Ocean's Breath Plateau Here we stand
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,635 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Pack Activity 
Rodyn had been gone for an entire month's time. He had returned as frequently as he could. They had more riches and more reach and he was pleased with their progress and he wanted to share it with the pack. A small smile as he lifted his muzzle to the sky. Though it was tinged with sadness. Though he had a good journey throughout the last days. Ariadne had not. And to lose another daughter of Moonwoman and SunMan. It chafed the quiet hunter.

This wouldn't be a long meeting, perhaps they could even do a quick hunt. That would suffice. He would make sure to let them know all of who he saw and what he saw. But for now. He wanted to touch base with them. See where everyone else was in their journies of life.

@Chakliux, @Raindrop, @Red Leaf, @Marina, @Ponderosa, @Silvertip @puffin @Ghelan @Phox @Heph @Tullik @Taggak

We don't even need to have a long thread if you all would rather not. I know everyone is busy. We can have a hunt. or just quick one post check in's. Rodyn just wanted to let everyone know that the journey was successful and that he was back.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
246 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
Tags are an opportunity to join. No obligation though, your choice. :) Standing permission to PP from Mantra/Rainchaser is being used. Write me if the PP isn’t desired.

Raindrop had heard the Alpha’s call and responded swiftly. She encouraged her children, @Angel Oak, @Pine, @Silvertip and Ponderosa to come if they wished, and set off at a brisk trot, looking back to be sure whoever followed was still with her. Ponderosa eagerly followed her mother, but didn’t plan on using her voice. She stuck close to her sister(s), glancing to her mother and father, whom she was fond of sticking extra close to. She took after Sumac’s looks after all. 

When Raindrop reached Rodyn’s whereabouts, she dipped her head. “Rodyn. It’s a pleasure to see you again.” She nudged her children, asking them to greet their alpha. Ponderosa simply squeaked a hello and gave a nod from behind daddy’s leg. 

“How was your journey?” Raindrop then asked, curious as to the tales his adventures may hold.
Active weekdays: 
Most days of the week. (Subject to change)
(PST: Pacific Standard Time)
First Warrior
987 Posts
Ooc — ebony
a month's time. the seal hunter pups who ranged to meet rodyn would be lankier now, honed by time in the water and the sea's terrain.
his smile was true and his eyes radiant with relief and deep interest. "i want to hear all your stories," chakliux said with a laugh, pleased by the great wealth of moontide.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,635 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Being that no one really answered. We will just keep this with some check ins. Thanks guys. <3 Next round=last round no posting order.

It was disappointing a little bit that hardly anyone showed to his call. And yet he was not put out exactly. Phox and Heph were probably hunting the women minding the children. So he was not offended. Instead he smiled.

I'll keep this as brief as I can. I am sure you are all busy. We have made many trades. Moontide will have bountiful caches against his winter. I appreciate all that you all do. You have made this pack strong and healthy. And it is you that did this. So thank you.

he dipped his head.

Made sure to greet both with nudges and laughter. Bantered and shared stories of his trip. Including the rather unusual packs that he had seen.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
First Warrior
987 Posts
Ooc — ebony
chakliux too was unsure why others did not come, but dipped his head to rodyn when the man had finished speaking. "maybe next time i will come with you! you went very far," he added with admiration, vying for another tale. "come! both of you, eat in my lodge tonight. we will honor rodyn and his journey."
246 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
She dipped her head in return to their Alpha, and gladly sat through the stories of adventures Rodyn told. 

This took her back to her days alone, wandering by herself, meeting folks along the way, but not making any cemented ties. Now, she had a family to care for, a husband to stay beside, and children to raise; she was happy, satisfied with her life.

Ponderosa stuck behind her father’s legs, but she did enjoy listening to the exciting tales the red alpha told. Her ears perked forward, her head titling out of curiosity. Her tail even began to wag, yet she remained quiet. She’d look to her mother, to her sibling(s): She was happy here, with her small family, but… was there more to this life? 

After the stories had been told, the seal hunter, Chakliux, invited both her and Rodyn to dinner, hosted at his lodge. Raindrop gave a wag of her tail, and thanked both Rodyn and Chakliux for their generosity and the stories shared. “Thank you, Rodyn. For everything.” She addressed him first, sincerely, then turned her attention to Chakliux, “It will be a pleasure, First Warrior. I look forward to dinner, and perhaps the children will find good company in your’s.” A smile graced her face.
Active weekdays: 
Most days of the week. (Subject to change)
(PST: Pacific Standard Time)