Foggy Bottom Way inferne
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
All Welcome 
*accelerates plots with every character, tagging all kids he has in-game! if it makes no sense for them to be there or they wouldnt answer, no worries! i just want drama ok lolll <33 @Aquillius @Cornelius @Valiria

one day, germanicus julius caesar finished a patrol, stowed his catch of a hare into the nearest cache, and left.

the eagle meant to return, but as the rising sun valley fell away behind himself, he wondered if he even should. yet gunnar had been kind to him, good to him, and so germanicus determined he would go back no matter what should be found beyond the edge of the mire.

it was a desert, sparkling beautifully. the former imperator, senses acutely trained, stepped down into the sand.

it was as if he felt some movement of life inside himself once more.

it was as if the guiltclouds parted momentarily.

and he was not sure if it was the unknowing or the potential for death, but germanicus sang out as was rare for him, a stentorian call which echoed across the dunes.
191 Posts
Ooc — Box
Cameo to establish he’s nearby

Like lightning follows thunder and the moon follows the sun, Aquillius followed Germanicus.

He had wrapped himself in shadows, silent sentinel of the night. He didn’t speak to anyone, he didn’t seek out any of the few wolves he knew. It was a cult like fanaticism that drove him to follow his father, remembering the time he spent without.

He slid cold across the bog that separated them, silent, only lifting an ear to hear his voice rise above the way. It tugged at him, and his voice rose high too, joining his father’s song.
60 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
going to be very vague on things... and also making the bold assumption that she wasn't murdered by coyotes already loloololol

Liri dreamed.

The sands were red. Trees were green. Waters a blackish, bluish gray. The sky, however, was black like pitch and lined with stars that stared like judgmental gods and not the friendly, twinkling wisps they usually existed as. The faces of her family loomed above her, the same eager longing in their expressions as in her heart, separated by miles of cliff from the overhang well above her head. It was the stars, hanging just behind their silhouettes, that mocked her. Telling her she would never reach them, no matter how high she tread. Daring her to climb anyway.

The sound of howls that roused her from her rest. She looked around at first, thinking she might still be dreaming. Perhaps they were lifting their muzzles to the sky to send those cruel stars away? Liri didn't know, but she pulled herself swiftly to all fours and threw her own voice to join theirs.

Could it be them?

Would there be mountains to climb?

Cliffs to brave?

Did it matter?

Not to the lionheart.
nesting in the thorn bush
54 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Cornelius took the first watch while Valiria slept. He sat near where she lay, watching for movement in the distance. Although he didn’t expect anything to happen—as they were in a pretty desolate area—he kept his guard up nevertheless.

Unexpectedly, their father howled, and Aquillis joined in—two voices he wasn’t sure he’d ever hear again. Quickly, and just a second or two off of being in tandem with his sister, he jumped to his paws and responded with his eager croon.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
if ever shock had stood upon the roman's face, it was now.

to hear valiria and cornelius sing back the song of himself and aquillius, and so close!

their father called out again, bidding them close. he was in the lowlands and would remain at this point until they joined him.

germanicus did not dare for hope, though hope dared to lodge itself beneath his breastbone.

they found one another as he had not dreamed before.



their father's voice held joy.