Ouroboros Spine Thoughts Heavy know No bounds
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Rodyn had parted from Moonwoman , but her words still rang heavy and true in his head. Trader/hunter/husband/lover what could he be, what would make him happy. To bring honor to his new pack made him happy, but so did someone for his own. Would he be able to allow his seed to bear the pups that he had no claim over? Not that he wanted a claim, no. He simply wanted to know them, that was all. But would this make him happy, this is where he was unsure.

The biggest thought that he had to overcome though was what if he fell in love and the femme did not accept this part of him. Though he would give it up freely were she to ask, but the question remained would she be okay with it. There wasn't even a she and he was already worrying about her. What was wrong with him. His brain was so full of this plan, a set plan, and yet. He also wished to follow the path his leader had offered, to bring her the honor for her tribe, to bring his own honor. He wished for a moment, there was a trader among them he could speak to, but he knew of none.

It was with these thoughts that heavy laden paws dipped in darkness walked him towards the ever flowing river. He enjoyed the spark of the evening shadows and lights on the water. He closed his eyes and listened to the music of the world around him. The birds singing to their younglings at the last hours of light. The night time animals beginning to rustle and make their own noises. Though he had many thoughts his heart was peaceful.
Daddy Moonglow
1,061 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
The day was late the the night was young. The lands falling into a sort of limbo, with the sun a deepened red, sitting low on the horizon. The moon full and high, ready to guide its followers on the darkened path. Aiolos, a man of worship to the Sea Goddess and Mother Moon, awaited patiently. 

His eyes were trained upon the ripples of water from the river. Same as Rodyn, but with different reason. With the reflecting rays of light, it was hard to keep focus on the prize underneath. 

The hunter struck, but came out most unsuccessful. Catching the fish by the tail end, it wriggled the length of its body out from Aiolos grip. Fish were mighty creatures, packed with muscle and their spines along their fins often could pierce and cut- as it had this night. 

Aiolos growls, a bloodied tongue licking along the length of his mug as the fish darted off and away. Perhaps it was time to call it quits for the night. Snorting, Aiolos lifts up his head from the river waters and onto a wolf drawing nearer- a mix of black and deep russet coloring like some of Aiolos own darker parts. Rodyn. He knew the young wolf as their newest member only, though had not had a proper conversation. Not yet, at least. Maybe tonights the night.
moonglow daddy
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn opened his eyes when he heard a splash. Blinking in the moon glow. He missed the tail end of the entire situation, but he garnered that perhaps the other had missed a fish. Which there was no shame in that. Rodyn had missed many. Fish were agile and slippery for lack of a better word.

Rodyn chuffed quietly. And drew nearer. His tail swaying nonchalantly behind him. He kept his body submissive, his eyes down too. He wasn't sure who this was, but he figured they were high rank than him.

Hello. He tilted his head, black tipped ears standing to attention. His mind still on far reaching things, but he attempted to pull it from it's state, and focus solely on the wolf in front of him.

I'm Rodyn. I don't believe we've met.
Daddy Moonglow
1,061 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
There is a low woof from Rodyn as he draws nearer, his tail a gentle sway behind him, body low and eyes diverted. Aiolos rarely ever held himself dominantly before a woman, even that of a much lowered rank, given his upbringing. Men were different, on the same playing field that would be competitive. Aiolos still did not think this of Rodyn exactly, but saw him as a young man in a pack which held mostly Aiolos own beautiful (and available) daughters. 

Aiolos own stature remained uplifted, confident yet with lack of arrogance. His head and neck was high, but his own tail relaxed behind him and swaying at his hocks too. 

We have not, but my wife spoke of your arrival... Rodyn, it was? Aiolos would confirm. I am Aiolos, Sunman of this land.
moonglow daddy
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn kept his posture as neutral and submissive as possible. He knew harshly and intimately the way a father's teeth felt. He had the scars beneath his fur for it. His own father, much more dominant than this one, though none the less a good male.

It is. Rodyn Ardeth is my name. Do you prefer sunman as moonwoman prefers moonwoman?

He would not call the man something he was not. If he prefered one over the other, he would call him thusly. Rodyn looked around him quietly.

I was listening to the music of the night.
Daddy Moonglow
1,061 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Either would be fine, really. The title of Sunman was a foreign meaning of leadership then many were used to, including Aiolos himself. Alpha was always the simplest of terms, though Aiolos had been titled Shàngjiàng before that, which had been quite the mouthful. Kukutux had said to me the word of Siqiniq meant Alpha once before, but I try not to get my tongue too twisted with her language. I admit though, it is not as difficult as mandarin had been. He speaks with a smile and huff of a laughter.

He thought to the island which he once lived briefly, then turned his attention back to the male before him. I had been giving a last go at fishing, but that one had gotten the better of me. He spoke, licking once more along his jowls from what was a cut tongue. Do you fish?
moonglow daddy
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn nodded. He would call him Sun Man as he called Moonwoman, moonwoman, and perhaps Aiolos when he talked to the male himself. Though he was still a little nervous. He wanted the leaders to like him, he liked this pack.

Rodyn's ears lifted forward. You speak more than two languages? I merely speak this one, though Moonwoman has taught me to speak her language. And I pick up some words from Samani, Callyope and Stratos.

Rodyn's tail wagged and he nodded his head. Yes I love to fish. I find solace in hunting of all kinds. Deer, Rabbit, squirrel, more squirrel since living here, and fish. Samani and I went fishing recently and Shikoba as well.
Daddy Moonglow
1,061 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
A sheepish smile. Ahhh, speak would be loosely. He admitted. Mandarin is very difficult, I understand the words more so then able to speak them. Inuktitut has been easier on me, though it is Greek which was my maiden tongue. And though the years had since passed to have a need to speak the language commonly, his voice still rang with accent, especially so when he spoke the words.

Then Rodyn mentions not only his wife, but a number of his children as well. I have taught all my children various words and useful sentences of Greek but, I admit there is little need for it any longer. Sad, in some ways, but his life was far better now beyond those shores.

Oh? A furrowed brow rose curiously as he mentioned fishing with both Shikoba and Samani. He loved to fish then- this was good. When the herds were gone and rodents in their burrows, the man still knew of other ways to hunt. I admit, living the majority of my life along the coast, I have never quite mastered hunting small game. More often then not, their speed and quick maneuvers left him empty pawed. Since living here, he knew his place in hunting herd animals- the take down. Still, he had far more pleasure with walrus, fish, sea lion and even whale.
moonglow daddy
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn chuckled and nodded. I understand what you mean. The few words I have been taught, i understand better than speak. My tongue gets all twisted. Oh, there's a pack down the mountain run by Astraios and his mate Themis, they speak Greek. Astraios has frequently helped me hunt large game to fill our caches. We traded off.

He saw nothing wrong with trading hunting skills with his friend. They both got food for their packs.

Rodyn shook his head. I haven't heard Greek yet, but I will have to ask one of them sometime for a word or two.

Rodyn coveted knowledge, the more you knew usually teh better you were in situations. If you knew many things, it would help out in a pinch in whatever situation you found yourself.

Rodyn smiled a little sheepish. I grew up in forest. I know more about hunting game, and fishing in rivers, than most other things. Mountains still prove hard for me to hunt on and larger bodies of water, but I will learn.
Daddy Moonglow
1,061 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Oh? His ears perked with interest as the young man spoke of two others knowing of the Greek language. Where at? Rodyn had said down the mountain but Aiolos did not realize how close exactly and that they were hidden away in the Deepwood between Moonglow and the plateau Aiolos had once for a short time called home. 

If they were close and already Rodyn had formed a good standing with the forming pack, perhaps a future alliance was at play. 

Θα πρέπει κάποια μέρα να τους συναντήσω. He spoke in Greek then, allowing Rodyn to hear aloud the words and how thickly so Aiolos' accent showed when he did so, despite the years passed by. 

Rodyn then goes on about hunting. How he had lived in a forest with river and streams and so, this is what he knew, instead of coves, tide pools and along the rocky coasts in search for eggs. Those from Moonspear, like @Kukutux, had grown accustomed to mountain dwelling prey. Many of Moonglow together made a well versed hunting pack, as which they were known for their great hunters. 

I think a hunt within the sea lion shores would be good for us. Aiolos thought. A different taste for all you to try. For many in Moonglow had not and he wanted to share his love for Sea and from that coast, also show the island where he had once lives for a number of years.
moonglow daddy
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn listened and then tried to remeber the places. He closed his eyes for ainute thinking of noises, smells and then opened again.

The Deepweald.

They were invited for a meal, but I haven't seen them yet. Moonwoman bade me ask them.

Rodyn hear the language deep off thr mans tongue and a smile lit up his geaturea. It's beautiful. Sounds like music.

And it did to him. It was lyrical and easy on his ears.

Rodyn nodded. I always look forward to new ways of hunting. For me hunting is.

He had to think of the words. Its is spirtual a religion of sorts to me. I know thats not the right words to use but. It is how it feels.
Daddy Moonglow
1,061 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Perhaps soon then, they may come. He commented simply on the others. Maybe even they would gather together for a hunt during the winter, to better their odds at catches the prey which would have been more scarce due to migrating south. This, of the founding pack might have left. Aiolos had encountered quite a number which had gathered though never was able to take a promising hold on their settlement. So it had happened for those who had wished to claim the Stavanger Bay time and time again. 

Ah, why thank you. Aiolos spoke then with a smile and playful wink. It was not the first time he had been told such, that the language of Gteek was a beautiful one to hear. 

I understand your meaning. Aiolos acknowledged and licked over the dried blood on his mug. The bleeding of his tongue had stopped but had left a throbbing soreness in its wake. Damn fish. I do not often myself, but have met those who pray to each which they have killed. A thanks to their sacfrice and wish for them safe passage in the afterlife. It is their death which continues our own life. He speaks these things, happy to have an understanding with a man and a future date set to visit the Sea Lion Shores for hunting.
moonglow daddy
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Fade soon and have an up to date one. Rodyn still needs to wrestle him :D

Rodyn was finding out as time moved on for him in the teekon woods. That many set out to make great ways for themselves and sometimes, often times came up short. The thought that this would happy to his friend, saddened him greatly. And he wondered if he could gather his friends son if it should come to pass to Moonglow.

You're welcome.

Rodyn nodded his head. Moonwoman has bade me to give thanks to sedna on occasion for my hunting prowess. So I do, both to honor the gods and her.

He wasn't certain what it meant for him, and he wasn't even sure how much he believed in them. Certainly he believed in gods and spirits and witches and everything, but there were so many. How was he to decide who was the right one and who had more prominent worship than another.
Daddy Moonglow
1,061 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Yes ofc! Whenever you are ready!

Yes... Aiolos agrees with a smile on his lips. Kukutux is a very wise woman. She had even been given such a nickname as 'Wise Woman'. Of course, Aiolos was all too aware, given the fact that she was his mate. 

I have learned over much time that many people believe in Gods, whatever name they choose to give them and whatever form they may take. Aiolos muses as he looks over the great lake out before them. I myself have always worshipped the Goddesses- Moon and Sea. Though know well enough to treat all with great respect. Aiolos, quite frankly, did not know all the names of the gods which were worshipped by his mate's religion but it was a great many more which Aiolos prayed to. Now Kukutux was known as Moonwoman, which pleased Aiolos greatly. 

She has always guided my path. Aiolos says as he tips his muzzle up to the moon hung within the dark sky. She did the same for a great many who howled to her each night.
moonglow daddy
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Okay I will fade on this one who starts? <3

Rodyn smiled, agreeing perfectly well that Kukutux was a wise woman. She had proven it time and time again, with her words, her actions. Simply with how she ran the pack.

Rodyn listened. My family did not worship many. If any really. So I am afraid I don't know many.

Rodyn would enjoy the night spent in quite contemplation of the moon and stars and gods and the world around them. Perhaps they could even fish. And he would ask him of trades and love and other such things, and it would ease his mind.

it was nice to have a male figure not wanting to chase him from the lands as soon as he was old enough, even if he did love his father. That was a burr that just couldn't quite let up.
Daddy Moonglow
1,061 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
And so the pair would chat during the twilight hours. Of fishing and gods, of sparring and of loving. Aiolos came to enjoy the younger man's company and hoped he would do well on bis journey. Into the late hours, Aiolos would bid the man goodnight abd return to the den of Moonwoman and Sunman.
moonglow daddy