Redsand Canyon Boy you need to know
2,033 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
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The weather was going to start to get colder. She could already feel the chill in the morning air.

Many of the plants in her gardens would survive but there were a few that she knew, from experience, would shrivel and die. Fennec could tell that no rain was coming anytime soon, so she chose today to take care of cleaning those up. She wanted to get them stored before the first frost hit and ruined them entirely.

She was glad she'd chosen to situate her plots near the canyon wall. It gave her a convenient place for drying, and she chose a place among the stone that felt warm from the sun. She began to take the cuttings and, using clay, affix them in a row along the ledge. In a day or two they'd be dried and hopefully keep for the winter.

She wanted to find more of a certain kind before that time came too. Fennec nosed the small pile thoughtfully. This might be enough, depending on if the pack grew, but she didn't know how often sickness came to this place. She'd rather be safe than sorry.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
369 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
>> why not

Of course Tierra noticed that the weirdest of her siblings had some sort of project going on near the walls of the canyon. (Weirdest was saying something too, compared against Cackle). So far she'd avoided it since she figured Fennec wasn't someone she needed (or wanted to) make friends with.

But no way was she letting her bone Germanicus without asking about it. Like, what the actual fuckin heck? She'd hoped to get the scoop from Killdeer, but of course he had to be all awkward about it. No wonder he hadn't managed to get any girls yet, even with the bonus of not hanging out with her brother anymore. Maybe, if he was nice and all, she'd consider helping him out. Cuz she was, like, toootally an awesome aunt/cousin/whatever.

Umm. You know those are totes upside down, yeah? If she was decorating then they were gonna need to have an intervention. Like, no offense, but blind and flower arranging definitely wasn't a thing.
-Signing.- | Speaking. | -Signing & speaking.-