Dragoncrest Cliffs bowstring
Bearclaw Valley
458 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
ancelin was quickly discovering he was a poor swimmer.
he had not seen such a large body of water before, but even the tidepools stumped him. 
he gathered small game from inland: weasels, stoats, marmots, pika, mice, rabbits, moles, shrews, and once a piece of moose flesh he had found from a half-rotted corpse. not great, but something.
the idea of seafood evaded him, but ancelin found himself in front of the ocean again. he was thinking about arielle, aimlessly scuffing sand up from the shallows, when something glimmered below, deeper.
something sky blue.
Fear is the heart of love
1,970 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Master Ambassador
hopefully this doesn’t kill your timeline too much, and feel free to powerplay her XD he’d absolutely win out in this one

Rosalyn woke up that day lost to her thoughts, and days like these she wandered until she found the familiar. Instead she would find a stranger.

Her hackles rose as she spotted him. An enemy, returned to this place and looking to reclaim her cliffs for their stronghold. She would not let them recapture what was hers.

She lunged before he had a chance to explain, seeking to pin him. His life was forfeit here as any enemy of the shore.
Bearclaw Valley
458 Posts
Ooc — ebony
LMFAO i decided to PP one of the older daughters to come along <3 if thats good!

ancelin had turned his head, cheek brushing the surface of the salt water. the wolves here dove in and out of it effortlessly, but to him it tasted bad and was cold, not to mention incredibly dangerous.
sticking his head into the sea itself burned his eyes, as he had discovered his first day here.
and now, on the next, ancelin found himself plunged bodily beneath the ocean, bubbles escaping his mouth in a noiseless shout, trying to backpedal and heave against whoever —
suddenly the weight upon him was gone; ancelin broke away with a gasp and a rasping; he scrabbled back up the beach and looked wide-eyed, water streaming down all his front half, at the heavily scarred woman who seemed to burn in anger, and the younger one embracing her shoulders.
Fear is the heart of love
1,970 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Master Ambassador
Rosalyn found herself pinned before she could deal with him. Immediately she began to lash out, growing more desperate as she failed to get free in her mindless attempts. They could not take her.

She snarled and snapped, but was not strong enough anymore to break free. There was no recognition for the one that kept her at bay.
Bearclaw Valley
458 Posts
Ooc — ebony
he was fearful of her, of her anger, how it did not change. of how old she was but how fiercely she frightened him.
"i'm — i'm a friend!" ancelin called out to her. "chacal and mireille said i could be here." his voice shivered.
Fear is the heart of love
1,970 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Master Ambassador
She stopped struggling at his words but, held down as she was, she refused to believe them. Liar!. You are here to reclaim this. You won’t. She spat the words his way, glaring.

Then she twisted and attempted to bite the leg of the one holding her. Instead a paw planted her muzzle into the sand. Soothing words were spoken, but they fell on deaf ears, and betrayal was etched in the resentment of her gaze.
Bearclaw Valley
458 Posts
Ooc — ebony
reclaim? "reclaim what? i don't live here, lady" ancelin was beginning to calm down, studying the scarred woman closely. "i'm a friend. uh, an ally. redtail rise?" did she know that? who was this?
his indigo eyes sought answers he did not think he would find.
Fear is the heart of love
1,970 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Master Ambassador
She growled both at him and the one holding her. But her chest heaved with the effort she’d already spent, so she didn’t try to break free again. She just glared hatred in daggers.

Liar. Redtail Rise meant nothing to her anymore. He had come here to take; that was all they ever came for. She wouldn’t have it. You’re one of them. Captor. Torturer.

She struggled again, snapping upward, and then went still. She would have his life if she could. None of this would sway her from that.
Bearclaw Valley
458 Posts
Ooc — ebony

in the end, ancelin ran.
he didn't understand. he didn't want to anger her further. she frightened him, despite his burning curiosity about who she thought he was.
the sand bore the marks of his flight.
Fear is the heart of love
1,970 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Master Ambassador
Rosalyn had long since forgotten the name Drageda but the demons they’d instilled within her had never truly left. She saw them all in his fleeing form and fought harder, snarling louder, but was held firmly in a way that her frail strength could not escape. She cursed her daughter as a traitor despite the soothing words, and once released, trust was damaged irreparably. She no longer recognized her blood for an ally - suspicion would be present ever forward.

It was the price paid, one she would not have instilled if she had the presence to know how steep and unnecessary it was. She knew no better.

Rosalyn would hunt him until she forgot what it was she hunted, ranging the shores. It would not take long in her state, yet the restlessness continued. It would be a difficult night.