Two Eyes Cenote Gentle words, harsh faces
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
He has one rack of antlers, 1 elk belly full of meat, 1 noisemaker, 1 pouch and 1 fur of seashells. Can get more if he must. I would imagine Muat Rya would know of him since he trades with Akashingo and they are allies I believe. @Eset Set for the 20th, of Jun

Rodyn had been in the palace for a day and it had been enough. He had been itching to get out of there quickly. They were not cruel and truthfully they had taken good care of him. But he had felt uncomfortable and anxious to get back onto his journey.

He stepped near the sister village of Akashingo and took a deep breath at the same tall places. And the guards that looked out over the world with strict malice. It was strange to him who was not one who often thought the worst of others.

He stopped far far away from teh border line and lifted his muzzle to call out to the wolves inside. The antlers and seashells at his feet.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
before, I was not a witch
635 Posts
Ooc — tazi
It was a call that held an air of importance, and fortunately for the diligent hebsut, one she had been expecting after word was sent from Akashingo of the Lord of Moontide’s expeditions. She and the fellahin had been making arrangements all morning, decorating the silver-blue halls and preparing stocks of lapis lazuli, feline furs and other finery for trade. Eset was treated to the maidservants’ whispers- how handsome the Lord was, and did they hear he was single? The hebsut had to remind them with a laugh that a nobleman did not take a servant to wife- only as a concubine.

By the time of his arrival, Muat-riya was sufficiently glowing, and Eset, flanked by a welcoming assembly of mazoi and fellahin, descended into the foothills to greet the impressive man of moontide. He rose like an obelisk from the golden sands, a bounty of rare luxuries at his feet.

“Welcome to Muat-riya, Lord Rodyn,” the coywoman bends into a reverent bow, “I am Eset, hebsut to Pharaoh Muat-riya Isetnofret Toula of the Red Serpent. Please, let us not keep you in this heat, the palace is honored to host you for as long as you intend to stay.”
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn was not a wolf that thought himself more important than anyone. He knew in a way he was, but it didn't matter to him. And he preferred his humble orgins and way of life than most other's did. He also didn't consider himself a lord, though he supposed in a way he was, being that he was an alpha of his own pack lands. Wouldn't the wolves be disappointed to know that Rodyn would marry for love, or perhaps companionship if Kukutux deemed it so. And the status of the wolf in question wouldn't matter to him.

He was met with a grand turn out and it made him distinctly uncomfortable. He tilted an ear forward and waited quietly. The palace was clean and there were guards and servants that met him quickly.

Hello. It is a pleasure to meet you. He dipped his head too Please lead the way. Thank you.

He lifted his wares to his shoulders and maw.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
before, I was not a witch
635 Posts
Ooc — tazi
The hesbut had often come to recognize humility on the faces of those not born to the pageantry of the desert. It was her role as housekeeper to attune to the comfort level of her guests, one she felt particularly skilled in. Though, like Lord Rodyn, not all were particularly forthcoming, and she drew a sort of satisfaction from reading the needs and desires of all who stepped through the threshold of her palace. It was its own game, in a way.

And she could sense the unease in the ocean man now, so she had the mazoi and fellahin dismissed, allowing Rodyn to carry his own alms where ordinarily she would have insisted upon help.

Inside they are greeted by the cool cavern air and Eset shows the man where to deposit his gifts. Her eyes hold curiously over the strange rocks from the sea that glisten with so many colors- not the deep crimson and blues of the desert, but light and pastel, gentle on the eye. 

“They're so beautiful,” she remarks, unable to find more words than that. She wonders if all stones near the sea are  similarly colored. “Thank you for your generosity, Lord Rodyn, Muat-riya is blessed. You have come so far to join us in the desert, how have you faired on the journey?”
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn wasn't as closed off as most. He just was too polite to share when he was uncomfortable. A notion his mother had drilled into his head. Granted there was manners and then there was a handicap. Which he felt he was usually good with an even balance. And knew when to speak up if he must.

HE smiled at the seashells. They are beautiful. I've brought Seashells, an elk belly with different meats, a noisemaker they are made with fish bones and when the wind hits them they make a tinkling sound. I make pouches to carry herbs or other such things. And of course A rack of antlers. I have more in the woods if these do not meet expectations.

A gentle shift and a roll to settle to his haunches. The ease of a man who was confident in his skin. I have fared well. There have been quite a few willing to hunt with us during Autumn's group hunt. And i have managed to hunt with a fair few wolves. Has the summer months been treating you well Lady Eset?
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
before, I was not a witch
635 Posts
Ooc — tazi
Lady Eset. How pertinent, how proud. She does not amend the courtesy, taking pleasure in the important sound of it, as there was no one else in the room to witness.

Lord Rodyn presents his bounty of shells and meats and trinkets she knew would draw the curiosities of the children. Something for every member of their palace, and more to lay at the altars of their Gods. She eyes the lot, admiring most the fine craftsmanship of the pouches he fashioned. She wonders at Moontide, that they could produce so many intriguing wares. It was no surprise Akashingo had allied with the moon tribes.

“It certainly exceeds them,” her smile warms for Rodyn. “Muat-riya has been growing, we are still finding our feet as a sept of Akashingo, but we have been able to accomplish a great deal in our first half-year.” The palace and its fine state she hoped would speak for itself in that regard. “As hebsut I have stayed busy and would not have it any other way,” she told him as they rounded a wall festooning with vibrant geodes.

“May I ask what is your perspective of the south, my Lord, now that you’ve spent some time hunting here?”
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn was not privy to the workings of royalty. He would know nothing of titles and ways. And it would at times when he was among them. Like now. Even if he didn't catch it. She made no amend to his words amd so he took that it was okay.

The pouches were his own making. And they were not easily made. Sharp bones amd dew claws and if he was stabbed it hurt for days.

He listened closely. So they were like the moon villages a sister village to Akashingo. Your palace is beautiful and your staff well maintained. Thank you for your hospitality.

Rodyn titled an ear. It is filled with bounty and game. There are also many herbs that our healers would like. I think it is a good place to settle and you will do well here.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
before, I was not a witch
635 Posts
Ooc — tazi
She feels a thrill of pleasure at the man’s praise, hearing the truth in his words. Already she knew them to be true.

“You are welcome to visit the palace anytime, my Lord. In fact, we are having our first annual celebration of Hapi next month at the lake due North of here. We would welcome your presence, and those of any guests whom you wish to accompany you at the festival, Lord Rodyn.”

Briefly, Eset wondered what her Racharra would make of the ocean prince, but she knew better than to meddle. She led Rodyn through to the grand atrium where they were flanked by the cool rippling of the twin cenotes. There she presented the ostentatious offerings of Muat-riya to the wolves of Moontide.

“These are whole wild geese wrapped in fig leaves for ease of transport. Their flavor is rich and delicate, with good marrow in the bones. Then fermented cacti pulp, best kept out of your children’s reach,” she smiles, remembering Frolic the evening of Toula’s coronation. She gestures next to a stack of five pelts,  “bobcat furs to pad your dens, and snakeskin stoles are ideal protection against heavy rain.”

Eset points to a stone laid with various desert plants in stages of preservation next. “Dried ginger root and cinnamon are good flavors for meat. But the herbs are what I think may interest you most, my Lord. Golden gumweed is used to treat infection, prickly pear for poor digestion, and yucca will soothe skin rashes.” She explains, identifying each with the point of her paw.

Lastly, the hebsut unclasps a satchel to reveal a small collection of glittering gemstones. “Lapis lazuli and rose quartz. They’ve no practical use, my Lord, but I’ve not met a lady who's been able to resist.”

Her eyes laugh.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn tilted an ear forward at her words. He wondered if he would have the time to visit. I will try and visit, but I can't promise. I maybe in the further lands, trading still. I don't have many guests that I would bring. Unless some of my friends and family wanted to come.

Wouldn't Eset find it interesting to know that Racharra had alreayd met Rodyn. he had sent her to moonglow to speak with Kukutux of love and marriage.

Rodyn's gaze was drawn to the rocks and their cool faces. It was huge in here. Admirable, but it also made him a beat unsure. He wasn't one that liked enclosed spaces much.

She showed him an array of many things and he was floored at teh difference between his fare and the decadence she offered. He placed his items down and blinked at the different things. Wondering what it was she would take in trade for what things.

Rodyn smiled sadly at the gems. Remembering his promise to Samani to bring her pretty things on his bride price journey.

My late wife would have loved your pretty gems.

He looked again and slowly lay the items down. What would you be willing to trade for which items. All these items were prepared for your pack lands.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
before, I was not a witch
635 Posts
Ooc — tazi
“We will set aside placements at the banquet, should you desire to join us,” Eset assures with a kindly sway of tail and follows Rodyn’s eyes when they catch on the gemstones.

A buried wife. The look in her face darkens and she gazes mournfully at the sorrow she finds in his own. “Oh- I, I am so sorry for your loss,” her tone softens, ears falling back upon her head. She wonders then if his coursing took him away from the pain- if this cross country hunt meant more than winning quarries and bolstering alliances.

The stones take a reflection of the streaming light. Slowly, Eset lifts a paw in gesture to the offerings. “Everything here is for the pack of Moontide. Our mazoi will deliver the bounty to your lands, my Lord, so you may continue on with your hunt. We graciously accept your offerings in return.” Her head bows to his.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A small smile, yellow eyes glowing for a brief minute. Thank you kindly. I will try and make it. No invitation should be ignored. Especially such a kind one.

He blinked and dipped his head. A tilt of downy ear. A small smile. Thank you for your kindness. Samani would have liked you. And I have two sons to remember her by, though my memories are always colored with her. I went on a journey like this to win her hand. It's a nice way to say goodbye I think. And I enjoy it. There is a bit of selfishness in that way.

Rodyn blinked at all the items and grinned. Thank you kindly Lady Eset. We at moontide appreciate it and hope that we can continue this friendship. Also. We are having a hunt in the fall months. We are cordially inviting Muat Riya.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
before, I was not a witch
635 Posts
Ooc — tazi
There in the cool shadows of the palace the hebsut is rapt upon Rodyn’s tellings, holding him in quiet commune. Her heart broke for him, and his children, and the innumerable difficulties he must face in putting on a dutiful mind while the spirit mourns. Silently she grieves with him, present in the span of emotions that passed over his sturdy face.

“Samani sounds so, so loved,” she whispers after a moment of thoughtfulness, “I don’t expect a love like that ever dies.”

Lips pulling with bittersweet warmth, Eset offers a gentle touch of her paw to the hand of the leader. She sees a great strength in him, enduring even in the loss of his counterpart- an end that would ground even the most hardened of lovers.

“Muat-riya would be honored to hunt alongside the wolves of Moontide, my Lord.”
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The she wolf was a kind listener. She did not interrupt and she allowed Rodyn to tell of his wife and his family with no words. It was nice to share something of Samani with someone else. Who had not known her.

Rodyn chuckled. I tend to love hard. She is very loved and will always be.

He was surprised at her touch, but he squeezed her paw once, twice and then released it. Content with her kindness.

It will be near the mountains, in fall. Firefly glen. We will howl and send messengers closer to time.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
before, I was not a witch
635 Posts
Ooc — tazi
“Muat-riya will listen for your call.” She did not know of the glen; she did not know of lands beyond the day’s journey between her kingdom’s palaces, but the mazoi would.

The hebsut lifts now onto her feet, tail a genial sway around her ankles.

“I know you mean to return to your hunt, Lord Rodyn, but please allow us the honor of your attendance at tonight’s supper. The fellahin are preparing serpent turtle- a desert rarity,” she adds with a grin.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He nodded. He would make sure to call them then. Or make the effort to bring them a few days before the pack hunt. He ticked this off in his mental list of tasks. It was growing larger by the day.

I will gladly enjoy some meal and please you can just call me Rodyn.

He didn't know what serpentine turtle sounded like. He was alittle wary, but he would try any type of food once and maybe even check how they were hunted.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.