Sheepeater Cliff eighty-seventh
995 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
tags for ref or joining, no posting order, just setting timeline <3 backdated to may 29th

as to avoid greatwater lake where zharille made her claim, senmut did not call another stop until they had reached the edges of the sunspire mountains. a cliff loomed there, overlooking the golden plains of yellowstone.

the prince kicked a sheep's femur aside with an appraising look. "i do not know what might be over the mountains. i know the place mereo once stood, and nothing more."

honesty was fierce in him; he longed for akashingo, for muat-riya.

@Zaahira put a patrol around the cliffside. while she was away, he worked between @Legend and @Machiavelli once more to lay out the temporary camp and gather food from their stores, glancing toward the stone teeth of the mountains as the sun sank to darkness.
376 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
A mangled rabbit in her jaws, she had been dragging it around with her everywhere throughout the camp. Heat swelled over her body in a grave vertigo. Chilled, eventually, as Ra tucked himself away over the horizon.

Legend helped move their items to be within view as bedfurs were laid out. Crickets rumbled below their feet. Fireflies clung to the edges of her fur, and she was broken to break them off when they tickled.

Her erpa-ha planned to extend their reach. Akashingo was confined frequently to their own premises and politics, leaving their trading posts thin to none. There had been few to no words from the imps mouth in their travel.

Senmut behind her, her nose quickly flickered over one of Machiavelli's pouches as she sniffed about in deep breaths.
my story's gonna end with me dead
177 Posts
Ooc — Sprout
The piebald man meticulously arranged his selection of pouches before turning his attention to making their camp as comfortable as possible. Each task was performed with a practiced efficiency that attested to his time as a fellahin. Grasses and twigs were cleared away, and the ground was smoothed with deft strokes, transforming the rough wilderness into a temporary haven.

As he worked, his gaze wandered, eventually catching sight of Legend.
The moment their eyes met, he abandoned his task, the foliage slipping from his grasp to join the earth below. He trotted over to her, pulling away the bag and batting at the jackdaw teasingly, Begone demon, he chided lightly, this isn't for you.

With the pouch safely out of reach from the mischievous jackdaw, he returned to his task. However, he paused, ears pricking up attentively as the prince began to speak. Moreo? he echoed, the word unfamiliar on his tongue. He had heard the term tossed around but lacked specifics. Was that one of Akashingo's palaces?

suck the rot right out of my bloodstream
995 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"mereo was a military outpost in a canyon of red sand. they sent soldiers to tour as guardians in the palace, and trained the last pharaoh in tactics. they fought also beside ramesses to drive out their enemies."

his paw smoothed through the inviting pile of one particularly rich pelt. "the Consort wants another outpost risen. a son of akashingo would be its captain."
376 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Her nose ran wild. Sniffing harder at the bag, she tried to weasel around the fellahin with a cold, wet nose trying to jab into the pouch! It smelled spicy. Spicy! Her nose burned, and the imps tail moved in ferocious wiggles while her teeth tried to reach for it in sneaky nips, before her eyes caught across the gaze of Senmut.

One last final reach, and she pranced away with foxy leaps. Machi did not deserve her attention anymore! All gone, ran out, and bye-byed! Given to the prince instead, and all the while even her tail was swishing towards the direction of the bag. He spoke of outposts and military wolves. Sparkles formed behind those dead and damned eyes. A pitchy growl hummed out with a smile. "HMMM!"

"Wah-wah," her paw started to do spinnies as she laid on her belly, squinting curiously at her red man while staying near her opaline man. "Wahhhh.. Happen.." What on earth kind of sentence was she trying to say? The smile was all gone in her confusion. Even Legend wasn't sure for a moment, until it smacked her in the face. "Wha' happened to Mereo?"