Dragoncrest Cliffs Is that all you get for your money?
Bearclaw Valley
Regina *
1,107 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
All Welcome 
After journeying down the mountainside, Lilia decided to cut a path for the Cliffs, which would be her last destination before she roved back to the Rise with news of the new pack founding in the mountains. To her, they weren't much of a concern- if nothing else, they could be another possible ally to hunt with. So long as their connection with the Moonwolves was peaceful, she didn't see any harm in being friendly with the new pack. 

She'd offered to pass the news on to Sapphique, and used the opportunity both as a means of furthering her reputation with the pack, as well as a shameless excuse to call upon Ancelin, if he was nearby. Perhaps it would improve his status as well, to be receiving messages and delivering news to the Sapphique matriarchs. 

When she reached the borders she called out for an audience, informing them that she had some news to deliver.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,109 Posts
Ooc — Danni
It wasn't often that Etienne went to the borders, but he heard a call for his aunt and mama and answered it instead. Mama was busy with the little's and auntie wasn't feeling well lately.

It was the she wolf from the hunt. He dipped his head down to her and wagged his tail.

'ello. Lillia was it? I be Etienne. 'ow can I 'elp you?

He shifted and studied her with warm golden eyes. She had eyes like the frosty ocean in winter time. And her pelt was black with gold. A bit like his manman's pelt, but his mama's pelt was prettier if he did say so himself, but he'd never tell the poor girl that. It seemed unfair to compare her to perfection as far as he was concerned.
Bearclaw Valley
Regina *
1,107 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
The boy who approached looked to be about her age, and she recognized him as a participant of the hunt. Unlike him, she did not excel at remembering names. She figured he was one of the leader’s kids, though Chacal herself had not been present. 

She was flattered that he remembered his name, and relieved that he supplied his own. (she wondered briefly if Ancelin spoke often of her, as well.) 

”Hiya,” She said. ”I’m jutht comin’ down from the mountainth; there’th a new pack up there, on the mountain with no peak.” She said. ”Called ‘Midnight Thcar.’ Alphath nameth are Void an’ Meylodi…They wanted to know the othuh packth in the area, but Meylodi ith gonna have kidth like…Any day now. Tho I thaid I’d delivuh the methage.” She said. ”I think they’re hopin’ for a vithit from thomeone from yuh pack.” She said.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,109 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne was a quiet boy. Often in the background. So truthfully he seldom expected anyone to remember his name. And it was a conscious choice not to be around many. He just preferred his own company or his family. Nothing against that, he hoped anyway.

Eti didn't spend much time with the boy from the rise. He thought his sister may spend more time with him, so she'd probably know this wolf.

He listened to her message. T'ank you for givin' us de message. I be sure to pass it on to my Manman and Matant.

He shifted. Do you need a rest or somet'ing to eat? They were allies so that meant he was to be kind to them right?
Bearclaw Valley
Regina *
1,107 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Her eyebrow quirked at the nicknames he had for the leaders. Probably names for relatives, she thought; from what she knew, most of the wolves in the pack were related- not unlike the Rise. She wondered if eventually, they’d end up with marriages stretching between the two packs, and babies shared between them. 

He offered food and rest, and she considered both for a moment before she shook her head. ”Nah, thankth. I bettuh be gettin’ back. You got any newth you want pathed on to Avicuth?” She asked.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,109 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He realized he probably should have used their names, but they were his mother and his auntie. So he always called them by their titles to him rather than their titles as leaders. Though he should probably fix that. Perhaps it was disrespectful to call them in such a way.

He couldn't think of anything to say. I'm not sure what type of news your looking for. We have new birth coming soon of our leader Mireille my matant.
Bearclaw Valley
Regina *
1,107 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
"Oh!" She said, surprised that this seemed to be something casual, in his eyes. "Well, thometimeth no newth ith good newth...But that'th definitely ekthiting newth," She said. Avicus would want to know- Sapphique grew alongside them; they would be able to taken down even more fearsome prey in the future, if both packs continued to grow like this. 

"You lookin' forward to having' thome more couthinth?" She asked.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,109 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne loved babies and it wasn't easy for the mother's that were having them. But there were so many mother's in his pack and so many babies that he got used to it being a regular thing. Between his granme's there were children spread far and wide. His own mama had her own litter already and his auntie would have her's soon too.

He nodded and his face lit up. Yes I love babies. I like to take care of dem. I'm not very good at the 'unting and the fi'ting stuff. I can do it, but they're not my favorite ting. I prefer to 'elp my pack in other ways. 'ealin', and keepin' an eye on the babies and just makin' sure everyone is okay.
Bearclaw Valley
Regina *
1,107 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
He didn't look like much of a fighter, Lilia thought. Only the women of the pack seemed to be fierce, from what she'd seen, though it'd done nothing but improve her opinion of them. "Maybe caretakuh ith what you're thuppothed to be," She said. "We got a puppythittuh in our pack too. Theemth to love the job, tho...Eh, maybe that'th what you'll be for Thapphique. An' I can tell ya, the leaduth definitely apprethiate havin' thomeone elthe to help take care of the kidth," She said. 

She stepped back then, and sank into a stretch. "Well, I bettuh get goin' back now. Wanna get back an' report before the leader'th kidth go tuh thleep. Thankth for takin' the methage, Etienne, I'll catch-ya aroun'," She said, before she wheeled and headed back through the Tangle, toward her home.