Haunted Wood follow the disorganized religion of my head.
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
All Welcome 
C'mere, @Fennec...

Penn wasn't sure if he was close enough for her to hear. If she was on the Southern side of the Caldera, then he was confident she would (assuming she wasn't underground or asleep, which considering it was near midnight, was quite possible). He wasn't so sure about his chances if she was further North, though, so he'd done his best to throw his voice as far as possible. Even if she did hear, he knew his chances were 50/50 at best that she would come meet him. Their revitalized friendship still seemed tenuous at best, and, like I said, it was pretty late.

He hadn't really intended to request her company when he'd set out. Penn had found himself unable to sleep, so he'd left Brecheliant's borders to go wandering in the night. He'd never really explored the Woods he stood in now, but had become super intrigued by them after spending just a quarter of an hour wandering beneath their branches.

This place was creepy as fuck at night. He loved it.

Knowing that if she did decide to meet him that it would take her a while to get there, Penn felt free to continue exploring. He stayed on the Northern edge of the woods, not wanting to go too far to where she wouldn't find him. But he certainly wasn't going to just stand there and wait either--not when there was ghost hunting to do.

he wants Fenny, but all welcome :D
Sun Mote Copse
2,021 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
gonna be vague bc things!!!!

The moodiness lurked but was fading. Fennec was catching wise to what had been causing it now, and if she'd had any doubts, her interaction with Bronco on the borders put them to rest.

That night Fennec had the itch to wander, and it happened that she was near the southern border when Penn called. Her ears pricked, intrigued.

Without really thinking about it she began to follow, passing carefully through the trees. Her progress would be slower than his as she wasn't as familiar with this forest as the bramblepoint, but she kept note of where the call seemed to originate and made for that region. She listened carefully for any sign and kept quiet.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
yay!! Uhhh I’m on my phone so I’ll figure out why the small codes later... 

Penn took his time exploring the immediate area, not wanting to miss anything that could be deemed interesting. The darkness also slowed him some, but only when he leaned forward to inspect the deep crevices in the twisted roots of each gnarled tree. Otherwise his night vision served him perfectly well. Well enough to spot Fennec as she made her way into the woods.

He was honestly surprised to see her. Pleased, but surprised. With a devilish grin, he prowled forward as quietly as he could to bring himself up behind her. ”You made it,” Penn whispered as near to her as he dared in his best cryptkeeper voice, ”Most eeeeexccccellentttt.”
Sun Mote Copse
2,021 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
You're still loud as shit, Fennec replied, smirking and sidling over to shove at him. Real ghosts don't sound like a badger rolling down a hill.

Bit of an over exaggeration, but she'd been alert for him for a while, trying to track down where he was. This place had a definite creepy vibe to it, though, she had to admit. It actually reminded her of one of the places along their trip, the way the branches creaked. The one that she'd told Towhee was her favorite.

If you called me here to get lessons from a real ghost, the summoning is gonna cost you, she added, actually curious why he'd called but unwilling to ask outright. The fuck did he have in mind?
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Penn rolled his eyes at her judgement. "Okay, Ms. I Have Supernatural Hearing Cause My Eyes Are Broken," he replied, aiming a bop of his muzzle at her temple. He'd always appreciated how she wasn't overly sensitive about her disability, or anything else (except being unceremoniously abandoned, which was apparently one of her buttons). Truth be told, he envied how much better her other senses seemed to be than his. He wasn't at all willing to trade his eyesight for it, but he'd still always thought it was cool the way she'd learned to compensate. Not that he would ever tell her.

"I don't think summoning will be necessary," Penn replied, trotting forward into the woods a little ways, "This place is creepy as shit, and I'm figuring it's haunted as shit too. So whaddya say--since you apparently know exactly what ghosts sound like, you want to help me do some hunting?" He paused and looked back over his shoulder at her, grinning and wagging his tail.
Sun Mote Copse
2,021 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
I died so hard on all of these <3 we can wrap this if you like

Least something about me is above average, Fennec replied, always down to needle at her friend's superiority complexes. Especially considering that was a trait they shared.

Ghost hunting? Oh hell yes! She fell in step, unknowingly wagging along with him at the prospect. Fennec didn't honestly believe much in ghosts but the creepiness of it was the real fun. Usually she couldn't manage to freak Penn out anymore, not like she used to get Fig, but that didn't mean she was ready to quit trying. What kind d'you think we're dealin with? If it's the sad kind, that won't be nearly as easy as the angry kind. She smirked. Or as much fun, obviously.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!