Moonspear quaking forest
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The trek from Sweetharbor completely wiped Seal out. She was happy to have gotten to know her cousins a little better… and hopefully they had been cheered up by her visit.

The coastline had been an interesting place, but Seal felt very happy to be home. Today’s weather was simply perfect. Warm and sunny but not too hot. She took a long siesta, sprawled out in a patch of sun atop some good-smelling mulch. 

Poor Ma’am was down with a seasonal bug and Da was still limping, but overall the mood at Moonspear had shifted back to the happy peace Seal was accustomed to.

She awoke with a great yawn, feeling rested, and rolled around to scratch a good itch on her back. Then, she trotted towards the family Ulaq to see how @Meerkat was.
Sun Mote Copse
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This illness lingered but Meerkat tried to look on the bright side of things. Her chest felt rather dreadful but her throat didn’t hurt anymore. She couldn’t stop coughing and the lack of restful sleep was making life rather unbearable but at least Njord and the girls hadn’t caught it. She was getting very sick of chamomile and peppermint, though they still managed to take the edge off the worst of it.

She grew restless in quarantine. Her husband kept her company when he could but most of the time, she was isolated in the ulaq. Although she felt pretty terrible today, Meerkat forced herself to her feet and walked outside, the bright October sunlight making her eyes ache. She narrowed them, taking a few long, low breaths. She coughed lightly.

Someone was coming this way. Meerkat squinted like an old lady, her heart skipping a beat when she saw it was Seal. She waited for the girl to come a bit nearer before holding up a paw. She had to use the other one to cover her mouth as she coughed again.

Hey, you. How was your trip? I’d love to hear all about it, though please don’t come any closer. I don’t want to get you sick, she croaked.
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Ooc — Lieu
“Hi Mom,” Seal said as she offered an empathic smile. “Sorry you’re nae feelin’ well,” the young woman added as she laid down across from Meerkat outside of the sick bubble. “Can I get you anythin’?”

She gave her mom a moment to respond before beginning the tale of her mini island vacation. “The island was so bonnie, mom!” Seal exclaimed. “So different than Moonspear in every way. I got to see tidepools, beaches, and rollin’ hills of lavender… an’ the ocean goes on forever an’ ever.” Every now and again, Seal added a paw gesture for emphasis.

“I got tae meet all of my wee cousins, too… well except for Abel an’ Tzedeq. They’ve gone missing…” Seal frowned. “But, I think I helped cheer ‘em up. I got to spend a lot of time with Dinah and Ava, especially. And… I met a sea turtle, mom! a SEA turtle!” Seal's eyes went big.

"Traveling with Grandma was great fun, too. But... s'good tae me home," the girl said, her voice filled with warm affection for their beloved village.
Sun Mote Copse
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No, but thank you, Meerkat said to Seal’s offer. Your da has been looking after me very well, along with the pack’s healers. I want for nothing… well, except to get rid of this cold!

The weary woman settled down to give her daughter’s story every ounce of her attention. When Seal spoke so fondly of the seaside, it made Meerkat’s chest tighten in a way that had nothing at all to do with her illness. Would her daughters have liked growing up in Sapphique?

It wasn’t worth dwelling, so Meerkat pushed that thought out of her mind as the story continued. Two of her cousins were missing, a fact which made Meerkat frown. Her heart went out to Caracal and Heda. She knew—mostly via Towhee—how much those two had struggled with so many children. But this was still tragic news.

When Seal finished with a remark about home, an idea struck Meerkat very suddenly. It excited her enough to prompt a phlegmatic cough, which she tried to direct toward her shoulder. When the fit passed, she smiled apologetically at Seal and pushed herself upright.

I’d love to hear all about Dinah and Ava in particular. What are they like? While you tell me, would you like to take a walk? I think it would do me some good. Just stay this, Meerkat said, positioning herself about two yards from Seal, far apart so I don’t have to worry about you catching anything.
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Ooc — Lieu
“That’s a gran’ idea,” Seal agreed as she stood back up. With a swish of her tawny tail, she waited for Meerkat before setting off on a nice afternoon stroll. However, her dark eyes remained fixed on her ill mother, ready to sweep in at a moment's notice should she lose her footing.

“Both girls are verrae sweet,” Seal began. “Dinah looks just like her Da. She’s got a keen interest in plants an’ wants tae become a botanist. She even found me flowers as gifts,” Seal gushed. “An’ Ava… she’s got a gentle soul. She didnae want me steppin’ on a crab when it pinched my nose,” Seal chortled. “Ava’s the one who showed me tha sea turtle an’ together we fed it. It was almost like she could speak turtle!”

The girl’s expression became whimsical. “I hope they come tae visit Moonspear some day. I want tae show ‘em our home, and have them meet Orca, Frolic, an’ Ajei. Also… I didnae get much time with Judah, Simeon, Malakai, or Ana… I’ve got too many cousins!” Another lighthearted laugh filled with nothing but love.
Sun Mote Copse
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Save for a cough every now and again, Meerkat didn’t make a sound as Seal told her all about the other young girls. She expressed a desire for them to come visit the mountain, which her mother was sure could be arranged at some point. It was too bad she hadn’t been able to acquaint with all of her cousins quite so intimately.

Sounds like a good problem to have, Meerkat said with a little wink. How were your aunt and uncle? Did you get much opportunity to visit with them? she wondered, though she doubted Seal had made time for the adults with so many playmates around!

Meerkat decided to descend toward the northern border, where the mountain whittled away toward Silverlight Terrace on one side and Ghost Lion Crag on the other. It was strange to think of the air as thicker down here, though Meerkat knew it was thinner the higher one climbed. And she wondered if going down might not give her lungs a little boost.

In fact, she felt remarkably better for the fresh air and exercise. Meerkat still coughed like clockwork, though it was so good to be out in the sunshine, especially with Seal bending her ear. She looked at her daughter fondly as they strolled along, an idea taking shape in the Councilor’s head as she gently steered her daughter westward.
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Ooc — Lieu
Her mom inquired about Caracal and Heda, but Seal became sheepish. “Sorry momma,” she says with a chickadee-like laugh, “but I barely talked tae them at all. Grandma just wanted a quick visit.”

Seal enjoyed a lull of silence as she walked beside Meerkat. A background process buffered in her mind. For such a young wolf, she certainly had a lot of thoughts!

“Sialuk’s offered to be my teacher,”
she said proudly as her train of thought suddenly changed tracks. “I want tae… learn how to be a medic,” she explained, “and I want tae ken more about the ancestors.”

Though she omitted the fact she had desecrated a grave, Seal felt her mom needed some more context. “Sialuk she… she has a way. I cannae explain it.” Seal’s face twisted as she searched for the right words. “A confidence. A, a, a connection with her path.” A path was something every young wolf pined for. Ray... Towhee Jr... Sable...

Then, she looked at Meerkat. “What do you think ‘bout it?” she asked, wanting her mother’s validation.
Sun Mote Copse
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It’s okay, mo chride, Meerkat assured, wishing she could reach out and nuzzle her daughter but resisting the temptation, I understand. It must’ve been quite a whirlwind of a visit!

For a short while, they walked in comfortable, companionable silence. Meerkat continued pushing westward, the two of them navigating the last of the rocky terrain before they found a grassy little oasis walled off by the mountains. On its far side, there was a glimpse of sparkling water. Once they ventured closer, they would be able to look up to their right and see it tumbling down the mountainside below Alpine Lake.

But it was what lay off to the left that interested Meerkat. She looked that way, then her bourbon eyes found Seal’s face as Meerkat signaled a quick break. Her daughter took advantage by regaling her with her visions for her future. Despite the lingering scratchiness in her chest, it warmed as Seal spoke of her calling, inspired by Sialuk.

I think I know what you mean, she said fondly, and I think that’s a wonderful calling. Oh, I’d hug you but I shouldn’t. When we next see your da, I’ll have him give it to you for me, then when I’m feeling better, I’ll give you the real thing.

She could hardly wait to show Seal what was around the bend, though Meerkat didn’t want to rob the young girl of her spotlight. If there was anything more she wanted to say to her mother on the subject, Meerkat was all ears.
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Ooc — Lieu
With her mother’s support, Seal opened up like a flower in bloom. “Thanks, mom,” she beamed. Though her words were few, Seal’s sunny expression said everything. Above all, she respected her mother’s opinion and to have her endorsement meant the world.

Seal’s attention fell inward, but she couldn’t stop smiling. Then, suddenly, she realized she didn’t recognize the path they were on.

“Where are we?” Seal asked.
Sun Mote Copse
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At Seal’s wondering question, Meerkat smiled softly and replied, We’re crossing from Great Bear Wilderness into Tuktu Hinterlands. Up ahead we’ll see the runoff from Alpine Lake. If we follow its current south, it will carry us toward Sun Mote Copse, the place where I was born. It’s also the place your da and I told you about… where we’d like to raise our own village someday.

When that day might come, Meerkat couldn’t be sure. She thought of the day when she and Njord had decided to make it theirs, only for fate to strike down their plans the very next day. They wouldn’t let it deter them forever, she decided with a small cough.

Would you like to go there? As long as we walk slowly, I should be alright. I’d love to visit it and show you around.
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Ooc — Lieu
“You were born there?” Seal gasped as her jaw dropped, unaware her mother’s homeland had been so close this entire time. A child never really questioned their parents’ origin or occupation. As far as Seal knew, both of her parents were from the coastal north - Da from an island and Momma from the Taiga. That’s how they met, wasn’t it? The story’s details were fuzzy in her mind…

“Oh, please take me!”
Seal bubbled happily. “I want tae see!” The journey through the mountain range had been, thus far, nothing but stunning.

But then, questions flooded her mind. Seal had just gained her mother’s support for her new life path. Once upon a time, Seal had been excited at the prospect of moving house, but now she felt too rooted to leave. She chewed her lip thoughtfully but kept to herself.
Sun Mote Copse
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Seal’s incredulous question caused Meerkat to laugh, which prompted a few rasping coughs. They were not harsh, nor did they last long, though she winced. Her ribs were sore, though all of it passed rather quickly and she gave her daughter a reassuring look.

I’m okay, were the first words out of her mouth, followed by, let’s go, and then, as her feet began to move, I’ll show you the very log where your grandma Towhee took me when I was born, where we spent my first few weeks. Did you know she had no idea she was pregnant with me? I just showed up one night…

She would regale Seal with that story as they made their way to the copse, then began the grand tour.
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Ooc — Lieu
Seal passed her mom a worried and empathetic look with a weak smile when her cough began to act up again. Yet, Meerkat assured her daughter she could continue and so the pair began their descent to the lowlands.

The cadence of Seal’s gait was bouncy with anticipation. The hellcat had not snuffed her love of exploration, though she always needed a buddy.

Then, her face grew wide with shock. The story of her mother’s birth surprised Seal! “How… how’s that possible?” she gasped. “I remember before Acrux an’ Maggak were born… Sialuk an’ Elentari’s bellies were round, though they only had one bairn each,” she observed. “How could you not ken you’re with child?”

The notion scared Seal a little! Could women become spontantiously pregnant?

She slipped into a thoughtful silence. Then, she asked, “do you think…. I will have children someday, too?”
Sun Mote Copse
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Everybody—every woman—is different, Meerkat replied. Your grandma didn’t think she could have children at all, so if she had any symptoms, she likely dismissed them as something else. When babies move, for instance, it can feel sort of like gas, she explained with a laugh.

When Seal asked about motherhood, of course she wanted to reply with a resounding “yes!” But, of course, that was entirely up to her. Meerkat thought the girl would make a very fine mother indeed someday, though of course it would be another year or more before it was even possible.

If you want them, then yes, she said, eyes crinkling at the corners as she smiled. Noticing the slight disquiet on her daughter’s face, she thought to add, There’s plenty of time to figure out what you want. You won’t reach maturity until your second year. And of course you’ll want to find a suitable man…

Her eyebrows raised a little, a chuckle rippling in her throat. Did Seal have any interest in boys? Did she picture herself taking a husband someday? Meerkat supposed it was possible that Sialuk’s influence on her children might lead to more unconventional arrangements. Meerkat herself was the product of just such a thing. Her words still stood, she supposed, seeing as any approach to children would require a man’s involvement.
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Ooc — Lieu
“That must feel so weird… havin’ a babe inside of you,” Seal observed. She felt a bit embarrassed talking about such a private subject. The young woman found herself both fascinated and frightened by the notion of pregnancy, though her curiosity outweighed any fear. After all, Seal loved children.

Thankfully, her mother was encouraging and had a positive take on the matter. It gave Seal the peace of mind to know that she was in control of her own choices and body. And, as Meerkat noted, that decision was a long way away.

Seal heard her mother out… until she brought up the subject of boys. It reminded Seal of the time she felt butterflies in her stomach the day she had wrestled with Massaraq.

“A man?”
she tittered anxiously. Suddenly, Seal tripped over her own paws and stumbled, nearly falling flat on her face. Certainly, her world was opening up like a flower in bloom.
Sun Mote Copse
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It hit her like a thunderbolt: Seal didn’t know what she meant. Of course she didn’t, she was a little girl! Meerkat laughed at her own idiocy, prompting another brief coughing fit. She brought her foreleg up to her mouth, trying not to cackle at her own obliviousness—she was sick, in her defense—and the conversation to come.

Well, yes, creating children requires a man and a woman, Meerkat began, launching into the birds and the bees.

After she went over the biology of it all, they began to get closer to the copse’s center, where Meerkat knew they would find the log. She kept her eyes peeled for it, even as she tried to give Seal most of her attention. Surely her daughter would have questions she would need to field.
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Ooc — Lieu
Seal was a budding ecologist and lover of the natural world but, despite her mother’s objective explanations, the young girl was not immune to red-hot teenage embarrassment. Her blushing face burned and so, between her mother’s breaths, she focused on the path ahead and all its little pebbles to distract herself.

It was a strange notion to think of boys as different, even if it was the reality. Different strengths. Different roles. Different body parts. It was even stranger to think that a day would come when Seal might desire to rub uglies with them!

She giggled nervously. Little did Seal know, that someday she would aspire to become a midwife.

“Oh! Is that the log?”
Seal pointed at the first fallen tree they came across to change the subject. She wasn't ready to dive any deeper into the topic of baby making, just yet.
Sun Mote Copse
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Seal spotted it first, scattering any further thoughts about the birds and the bees. Meerkat followed the line of her snout, her small smile growing as she recognized her very first home of sorts. She nodded, then urged her daughter to walk ahead of her as they approached it. It was a little more overgrown and rotten than she remembered, though that certainly made sense.

It’s cozier than it looks, she quipped to Seal.

Meerkat took a moment to marvel in silence. Nearly four years had passed since Towhee had delivered her and brought her here. She didn’t have any memories of those first few weeks, of course, but she knew the importance of this spot. It was quite wonderful getting to stand here beside it with her own daughter.

What if, she said, breaking the comfortable, contemplative silence, I crawled inside and took a quick nap, for old times’ sake? I actually could use the rest before we head home, Meerkat admitted in the next breath. Why don’t you keep having a look around? Just come collect me in an hour or so.
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Ooc — Lieu
Seal inspected the old, hollowed log. Her mother’s birthplace… The young woman understood that it was a special spot… a piece of her lineage’s story. Silently, she wondered just how far back their family history could be remembered. What other places in the Wilds were noteworthy to the Redhawks, Sveijarns, and Cortens?

Seal said in sincere awe. “I can’t believe you were born here. This is where it all began.” Then, she began to look around and observe the Copse’s serene beauty. It was a wonderful place, sheltered by the eastern mountains, and Seal was excited to know it better.

As if their thoughts aligned, Meerkat suggested to her daughter to take a look around. “Okay!” she chirped, excited to explore. “I won’t go far,” she added with a smile. Then, she set off towards the river that bisected the territory to gain the lay of the land.