Dragoncrest Cliffs Louvri je ou
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
996 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Means Open your eyes. Okay so this is a day early, but if I can figure out how to forward date I will. Baby Etienne is 11 days tomorrow eyes time

Par usual Etienne woke up in a puddle of something wet, extremely grossed out. Though he wasn't certain what that was. He rolled away from it, though in the process getting even more on him.

Ki jan brit.

He whined and suddenly a new sound burst forth, one that vibrated his chest and scared him so much, he fell on his face.

Then the real things started happening. As he had landed on his face, suddenly those worthless things that saw nothing but darkness in his face or whatever it was that was him, popped open and suddenly bright lights and shapes took form, and he whined even louder. 

He squeezed his eyes shut, then opened them again, yowled louder, then closed them again. 

Kisa sa ye!

Since no one came to save him, right away. How very cruel, really. He was this helpless, babbling, piece of meat and no one had bothered to save him. He very slowly opened his eyes, and turned his head this way and that way, a constant whine in his throat. What was it, he didn't like it, and yet he did.

He crawled forward to nose around at whatever shape was in front of him, nose hitting it first with a hard whump, and he reeled backwards with a yowl. It had hurt, whatever he had hit, perhaps it was the wall, or maybe it was one of those lumpy things always beside him, always in his way.

@Chacal @Erzulie @Rosalyn @Theo @Suzu @Requiem Tagging those allowed around them and siblings.
"If you mess with my family, you mess with me"
169 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Theo was peacefully sleeping when movement around him woke him. Then a new sensation came to him. Noise. He wasn’t sure what it was but his ears started to hurt from its loudness. He squirmed from his mother and woke as he usually did.

Except yet another thing was different. His eyes opened. He was instantly blinded by light and tightly shut them again. Then slowly opened them. He looked around, and saw for the first time what his family looked like, but he was still unsure who they were. He found the source of the noise, another small creature like himself that smelled a lot like him too. He assumed he was family. Then that small creature bumped into him and Theo yapped.

The sound he just made scared him since he wasn’t aware it had come from him. Then it dawned on him that maybe it was. He tried to do the same thing again and let out a little whimper/yapping sound. He let out a couple more of these and crawled towards his brother, before collapsing in exhaustion. There was only so much his tiny body could take.
also I would rather Theo not be skipped in this thread since I will be RPing him more now that he can see and hear.
Loves his family. Very sweet boy but can get really defensive and protective over his loved ones. Very caring but also an ambitious hunter and fighter.
778 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Bard
The days were long and tiring. For Chacal, almost all of her time was devoted to the kids- the only moments she left the den in those first ten days was to drink or to relieve her. Erzulie and Rosalyn gave her breaks so she could go outside and get a breath of air, warm herself in the sunlight, and Mireille was another she had welcomed into the den to lay with the pups so she could get some fresh air. 

The pups needed constant warmth, but she assured herself that this would soon be over. With the heat of summer moving in, the den was often warm enough anyway to keep the children snug. Perhaps this was the advantage her children would reap, having been born in the summer rather than the spring. No chilly babes. 

She was used to their voices and what their little cries meant. They each had a unique voice, a difference only she, her mothers and her sister would likely notice. But she could tell one pup from the other, and hunger from discomfort to frustration to the noises they made simply to make noises. 

Nevertheless, new noises always surprised her- and today, the kids were making sounds that she did not immediately recognize. Some mix of discomfort with frustration and surprise. She leaned toward her son to settle him but saw the first gleam in his eyes just before he bumped his nose into the pad of her paw and fall backwards. Hardened by a life of walking on hot sand, her paw pads probably felt tough. 

”Look at you,” She said. Squirming in a similar, uncomfortable manner was his older brother, with his eyes open as well. ”Salut, mon p’tit!” She greeted him proudly. It was early for them to be seeing and hearing- but only by a day or two so it must have meant good health. She felt a pang of guilt. 

She’d mostly settled on their names, but they hadn’t been spoken out loud yet. Only Suzu had been given a name, and only because Chacal feared she might die without one. Suzu and her brother were quiet still, but she supposed this would be as good a time as any to make her final decisions on their names.

”Theo,” She murmured, his name a gentle two-note motif, over her first-born child, who looked tired. She swept her tongue along his side and chuckled softly. Her children were so soft; she wished they could stay this soft forever but they would need to grow in a coarse coat the block out the high sea winds. 

”Étienne,” She chimed, his name a three-note motif that rose and fell. She sought to reassure him by cleaning his face, and passing her muzzle along the length of his side. She couldn’t remember how disorienting the brightness and sound had been at first- but she was glad to be a part of the first few experiences they had. 

To the third boy, calm and quiet, she settled on another name that was musical in nature, like his sister’s. ”Requiem.” She said, three falling notes that might fall on deaf ears. He would hear his name when he was ready, same as Suzu, whose eyes and ears remained stubbornly closed for the time being.
It can be assumed that if Chacal is speaking, she will be singing. Her speaking patterns will always have a melodic quality to them.
Swiftcurrent Creek
415 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Suzu can be skipped <3

The den was warm, which made her comfortable. Most of the time, she slept, and when she was awake, the tiny, feeble pup did not put up much of a fight to amble around or position herself more comfortably. When stepped on or squished by her siblings she’d make a quiet, whimpering sound, and the pressure would be relieved. But for the most part, she remained by her mother’s side, either snoozing or lost in daydreams.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
996 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He yapped, affronted. How dare his littermate hit him, then his mother's coarse paw across the face. The absolute agony, the torture. He whined and sat still, disoriented, confused and a tad bit scared. He gave a small scared whimper, but it quickly turned into another type of vocalization, almost a purr as his mother's tongue came across his face.

He didn't recognize her, other than the touch he knew, and the gentle way she handled him. He could see, it was mostly a blur, but he tried to put his paws at the large thing in front of his face, whether he hit her nose was another story.

Etienne felt a movement against his side, and turned bleary, yucky eyes towards it. He couldn't tell it's shape to well, but it looked like him. He tried to lean forward and went sprawling, one leg over his brother's head, his tail on his nose.
"If you mess with my family, you mess with me"
169 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Theo yapped in surprise. He was minding his own business and then the next thing he
knew, a small, fluffy thing was atop him. He did not like that. He opened his little
jaw and attempted to clasp it around his brothers leg as a sign of defiance, though
it was pitiful since he didn't even have full-grown milk teeth yet. 

He tried to stand up, but lost his balance immediately and tumbled onto his brother,
releasing his leg but getting scared. He had lost all sense of direction and had no
idea where he was. He could not tell left from right, up from down. Theo whimpered
and moved his head around wildly, still tangled with Etienne.
Loves his family. Very sweet boy but can get really defensive and protective over his loved ones. Very caring but also an ambitious hunter and fighter.
778 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Bard
Chacal can be skipped :)

While she wanted to fix their troubles, separate the boys and give them space so they could right themselves, she refrained. They would learn to cope with tumbles and tussles, and would learn from each other how much was too much. Chacal would only step in when she felt they might be unfair with one another. 

Presently, they were simply clumsy. They’d have plenty of time to learn coordination, but for now they were still so close to the ground, roly-poly and soft, she’d let them fumble, stumble and bumble around as they learned how to move on their own.
It can be assumed that if Chacal is speaking, she will be singing. Her speaking patterns will always have a melodic quality to them.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
996 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Last post from me

Etienne wiggled and shifted. Trying to work his way out from underneath his brother. WHen he finally got away from their tangled limbs. He lay panting, his tiny sides heaving. He whined once, and then slowly crawled towards their mother and curled up next to her.

He was done for now, too tired to continue on.
"If you mess with my family, you mess with me"
169 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Theo whined from where he was. He couldn't find anyone and he was scared. He had dust on his nose and couldn't smell his mother or anything. He moved his head around frantically, making a lot of noise, trying to get someones attention to help him.
Loves his family. Very sweet boy but can get really defensive and protective over his loved ones. Very caring but also an ambitious hunter and fighter.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
996 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne followed the sound of his brother and curled near him. Their mother would get them soon, he was certain. He had nothing but trust for her.