Swiftcurrent Creek what seemed so blue in the sunlight
24 Posts
Ooc — Twin
All Welcome 
a visitor! AW; tagging @Eshe but also gonna tag @Akavir and @Arric just in case! making some assumptions, so lmk if this isn't okay <33

Sibling intuition was a strong thing.
He'd gone rather aimlessly up until this point, let his figure grow thin and weary with weeks of travel. But every now and again, he'd catch whiffs — a hint here and there, cues to where his scattered family might be.
As he crossed the snow-capped mountains over the course of several days, he had come upon the valley. Passing through a lake wedged between rocky crags was the southern edge of a violent creek. And here, the Frostfur presence was mighty. For whatever reason, it seems as though his older sister was here, or had been recently. A swirl of emotion curdles in his stomach; when was the last time he'd seen her?
His curiosity had gotten the better of him. He doesn't dare cross what seems to be a well-marked border, but instead, his head falls back in a hoot. A call to anyone who may be close enough to hear it.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
As always Arric had been up bright and early. So with energy born from being up with the sun he headed towards a howl. A thin rangey fellow stood there waiting. An air of waiting and yet he smellwd familiar. He had called for Eshe, and Arric should have let her or Akavir answer, but he was closer. 

Blue eyed gaze took him in. Sharp and assessing. A muzzle down in greeting.

Hello. You've approached Swiftcurrent.
24 Posts
Ooc — Twin
He was met not by his sister, but a large man cloaked in soot. Intimidating and well-muscled, a striking ring of dove white encircling one eye. He'd never seen anybody quite like him.
Uncertain, Slaney shifts to make himself taller, expression unchanged. My name's Slaney. I'm looking to find my sister, his head tilts upward; while the stranger studies him, he does the same. Does a woman named Eshe live here? About yay tall, grey coat, brown eyes?
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric felt like smirking, but he didn't. He saw the subtle shift to make himself bigger. It wasn't very easy to make yourself bigger than Arric. He was a pretty large guy.

Arric nodded his head. @Eshe is here. Yes. What is it you need with her? I can't let just anyone pass on through.

Once upon a time he would have let him in without a word. But the curses and the witch and everything else, made him more wary. 

I can call for her.
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
473 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Eshe had to do a double-take when she first heard his voice, as she thought she was imagining things. “No,” she tried to rationalize. “There’s no way …” But if there was a way, she’d happily take it. Curious, she slunk through the territory and towards the border with baited breath.

Her suspicions were soon confirmed; he stood in the distance, talking with Arric.

She couldn’t remember the last time she’d seen Slaney—probably when he went out on his own. But, honestly, that didn’t matter. He was here, and so was she!

“SLANEY!” She called, bolting through the woods and past the beta. “IT’S YOU!” Then, without hesitation, she threw herself at him and tried to pull him into a hug. What was he doing here?!
24 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Slaney found himself wanting to ask who the hell this jolly green giant thought he was. Did he not just say Eshe was his sister? His ear twitches. I came to see her. A bunch of my siblings and I recently, um, moved away from our parents' pack. They used to live in the Wilds, his teeth grit. just trying to--
Oh. Yep, she's definitely here, and he can tell by the way he suddenly sees a flurry of sleet-colored fur hurtling towards him from the brush. Eshe!
He's yanked forth and right into a fluffy-chested embrace, which he accepts, albeit stiffly. He slings a brother-ly arm across her shoulder, offering her a crooked smile, and a pointed look to his interrogator. How the hell are ya?
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,137 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arri had every right to ask this wolf who he was. He was the beta here. And he already found a distaste for him. Arric was about to say something back when Eshe showed up.

He blinked and then shifted and began to walk away. Eshe could handle it from here. She knew the rules and to call him or Akavir before she let anyone in.
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
473 Posts
Ooc — Chan
"It’s been so long,” she mumbled into his fur, holding on to him as long as he’d allow. “I’m good,“ no, honestly, she was doing great, “I joined this pack, Swiftcurrent Creek, not too long ago, and I’m all settled in—got a garden going, too!” She pulled back to look up at his face. “I’ve got some fruit fermenting, too,” she wiggled his eyebrows, hoping to entice him to have a drink with her. It wasn’t strong, but it was just enough to give them a little buzz.

As Arric turned to began to walk away, Eshe took a step back from Slaney and watched for a moment. “Hey … Arric,” she called, hoping to catch him before he got too far. “Do you mind if I show my brother around?” She was unaware of what had happened before she arrived. ”We’ll behave ourselves,” she promised.
24 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Eshe is just as bubbly as he remembered. She lives here, now, and she's their... gardener? That's great, he cracks, giving her a quick nod. I left Mom and Dad, um, not too long ago. Figured it was time to venture out, y'know?
She offers him the promise of fermented fruit, and to that, his eyebrows raise. Damn, he could use that right now. Are you offering? he raises a paw that presses into her shoulder in a friendly punch. You sly dog, you.
The big black-furred man — Arric, he supposed his name was — had already been long gone by the time Slaney noticed. He's not gonna care if I just take a little peek, will he? a mischievous smirk crawls up onto his face, as if he was still the same rowdy little teenager with big teeth and freckles that Eshe had last seen. You lead the way. It's not like I'm here to cause trouble.
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
473 Posts
Ooc — Chan
[ooc]Requesting a quick cameo if you have time, @Akavir![/b]

She nodded, understanding her brother’s desire to leave the Frosthawks. ”I get it—living with mom and dad is … a lot.” That was the understatement of the year. ”Theres lots to explore here, I think you’ll like it.” Or at least, she hoped so.

”Of course I’m offering,” she answered, smiling slyly and rolling her eyes as he jabbed her. ”It’d be awfully rude of me to put that out there and not offer you some! I haven’t tried any of it yet, but I think its my best batch yet.” She said this about every batch she made—but, really this was the best one! ”It’s not too strong, but, I’ve buried it with some lavender, so we’ll see how it tastes.” Truth be told: it probably wouldn’t taste great.

She glanced over her shoulder as he tried to convince her he could come in, and she frowned as she turned back to him. ”I want to,” she acknowledged with a whine. ”But there are rules here we have to follow,” and she was a stickler for them. ”Here, let me try my alpha, @Akavir.” She tipped her head back and howled, requesting permission from him to let her brother visit.
24 Posts
Ooc — Twin
pping akavir with ooc permission! last from me since this is a lil old D: <3

The fellows here seemed cordial enough — aloof, however, and Slaney found himself wondering what exactly drew his sister to them in the first place. She stuck out like a sore thumb in this crowd of big, burly, dark and handsome types, but who was he to judge?
He paces himself alongside her once granted access, keeping mostly to polite silence. He, too, was out of place here; perhaps he'd keep his stay short and sweet.
But he wouldn't dare part without the warmth of forbidden fruit in his belly, and one last evening with Eshe as if they were young again.