Dragoncrest Cliffs I tread on careful feet
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Tveir had known that when he'd joined that this pack was not one to be taken lightly. He was also aware, that he was the lowest man on the totem pool, both because he was new and because of his gender. It was with these thoughts in mind that he moved amongst the pack lands, silently and carefully, as he didn't wish to gain anyone's ire.

He refreshed the borders, and patrolled carefully. It had been sometime since he had done so, but it came back to him as easy as breathing. He soon remembered everything his father had done, what he had done when he had joined the few packs before his 2nd year, all those years ago. He was scratching at the border at this moment in time, and keeping a weather eye both out of the pack lands and in. He didn't think they would harm him in anyway, but he knew better than to let his guard down right away.
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Sun Mote Copse
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For going on seven weeks now, Meerkat’s entire life had revolved around her children. Part of her wished for this phase to last forever. But if she truly wanted her pups to grow into independent, self-sufficient young wolves, then she needed to cut the proverbial umbilical cord at some point. The trio was old enough to accompany her on short forays away from the burrow and it was only a matter of weeks before they were relocated to the rendezvous site. Now was the time to begin carving out some more time to herself once again, to reintegrate back into the fold of pack life even as her children integrated for the very first time.

Presently, she lingered in the den’s mouth despite herself, kissing their little foreheads and promising to return soon. But not too soon, Meerkat sternly reminded herself as she finally stepped away, leaving them in the capable hands of a babysitter. You have so much catching up to do, her inner voice continued. There were some pack mates she’d barely seen since before her delivery, plus she was sure there might be some new faces around the territory.

Meerkat discovered one of them not far from the borders. She paused some distance away to assess the stranger, an older man of earthy hues and stocky build. Especially in the context, he looked very much the guardian type. Lips twitching into a faint smile, the young mother closed the distance.

Hello! We haven’t had a chance to meet yet. I’m Meerkat Sveijarn-Corten, she introduced, eyes sparkling merrily as they always did when she shared her married name.
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I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Gunnar had smelled pups in the area. The sea queen had even said there were some here. He had yet to see them, and he hadn't gone looking. Despite that the old timer loved pups. He didn't want to go around making the wrong wolf mad by encroaching. And be it as it may he was on thin ice anyway, he was thinking. 

Once upon a time, Tveir had attempted the guardian trade, but eventually he had decided on outrider as he was too busy all the time. Could never stay still, but he lose sight of even that goal as it were. He would need to step up his game, now. Could he even do it as old as he was? This was a young pups game.

Gunnar heard approaching feet and laid his ears to his head, but then tilted them forward at the gentle hello. He turned to meet the newest wolf to call him out.

Twinkling eyes met his and he smiled her jovial attitude infectious. He studied the wolf of cream and dipped his head, averted his eyes. "Well met Meerkat Sveijarn-Corten. I'm Gunnar or Tveir, whichever you prefer.:  

He was able to say her last name with ease. Close enough to his father's tongue, it wasn't hard to pronounce for him.
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Sun Mote Copse
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Her head tilted ever so slightly when he offered two names, then told her to pick whichever she preferred. It’s nice to meet you, Meerkat replied. I’ll decide which one I thinks suits you better after I get to know you a little, she added with a good-natured switch of her tail.

She glanced at their surroundings for a moment, wondering if she’d interrupted a patrol. Although she was no guardian, she wondered, Were you patrolling? Mind if I join you? I’m out here to stretch my legs a bit. She paused before sharing, Been cooped up the past couple months, looking after my children. Not that I’ve minded, but they’re getting to that age where I can leave them for a little while.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Gunnar was used to the confusion, his two names wrought. But each was a part of him, as his fur, his eyes his sandy mask. They both suited. Some found comfort in Gunnar some in Tveir. He himself even found comfort in one over the other. Tveir when he was missing his family, when he wanted the comforts of a childlike thought. That was Tveir. Gunnar when he wanted to separate himself from what he was, had been. Just as his father had separated from them, and Ragnar had taken his place. It was this thought that brought him back to the present.

Tveir smiled. I was indeed. Please join me. I've never had my own, but I remember my younger siblings. Lotta work. But my mother always said it was rewarding, always rewarding.

He shifted and waited patiently for her to join him. He spoke softly. Your children are blessed to born near the Sea. Theres nothin quite like it. Tell me about them?

He paused to scratch on the border, eyes outward make sure no enemies
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Sun Mote Copse
1,989 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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He accepted her company and soon the two were plodding around Sapphique’s perimeter. Meerkat listened to his low timbre even as she looked around, appreciating the sights of the homeland she’d missed these past two months. The smells were wonderful out here too, delivered to her on a pleasant seabreeze.

The reverent way Gunnar mentioned the sea—she could almost hear the capital “S”—made her glance at his face, wondering how he’d ended up here in particular. Did he know that men were valued less than women here? Had he signed up willingly, deferring to the matriarchy?

Of course, Meerkat didn’t ask any of that, instead answering, I have two boys and a girl. Their given names are Stingray, Swordfish and Vixen, though I mostly call them Ray, Fish and Mercy. They’re getting close to two months old now. We’ve just taken our first field trip to the beach not too long ago.

Soon, they would move to Corsair Beach and everyone in the pack would be able to interact with her pups. Meerkat would be a little sad to say goodbye to the cozy little burrow she’d shared with Njord since her arrival, though she looked forward to overseeing this milestone in her children’s lives. She couldn’t wait to see what they made of themselves as they developed and grew.

Focusing on the flow of the conversation, Meerkat wondered, Have you met my mate, Njord? He’s often out here, patrolling.
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I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Gunnar was fine in the beginning companionable silence as they walked. Both could weigh their cons and decide a conversation ppint. He had gotten used to silence in his travels. He took a deep breath of salty air, tasting the tang on his tongue and the grit in his fur. How he loved the Sea.

Were she to ask he'd have answered willingly. He had always been under a woman's paw. His mother, Saena, Junior. He just preferred to keep company with the hardier gender in his opinion. Even his father a wild and reckless as he was bowed to the whims of his mother.

A smile lit up Gunnars face. I remember my first trip to the beach. It was loud and so alive. I have always loved the Sea. Though I doubt she loves me or any really. Your pups have lovely names. May they grow inyo them and be all you want them to be

I have not had the pleasure yet. Though judging from the twinkle in you eye and the way you say his name. He is a good one.
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Sun Mote Copse
1,989 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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Gunnar said he could recall his first trip to the beach, which must have been many years before. Meerkat wondered if her kids’ recent foray had impressed upon them similarly, staying with them forever. More likely than not, it would fuse with a dozen, a hundred, a thousand other memories of the seaside as they grew up here. And, actually, Meerkat thought it would be best if Ray forgot his aversion to wet sand in time. Her lips twitched at the thought.

Well, I wouldn’t have married him and birthed his babies if he was a bad one, Meerkat quipped with a wink. Njord’s wonderful. You should seek him out, I feel like you two would get along. Once you two have had a chance to acquaint, maybe you can come by the den sometime to meet our children.

A pair of Canadian geese winged by overhead, honking noisily as they skimmed inland from the waters of the neighboring sound. Meerkat paused to watch them a moment, then resumed her slow walk. She scanned the borders with eyes and nose alike, though she saw no signs of any disturbances.
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I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Gun couldn't remember the beach itself as much as the feeling it had instilled. The awe he had felt, the loud noises though scary comforting. Though why he couldn't say.

Gunnar chuckled. This is true and I'm glad you found him. I've known to many who've found the wrong ones.

Gun wagged his tail happily. I would enjoy that immensely. It's been sometime since I've seen the glory of new life.

Gun pointed his muzzle toward the geese. Mean things they are. Found a wolf one time, called them Cobra birds. Said they were meaner than snakes.

I apologize the length. Mobile
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Sun Mote Copse
1,989 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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No apologies necessary!

The mention of “wrong ones” made her think very briefly of Atlas and Issorartuyok. Meerkat wondered where they were these days and how they were doing. It wasn’t the first time, though she felt a pang of surprise at herself when she realized she wished only the best for them. There were no bad feelings, no ill will, anywhere to be found.

Meerkat snickered at the term “cobra birds,” then found herself wondering, What about you, though? If I’m going to figure out if Gunnar or Tveir fits better, I need to learn more about you. Maybe starting with what brought you to Sapphique.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Gunnar breifly thought of his mother and how he came to be. His bio dad was a wasral. Left his mom knocked up and gameless. He's lucky he was alive. Pump coulda killed him and his siblings.

Gunnar had both been fortunate and unfortunate to never find love. Though he'd never looked. First he had been fearful it was just not in his genectic makeup to care. Then he just hadn't ever felt a need.

Her snicker fell on aloft ears and he smiled to himself. A small win to make another laugh. Her next question drew him pause and he froze, mind racing, reeling.

I was born on the coast. More specifically Horizon Ridge. Then we moved to Stavanger Bay with my father. And i left them to go to Redtail Rise after Ragnar my dad went crazy and then after the fire there i left. I came back to the Sea, because I missed her and I've always had strong females in my life. I am comfortable with them.
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Sun Mote Copse
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Ooc — Kat
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He told her he’d been born on this very coast. She couldn’t place Horizon Ridge, though she nodded to acknowledge the name’s familiarity, as well as the bay’s. The story went off the rails a bit from there, Meerkat halting in her step and staring a little at Gunnar’s face when he spoke of his father’s madness and a fire.

For a moment, she wasn’t really sure what to say. She was very curious and he hadn’t batted an eyelash while relaying any of this to her. But would it be prudent for Meerkat to press him about what must surely be terrible memories? She deliberated for a minute, then decided against it, resuming her walk once more.

There was one thing she could think to say, which was, Your experiences sound like they track for these wilds. She huffed a small, dry laugh before asking, What about a family of your own…?
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Not many knew of the Ridge anymore. Even he hadn't treaded there in sometime. Could he even do so he wasn't certain. If memory served there had been a rockslide anyway. It maybe buried.

He caught her stare and chuckled. You can ask any question you wish. I've made peace with my past and my memory. Though some of it maybe foggy. I'm old you know.

Father used to say it was cursed. That the allfather was angry at us for forgetting his ways.

Gunnar shook his head. I have no one. Never did. I left here shy of 2 and am just now returning. I was a lone wolf that entire time. I never felt a need to procreate like so many others. Besides my genes don't need shared. the thought of his bio dad left a bitter taste in his mouth and like always that one small inkling of fear that he'd abandon a mate reared it's ugly head.
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Sun Mote Copse
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She knew it was a loaded question, possibly a sensitive one. But Gunnar opened up to her, speaking at length. Meerkat listened in silence, eyes losing a little focus at the words spilling from his mouth. There was so much to unpack, she didn’t know quite where to start.

I know I don’t like dwelling on the tragedies in my past, so I won’t go poking at yours, Meerkat said thoughtfully.

She paused in her speech if not her step. She wasn’t a particularly spiritual sort, so she couldn’t speak to that subject. And Meerkat really didn’t know what to say in response to his disparaging comment. Her brow furrowed a little, discarding the platitudes that drifted through her mind one after another.

In the end, she said, I hope you find some happiness and peace here, Gunnar.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
would you like to fade with your next post or continue? :)

Gunnar had long since determined that his history happened for reason. And it was his job to share it where he could. Whether to impart wisdom, or just share. 

Ah but they are what shape us. But thank you. He didn't mind sharing. But that was not to say it didnt exhaust him a bit.

I see you've decided on a name. And I already have. A small happiness today. Thank you for sharing it with me.
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Sun Mote Copse
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Ooc — Kat
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This feels like a good place to conclude it, though I’d love another sometime. :)

She smiled when he noticed she’d settled on a moniker for him. Truthfully, there wasn’t any particular rhyme or reason to her choice, except that he looked more like a Gunnar than a Tveir to her.

For a while, they continued the patrol in a silence that felt companionable. But in that natural lull in the conversation, Meerkat’s yearning to return to her children made itself known. She had been gone from them long enough. It was time to relieve the babysitter and feed them.

I have to get back to my kids now. Please seek out my husband and then feel free to drop by the den for a visit. It’s in the wildwood, Meerkat said, certain he could find it. Take care, Gunnar, and see you later.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Always glad to thread.
The silence was a comfortable one and he was content to simply walk. This Meerkat was a sweet thing, and he liked her. So far, despite their rocky beginning. Everyone was welcoming here. He wondered if it were just the seafaring kind of way.

He could feel her conscious start to wane and he waited. She was sure to want her babies soon enough, and he was right. She offered him a meeting after her husband. And he would do just that. And bring her food. Every mother needed food for growing children.

He dipped his muzzle to her a smile on his face. "Gladly and I will bring you something to eat when I do. I will seek out your husband in the morning.
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