Lion Head Mesa meat & wine
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Ooc — ebony
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the high priest, hereditary prince, whatever, had sent him to the door of @Toula this day.

a guardian.

he did not want to enter those floral-scented chambers; he did not want to see her ladies-at-waiting nor her servants, nor see how servitude had spoiled her.

but his baritone announced the man all the same, and stood waiting for entry.
immortal longings
733 Posts
Ooc — anon
this hour was reserved for she and her people. those that served her, specifically! fine furs and things were lain out before them, and both the mazoi and  fellahin were free to pick which ones they might prefer. 
the newest of her guard entered. accompanied by @Bayek who had already picked the things he desired. there was still plenty left, and as Toula greeted the Mazoi she gestured before her. 
please, pick some things to take home to your quarters—whatever pleases you that is yet unclaimed, Toula gently willed of him, her tail slowly swaying as her gaze lingered.
403 Posts
Ooc — ebony
he stiffened. 

khusobek looked over the riches, the offerings. he became bitter in that moment, thinking only of hatshepsuun and how she had discarded him as if he were no more than a bracelet.

"i have done nothing to deserve these things," the mazoi grunted. "the royal prince has sent me to — accompany you upon errands."

khusobek entered her chambers no more than his broad shoulders.
immortal longings
733 Posts
Ooc — anon
of course you have, Toula corrected him, in fact, you do this very day. you keep me protected on these errands I wish to complete, her voice was soft, though firm. did he not see this? or, perhaps... do none of these things please you? she wondered, gemstone eyes now turning to the items set out before them.
it could be so; he was a warrior, after all. but warriors deserved a decent, warm place to sleep... and lovely things to look upon, as well! still, another idea came to her. I am sorry, if this is so. you do not need to pick any one of these things, Toula told him. someone would love them, even if it was not him.
one of the fellahin stood before goosefeathers, hesitant to touch them. Toula, seeing this, said simply, it is yours. gather them, and bring them to your resting place. they are lovely to sleep upon, as they knew! had they not earned this through their hard work? gratitude lingered in her gaze as she looked to the Mazoi.
if none of this is truly to your liking, I am ready to depart when you are, she gave him a moment to determine if he would look at these items after all. none to be discarded here, only to be collected and loved by another.
403 Posts
Ooc — ebony
she insisted, this fragile divine creature who commanded an entire kingdom alone.

khusobek wanted nothing from her, nothing of her riches, nothing that might bind him to her or to akashingo. there was only one he wanted, desired above all else, and she had thrown him aside.

bitterly, he outstretched his paw and grabbed some polished trinket or another, a piece of jewelry with a small red stone which he hurriedly laced into the fur along his throat.

"where might i take you first, Godwife?" khusobek grunted, keeping his eyes averted.