Panther Park I am that technology now.
596 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
All Welcome 
AW, but maybe @Mag ? :o <3

Mahler had shown Anslem the importance of noting sickly scents a few weeks earlier, so when Anselm came across a waft of familiar odor it halted him in his tracks.

The meandering scent carried far over fen -- before long Anselm was in Panther Park's generously sweeping locale. His persistence paid off in the form of the owner of said scent collapsed in the reeds; an older buck with his head pulled to his hind legs in rest. Anselm sniffed gingerly before approaching -- he was young still and no match for even a weakened buck.

But another scent braided its way into the atmosphere, which told Anselm this creature breathed no longer. Thrilled with his find Anselm begun the puncture-and-pull ritual of his kin, eating with gusto.
8 Posts
Ooc — Jenny
Enter Mag and Raindrop.

Quote:How rude! Raindrop, thought to herself. Being that she was not familiar with the rest of the territory, and that she was hungry, she followed him. When they got to where they were going, she stopped to sniff the air. No scent on the wind, but then she checked the ground.  When she discovered an older scent trail, she questioned this wolfs judgment. “Do you know if this is claimed territory —“  she paused quickly, realizing that she had an asked his name. “I believe we forgot to introduce ourselves. I am raindrop, what is your name?”

The male doesn't answer her. Instead he stands, ears pointed high on his head and swiveling with each noise in the environment around them. Shushing her so as to hear more adeptly. The scent of a fresh kill had caught his attention, however it was paired with that of a wolf. A pack wolf. For him, this wasn't much to worry about, all fair game actually when it came down to it. So he headed towards the trail, sniffing the subject of interest out as he went. Should she falter, he would continue. It was up to her to weigh the risks and benefits for herself.
260 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
Raindrop was stunned by his lack of manners, but she quieted when he shushed her. She watched as he stood erect, he obviously was keen on something. Remaining quiet, and just wanting to eat, she followed his lead. Her steps were light like feathers, her trot brisk and smooth.
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596 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
Anselm was oblivious to the rough-shouldered beast and its compatriot. Presently, he was on cloud nine. The deer had been felled by sickness, but Anselm knew from scent this sickness was safe to eat.

His teeth punctured hide and pulled ligament from bone. Around his face a scarlet mask rose as he continued gorging, completely tuned out to the world around him.
8 Posts
Ooc — Jenny
Pale gaze flitted skyward to an encroaching murder of crows, something he recognised as a good sign. Ears keenly picked up on that familiar cacophony of caws, signalling that they had indeed found a kill. They practically lit the way for him. His paced upped to a swift trot, breezing through the trees with a somewhat out of place elegance almost to the point of floating. He was so focused on tracking this kill down that he partly forgot about his companion.

Knowing that he grew closer to the carrion, a string of growls bubbled out of his throat. Emboldened by the fact that his party was of two and the opponent was one. Anselm would hear him before he would see him. And when he saw him, he would see two shining orbs that gradually became eyes, then bared teeth and a scarred head as he practically leapt out of the shadows. Hackles raised and tail in open contest of the dead deer. "Step aside, packer." He bit out. Shoving his chest forward into the other male's.
260 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
The two followed a trail of caws, most notably from Crows or Ravens, like a lighthouse their calls lit the way. When they came upon a carcass, and another wolf, her hunting partner lashed out at them. She backed away, hiding in a bush, fearful of his sudden aggression. He most likely wouldn’t notice her disappearance.
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596 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
Anselm didn't even hear the crows, he was so consumed in eating -- but he sure heard a growl.

His head snapped up from inside the deer's belly, adorned in a gristly red. Anselm startled in place to see a wolf nearly on top of him, menacingly large and exuding an aura of, well, bad jubies.

Anselm lacked the experience to realize he was in trouble. Hey! He interjected as the man came closer, hackles raised. I -- hey, what the fuck? He was pushed aside handily, sprawling backwards with a splaylegged gait to stay upright. He didn't even notice a second wolf tucked away in the brush - his focus was entirely and disbelievingly on the dark male that had just shoved him aside.

Did he just? Was he for real? Anselm's fur was on end and his heart racing. That's my kill! He didn't have anything against this man, who was not only bigger than him but hardened by far more experience judging from the scars that laced his muzzle. Anselm's head lowered as he stepped forward with a growl that sounded far more fearsome than he felt.
8 Posts
Ooc — Jenny
(May 28, 2023, 06:29 PM)Anselm Wrote: Anselm didn't even hear the crows, he was so consumed in eating -- but he sure heard a growl.

His head snapped up from inside the deer's belly, adorned in a gristly red. Anselm startled in place to see a wolf nearly on top of him, menacingly large and exuding an aura of, well, bad jubies.

Anselm lacked the experience to realize he was in trouble. Hey! He interjected as the man came closer, hackles raised. I -- hey, what the fuck? He was pushed aside handily, sprawling backwards with a splaylegged gait to stay upright. He didn't even notice a second wolf tucked away in the brush - his focus was entirely and disbelievingly on the dark male that had just shoved him aside.

Did he just? Was he for real? Anselm's fur was on end and his heart racing. That's my kill! He didn't have anything against this man, who was not only bigger than him but hardened by far more experience judging from the scars that laced his muzzle. Anselm's head lowered as he stepped forward with a growl that sounded far more fearsome than he felt.

He had disarmed the male as intended and then swooped in to claim the kill. Covering it fully with his body. “It was yours.” He speaks with emphasis. “‘S mine now.” A devious smirk appears on his lips before they are cracked by a heinous cackle. It was nothing short of glee from the dark male who couldn’t help but enjoy  the stand off. “Unless you want to fight for it.” The threat of conflict was a calculating move from him. He would be surprised if the challenge was accepted given the previous reaction of the unsuspecting other male.
260 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
From her place in the bushes, she watched the two cautiously. This new wolf meant no harm, and was just as hungry as they. She couldn’t stand to watch her tag along just steal a kill right from under his snout. It was wrong.

She felt a growl in her throat, and couldn’t stop it. It sounded louder than she would’ve liked. Theirs no doubt it would bring attention to her.
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596 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
Anselm lost all composure when the male swooped in and effectively blocked him from his meal. Outraged, outmaneuvered, and outmanned, Anselm was left with no choice but to accept this was how it would be.  It was all he could do to not aim a snide bite at the man’s back — one that would surely earn him far worse in return. 

A growl sounded from the bushes, causing him to startle. Anselm did not see the author of said noise and assumed, perhaps preemptively, that this belonged to reinforcements. 

He licked his lips with an unhappy whine, pulling his ears back as he stepped away. Anselm might be hungry, but he wasn’t about to risk his life over a kill when Paleo wasn’t hurting for food. Stepping away, Anselm’s goal was to back off far enough he could turn and run without exposing his back.
260 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
Quote:If you see this, @Mag, Anselm and I are finishing up this thread.


Raindrop had experienced Mags tactics, scaring off an innocent pack wolf for personal gain. She always respects others, but she would never do what Mag had done.

She wanted to apologize to him, the pack wolf, but he would be long gone by now.

When she has a chance, she will leave this hot situation, and set back out on her apparently endless journey.
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596 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
thank u for the thread! tags are for reference <3

Anselm wasted no time leaving. He was bewildered, and his pride was stung. He debated even telling @Mahler or @Wylla at all about this wolf. In the end his obedience won out over ego, though he conveyed the story with deep shame later.

He did not realize Raindrop was not foe -- his tracks were long gone by the time Mag ate his fill of his fresh won prize.