Redhawk Caldera songsweet
1,178 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
aw! tags for ref! staying vague about the reya thread <3

@Bridget kept close and @Sorana grew. teya had not yet surmounted the nasty lump of bitterness in herself left behind by @Reyes. did their daughter need him? it was something she asked herself each day. and yet teya did not think she had it in her to deprive him of a relationship with yet another child. 
and so she looked toward forgiveness.
the little island was a brilliant green. she sat at the mouth of their den with her cooing baby lying in the curve of one arm, propped up so her adjusting little eyes could see the butterflies playing over the buttercups.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
817 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
I will never be able to resist - would 100% welcome a Sorana to still join

As she settled back in to life in Brecheliant, Bridget got into a routine of coming by the place she knew Teya to be each day. Sometimes it was earlier, sometimes it was later, and sometimes she noticed Reyes was nearby and kept going. It was too tempting for her to interfere and she sure as hell knew Teya wouldn't appreciate that.

It was probably optimistic of her to think her advice could help him out anyway. She wasn't exactly unbiased. Better to avoid the whole damn thing.

Today he wasn't around and she veered in to find Teya outside, Sorana nestled against her. It was still an odd picture, one that cemented, with each visit, just how long she was gone.

Hey. You hungry, at all? I was going to see about getting something, but I think if I manage, it's going to be fish. She chuckled softly, remembering back to their competitions. If she wanted to win the next one she should probably take advantage of the practice time.
95 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Sora's eyes and head moved lazily, as thought there was a buffering delay between the deft movements of the butterflies and her brain's comprehension of them. This was to be expected. Her vision was still blurry and difficult to focus, but she was no less interested in what was going on. Each noted movement was met with an excited coo. At times, the rotund pup would lurch as though she meant to give chase, but each time she settled back into the crook of mama's arm.

That is, until Bridget came along. With no comprehension of spoken language thus far and her hearing still cotton-filled and muddy, Sorana did not know her by name, but knew her scent by now and thought of her as the brightness. She was radiant where Teya was stormy; she was the sun peeking out from behind the clouds that covered her dam. Sorana perked up when Bridget's scent wafted to her and she leaned forward, nose a-twitch and tail thumping gently behind her.
1,178 Posts
Ooc — ebony
bridget was there. teya had become responsive to her presence, dependent on it, even. but she would never admit that to anyone. the shock of knowing her friend had lost a leg had been muted by everything else, and now it was not a reason to look longer or even linger.
the cardinal remained unchanged.
she shook her head. "i eat earlier."
sorana seemed particularly interested in the butterflies, but now her daughter was fixed upon bridget. teya found herself marvelling at the quickness with which she had grown from newborn to the beginning of sentience.
"i wish i was fishing," she said softly, though her eyes remained on sorana for a long moment.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
817 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Sorana looked up at her and Bridget smiled, lowering her nose to hover halfway above the puppy. Hey cutie. Happy as ever, I see. Despite feeling no real desire for her own, pups were adorable, and she loved that there were a few running around Brecheliant again. She was less fond of the effect it had had on her friend, but that didn't change anything here.

If you wanted to go, I could take over for a bit? I don't mind. She tickled Sorana's side with a paw, affectionately, then looked back at Teya. Bridget would have offered it upfront but she hadn't been sure how attached Teya was to the pup. Some moms could get touchy about that sort of thing.
1,178 Posts
Ooc — ebony
teya blinked. it was hard to say yes, though she desperately wanted to get out from under sorana for a bit.
"all right," she said softly. her eyes went back to the babe. "auntie bridget will watch you."
her gaze flicked to the cardinal again. did she mind the title?
she would slip out and watch as her friend arranged herself in the same place. 
"just a swim," she assured, moving past the den.
when she returned it was with more energy, slightly damp, and a small smile on her face.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
95 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
You can continue posting however flows best for you two, I'll probably make a post here and there as it makes sense!

It took some time before Sorana realized what was happening. Teya moved beneath her and Bridget took her place, but the pup was too busy sniffing at the bright wolf’s ankles and chin to take much notice.

Only after completing a thorough inspection of brightness did Sora look up, blinking owlishly, to try to locate mama. The butterflies continued to dip and weave, catching her eye for a moment, but at length she realized there was no mama here. It was only her and Bridget.

When comprehension dawned, Sorana’s face fell and she began to whimper and struggle to break free so she could find mama once more.
817 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
It made sense that she would begin to fuss the instant Teya left, though that showed immediately that the pup wasn't used to having others watch her. Bridget curled around and plucked up a dandelion, smiling. Hey now. Your mama is going to be right back, alright? She spoke with a soothing tone, then tried to distract her with the flower. It was adorable, when she tickled her chest with it, how the yellow shone on her fur.

You really are the cutest little ladybug, you know that? All you need are a few spots. Her reddish fur was all Reyes, clearly, and it was a lovely color.

Bridget did what she could to keep her occupied until Teya returned, and when she did, the smile on her face was clearly more than worth it. She looked so much more like herself.

I hope it was a good swim! We've been contemplating life's mysteries. Like if Auntie is here, does that mean we play, or does that mean we cry? She gave the puppy one more little nuzzle, then moved to allow Teya to take her place again. We can't answer all life's questions in a day, but I think we are closer. She was (mostly) joking, but she also didn't mind it taking a little time. 'Auntie' was an odd title, one that she'd have to get used to, but she didn't hate it. It was the closest thing to truth perhaps.
1,178 Posts
Ooc — ebony
teya sat down, grooming her chestfur. "she like you," the raven proclaimed, watching how sorana had relaxed with her caretaker.
but auntie was a clunky title and held no part of what bridget and she had almost become. maybe that was for the best. she pulled her gaze away before the cardinal caught her staring, cradling the girl once more. and this time, returning to that spot did not affect teya so much. "maybe she like to learn medicine when older," the little violet suggested of sorana, offering bridget a small smile.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
817 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
One of these days, Bridget knew that the quiet hurt would disappear. She'd been in this spot before, only then she'd been early rather than late. She never seemed to get the timing down.

So she was prepared for it, when she caught Teya's eye, and turned to sit down easily a short pace away. Accepting reality wasn't lying; it was the right thing to do.

Maybe. I didn't take to it right off, but it tends to grow on you. I'd be glad to teach her. She finished and was quiet for a moment, contemplating it. She was still full of plenty of easy silences. Even if she hadn't promised not to, she didn't really want to talk about her time away. And Teya didn't seem to want to talk about Reyes.

Or maybe she'll want to study the stars. She added, recalling her friend's interest and the times they'd talked about this before. She'd never really spoken highly of her own interests, but Bridget figured it was a pretty solid bet that her daughter would love the stars. Especially if Teya took the time to explore them with her as she grew.
1,178 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the stars. it had been so long since she had looked at them. it had been so long since she had thought about them. the little violet blinked and took the opportunity to look down at sorana. things were easier when she was not alone. things were not without tension when reyes was around, but he did so much. he took care of his daughter.
teya liked this. she liked bridget close. she liked the lack of steel between them. and she was afraid to muddle it again.
but wasn't it all so convoluted?
"maybe," was all she could manage, shooting the red-masque a small, apologetic look.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
817 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
It was both hard and easy, sitting there. Fortunately Bridget was never a wolf to back down from a challenge and hard things tended to bring out the best in her.

Whatever she chooses, at least she'll have plenty of options around. She's a lucky kid. I'll have to see if I can spoil her into at least giving healing a try. Bridget tossed that last bit as a joke, but it was slightly deeper than just an offhand comment. It didn't matter that things had changed, or that pretending they didn't would only take this so far right now. She wasn't going anywhere.

Brecheliant was her home and this pack was her family, even more than the fairies had been. She might still roam if she could sort out a way to manage it, but if she could help it, she'd never disappear on them again. Of everyone, she wanted Teya to know that.
1,178 Posts
Ooc — ebony
teya did not think about the fact that bridget might want to leave. her smile was content for that reason. "between you and eljay, she will learn." unbidden, a giant yawn split her head. she looked quietly down at sorana again.
there had been no one to teach teya about the mother-and-child bond. she only learned by observing maia and how easily things seemed to come to the other woman. all of it had been hard for the raven.
but in this sunlit moment, it felt like everything was indeed going to be okay.
"thank you for being here, bridget." the words tasted of a poem.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
817 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Teya's swim had apparently warn her out and Bridget's stomach pinched, reminding her that she still hadn't gotten a meal in yet today.

Always. She smiled and then stood up, casting a look in the direction of the caldera's slope. Reyes would probably be back with food anyway, but just in case, maybe she'd stop in later. It didn't hurt anything.

I'm going to go hit the river myself and see what comes of it. If I catch anything good I'll bring it by. It was tempting, to let herself laze the day away and nap here too, but she couldn't. She was her own worst enemy in this minefield they traversed.

She paused, though, to press her forehead to her friend's for a brief moment. I'm really glad I'm here. She hadn't expected how much she truly missed this place. With that final gesture, she began her trek towards the river.
95 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
For all the fussing she had done when she was alone with brightness, Sorana was sad to see her go. She craned her neck from her place in Teya's arms, staring until Bridget was out of sight, and then making a series of inquisitive noises as she pressed back against mama's soft chest fur.

Then she noticed the butterflies again and went right back to watching them with sleepy blinks until Teya brought them both inside for a siesta.