Swiftcurrent Creek moonhold
Swiftcurrent Creek
801 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
gonna say backdated to jan 6th <3 tags to alert leadership @Akavir @Arric but otherwise aw <3

"kilgitsuk says there's no one in the wetlands. he is going west for a day and then he will be back." 
lestan unloaded a fat goose from his shoulder, laying it gently in the snow. if there was nothing else, he was going to head on to his head, to store half the catch and maybe seek a nap.
that was, unless he ran into anyone else or was kept here.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric turned at the words and offered a grin and a wink to the smaller male. Having gotten to know him in time now. He liked him well enough. Perhaps he didn't trust him completely, but Arric was an easy one to get along with. Well he was easy in a lot of ways, but in this case he felt a friendship on the wings.

I hope he takes care of him. They aren't too nice those wolves. We'll watch for him. If he's not back in we'll say 3 days we'll go looking. How you doing Lestan?

Arric turned blue eyes to the male and waited.
Swiftcurrent Creek
801 Posts
Ooc — ebony
he could have groaned inwardly when it turned out that arric wanted to talk. "i've been well," he said, avoiding all mention of kvarsheim or reverie. his eyes rested on the man. "are there going to be pups here this year?" he said with directness, hoping to keep such attention off himself.
"and yes, three days. i will go search, of course." he pushed the goose against the drifts; it rolled a little.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Apparently the thought was not mutual when it was clear Lestan was going to be brusque and too teh point. Arric wondered what he had done to offend the male.  Oh well, really not his problem.

Not sure. That's a question for Jakoul and Akavir I'd wager. And if you bring a femme home. I smelled one near the borders with your scent intermixed. Friend of yours, hmm?

If Lestan didn't wish to speak, very well. Arric would just not beat around the bush. I'll search too.
Swiftcurrent Creek
801 Posts
Ooc — ebony
it wasn't as though reverie and lestan had been secretive about their meetings, but the mayfair blushed furiously all the same. and he relented in the next moment, sighing loudly and glancing toward the great dark arric.
"yes! she's a — friend, but!" his brows knitted and he sighed again! "she has a sister in kvarsheim, family even. we like each other very much, but i have no idea how this works. i can't ask her to leave and i don't want to depart the creek."
lestan's voice trailed; he looked now to arric for some semblance of an answer.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric sat down his thoughts clicking together faster than he had planned thrm too. He nodded coming to a conclusion.

I will have to confer with @Akavir, but i have no objection to you having. Mate there. We are allies. And any children born would solidify this union. I also would wager that it would strengthen to let the children come here and there for different terms.

Arric shrugged a shoulder. It will take work and travel but we arent far apart by any means.
Swiftcurrent Creek
801 Posts
Ooc — ebony
arric sat down and then began to give advice in a way that horrified lestan! the more the man spoke, the more outwardly shocked the mayfair became, until he was forced to gather himself in a burning silence.
"now — no! we haven't even got so far as that, let alone marriage or even moving packs for one another!" his voice trembled a little. "i'm not even sure — well, it's just not on the table yet! i am still trying to decide how to even proceed, arric."
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric chuckled and shook his head. Lestan. Then you need to word things alittle differently. THe way you spoke. It seemed that you were trying to figure out how to make the relationship work being in separate packs and with children.

Arric held up a paw. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. But you like the girl? Did you tell her?

Arric raised a brow amusement lacing his eyes. But he had good intentions the wolf was sweet.
Swiftcurrent Creek
801 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"reverie," lestan corrected, not harshly, and with a sigh besides! "we like each other mutually but — the logistics of everything have been hard to parse." he blinked and now it was the mayfair's turn to eye the giant man.
"i smelled jakoul. she even let me close, not so close though." his brow furrowed. "are — do you mean to say she and akavir ...?"
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Reverie. Arric repeated the name, parroted it back so the male knew he had heard him. He nodded his head as he listened.

Yea a woman's heat cycle can wreak havoc on all the males around. Females too. That was all he said on that aspect of it. He himself had fallen under a spell or two.

Arric shrugged a well muscled shoulder. Not sure and I didn't ask. I told him too if she was agreeable to the terms. Everyone needs to agree.
Swiftcurrent Creek
801 Posts
Ooc — ebony
lestan was hit with a barrage of information he had always somehow known but not understood.
until now.
the young mayfair felt quite overwhelmed.
"well! that at least means children, which might be nice to have about."
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric felt weird sharing things that this young man already should have known more perfectly. But he supposed not everyone was as frank as his father had been. 

It would be can you imagine the little fur balls. A genuine smile lit up Arric's face. He liked little ones they were cute. Sometimes annoying, but cute all the same.

you want little's Lestan?
Swiftcurrent Creek
801 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"i — hadn't really thought about it," lestan said meanderingly, then gestured at the goose. "i'm not hungry. i can cache the meat or — you could have it?" his smile was arch.
the mayfair in all his elegance was begging off the conversation. at first he had wanted sleep. now he only wanted solitude with his own churning thoughts!
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amusement laced his eyes and wry humor colored the edges of his lips. Cache it. I'm not hungry. Have a good day Lestan.

The large male stood and moved away. It was clear Lestan no longer wanted to speak with him and he couldn't blame him, not really. That conversation had gotten derailed, but all he had said was true. There was no shame in what he had answered or in him, there usually never was.
Swiftcurrent Creek
801 Posts
Ooc — ebony

"thank you, arric," lestan said with genuine feeling and relief.
he cached the bird and went at once to his mossy lair near the creek, surrounded by tall trees and not immediately visible.
after stressing for some long while, he eventually did sleep, though it was rather fitful.