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
All Welcome 
It was a few days after Bronco had escorted her back from their visit home.  Fennec was back to work roaming the territory and growing accustomed, again, to the strangeness of it.  She couldn't wait until she'd mapped it into the familiarity she felt in the copse.

Today Fennec had found the new plant nestled next to the river, in a patch of ivy that she carefully moved aside to get a better feel of it.  She had no clue what it was, but it smelled like an herb, so she wondered if it might be useful.  It felt like a small bush, but she couldn't be sure, as it was a rather small and scraggly thing.  The late fall chill would likely make a lot of her findings like that.

She began to carefully dig out the roots, taking particular care not to just tear them.  If it was a rarer thing to find, she wanted to replant it.  She managed to get most of the roots free and reached in, pulling the clump free with her teeth.

As she did, she felt some of the plant debris come loose in her mouth.  She swallowed automatically and didn't think much of it... not until she was nearly back to her half-dug out store.

Her steps began to grow more unsteady at this point, and she found it suddenly hard to determine which direction was which... including which direction was up.  She froze as the world tilted and began to list sideways, dropping the plant distractedly.  What is.... she wasn't able to finish the thought.  Her body had stopped listening to her, and she crumpled over mid-drunken step.  Her body convulsed, but she was already sinking deep into a strange sort of dream state, her mind shutting down as her heart rate slowed.

Meanwhile the plant lay discarded a few feet back, forgotten in her confusion.
time for a lesson in caution >> she'll wake up in a few hours!  Symptoms are for a mild amount of belladonna. Feel free to stumble upon her early or late into it.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
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495 Posts
Ooc — Cyprin
Desdemona didn't venture often into the Glen since the plan to claim was going forward. She thought it wasn't needed anymore to guard it as much as she normally would- but of course, habits were hard to loose, and she still went down the mountain occasionally to visit it to so. There was plenty of wolves there, and since a lot of the fellow mercenaries were taken, she was diligant as ever toward the Moonspear borders.

Then there, did the guard spot a particular woman. She seemed... Off, but smelled of those of the Firefly Glen. She let out a small sound to greet the stranger.
2,033 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Her dreams were like nothing she'd ever experienced before, nor would again.  Terrifying - exhilarating.

Raven wings, unfolding, then diving into a mire.  She was flying? No, she was running, racing across a landscape she had not seen since she was a child and still had sight.  A figure raced next to her and she knew it was Penn.

He broke away, laughing, and she started to follow.  As she was preparing to yell out an insult, though, the ground shifted, and she felt it move and open beneath her feet.  She was falling.  She shrieked, and her sleeping body twitched in response, an automatic reaction to the fright.

The scenes cut off there as Fennec woke abruptly.  Hours had passed since morning, and as she tried to push herself to her feet in a confused panic, she found she still couldn't move her legs right.  Her stomach turned and she heaved the contents of her stomach into a pile, then tried to drag herself... Wait.  Where was she?

Now was when Desdemona found her and she heard the wolf make a sound.  Wh...  she started to ask a question, then cut it off.  Instead she sat there, trembling.  What had happened to her?  Why couldn't she think?
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
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495 Posts
Ooc — Cyprin
Jade eyes glanced behind the wolf, a plant half bitten, and now discarded a few feet away. She rose a brow at this bright-colored wolf, who seemed to be shaking, and in a terror of her own. Momentarily did she think; was this what they called a drug addict?

Was this, the type of wolves Firefly Glen was gathering? Desdemona did not wish to think so, but the first wolf she came across that was not an Ostrega, and someone seemingly so out of it, she had to ask, "You okay, miss?" Though she dare not step closer.
2,033 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
It took Fennec a moment to recognize the words, but then the left as quick as they came.  She couldn't remember right now where she was, nor what had happened.  She only knew that things felt very wrong.  She couldn't move, her throat burned, and her head pounded with a near unbearable ferocity.

What happened,  she asked faintly.  This woman sounded nice enough in tone that she did not panic at the stranger's presence.  She was too panicked at her own state right now to pay much mind to any other dangers.  Her processing was muddled by the poison, and it sapped her strength and had her nerves misfiring.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
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495 Posts
Ooc — Cyprin
"You ate some sort of plant." A mental note, to perhaps remove that entire species from the mountain, and warn others to stay away. If it caused such an affect on Fennec, who knew what would happen if a younger wolf tried to eat it so. Thankfully, Desdemona was not one to eat random plants or things she was not aware of, for this possibility.

Upon looking closer, the guard took notice of her murky, gray stare. Was she.. Blind? "Are you lost?"
2,033 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Her tone seemed to shift as Fennec's perception swung, and suddenly it wasn't Desmedona she was hearing anymore.  It was the woman who had led her around when she had been lost, before.  Are you lost?

Her lips wrinkled up as she stumbled back, showing her teeth defensively.  You just wanted to get rid of me, she hissed, and the sudden adrenaline spike gave her voice a little more oomph.  A plant, but she didn't remember... she'd grabbed it.  Then how had the woman done it?  It made no sense, but even as her mind worked to find reason, she was beyond it.  Get away from me!
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
grind me down
495 Posts
Ooc — Cyprin
"You are a guest of Moonspear, no one wants to remove you." Especially since this was the first time Desdemona had met this blind wolf. One could not forget someone like that easily, as usually those who cannot see, end early in life. It was surprising, how far she has gone, but perhaps with a steady enough home, it would explain her survival.

"Should I call for someone?" Despite the rather tantrum and breakdown the other was giving, the guard was calm and steady, voicing if Fennec would prefer someone else then herself.
2,033 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
The voice remained calm.  That wasn't right... this wasn't...

It wasn't her.  Fennec shook her head as though she could clear the fog from it, but it didn't work, and the movement was awkard.  All it did was make her feel less grounded as panic began to mount in her throat.  She didn't know who this was, and shame always made Fennec defensive.

No, I'm fine.  She snapped.  But she clearly wasn't.  She didn't want to stay here out in the open.  Suddenly she felt exposed.  Fennec gritted her teeth as her fear, shame, and pride warred for a second.  Fear finally won out, and she sagged a bit.  Can you just help me to my den? She asked reluctantly.  There was no reason for her to, and either way, it killed her to have to ask.

WC: 137
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
grind me down
495 Posts
Ooc — Cyprin
Wolves other then Moonspearians were hard to deal with, Desdemona realized. Every difficult wolf she met tended to be outside the mountain, and she wondered why that was. Moving closer to Fennec, the guard offered a shoulder to lean on as she would help so.

"Where is your den?" It can only be assumed perhaps near the base of the mountain, as a blind bat would have trouble navigating upwards.
2,033 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Well, shit.  She didn't know.  She gritted her teeth with frustration.  It wasn't like this was a regular occurrence, so what right did this wolf have to judge her for needing help?  There was no indication that Desdemona was doing anything of the sort, but Fennec would have been if it were her, and she was projecting hella hard right now.

Wouldn't you figure, I don't even fucking know, she responded, then laughed.  Fuck it.  This whole thing was rediculous anyway, she couldn't blame Desdemona for thinking she was an idiot.  She'd be laughing the hide off of anyone she found in this state.  Fuck.  What was that plant?  For the moment, at least, her mind was semi-centered, even if her body wasn't quite ready to respond to her just yet.

WC: 131
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
grind me down
495 Posts
Ooc — Cyprin
"I'll take you to my den then?" Desdemona wasn't put off by the ferociousness that Fennec spewed, for she had it worse in her youthful days. Instead calmly asked if the other would prefer her own den, and while it was not much, it was near the base of Moonspear territory. It would be easy for Fennec to stay there by the borders until someone could pick her up.

"A drug, but perhaps it wasn't wise to eat strange plants." Regardless, she was slowly trying to guide the blind woman to her burrow.
2,033 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Right, thanks for the tip.  She answered back, but she was too tired to put too much snark behind it.  Honestly, she'd learned her lesson solidly, and after this she knew she'd be a whole lot more careful with any strange plants.  She knew poisons were out there, but she hadn't realized they would be quite so inocuous and strong.  

Sure.  She would accept the help to stand shakily and make her way to the woman's den, though it was obviously berudging.  She'd never had her body betray her quite like this, and it would be a bit of a while before she was comfortable walking on her own.  She couldn't see where she was going on a good day, but when the ground seemed to shift beneath her with every step, it made even a simple walk seem like an expedition.

WC: 142
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
grind me down
495 Posts
Ooc — Cyprin
Her own den being at the border, was nothing special compared to Bronco's sparkly one. It was an old fox burrow she came across during a patrol, and happened to often fall asleep in it due to convenience. She wondered if it was one trying to make a family, for it was possibly big enough for two wolves to settle comfortably within, but anymore surely would be hugging the walls. Leading to, "Careful, it's downwards," to the blind one.

"You are free to use it at anytime. I don't sleep much." Which was true, while she claimed it as her 'den,' Desdemona rarely did actually sleep. Majority of the time was the usual that everyone knew; patrolling.
2,033 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Wrapping this one up!  thanks for the strange but very fun thread <3 :D

Fennec followed her carefully, leaning as she tried to force her legs not to go directions they shouldn't.  The sensation was not one she enjoyed at all and she resolved again never to touch a plant she didn't know.  This was the absolute worst.

Thanks.  I'll be fine and out tomorrow.  At least, she better be.  If she wasn't, then she'd figure out some way to totter herself back to wherever home was.  Her mind just couldn't stick with it right now.  In either event, as soon as they were there, Fennec curled herself up and tried to catch some sleep.  Best thing to do was just try and nap this shit off.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
grind me down
495 Posts
Ooc — Cyprin
Desdemona nodded to the other and watched her motion into it. Though albeit difficulty, the other fully managed to make it into her den before curling up into a nap. Not wishing to disturb anymore.. Firstly she made noticeable marks in front of the den, specifically moving the dirt. As it wasn't used far too much it often looked abandon, and she didn't want anyone disturbing Fennec's resting.

With recent marks, hopefully a wanderer will be more careful on moving loudly around. With her job being done, and watching the other peacefully slumber.. She returned to patrolling; but made sure to stay rather close in case the other needed more help.