Redhawk Caldera In Xanadu did Kubla Khan a stately pleasure dome decree
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
While Bronco had lost his father when he'd been young, he carried with him fond memories of a man who had cherished him. Someone who had been gentle and funny, who took his brutish childhood attitude in stride, unlike his mother who had sought to run the nastiness out of him. If only they could see him now, he thought. Ruefully, he knew his mother would be disappointed. 

But Killdeer was something he could be proud of- and he could see to it now that his first child would not be raised to become a wolf like Niamh. And while he bristled lightly and boldly demanded a few questions of him, Bronco somehow found it relatively easy to stay calm and feel somewhat amused about the boy's questions. 

He'd been learning, then, about the different ways the Redhawks communicated. "Yep, and yep. I can see you and hear you," He said, "-And I know what that means too.-" He signed, amused. "-Your Grandma, Towhee, taught me all sorts of fun words in Ptero. Here, lemme show you this one-" He said. He wouldn't mouth the words or speak, but silently, he signed. -You have a smelly butt.- He repeated it. "Know what that means?" He asked.
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RE: In Xanadu did Kubla Khan a stately pleasure dome decree - by RIP Bronco - August 29, 2021, 12:28 PM