Moonspear i pay my debt in hugs
153 Posts
Ooc — metic
All Welcome 
he's looking for alaric but AW

with his granted freedom from bedrest, acrux had gone and given @Maggak the biggest, most adoring hug he could muster as soon as he'd seen her. having been incapable of properly embracing her during his time of recovery, the boy made sure to make up for it by squeezing his sister half to death in an appreciative hug overflowing with indebted love. 

he spent time catching up with her on what she'd been up to the past few weeks before splitting off in search of one more individual to whom he owed a hug.  

he set off with the intentions of finding @Alaric, his mind set in seeking the man out. blue eyes spoke of silenced thoughts, ones that burned bright and with great passion.
"atkan aleut"
573 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alsric wasn't far from the healing Ulaq. Having deposited @T.K. there as well. So it was with delight and a muted surprise that he met Acrux up and about.

Heya tough stuff!

He called out a smile on his face and a small dose if care and love in his impish green eyes.

He couldn't stop the cursory glance over the wounds from a healing capacity. Making sure the youth was alright. A small ink of guilt curled around his chest, but he hid it. He had never been so scsred in his life. Even when his former lover had been absolutely breaking him. He hadn't been as scared.
118 Posts
Ooc — Bees
the successful depositing of tk lasted about ten minutes before the greyhound began wailing.

it was dark in the wolfhole and smelled so so strong it stung hisher eyes and even though shehe had promised heshe would stay like a good dog does resting under a pile of musty skinsfurs while bigdarkfriendshape wasn't there--

heshe was very very anxious about the new place and the new wolfbeasts and the dark and the fact shehe couldn't feel hisher toes or stop trembling-

so tk wailed like a foreign creature from within the wolfhole.

edit: cameo!
184 Posts
Ooc — Kat
At long last, he found Acrux. At least, Talisman deduced this must be him. He still looked like the coyote remembered, only he stood much taller now and he’d lost some of his babyface. He looked more like a young man than a child.

Before he could jump down from his vantage point higher up the mountain, a familiar voice called out, “Heya, tough stuff!” Talis’s eyes quickly found Alaric’s figure moving toward Acrux. Encouraged by his rescuer’s presence, the svelte coyote descended.

Hey, guys! I’m not interrupting anything, am— Talisman greeted upon approach, though the last word of his question was drowned out by a distant wail.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,400 Posts
Ooc — Danni
cameo <3

Having been told that T. K. Was in the healers den. He has set out wuickly for moonspear. It took him awhile to make ot, but here he was.

He didn't wait to greet anyone. Simply followed the wail to the healing Ulaq. He would find T.K. and settle them down.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
153 Posts
Ooc — metic
the figure of the man appeared, and acrux sprung forward with energetic steps. "alaric!" he cried out with a wide smile and swaying tail. a few bounds were taken towards the councilor, legs nearly extended to reach out for a hug when an unfamiliar voice cut through the air. 

immediately in reaction the boy's guard hairs surged up like porcupine quills, lips curled upwards to express discomfort as he spun around to face the voice's owner. some nervousness smoothed over at the vaguely recognizable figure of the strange creature, but the sight of anyone unfamiliar left the boy on edge. 

he considered for a moment to offer an apology, though the distant sound of wailing took hold of his attention instead. he took a few restless steps backward until he was parallel with alaric, an anxious glance given to the raven coated man.
"atkan aleut"
573 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric grinned and shifted to receive the hug. But it was interrupted before it could reach fruition. Alaric lifted his head to meet the gaze of Talisman. A small smile at the coyote.

His ears went to his skull at the wailing and he sighed softly. He reached over to tug Acrux closer if he would allow. Giving him a one sided hug.

Then spoke. Heya Talisman!. Acrux did you meet Talisman? Talisman this is Acrux. Acrux this is Talisman. he motioned at the two nesr him.

He tilted an ear towards the howling. Talisman was staying in the healing den. And that howl is T.K. they are dog that was also injured. We're waiting for Rodyn to come and keep them calm.
184 Posts
Ooc — Kat
The noise put him on edge. Talisman could see he wasn’t the only one. Young Acrux looked ready to fight or flee. Alaric quickly drew him into a soothing embrace. The coyote watched this thoughtfully, allowing himself to be reassured by the healer’s explanation for the noise.

Dog? he wondered, then set that thought aside as he said, It’s nice to formally meet you, Acrux. Call me Talis. His reddish tail twitched as his eyes bounced between younger and older man’s faces now. What’re you guys getting into today? Mind if I join?

It felt a little rude to insert himself but Talis reassured himself that he was only doing what Sialuk had asked of him: “Make yourself known to my son, Acrux, and my daughter, Maggak. They will not know you as father, but you must become warm with them to be father to their siblings.”
153 Posts
Ooc — metic
a hug was received rather than given, and acrux felt as if he might be even more indebted to the man now. but he leaned into the embrace anyways, hackles smoothing as introductions were exchanged. he shot talisman a curious and apologetic mix of a glance, nose wiggling to take in the coyote's scent. 

alaric was correct, he recognized the smell during his earlier time in the healing ulaq. that, and during the brief encounter they had along the borders. he didn't remember much from that time, and shifted beneath alaric's hug after the first introductions were concluded. 

the mentioned of the dog was acknowledged for a moment before talisman offered a greeting of his own. acrux stepped out from the older man's embrace as the initial unease settled. "nice to meet you too, talis," he offered with a forced smile. 

the questioned caused a twitch of the boy's ear as he turned to face the councilor. the healing scars along his neck twinged, and he opted to keep his reasoning for seeking his rescuer out to himself. he would give alaric a proper thanks later. 

"i just wanted to see if alaric wanted to hang out," he revealed with a casual roll of his shoulders.
"atkan aleut"
573 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Both coyote and boy seemed unnerved. Being used to such wails they didn't bother him exactly. He had stumbled upon a healing den one time after a pack war. That was wailing.

He looked to Acrux and then back to Talis. He could spend the day with both he didn't mind.

He nodded. Course I can hang out and of course you can join Talis.

He affectionately booped the boy near his ear. what would you guys like to do?
184 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Now the unease took on a different flavor. He’d made it awkward. Talisman’s lips pulled into a sort of grimacing smile, well aware of his social ineptitudes. His tight cheek muscles loosened a little at Alaric’s casual response, his pale eyes fixing gratefully on the healer’s swarthy face.

He glanced at Acrux, wondering how best to get to know someone his age. What did he like to do for fun? They should do that. Talis hesitated, pondering the merits of asking that outright. Well, he’d already proved he was a bit of a socially awkward dork, he might as well lean into that.

What do you like to do for fun, Acrux? We should do that.
153 Posts
Ooc — metic
it was settled, it was a boy's day in. 

ears gave a flick at talis' question, and acrux considered his words for a moment. "well, i have to go check on my fort and make sure the trolls didn't destroy it," though the sudden idea of trolls and fantasy creatures sounded so childish now. 

he rolled a tense shoulder, paws shifting anxiously beneath him as if anticipating some judgement. "i like hanging out there, and it's always more fun with company." his boys-only boulder-fort had been largely kept to just him. alaric occasionally joined him when not occupied with most pressing priorities, and his dad wasn't really around enough to hang out so, maybe talis would be refreshing buddy to hang out with. 

he enough.
"atkan aleut"
573 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric smiled. Excellent. It has been some time since I put my troll slaying expertise to practice. Besides it can be fun. And fun is exactly what we all need.

To Talisman he smiled. You should see the fort. It is painted even. Shall we?

A wave of his tail. As comfortable playing make believe as he was setting a bone. After all one nurtured the body and one nurtured the soul. Two very important things in his opinion. And both Talis and Acrux had a rough go of it. Some fun was just what was needed.
184 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Talis’s lips parted slightly when Acrux mentioned a fort, eyes widening at the word “trolls.” Oblivious to the boy’s sudden discomfiture, his pale gaze then flicked to Alaric as he spoke of slaying said trolls. He told Talisman the fort was painted. Now the coyote was fully agape.

That sounds awesome! he exclaimed. I once had a little fort for a few days, he shared in an excited rush. I guarded it when my dad went out hunting. While he was gone, a goblin tried to attack it and I punched it right in its face! Talis shared, reenacting the scene by swinging his foreleg in the air.

He took another moment to savor that memory before his bright eyes cut from face to face and he shouted an entirely unnecessary, I’m in!
153 Posts
Ooc — metic
alaric reacted in the way acrux had expected him to, though it was talis that left the youth pleasantly surprised. he had thought there might have been judgment from the little man, but he'd gone and said that sounds awesome, and acrux lit up lit up like a christmas tree. 

he did not think many shared his extensive imagination, but it appeared the coyote had even once had a fort of his own. plus he defended it from goblins so like, that was really fucking cool. "woah, i've never fought a goblin before," the youth let out as he turned and motioned in the direction of his fort. 

"it's this way," he shared as he glanced between the two adults, though his gaze came to rest on the coyote. "so, what's a goblin look like?" he let out as he imagined a sort of gloopy looking frog creature for the imaginary foe.
"atkan aleut"
573 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric was unsure if it was good that he was so easily read and led by thd pups of the spear. But he was sure they knew they could get him to do as they pleased.

He listened closely to the questions letting Acrux lead. This would give him confidence.

Are they slimy or hairy or both? Big teeth? Ugly faces?
184 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Oh, they’re ugly as hell, Talis replied without thinking, pressing a paw to his mouth as his eyes shifted guiltily from Acrux to Alaric. As heck, he corrected himself, not entirely sure “hell” was a swear.

But he didn’t want to take any risks when he was supposed to be making a good impression on the youth! With Sialuk’s edict in mind, he put his paw back on the ground and cleared his throat.

They have green skin. It’s not slimy but it’s all wrinkled and nasty. And they’re hairless, actually, except for, like, these hideous tufts of fur growing out of their nostrils, armpits and between their toes!
153 Posts
Ooc — metic
finally getting to this. looking to wrap up older threads so last from me!

acrux led the two men towards his fort with slow, unhurried steps. he listened with mouth wide and eyes beaming with interest as talis went on to describe the goblins. what horrible creatures they were! he gave a glance around the other men, half expecting to be ambushed by the slimy creatures. 

"i wonder if goblins live up here?" he asked aloud as they neared the fort. he'd only ever fought off trolls, and those were difficult enough!

"this is it," he proclaimed with a proudly puffed chest as he moved to give the tour to the newest member of the club. once the three of them were settled atop the boulders, acrux let out a mighty roar to announce the approach of the oncoming threat of imaginary interlopers. 

he would play with the two men for as long as they put up with him, slaying trolls, goblins, dragons and more until the sun finally set and a tired acrux moseyed his way home.
"atkan aleut"