Emberwood I got a nautical-themed Pashmina Afghan
431 Posts
Ooc — mercury
All Welcome 
for @Fennec mom and @Bronco dad! set whenever

He had this strange feeling that things were going to go topsy-turvy yet again. And strangely, he didn't hate it.

Look, he loved his parents. And it wasn't as if Fennec had been a strict mother. But he loved the freedom on the road with Caracal, and he felt it pulling at him, even here in the confines of his parents' territory. 

But while they remained, he remained. He walked the paths, looking for something to do.

He was growing fast now, a specimen at once both gangly and chubby. Quite a sight.

His golden eyes scanned the Emberwood, nostrils flaring for prey with which he could impress his folks.
Sun Mote Copse
2,032 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight

It was really nice having Killdeer home for a while, even if he hadn't confirmed how long it would last. Fennec was glad he'd gotten the chance to see the place they'd chosen so that if (when?) Caracal and he decided to hit the road again, they'd know where to come back to if need be. It reminded her so much of her trips with Penn.

She was on her way back with a small collection of chamomile when she ran across Killdeer. She'd finally found some and had been giving it to Bronco, though she hadn't asked if it was working quite yet to take care of the dreams. She wanted to give it a bit of time.

Fennec could tell, from the way he was scenting, that he was on the prowl. She dropped what she was carrying at her feet and gave a taste also, but the scent of the herbs still cling to her muzzle. Ugh. Any luck?
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
431 Posts
Ooc — mercury
He nearly smelled the herbs before he smelled his mother, and turned, nostrils flaring. His eyes lit up at sight of her. Nah, he remarked in response, then moved closer, pressing his muzzle into the ruff of her neck, that plush fur between her jawbone and shoulder.

I missed you, Ma, Killdeer whispered, and held his embrace for a few long moments.

He pulled back, and swallowed down the emotion. Nah, I'm still looking for prey, he continued, golden eyes swiveling. I'm sure it's around, somewhere. He nodded toward the plants Fennec had dropped, cocking his head. What's that you've got there?
Sun Mote Copse
2,032 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She sensed him coming in closer and felt the touch, leaning over to return the hug. I missed you too, squirt. Fennec ruffled his nape playfully as he released back, then settled back herself with a genuine smile filling her features. It was so damn good to have him around.

These? Just some herbs I picked up for your dad. I'm hoping they'll help with the snoring, but it's probably a lost cause. Her tone was clearly teasing, but what they were really for was something she wasn't sure Bronco wanted shared. It was his thing to tell if so; she'd respect that boundary. It had taken him a long while to even share it with her.

Did you get even taller? Shit. She poked at his shoulder, starting out measuring, but then moving to a (brief) teasing tickle. I bet there's a hex for that. I'll have to check into it. He was going to be as tall as his dad one of these days.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
431 Posts
Ooc — mercury
He chuckled, grinning. Oh, so that's where I get it from, he remarked. Some dude Cal and I crashed with said I kept him up all night. He snorted, elongating the sound in illustration, and faintly preened as his mother remarked upon his height. And then drew back, stifling a giggle.

You would, Killdeer shot back. Ma had always pulled pranks on him; he wouldn't put it past her to shrink him down to kid-size again.

He straightened once more, pursing his lips in a quiet whistle as he looked around. This place is pretty cool, he said, looking back at Fennec. Pretty, and cool—but quiet. And fairly empty. So, Gramma Towhee decided not to come with you? he asked, unaware of the can of potentially writhing, angry worms he'd opened there. Or Rue, or the twins, or. . .anybody else?

That seemed odd. Everyone at the caldera had been so tight-knit—or he'd thought as much, anyway.
Sun Mote Copse
2,032 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Oh, I remember. Some dude? She was curious who this stranger was, but doubted any more info would be helpful. There weren't many outside of the Redhawks who Fennec had met that were still alive. That was a pretty dark thought.

Her expression didn't change when he brought up his grandmother but she internally winced. Fuck, she'd forgotten he was so damn inquisitive about this shit. She loved him but it was an awkward subject, especially because she got the feeling he wouldn't appreciate the thinking. He and Towhee had always been close.

She could tell him Towhee had told them to fuck off? It'd be funny, but an easy lie to catch. And as much as she liked lying, she didn't like doing so to her son.

We didn't tell her what we were doing here. For one, we weren't even sure we would find a spot. And it would have been hard, doing our own thing, when she's always been the one in charge. She was hoping they could keep the secret until they founded, and then find her and let her know once they had something to show. She had no idea her younger brother had already blown that chance by telling their mom himself.

I'll tell her, though. Once we see if this works. She hoped that made sense.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
431 Posts
Ooc — mercury
He took Fennec's explanation in stride. Being so young when the rift opened between them—and truly, it had begun long before hims was a lil' fetus—he would never truly understand why they kept each other at tail's length.

A shame, really, for he loved both of them so much, and so equally.

Okay, Killdeer said. At least you have Uncle Fig. Did he tell you about how we met him on the island? Caracal, like, went out and tried to swim over and the dude nearly drowned us both. Luckily there was this shallow bit and we got over there.

He said this laughing, only partially aware that the story of his mortal peril at sea would probably strike fear into his poor mother's heart.
Sun Mote Copse
2,032 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She only relaxed a little when Killdeer passed it off without a problem, but she was more than happy to let the subject drop. She was lucky that her kid was so easygoing - between her and Bronco, her and Towhee, her and.... fuck, just about everyone? He'd have a trove of complexes if he paid more than a moment's attention to any of her baggage. She absolutely did not want that.

Oh, he did, did he? She asked, sharpening in on what Killdeer said and silently noting it down. Maybe her brother would get a nice practice hex one of these days, she thought drily. The younger, not the twin. You know, just because your uncle is an idiot doesn't mean you have to be one. Should I be worried? Fat chance of not. Despite the clear humor, she wasn't entirely joking. She remembered the island and how much she'd hated the trip both out and back.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
431 Posts
Ooc — mercury
He giggled, asking, Which one? Sighing, he curved his body into hers again, surprised at how similar their sizes her. He was definitely broader, and. . .was he even a little bit taller, too? It made him kind of verklempt; she had always been larger than him, larger than life, and seeing her shrink before his eyes. . .

You don't have to worry, Ma, Killer assured her quietly, his voice serious. I'll be all right.

Giving a gentle lick to her cheek, he pulled back and grinned once more. You've got a better nose than I do, dealing with all those plants, he said. I'll help you put those away if you wanna help me find something to eat afterwards?

fade out w/ your reply?
Sun Mote Copse
2,032 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
can't sleep so posting instead <3

She leaned into the hug, realizing abruptly just how much she'd needed it and how much she'd missed him. She wouldn't complain, but this sort of shared contact was few and far between these days. She gave him a small, affectionate nudge as he pulled away, but her expression was grateful that he sounded sincere when he said she didn't have to worry. She still would - it was inevitable. But it was nice that he tried.

I find, you chase? Sounds fair. Put those long legs to use. Fennec nosed some of what she carried towards him so that he could carry it also. Then she began to lead the way towards her stash, falling into step alongside him, just like she always did with Fig. She'd show him where to put it and, together, they'd find something to hunt after. She'd drink up every moment of his time she could have before he left to wander again.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!