Lion Head Mesa Meal for one?
443 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Master Rogue
@Senmut some days after marble hall

In her jaws, an adder. Lifeless and still.

In his absence, she slipped through his door and into his bedroom. Not his bed; though, she could have considered so. Fellahin and other mazoi she was familiar to, and every step taken that would lead her to his floorboards and pillars, she'd memorized.

Her head gently leaned over to place it down with a soft mouth.
Erpa-ha *
1,142 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
soon, akashingo would reach out its hand and extend into the south.

the man rolled his shoulders with a low grunt; for some hours he had been at his work of muraling yet another wall, the details of how their queen had built altars within and without the palace, all calling to the different gods of her heart.

but legend would find him returned to his bed, one arm outflung, and a smile for her as she placed the lifeless serpent in his reach. "such dangerous prey you hunt, my shadow."
443 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Master Rogue
Against her scalp, her ears fell gentle to show soft submission. A quick, perhaps nerve relieving sway of her tail as her eyes turned gentle. The snake was dropped for him. "For you?"

Through the hours, she'd followed nature trails with narrow paths, until she had found her for the prince to enjoy. An Adder. One might have called it God. "Do you want? No poison! I promise. Venom-- edible." Though, now that she had dropped it at his feet and said that out loud, she realized he may have not touched it. She did not want to scare him from eating it..
Perhaps she needs to offer to eat it! "I can eat its head for you."

Then, quickly to him, the idea of eating a serpent was sacred to her, and for that, for the first time she showed hopeful, innocent intrigue. Like a child asking its parent if Santa was real. "Do you like serpent? Have eaten it before?" The most important questions!
Erpa-ha *
1,142 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
senmut shook his head and rose softly from the coverlet to drape the dead serpent about his shoulders. "the flesh of a snake is forbidden to the high priest," he explained, even as he admired what skill it took to seize such a creature.

his eyes now, rampant upon legend. "but it is not forbidden to you." slowly he approached, closing their distance; he pulled the creature from his arm and softly trailed its silken tail along her elbow.

"open it. keep the skin intact," senmut invited when he had arranged it a second time, this time around her own throat.
443 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Master Rogue
"It is sin for a priest?"
How strange! Did he not want it then? Then- what might she do with it? She would take it away and bring better? Her head tossed down to the snake, then to his nose bridge, no longer knowing what to do.
For the next given minutes, she would be still, watching, and told what to do as his eyes stroked her fur. They reminded her of a kings crown. Like rich prasiolite.

Every which way he moved the snake, she'd been obedient to, all the way until he'd wrapped it around her throat. An art he'd made around her neck and embellished her with. It was jewelry. She watched his eyes as he worked. No longer had she been shy to look upon them as she'd once been. A smile, as he'd wrapped its chord around her, as if she saw it as him cherishing her skin. Her breath. What a sick thing to wave her tail at.

With her teeth, she grabbed the snakes head, pushed her tongue to its jaw and pulled to tighten the wrap. Her eyes placed upon their priest and prince again, this time with a new question that would cause action. "Do you wish to keep its head?" And at any right word, she would bite it clean off and swallow it before him.
Erpa-ha *
1,142 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
"yes," senmut answered, at once, not for compellment but for want. he wished to keep any treasure of legend's, any vestige. the man still had not discovered the source of his desire with her, his infatuation; enchantment. he knew only he was bound to his queen in heart if not in flesh, free insofar as their ruler did not call upon him to stand beside her.

and even then, senmut, who did not contemplate the throne, now thought of it now in the context of what it would mean to have all he wished. and he knew he would desire legend even after that, so deep a mystery, so yielding and yet veiled and yet thoroughly bare, brazen in her worship.

the coils tightened around her throat.

his eyes darkened; he waited to see her do it.
443 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Master Rogue
Then he would keep her gift and the head of the sin he could not eat. Instead, she would give him something a holy priest should watch.

The snake was pulled by her teeth until it tightened more. Further, further, until her fur shaped around it and her trachea clenched, and when it did, her pupils constricted under the watch of his own. She'd have continued to do so until her breath was gone, and her life flickered on the floor.
There was no knot for it to continue. It unraveled from her throat once the tension was at a high and hit the floor.

There, her neck bent down, her eyes departing from his as her tongue swept out of her mouth. There it glided over throat of the snake, down its belly, to its tail. She was efficient, slow to clean its underside. The temptation to see his gaze again was met, yet ignored. She was mazoi, and this was her service as he asked.

When her teeth touched its stomach, her claws extended farther and pressed upon the neck of the snake. There her nails dug into its jaw, and where her teeth pinched now, they would soon go to break the skin open and expose its flesh. As he asked. As a priest should watch an exorcism. As a prince should.

Erpa-ha *
1,142 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
he wanted to reach out, to cease this; and yet he did not; and yet he was breathless and transfixed and as her tongue flicked snakelike against the serpentine flesh, his mouth ran dry with the urgent heat of desire; and as blood parted beneath skin and tiny bones and spilled along her chin, senmut stepped forward to taste and to wind her close in wordless desire.


"are you certain you are not also some dark priestess?" he asked her, waylaid from his planning upon the excursion, winded and glowing and still filled with unsated intrigue.
443 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Master Rogue
Expectations. Expectations. Expectations. She should have grown them. She did not. It was Senmut's arms entangled with her body and her tongue to his skin that came next to unravel her. Perhaps it was her lack of intention that made their friction a saints resurrection. His hands rolling through the sheets by the sides of her head turned into a pure obsession she made him repeat time and time again. She was far from shy when it came to cracking a smile and a sultry, damning giggle to something she found fun in.


Rolling to her other side, her eyes darted across the ceiling. Wowwww! And so pretty! She squirmed back over to see his face. Taunt! "You wish me to be? You'd teach me more of the High Priest Gods?" her nose motioned upwards, where the Gods resided. "A Priest to be Pharaoh,  yes?" She turned her head to the artistry of his room as she asked so, nearly no question to it. As if it was obvious she believed he should be.
Erpa-ha *
1,142 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
"i would."

he traced her wrist with his paw, upward; downward; he bound their grasp together and gazed at their touch with a marveling look. soot and fire, shadow and flame.

this was what it meant to be worshipped.

pharaoh! again! ah! "no one born to servitude can be pharaoh." but it was not what he had said to eset, and now he wondered, to hear the title in the mouth of his lover.

a caress; "but a high priest can be such. do you think it is i?" legend did not need to flatter senmut despite her place in his bed.
443 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Master Rogue
When she spoke the title of sovereign, her eyes flowed with flames and wonder while her jaw parted a smile. Every muscle of his mouth, face and eyes, she examined with great lure. All of it, she took in within that second.
A flea of his person bit into her skin. It suckled and latched until her veins quivered. She learned something new of him. Servitude! And then she yeanred for more of his engraved history.

"It could be," her voice chipper. Her cheek pushed roughly down, stroking her face and skin to a nice scratch. That felt good! "You could make it be. The Queen could say it is not to be. Do you wish it to be? A Pharaoh is no Pharaoh without drive. Could he have such?"

Erpa-ha *
1,142 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
legend had the same faith in him shared by eset.

"i wish it to be." did she hear his heart quicken? did she hear the want in his voice?

"but first the gods must choose me."

he had served them his life entire.

"and then the queen must choose me."

senmut always sought to temper his desire with realism, and now found he did not want to do this.
443 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Master Rogue

Rolling upon her back, her wrist extended outwards and questions floated around her mind. Only quietly, and none stronger than the other. She felt in him a simple presence of just existing, and she offered it back.

"If you could be divine, do as you wanted to do, see your visions to be true-- what would you do?"

In empty walls with no godly crown upon his head, none but the ones he polished of their holy overlords, she displayed a canvas. One that he could paint his visions upon with his word, if only to paint to paint. To envision his art.
Erpa-ha *
1,142 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
fire played upon his mind. did she knew what she asked? of course she did; the nightbird who brought flames beneath her skin. 

"i would conquer the desert for the queen, bend each pack in the wilds at her feet for tribute."

"if i was divine, i would not feel as i do, legend," the priest said next, face gathering a solemnity as he cupped her face softly. "it is because i know my origins that i am free to act without thought for an entire kingdom."
443 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Master Rogue
In the warmth of his skin, her face sat as a feather in his palm, air to his guide. Her eyes put upon him the feral ecstasy of wonder, joy. She rested into his skin there until her cheek was given the affirmation of touch, presence, ability.

Their Holy Kingdom, Akashingo, and words that contrasted the very notion of Senmut from his driven mouth.
Was that how much he loved his empire?
Her gaze was glued; stroked upon his declaration. Senmut radiated acceptance of his role. Then she nurtured the fantasy, even if they never spoke of it again.
She smiled, her voice a flutter, all the while a smooth, swaying tail that acted for his voices touch now. "Wouldn't that be something?"
muehehe good for a wrap up?<3
Erpa-ha *
1,142 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
"indeed, it would."

her eyes found him and knew him. senmut found her mouth with his own.

his body warmed by the spice of her wine, the cinnamon of her flanks; he roused again, anew, almost surprised.

his explorations, slower this time, unhurried, for senmut had found something in legend no one else might give.

for now, there was no word to name it.

for now it was only experienced, tasted, felt.

time stood forgotten.