Wapun Meadow the book about my idle plot on a vague anxiety
6 Posts
Ooc — KT
She waited for sunset to emerge from the cottonwoods. It was the wildflowers that brought her here; she had smelled them from afar, and their abundance promised fresh water and bountiful prey. If she was lucky, she might even find some fruit. She nosed into a bush and pulled back with a yelp as a sharp thorn caused her nose to bleed. Now she couldn't smell anything, and she couldn't see all that well either ...

328 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Tag for ref!
It was the first time Mae had dared to venture beyond the borders of Swiftcurrent Creek. She didn't go far, of course, and was sure to mention it to @Akavir; she would be back by morning, she'd told him, with the unspoken understanding that if she was not it meant something had gone awry. But she was determined to do this herself.

The dim of sunset suited her anyhow, leveled the field a bit among her brethren. Mae was feeling confident when she scented the other wolf. She barked once, tail waving in a friendly but perhaps overly-assertive manner, and waited for the woman's response.
6 Posts
Ooc — KT
Despite her blooded nose, she couldn't help herself. The berries were just too delicious, and such a small wound wouldn't deter her from enjoying them. Her mouth was full of berries as she heard the bark of some onlooker. Lavender turned around, muzzle covered in blood and berry juice.

Mae's assertive posturing went over her head. Oh, hello, she said, squinting to get a better view of the girl. Did you want to have some raspberries too?
328 Posts
Ooc — xynien
The scent of blood reached her next. Mae stiffened, muzzle lifting and tilting slightly to and fro as she tried to discern the source. It was slight, at least. And the woman — no, girl, she seemed alright.

Raspberries? Mae's confusion was apparent. That why you're bleedin'? If the question was do you also want to bleed? then her answer was very much no, and I will not thank you for asking.
6 Posts
Ooc — KT
Yes, but... She turned her head and blushed in embarrassment. I just wasn't careful, she said. I stuck my head into the bush without thinking... if you're careful, you won't get hurt. And if she did get hurt... well, Lavender could help with that, at least. They're worth it, to me.
328 Posts
Ooc — xynien

That was kinda cute. Not that Mae would ever admit that aloud. Not much use being careful when you're blind, She commented a bit wryly, drawing closer to sniff at the bush from a hesitant distance. Mostly blind? I dunno. I see the bush, kinda. Not the berries - definitely not the thorns.

She turned her muzzle back toward the girl. You uh... you mind?
6 Posts
Ooc — KT
I understand, she says. I'm not blind, but ... well, I can't see very well either. It seemed to get worse as she got older, and she wasn't even that old yet.

You mind?

No, not at all! I've been pricked already anyway. Besides, she could see better once she was within plucking distance. She gathered a small mouthful of berries and set them in front of the other girl. They're sweet, she says, feeling the need to give a fair warning. Some wolves despised the taste of it, since they weren't used to the intensity of the fruit.
328 Posts
Ooc — xynien
The girl was kinder than Mae was used to. She smelled nice, too. All of these thoughts conspired to bring a flush of tingling heat to her ears and cheeks. Thanks, she murmured, ducking her head to sniff at the berries for a moment before she took one tentatively into her mouth.

It was... weird. Soft. And — yes, very sweet. For a moment Mae's expression was nearly disgust. Then she decided that she liked it.

Huh, Mae was still chewing slowly. Not bad. Hey, what'd ya say your name was?
6 Posts
Ooc — KT
She caught the expression that had quickly stolen over the girl's face and a pit formed in her stomach as she regretted sharing the berries with her. She reminded herself that even if this girl didn't like them, the experience was worth it — trying something new was worth it.

But she didn't have long to be disappointed. Not bad. Which was better than bad, obviously, so she considered it a win. What'd ya say your name was?

I didn't, she replied, but it's Lavender. Who are you?
328 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Mae was quick to polish off the last of the given berries. The flavor had startled her at first, but it was quickly growing on her — not so unlike the girl who had offered them. Lavender. She was still swiping the last of the berry juice from her lips as she glanced back up toward the blurry grey shape of her.

Kinda small, wasn't she? Mae was no Captain America herself, but she abruptly felt guilty for taking food from so small a girl. Mae, She offered. Thanks again for the berries. I got some fish back home, ya want some? Then she realized just how that sounded, and her cheeks went hot. I mean... only if you wanna. That just made it weirder, didn't it?

Mae decided to shut up.
6 Posts
Ooc — KT
Lavender was a little too daft — or maybe just a little too inexperienced — to catch onto why Mae was flustered. She was a simple girl with a simple life; she had never desired or been desired. She loved her mother, her father, and her brother. Her older sister had commanded all of that kind of attention.

So she swiftly let it go, and it was probably best for them both. Despite her size and stature, Lavender had a hearty appetite. She would never turn down food. Mae, she repeated, I would enjoy that.
328 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Tag is for invitation, but if you don't want to join no worries, just message me <3
To her relief, Lavender agreed without much fuss. Mae rose with a brisk shake of her coat as if to rid herself of the last of her anxious embarrassment. Come on, then, She beckoned, grinning as she led the girl back toward her home.

As they neared the borders Mae called out for @Arric, both to notify him of their visitor and request his presence. She figured he'd want to get a look at the wolf she'd invited into their home.

Akavir, as far as she knew, was busy. Maybe with the trespasser he'd decided to keep. Whatever.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric was surprised to hear Mae call for him. She had seemed to be avoiding him and Arlette and frankly he wasn't sure why. So he was quick to heed her call. Blue eyes searching, searing for Mae. 

He blinked as his gaze brought into focus, both Mae and a new wolf. He tilted an ear forward. 

Heya Mae Mae. Whose your friend?