Sun Mote Copse Thought I'd Drop By So I Could Bounce Again
734 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
All Welcome 
When she considered the packs which may be interested in the hunt she had almost forgotten Towhee's mention of Meerkat and Njord, but as she prepared for her journey she thought of them again. If either or both @Phox or @Towhee wished to journey and visit she would welcome their company, but if they wanted to settle into the plateau she would head out on her own and make the journey as swift as she could.

As she reached the edges of the territory she paused, a call on her lips and she tilted her head back in search, hoping that they remained nearby enough to hear.

Looking for @Njord and/or @Meerkat but all welcome!
Sun Mote Copse
1,983 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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Master Ambassador
It was nice having @Reki’s company in addition to Njord’s. They still hadn’t managed to recruit anyone else, though Meerkat didn’t fret. She could feel a shift inside her and sensed her season wasn’t far away. Soon their hearth would be filled with newborns. And maybe they could all keep an eye out for a match for Reki, if he wanted that sort of thing.

Her mind wandered as she plodded around the borders this afternoon, a small smile on her lips. Life was quiet these days, though not for long, she supposed. Meerkat snorted and then dropped her head to sniff at a particularly impressive pile of dung. Had that been left by a large buck, perhaps even a bull moose? She wasn’t entirely sure.

Not long after that, she heard someone calling and immediately halted, ears pricking. She turned to pinpoint the source, then cantered in that direction. She didn’t recognize the woman darkening her doorstep, though it was always nice having a guest politely knock at their door.

Hello! What brings you to the copse today? I’m Meerkat, she introduced, stopping about two yards from the unfamiliar she-wolf.
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734 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
When the other wolf approached leaving a good gap of space between them Heph tipped her own head in a brief greeting, "It's a pleasure to meet you." She murmured at the introduction, stowing away the relation for a moment and glad that she would be able to give news of Towhee and Phox's wintering location to the other wolf directly.

But she was quick to reply, not wishing to forget the most important news and her purpose for visiting. "I'm Heph from Moontide. I came to invite Sunmote Copse to a hunt in Hoshor plains. We're hoping to gather wolves from many packs to share in the prey we can find there." She took a moment to breath and let the invitation sit in the air. The location would be no small distance to travel in the winter, but she hoped they would find it profitable enough a journey to make.

A friendly smile and she added, voice warming to something less business like. "I also came to let you know that Towhee and Phox decided to spend the winter with us on the Plateau by the sea, and you're welcome if you'd like to visit." She knew Njord knew the way to the plateau so she did not elaborate further on their location. A flash of worry flickered in her ears for a moment, when she thought of Ray, wondered if he had perhaps found his way back here, but she had no news to give of him.
Sun Mote Copse
1,983 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Coach
Master Therapist
Master Ambassador
The pleasure’s mine, Meerkat returned, then fell silent as Heph introduced herself and explained what brought her to the copse today.

The thought of a cooperative hunt certainly piqued her interest, though part of Meerkat balked. She couldn’t explain it, though the timing certainly lined up with previous years, and she just knew she would go into heat soon. She wondered when exactly they planned to gather.

Before she could ask, the visitor shared something else of note. Meerkat blinked, head rearing back slightly. Towhee had decided to settle down for the winter? She remembered her mother mentioning it in passing but she’d just assumed Towhee would come to roost in the copse before anyplace else. That wasn’t what truly dismayed her though. What on earth had taken her parents to the godforsaken seaside?

Meerkat chewed the inside of her cheek, eventually saying, Oh, thanks for letting me know. She would need more time to process the news before she could speak to it further. When do you all plan to gather for the big hunt?
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
734 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
The slight movement of the other wolf's head made her blink, but she did not know Meerkat well enough to truly understand the gesture - whether it was of surprise or consternation or something else. Her voice was warm but did not linger, she was happy to play the messenger if it allowed her to travel. "Of course." But at the question of timing her mind turned briskly to the hunt once more.

She spoke decisively enough, though part of it would be determined by how quickly she herself could travel to bring news to the other packs and then make the journey to Hoshor plains herself she wanted to hold the hunt sooner rather than later. The longer winter progressed the weaker the herds but the packs too would be feeling the oncoming season and the hunt was meant to strengthen those who came rather than be a burden. "The earliest we could gather would be in nine or ten days, definitely before the next full moon."

sorry wasn't sure if Heph would use the week/day system but I'm planning on making the post 12.23.23!
Sun Mote Copse
1,983 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Coach
Master Therapist
Master Ambassador
The hunt would happen sooner than Meerkat had anticipated, which meant she and Njord could feasibly attend. There were a lot of logistics to consider, of course, besides her pending season. The plains were quite far. They couldn’t simply leave their village unattended for days on end; at least, she didn’t like that thought much at all. Meerkat wanted for her little pack to go, yet she would definitely have to weigh the pros and cons with her husband before she committed.

I’ll have to speak to my husband, Njord. We appreciate the invitation very much, Meerkat said. How many packs will be invited? Will you be visiting each one? she added conversationally.

If there were many more invitations to make, Meerkat didn’t want to keep her, though she didn’t want to send Heph away so quickly. Well, she’d leave it up to her. If she couldn’t stay long, Meerkat would at the very least offer her a snack for the road before she left.

Sounds good! :)
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
734 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
When Meerkat mentioned Njord Heph nodded, while the newer pack might not wish to leave so soon after beginning to claim their territory she trusted that their paths would cross again and there would hopefully be more opportunities to hunt or trade. "I hope he's well. He and Ray visited Moontide when our pack was still new, if there's anything we can do to help in the settling let us know."

Heph considered, she had had time to consider, as she traveled, if she should call on Brecheliant and Hjolderfel when no solid alliances had been made, but settled on extending the invitation anyways. "Moonsong, Moonspear, and Moonglow my packmates are reaching out to, I've been to Sweetharbor and Sapphique, and plan to travel to Brecheliant, and Hjolderfel although they've settled somewhere new." Though her voice was calm, if tinged with some excitement at the journey, it shifted into uncertainty when she spoke of Raventhorpe's new territory. She did not know exactly where they had settled and hoped that finding it would not delay her journey too long - if she could not find it in time she would have to return to Moontide and simply hope they heard her call. But she had a general location and felt she had a fair chance.
Sun Mote Copse
1,983 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Coach
Master Therapist
Master Ambassador
Hearing her son’s name brightened Meerkat’s expression. She sent a silent intention Ray’s way and then considered Heph’s next statement. Now might be a good time to mention they were hoping to recruit a young couple to their village. If not a pair, perhaps a young lady who might make a good match for Reki…

Wow, that’s going to be quite the gathering. Kudos to you for organizing it. It sounds like you’ve got quite the itinerary, so I totally understand if you can’t linger. Would you like something to eat for the road, though? Meerkat offered. And since you asked, we’re hoping to find another pair—maybe a young couple—to help us fully settle the copse. If you could spread the word while you’re out there sending invitations, it would be very much appreciated. No obligation, of course. We appreciate the thought either way.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
734 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph nodded, despite the winter season she hoped that wolves would gather and the hunt would be bountiful. "If it's not too much trouble, I'd be thankful for a bite." She replied honestly, while the kindness made her wish she had brought something she knew that the journey ahead of her would certainly be long enough that the extra strength of a snack would help. "I'll let them know, and if I meet anyone at the hunt." She paused in thought. Initially, she had intended to send an invitation to @Void's pack as well but the claim had gone cold and she had not tracked him down. "If three's not too old, there's a pair called Void and Meylodi who lived in Moontide for a time who might suit. They're both fine hunters and fighters who had their first bunch of kids last year." Perhaps Rodyn would know where to find them - she had always assumed since Rodyn and Void were like brothers that if settling their own pack did not work out they would return to Moontide.
Sun Mote Copse
1,983 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Coach
Master Therapist
Master Ambassador
Heph actually had someone—a couple, even—in mind. Meerkat listened to every word Heph said. They sounded like nearly perfect recruits to her. She felt hope blossoming in her chest at the possibility of meeting them and welcoming them to live at the copse.

Definitely not too old, Meerkat said with a laugh. I would love to meet them! she went on enthusiastically. If you bump into them, please consider sending them this way. Is there a reason they left Moontide? she couldn’t help but wonder before suddenly holding up a forepaw and declaring, Hold that thought!

With a wink, she moved a bit deeper into the copse. There was a cache not far from here, the perfect place to grab a snack before or after a patrol. Meerkat plucked a comically fat gopher from the top of the pile, quickly returning to where Heph waited.

There you go, she said, dropping the small carcass and nudging it toward the visitor.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
734 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph was glad Meerkat went to find a cache because it gave her a moment to think on what to say. While in truth Void had wanted to found his own pack she was not sure if that had lasted as she had not found a claim in her wandering and did not fully explain why he had wanted a pack of his own to lead. Her own feelings about the wolf were colored by her brief but turbulent interactions with him and though she had decided to trust in Rodyn's judgement she struggled to think of the other wolf as a leader. "Thank you very much." The gopher looked and smelled appetising, surprisingly plump for the winter although she supposed rodents were not opposed to stockpiling either.

She replied easily at first, knowing some of the thought process behind why Moontide may not have appealed to them in the longer term. "I knew Void a bit longer than Meylodi and think that he wanted a pack whose borders were more secure and that he could have a part in shaping. Though Rodyn leads Moontide its follows in many of the customs of Moonglow." There was a moment of hesitation at that, though his decision had mostly been influenced by his whirlwind romance she could not help but wonder if it had also had to do with Rodyn and Samani making her beta at the time. But she could hardly say that aloud. Instead she gave information on where the family had headed. "He planned to head to the mountains and find a defensible location." She took a moment to breath and also bite into the meal.
Sun Mote Copse
1,983 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Coach
Master Therapist
Master Ambassador
It sounded like they’d left Moontide to make their own way. Meerkat could relate, of course, even if their reasons differed a little. She wondered if Void and Meylodi were strong personalities. Perhaps they wouldn’t want to be seconds. She reminded herself not too speculate one way or the other. They would have to meet, assuming they had any interest in the first place.

He’d probably approve of the copse, Meerkat mused, glancing at the barrier the mountains made along the eastern border before returning her warm gaze to Heph. I really hope we get the opportunity to meet.

Of course, the joint hunt might be the perfect opportunity. Meerkat felt herself growing inwardly restless. She wanted to go, yet she didn’t want to go. She and Njord would definitely have to have a long, in-depth discussion weighing all the pros and cons. Surely they could come up with the decision that worked best, together with Reki.

Well, don’t let me keep you, if you have lots of globetrotting left to do. It was nice meeting you, Heph, and maybe we’ll see you on the plains.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
734 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
She found herself too hoping that somehow Void and Meylodi heard of the Copse and ventured forth to see if they could see themselves settling there. "Me too." She worried about them having not found evidence of their claim but she was skeptical that htey would be happy finding a place in Moontide although perhaps that was only her own trepidation.

Heph nodded with a smile. She was glad that she had come and been able to put a face to the name. "It was good meeting you too, I'm sure we'll cross paths again." She knew the decision would not be so quickly made when they were just settling, but time would tell and so she set out.