Hideaway Strath Super silence in the quiet
I've learned to lose you, can't afford to
813 Posts
Ooc — hela
Limit Two 
wounds: lacerations to both sides of her lower neck, bleeding and painful nose, laceration behind left ear
forward dated to 2/13
set for afternoon, 30F

The wounds had started to ache quite a bit now that the adrenaline had worn off. She also felt a gut-deep fear that something had happened to her children. She needed the healer to tell her they would be fine, especially now that Nyra had implied that she was for sure pregnant. She wanted to ask about that too—was it possible to smell pregnancy on someone?

She searched for Arlette's scent and tracked it through the territory, hoping it wouldn't take too long to find her. She wanted to get her wounds tended so it was one less thing to worry about, and then she wanted to return to the den and rest. She was suddenly very tired, and she knew once ky saw her wounds, there wouldn't be much sleeping for a while. 

The trail led her through the trees and across the territory, each step causing pain to her neck. But she continued on and ignored it.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,155 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
sorry for the wait!~ Work was hectic!

Arlette was around the chambers. She had moved there ever since the snow storm. Sometimes she slept in Derg's den but it wasn't too big and she felt funny lately. She felt all giddy, but also a bit hot and bothered. She kind of stayed away from Derg, thinking that her heat was probably on its way and that she wasn't sure if she was ready for. Or if Derg even wanted that. Last time she lost her babies.

She had been at the altar getting all the herbs and medical supplies she gathered so far. Arlette was in the main chamber when she smelled some blood. The female frowned and went to track it down. She soon found Simmik. Their last conversation had been quite controversial.

"Simmik!! Do you want me to tend to your wounds? Come, come inside," she urged. She hoped the female would follow as she went to Gaia's altar. Where there was natural light and the underground lake. "Lie down in the shallow water so those wounds can soak."

hopefully the assumptions are okay!
Healer & Shaman Priest
219 Posts
Ooc —
could I get the description of Gaia’s alter? Vein will be spending lot of time here,
how cold/warm is the water?

The over large white brute new to the pack was already within the Gaia’s Alter having been shown the way by Nyra, he had been checking in on the herb stocks and found him to be lacking he was not impressed an in the summer he was already planning his complete over haul of the herb’s and the drying process as he stood there making his plans two white pelted woman entered though one was injured and this cause Vein to surge toward them, He scented Nyra upon the injured wolf but this mattered naught he’d tend any and all who came to call.

The large white brute moved to the injured female and scented her woulds they were far to fresh for any infection to set it, this was good with proper treatment he could even help her to avoid scars. He nodded to the scared white female his deep mantra filling the air “I’ll get the Yarrow we will need it to stanch the flow of blood, don’t let her stay in the water to long we don’t want her to loose to much blood or catch a chill. But you are right little one, these wounds need to be cleaned.” He frowned at the female in need, there was something different with her scent that he’d have to think on before he could place it. However he trotted away in search of dried Yarrow in the meantime.
"Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future."
1,902 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Master Guardian
Master Warrior
There’s blood in the water. The shark smells it and dutifully follows. Kynareth’ catches the scent in the passing wind, not immediately realizing its Simmik’s. The smell of blood overpowering her usual scent tenfold. He wonders who got fucked up this time. With mating season coming, he wouldn’t be surprised if all these women killed each other. 

Still, he continues onward to investigate further. His curiosity and worry for his pack mates getting the better of him. He’s sure a stern scolding to whoever inflicted the damage will come afterwards as well. So he follows it and expectantly it leads to what he knows is the healers den. He smells many scents and hears words being spoken. 

Arlette, Simmik, Vein. As he stalks towards the den, he sees the larger off white male leave. If Vein sees him, Kyn would offer a gracious nod and smile in greeting, but otherwise he would allow him to continue on whatever mission he is on. 

He wastes no time entering, his large form shadowing over the two women. He goes still, eyes scanning the two. Simmik in the water, her perfectly white fur stained red. He stiffens, brows furrowing and mouth moving into a pissed off frown. His claws tap tap tap on the rock below as he languidly moves closer. His presence is foreboding, dangerous as he settles his eyes over Simmik’s injuries. Stopping stock still before the two.

“What the fuck happened?” He asks gruffly. “Who did this?” Anger evident in his face. Not wanting to direct his ire towards Simmik or Arlette, he allows the question to hang in the air, expecting one of them to answer.
I've learned to lose you, can't afford to
813 Posts
Ooc — hela
A lot of things happened at once—many faces in hers, telling her to do things or asking what happened. First it was Arlette's calming presence only; she asked her to come inside and sit in the water so that her wounds could soak. As she walked towards the lake, she opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by some man she had never seen before. He walked towards her and got in her space. Simmik immediately tensed, still weird about who she let touch her or be too close. She eyed him warily, her lip raising a little in warning. He was stepping away, though, talking as if he were a healer and mentioning some plant she had never heard of. 

As he turned to leave, she got into the water and settled down. She opened her mouth to speak again but was interrupted again by her husband's demanding presence. She watched his face shift into a disgruntled  scowl as he took in her wounds. She could feel the anger rolling off him as he moved closer and demanded to know what happened. 

Her own face mirrored his then. Why don't you ask Nyra? she spat. She came out of nowhere and started attacking me. I was just trying to defend myself and— she turned to Arlette then. I'm pregnant, or at least I think I am. Will my children be okay? There was desperate fear in her face as she asked. I'm fine. I only care about them and if they're going to be okay. She looked to Ky, her face softening. Nyra said she could smell the pregnancy. Is that even possible? The last question was directed more at the healer than her mate, but she was open to answers from either. She trusted them both, and she knew absolutely nothing about pregnancy.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,155 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
@Vein there is a picture in the disco

Arlette stood by Simmik when suddenly there was a white male. Arlette instantly curled her lips up, and her hackles raised. She had never seen this male who also seemed to be a healer. "Who are you," she huffed and noticed that Simmik was tense. She knew why, after all she told her that she had been taken against her will. Arlette felt protective of her and tried to stand between her. Not that she had the fighter's skills to protect her really.

"I'm not called 'Little one'," she returned and then he just trotted away. Her hackles fell, and then Kynareth came. Arlette had her own supplies for the wounds inflicted on Nyra. She helped her into the water and while she licked she listened to their conversation. Her licks halted when Simmik told him that Nyra did this to her. Nyra? What was happening here!? She didn't understand.

She continued but had to halt again when she said she was pregnant. Arlette remembered when she herself was pregnant. The female tried to shake it off. "They should be fine, Simmik. Your wounds are on your neck and by your ear," she commented. "But stress levels could so you have to stay relaxed. I have something for that. And, infection of course. So the wounds must be treated." Arlette wanted to get her wounds clean first though.

Arlette sniffed Simmik. She mostly smelled the blood currently. "It can, your hormones are changing so your scent will too. But now you mostly smell of blood." Arlette continued to lick the wounds clean, quickly so, using water as well. "Out of the water, please, and to the altar." There was light and the moss was soft on the stone. Now she would have to close the wound. But she didn't know is this white male was going to return with something she didn't know about.
Healer & Shaman Priest
219 Posts
Ooc —
Vein lowered his head in a deep bow as Kynareth passed by he knew to stay well out of pack politic’s they did not interest him in the slightest. However there was a wolf in need and he’d attend to her. He padded about and checked around and quickly found some dried Yarrow. He brought it to a nice flat rock. Vein moved quickly to his tools and found his rock and positioned it over the yarrow and began dropping it over and over again onto the dried Yarrow leaves until he had made a powder. This required a lot, of pick up the rock; hold it high above the yarrow; open maw; drop rock.. repeat.

Though what he was doing was rhythmic and somewhat noisy he still heard a little of what they were saying and he was impressed by Nyra’s work, those wounds were impressive and should he need blood for future rituals he knew to whom he’d turn. Then he learned how much more efficient Nyra had been in her wound placement and he was even more beguiled. she had drawn a pregnant wolves blood without killing the mother or damaging the unborn pups

The expecting female was brought over to him, he finally placed the scent, it had been sometime since he had smelled it and now that he was exposed again he remembered it clearly. He smiled at the scared little female as she guided the injured one they had referred to as Simmik.

The over large white brute chuckled softly to the other healer “I am Vein and to me you are a little one, to which I don’t have a name to call you.” He hung back having noticed Simmik’s reaction to him before though wounds did not bother him, he had uses for his own blood. Truly he had even more uses for the pregnant woman’s blood; however he was not about to ask just yet, his position was to new here and possibly tenuous until he proved his worth.

His rich mantra continued to fill the air as he spoke to the little scared female “Lay her here and perhaps you could help me apply the yarrow powder, While our leader distracts her. This powder will sting for the first minute or two after application before numbing
Vein’s voice took on a story narrator like tone as he continued to drone on about a subject he was passionate about “Yarrow powder upon the wound will help staunch the flow of blood, as yarrow is a natural hemostatic, also yarrow is an analgesic it lessens pain, and as a powder it has antiseptic properties to prevent infections.” He petered off and observed the wolves around him carefully, Waiting for the appropriate time to act.
"Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future."
1,902 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Master Guardian
Master Warrior
He waits, silently fuming before the two pale females before him. He doesn’t say much to Simmik’s reply that this was Nyra’s doing. He only shakes his head, trying his best to keep his cool. He will definitely be speaking with Nyra later. 

Yet, more much of anything happens he listens to Arlette and Simmik speak. Then Vein is waltzing back into the area. He’s quick to speak and give reasoning behind what must be done to heal Simmik. Kyn silently regards him with an impressed nod before turning to Arlette.

“Arlette,” He starts softly. “Vein is as wise in the arts of this trade as you are. It would be wise to allow him to help.” It’s merely a suggestion, an offer. Kynareth extending an olive branch between the two medics. Gold eyes watches Arlette with a tired softness that says he’s already over today’s bullshit. “You two should become well acquainted.” Are his next words, pleading her to give the man a chance.

With that he only attempt to hold eye contact with the scarred woman for a few seconds longer before moving closer to Simmik. Just to be near her, but not in the way. There he lowers his haunches into a sitting position and will continue to watch quietly.
I've learned to lose you, can't afford to
813 Posts
Ooc — hela
She rose from the water and, very gingerly, attempted to shake the water from her coat, her face scrunching up some in pain as she did so. Still dripping, she moved to the altar that Arlette had requested she lay on. Thank you for easing my worry about the children, she told the healer as she slowly moved to the ground in the instructed spot. As for the wounds, she trusted Arlette to do whatever she needed to do. 

As for Vein, she pointedly ignored him, which was easy now that Ky was here, demanding her attention as always. She watched him move closer as he suggested Arlette get better acquainted with this new healer. Her focus only shifted when Vein mentioned that she should be distracted from the pain caused by whatever he was suggesting they use. Her gaze whipped to the man who had invaded her space without asking, her eyes sharp and fiery. I don't need to be distracted. I've handled worse pain than whatever that stuff will cause. She was unsure why others though her some dainty flower that needed protection; she was quite the opposite. 

She turned back to her husband and pushed her nose into his fur, taking in his scent to calm herself further. She couldn't help the wandering of her mind to the fact that she was pregnant. She looked up at Ky, her expression soft. So, it looks like I'm pregnant, she told him, although he clearly already knew.  

Then she turned to Arlette. Do whatever you think is best. If she was open to taking advice from the other healer, then Simmik wouldn't argue.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,155 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette looked at the white male with a bit of a scowl. "It's Arlette," she responded to this Vein. Her gaze turned to Kynareth. She let her ears fall back, not really impressed yet by this Vein. "He could have introduced himself to me and Simmik before just invading our space like some know-it-all," she commented, not caring if he heard her. It really didn't feel to Arlette that this male wanted to work together.

Arlette moved to Simmik again, and the male who was making noise. She didn't know what he was doing until he explained it to her. She didn't know Yarrow powder. She listened to him quietly as he explained. "Will the powder affect us? How would you apply it?," she asked skeptically but the male seemed to know about it so she wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt.

"You show how yo do it then," she told Vein. Arlette looked at Simmik with a nod. "We should do both methods then at least we will be certain there will be no infections," she commented. She would do her method after, of sealing the wounds.
Healer & Shaman Priest
219 Posts
Ooc —
Vein smiled at Kynareth and then turned his smile to Arlette despite the foul temper and words she exuded. He bowed his head somehow respectfully and without any hint of the sarcasm he felt. His rich timbre thrummed with respect “Mi’Lady Arlette,

Vein then moved toward his moose skull, Actions worked better to distract him then words would, and tugged a raven skull free. Long ago he had hardened sap in the eye sockets making the raven skull a neat dipper or in this case a nice tool to pour dried powder from.

Yarrow is perfectly safe for pregnant wolves, we need just spread the powder into the wounds.” Vein added  “Then we may tend to her in any manner you wish and I will assist you in any way I can. First though; Since the queen is adverse to my touch I would like you to lick each wound free of blood so that I may carefully pour the powder upon the flesh directly that will be the quickest way to staunch further bleeding.

Vein placed the raven skull below the rock surface and gently pawed all the powder he could into the skull leaving some incase he needed more, then the white brute carefully picked up the skull cradling it in his mouth as gently as a mother might carry a pup. He moved back to Simmik’s and nodded his ready to Arlette.
I've learned to lose you, can't afford to
813 Posts
Ooc — hela
Simmik's eye's moved from healer to healer as they discussed the best way to treat her wounds. After a few moments, it was decided that Arlette would clean her wounds and Vein would apply the powder he brought. She trusted Ky and Arlette, so if they were willing to let Vein participate, then he wouldn't say anything against it. 

She looked to her friend and nodded. Okay, do what ever you guys need to do; I just want to do whatever is best for the children. She didn't want them harmed by any of this, and that meant following their instructions regarding her healing properly. She looked up to her husband then, glad he was there, and waited for them to get to work.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,155 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Wrapping this up :) <3

Arlette listened to Vein and his instructions. She had already been cleaning Simmik's wounds but for the sake of it. She followed his instructions and moved the power in the wound. It felt weird to see Vein get the power in the wound, she wasn't sure if she liked it, that way of working. She learned about this yarrow root but wasn't too convinced yet. But she would be glad if Simmik felt better.

She still pressed the moss against it so it would soak up any blood if it would leak from now on. Arlette watched over Simmik and she would over the next couple of days, just to make sure things didn't get worse.

- end-