Neverwinter Forest Same trailer different park
1,538 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
All Welcome 
At first, Maia had gone South.  It had taken her a bit to be ready to travel, but once she had, she'd found no packs that direction.  So this time, she'd nabbed @Eljay to see if he wanted to accompany her north.  She knew there were packs up here! And it had not disappointed.

Now Maia found herself on the border of Neverwinter.  She hadn't remembered a pack in this forest before, but the fact that they were newer might be a good sign!  Maybe they were travelers also and had seen Elfie along the way.  And a new pack meant new relationships to forge!  She'd make ambassador yet.

being vague as idk if Eljay would come along or not!
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
On their way towards this pack Eljay made sure to call for @Weejay on the way, just in case his daughter was somewhere. He was so worried about her, afraid to lose her too. If they didn't find any news about Elfie, then hopefully at least they would find something on Weejay. Eljay wasn't yet ready to give up hope on either of them, but especially not Weejay, for if he lost both his children then Eljay wasn't entirely confident what he had left to live for right now.

Before long they reached the borders of some pack. Eljay vaguely remembered some of the scenery they passed from when he had travelled north from Redhawk Caldera when he had left the pack in search of.. whatever it was he'd been searching for at the time. He hadn't ever been at the borders of another pack except when he had joined Drageda, so it was odd to stand at one now. Do you know anyone in this pack? he asked Maia as they waited, while he made sure to keep his body language submissive for when someone showed up.
1,538 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia had been grateful that Eljay agreed to come along. After her parents died, she'd been a mess, and while her friend seemed to be pretty put together, she didn't necessarily trust the face of it.  Besides, with Weejay off now too, they had two kids to hunt for.  Maia was worried about her as well.... she liked the younger girl quite a bit

I don't think so, she answered, taking a moment to check some of the scents.  Nope, nothing but strangers.  But chances are still real good they'll have some information for us. OH!! I should probably tell them we are here.  She laughed a quick laugh at her forgetfulness, then sent up a howl.
390 Posts
Ooc — Vami
There was a call on the boarders, reaching out to the members of the Neverwinter Forest to which the scout obliged. She, the lean and swift female she was, made quick work to come to the location of the strangers. Trotting up, the dark woman (savor that thick stripping of white from throat to tummy) met the two strangers with a smile despite those intense icy eyes. Well hello to you both. She greets, moving her attention to each. A male, middle-aged and fitting with little freckles on his cheeks and a female, stocky built and beautifully colored. What is it you need? She questions lightly and not  without curiosity of a slight tilt of her skull.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
It made Eljay feel a little nervous that Maia didn't actually know any wolves in the pack. He was fearful that they might be unfriendly or worse, dangerous, and it showed in his demeanour that he grew a little more twitchy and nervous. Oh, uhm, he mumbled, Let's hope they're nice. Before he knew it Maia had called for whoever lived here and with an intense thrum in his heart Eljay waited for whoever would comer to greet them.

They didn't have to wait for long before someone came over. Eljay looked at them as they approached, his heart racing, and then quickly looked down at the ground, at his own paws, as the wolf came closer and looked at them. His tail remained low and so did his head while the other greeted them. She sounded friendly enough, which was a huge relief for Eljay. He glanced sideways to Maia, having no clue what on earth to do now and feeling his breath speed up as panic was grasping at his brain.
1,538 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia could see his nerves, though not perhaps how deep they ran.  She'd not had many bad experiences, so just smiled.  They usually are!  And even when they weren't, they rarely did much other than tell her to get lost.

It wasn't long after her remembered call that they had to wait before someone came.  A female, dark, with beautiful icy eyes.  Oooooooooh yes she was totally getting a character in one of her stories sometime.  If Amina Ice Eyes were real, this woman might be her daughter (just smaller).  

Hi!!  I'm Maia, and this is Eljay!  We are from the Firebirds, and were looking for a couple of younger wolves who might have gotten lost recently and a while back.  She paused, glancing at Eljay with quiet encouragement to see if he had anything he wanted to add.  If not she'd launch into answering questions - the obvious forerunners being who the kids were and what they looked like.  She just figured their dad might do a slightly better job.
390 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Quickly, the male's eyes fell to his paws, his body lowered in a submissive manner. It was, well, nice. He was respectful at the border of someone else's home. It seemed like there was a number of wolves around the Wilds who did not harbor the same respect. The gesture made her tail sway behind her.

Where the male was lack for words the female filled the gap.  She was an outspoken, friendly woman whom introduced herself and her traveling partner and quickly the purpose of their visit. Vallkyrie wondered if @Mal might arrive soon, though hoped to do her best to fill the void in the meantime. I'm Vallkyrie Archer, it's a pleasure to meet the both of you. I honestly cannot say I've heard of Firebirds before. Wheres your territory located, if you dont mind my asking? She was definitely curious. For one, because it was a pack she had never heard of and their coats holding new scents to her and for two, because with already being both friendly and respectful, they seemed wolves worthy of getting to know more about. 

We get a lot of traffic here- A lot of visitors plus the neighboring packs and our allies. And the baddies who had been attacking the fellow pack members but, she knew that sour part out for the moment. We had quite a few youth in our ranks previously, So who knows? Go ahead and give me the details on them. She spoke as she past glances between lovely woman and shy, freckled partner.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Hi, Eljay said when he was introduced, keeping his eyes trained on his own paws. He didn't answer the wolf -- Vallkyrie -- but instead glanced briefly towards Maia, hoping that she would answer instead. He didn't get much further than 'at the copse', and he knew that wasn't very useful right now. Eljay was grateful that she took the lead in telling what they were here for because he was at a loss for words right now. He had a difficult enough time talking to new wolves in his own pack, let alone talking to a stranger out here. He'd done it before, but only really briefly in the times when he had left Redhawk Caldera to join other packs. It had never been much of a success for him.

There was a bit of silence after Maia stopped talking, and he didn't realise that she was looking at him at first. Oh, right, he thought, but before he could say anything the other wolf already answered. Vallkyrie asked for the details and after glancing at Maia briefly to see if she would say anything, Eljay took a deep breath and started to talk. Oh, they uhm, it... He swallowed thickly after tumbling over the first few words before refinding himself. My son Elfie is, he's -- he's red with white on his underside and eyes kinda like mine and freckles under his eyes. He got lost with the earthquakes months back. He totally forgot to mention his son's age in the process, because he was used to dealing with wolves who knew at least some of the details around his and Wiffle's children last year. And my daughter Weejay was lost recently, she's coloured a lot like me, but more white on her face and with -- her eyes are kind of like honey or amber. Something upset her so she might just be gone for a few days but I'm -- I'm worried because she hasn't been outside of the pack's territory much. Other than when she snuck out deliberately even though Eljay told her not to do it when she was a bit younger. But the outside world was a scary place, and he didn't want Weejay to get lost.
1,397 Posts
Ooc — Jennifer
Always something exciting at the borders, or maybe not exciting, but something that Mal had to deal with. He'd been well on the other side of the territory when called, so his appearance wasn't exactly prompt. As he closed the last handful of yards, he was able to start piecing together a few little details. He heard some voices up in the distance -- it smelled like Vallkyrie was there at least.

But what he'd heard sounded like someone being concerned about someone missing maybe? He wasn't sure, obviously. But Mal did make an appearance then, and he had toned down his smile a little, just in case. But hey, he was still a nice upbeat guy -- he looked to Kyr, What's up? And to the two strangers, giving them a bit more of a smile then. He sort of thought he maybe recognized some of the pack scent they carried, but it had been so much time that he wasn't exactly sure any more. Hm.
1,538 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia nodded and smiled encouragingly as Eljay picked up her hunt and went at it. She wouldn't have minded picking up the ask if he had refused, but she figured he would want to be a part of this.  Besides, she had no clue how to properly describe the children they sought.

A second male showed up, and Maia was tempted to launch into the entire description over again (oh my gosh) but stopped herself.  No, let her answer first!  Maybe it was going to be super easy like 'yeah, sure, here are both safe and sound! Amazing!' Which would be... well, amazing!! 

So she kept her mouth clamped shut, though the temptation to fill the space was sooooooooo much, and waited, allowing Vallkyrie to respond.  Ohmygosh wait.  Coolest name ever, okay.  As this random thought dawned on her, Maia's attention wandered, now turning to admiring the she wolf and wondering how the heck she could feature her in some cool new tale.  

(And this is why post 2am Maia is best Maia)
390 Posts
Ooc — Vami
The hesitant male, after seemingly a silent push from his traveling partner, went onto describe the two wolves which he was looking for. Unfortunately both children of his which made Vallkyrie frown. It was sad to loose friends, packmates, family, but loosing your children left an empty pit feeling in Kyr's gut. 

The other woman remained silent and Vallkyrie was shaking her head in a 'no' by the time Mal arrived on scene. These two are from the Firebird pack. Looking for two of his kids named Weejay and Elfie. She brought Mal up to speed, mentioning their genders and coat colors to her Alpha as Eljay had. Ring any bells? She spoke as side-glanced to Mal but none the less kept her attention to the visiting pair before her.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Another arrived, a male. Eljay felt nervous as he watched the imposing wolf approach with a small smile on his face. As he came closer and started to speak he actually didn't seem all that imposing, at least not in a bad way, but Eljay couldn't help but feel nervous. He didn't remember being on another pack's borders with two strangers ever in his entire life -- except maybe Drageda at the time, but one of those had been Wildfire and she hadn't exactly been a stranger at all.

It was just as he had finished explaining, too. The newcomer asked what was going on, and Eljay hesitated if he should explain everything again. Oh, uh -- he started hesitantly, but luckily Vallkyrie explained what their business here was while Maia just remained silent, which, Eljay suddenly realised, seemed rather uncharacteristic of her. Eljay glanced at the guy who had just arrived, his eyes shining hopefully while his body language remained ever submissive, tail tucked tightly between his hind legs as a clear signal of his nervousness.
1,397 Posts
Ooc — Jennifer
Kyr gave him a quick rundown. Well, not a happy meeting. He looked back to the Firebird pair and his ears tipped back slightly and he shook his head. It seemed like a lot of times when wolves went missing, they stayed that way. He had to wonder now if he should even ask about Alarian and Helios at this point since Zephyr had left. Like what if they showed up? Would it matter? The only things that are familiar is the pack itself. Wraen came by here, oh, months and months ago probably -- she's from your pack, right? But I know that doesn't help much.

At some point we we're going to be heading out to talk to some of the other packs around here... Are you guys going to continue on to the north and east? If you aren't going to go, we could ask when that happens. When was that gonna happen? Uhhh. Sometime.
1,538 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
The stranger delivered on explaining, and Maia smiled at her gratefully, glad she hadn't cut her off.  The smile faded a bit when the answer was disappointing, but she couldn't blame them for that.  It wasn't their fault they weren't here.

I'm planning on going all over, Maia answered, glancing at Eljay with an optimistic and encouraging look.  But that would be great!!  The more who are looking the better, yeah?  And if you find anything out, you can totally send a messenger to us or something.  We don't live that far.  She waved her tail enthusiastically at the promise of it.  With so many amazing wolves keeping an eye out, there was no way they wouldn't find them soon!
390 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Unknowingly to Vallkyrie, she was friends with a woman who just so happened to live in Sagtannet, the very pack where Elfie lived. Of course, the connection was lost to Kyr so it was of no use to the pair. They had stopped here only to gain poor news, but it was at least another place not only they could scratch off their list, but another pair of wolves (Mal and Kyr) who could keep an eye out for them.

We can always inform Yuelong, as well. They are a pack on an island just off the coast. And Junshi, they travel between the neighboring packs often. She spoke to the woman with a smile and wave of her tail. It was the best they could do to get the word out for them.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
As Wraen's name was mentioned, Eljay nodded. Yeah, she's our leader, he elaborated. And of course friend and sister, but that wasn't relevant here, he thought.

Soon after the offer fell that they could inform other packs when they would visit them. Maia instantly grew excited, mirroring the excitement that Eljay felt inside even though he didn't express it with more than a smile. That would be great. I'm not much of a traveller myself. Eljay hoped they would tell others; and he hoped that that meant more chances of finding Elfie and Weejay back.
1,397 Posts
Ooc — Jennifer
Well at least he wasn't totally misremembering Wraen then. I hope you're able to find them sooner rather than later. I know what it's like to have missing sisters, I don't want to imagine what it's like to be missing a kid.  Could he leash Caerus to the pack? That would be nice maybe... 

Looking between the pair, then briefly to Kyr, I know she said Firebirds was to the south, but I don't think it was ever really made clear to me where. Not particularly close, right? If they did find the lost kids, they needed to make sure they'd be able to tell the people who'd care. Had Kyr met them before?
1,538 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
sorry to hold this up! <3

Oh, yeah, I mean... it's a ways.  Not a huge ways, but a middle ways.  There was probably proper terminology for all of that but, if so, Maia wasn't privy to it.  Few mountains, few forests... not at all neighbors, but not unreachable either.  Obviously, since they were here!

There were so many words that Valkyrie had used that Maia was completely unfamiliar with.  Yuelong, and Jun-what?  She listened as carefully as she could, but details got lost as her thoughts started to travel.  A pack that lived on an island... now there was a good story starter...
390 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Luckily for you, I am. Vallkyrie would say to Eljay with a beaming flash of a smile. Kyr had no problems with traveling towards the coast with a certainty to run into one of the Junshi, who in return would inform all of Yuelong. They often traveled around the coast and just up front it into the mainland. Kyr often ran into them just hunting and scouting around day by day so it was really no trouble. 

When Maia mentioned that their own home was a bit of a stretch from here, Kyr suggested, You could always rest up here for the remainder of the day before heading back out? Of course they had one another to watch their backs whilst out in open land, but the safety of full, deep sleep was always best in the protection of a home, claimed lands. You know, if Mal doesnt mind. And then she would flash a look to him.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
An appreciative nod was given to Mal when he offered his empathy. Eljay smiled appreciatively when Vallkyrie said that she was a traveller. I appreciate you looking for Elfie and Weejay a lot, the father said with a soft smile. As for distances, Eljay wasn't sure what far or middle or anything was, so he didn't really know how to answer that. Luckily Maia sort of did.

A small rest would be good, I think, Eljay said, glancing to Maia for approval on that thought, then looking to Mal to see if it was an option.
1,397 Posts
Ooc — Jennifer
It didn't seem like they'd really be much of a danger, right? They at least didn't seem like particularly dangerous sorts... Besides, peer pressure, thanks Kyr. But it was the nice thing to do and as it was, there was not real reason to say no. If they caused trouble, okay, he'd have reason to say no in the future, but not right now. He still wasn't sure he'd entirely be able to find Firebirds just by the description he had anyway...

So, with all eyes on him, he gave it some thought, Yeah, uh. There's a little patch near here that'd probably be a good spot. Little clearing, but enough cover in case the weather takes a turn. Secure so no wandering maniacs chomped them, not far enough into the heart of the territory that they were likely to get into trouble. It's over this way. He took a couple steps that way to invite them over.
1,538 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Yeah, that'd be great!  If Eljay didn't mind a pause, she wasn't about to turn their hospitality aside.  Thanks!  She followed Mal, excited to relax for a bit in good company.  Maybe she'd break out a story or two!  She'd never told Eljay that one she'd promised... though maybe not.  Mal and Val were probably busy.

Omg.  Mal and Val.  Smiling even wider from her silent joke, she gave Eljay a friendly glance, then proceeded.

last for me!
390 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Same for me!

Happy that Mal didnt mind the idea of having these two stay the night for some needed rest, Vallkyrie swept a smile over the two of them before padding up to Mal's side to join him in leading them on. If anything, Kyr could always be a watchful eye for the pair whilst they visited and could walk them back to the borders as they continued on their mission.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
my last as well!

Though he wouldn't rest quite as easy at another pack, at least it was safer than sleeping out in the wilds entirely. And he had Maia with him, at least. Thankfully Mal didn't mind and so they were lead to a place where they could rest before they continued their journey.