Ocean's Breath Plateau mayuqtinniq
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
You will not find me here, Moon Owl whispered into Ariadne's ear. Think about where your heart desires to go, and you will find me there. 

Taking her time to think it over, she opted for Moontide as her next stop before circling back to Moonglow. With @Rodyn in mind, as she’d been thinking of him lately, she gathered his favorite treats and packed fresh blackberries and hog fat in otter fur.

Despite the numerous activities available at the beach, she felt drawn to catching up with the leader of the pack and discussing their planned trip. 

Upon reaching the borders, she set down the parcel by her feet and called out to him, hoping he was nearby.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
As Rodyn had promised he thought about what he wanted and Ariadne. As moonwoman had asked. He had no answers or opinions or thoughts really yet. He had been in the sea when she called out.

He was surprised, but not entirely adverse to it. But she would need to deal with him salt encrusted and sopping. His fur drying in all sorts of ways that were not right. Against the grain.

He had placed the fish he csught in a cache and trotted over.


A warm smile kind glance. Do you need some rest? Have you traveled far?
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Ah, Moon Owl whispered as soon as he saw Rodyn in the distance. It was the first time the totem had spoken since the glacier. There he is.

Ariadne strained her neck to catch sight of him, and when she finally saw him, she smiled. Even though he was soaked from the waves, she found the slicked-back style of his fur particularly alluring. Upon realizing this, she briefly averted her gaze and smiled nervously. 

Hey! she exclaimed, a tad too enthusiastically. Perhaps later, she replied, I've been on foot for quite some time—I'm coming from Moonsong Glacier. Hastily, she clarified, I'm on a spiritual journey and decided to pay a visit while I had the chance.

Then, she placed a paw on the satchel and pushed it towards him. I got you something, she said. Nothing too big, but I hope you enjoy it.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn ran a paw over his muzzle scratching at an itch there. Peppering sand in with sea and salt.

He blinked surprised at her overenthusiastic tone. But true to form. He didn't read into it. Simply guessed she was excited to see someone she knew. Only cemented in proof when she spoke about a spirit journey. So she had been on her own. No wonder she was excited. It had nothing to do with anything other than that.

He sniffed at the satchel and a bellied laugh left him. Crinkling his eyes at the corners.

Ay berries and fat. Thank you Ariadne. Its a lovely gift. Are you learning much on your journey?

He blinked. Are you hungry? Would you like to share my snack?
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
She was thrilled to witness his joy, and his happiness quickly spread to her. It is no problem at all, she assured him, her tail swaying behind her and she laughed. I hope you enjoy—there will be more where that came from when we travel together!

In response to his question, she nodded and shared, The solitude has been beneficial, but I've also longed for my children and the company of others. She decided to wait to discuss the matter of Moon Owl with Kukutux before revealing it. 

His gesture was generous, and she smiled gratefully as she unwrapped the package. Yes—I appreciate that, she said, signaling for him to help himself first. 

After taking her first helping, she asked, How are you doing?
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He took a bit, offering her the food. He settled to his haunches letting the sun dry his fur. Mm i look forward to it. I will make sure to hunt well in return.

He nodded, and shifted in thought. I have never been on a man journey or a spirit journey, but much of my bride price journey was done in solitude. So I understand. It can weigh heavy.

He shook out his shoulders. I am doing well. I am tired, we have more young than adults at the moment. But I would not change those we have. And it is nice to hear the babies play.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
I am excited for whatever you catch, she said, anticipating whatever it'd be to be delicious. And for the trip! It is not long now until we get going! 

She gave a nod of agreement, reflecting on the solitude she had been experiencing lately. Feeling lonely had come easily to her, a state she wasn't used to. It is good to be here, she said simply, feeling he'd understand the weight to her words. 

Upon hearing about Moontide's situation, she looked surprised. Let me help, she offered. We can go fishing if you want, and it seemed like that's what he had been up to just before meeting her. I've never fished in the ocean, but since you showed me how to fish at night, I am sure I can do it.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She surprised him with her excitement. And he didn't mind. He just hadn't been sure if she had truly wanted to come along.

Just in a few nights and days time. I am trying to fill as many caches as I can before we leave. I will also need to find a strong fur to haul our trades.

It had been easier in fall and winter. The ground had been frosty and anow covered. It had all slid easier. For this trek much would need on his back and some in the furs. And he would need to back track often to drop items at home or moonglow.

He chuckled. Tides a little too strong now and theres predators hanging out. But we can fish in the tide pools for crabs and fish. They'd have been brought in.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Reflecting on her assortment of furs and hides, Ariadne remembered an old bison fur that had been her go-to for transporting numerous items at one time. She'd recently used it to transfer belongings from her den to Kukutux's following the divorce, and she knew exactly where it was. I have a bison hide that you can use, she offered. It is large and strong, and I have used it to move things many times. 

After he explained why they couldn't fish in the ocean, she felt a pang of disappointment but reasoned that it was for their safety. The tide pools it is, she agreed with a wave of her tail. I'm ready when you are, she said.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He frowned. It may get ruined Ariadne. I will be traveling many miles. If you don't mind. I'll makre to get you a replacement.

Their next big hunt. He'd make sure to have a fur set aside for her it was only fair.

I will take you fishing in the ocean when its better. I promise.

Fishing in the ocean was its own sort of challenge, but on a clear day and a calm water it was good.

This way.

He led her towards one of Heph' favorite spots where there were numerous tide pools teeming with life. He motioned her closer and waymtched in delight as fish and lobsters and crabs and other small aquatic things swam and darted through the small pool.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Do not worry, Rodyn, she reassured him. I am happy to take the chance—helping you is worth it. She found his offer to replace it very generous and nodded in gratitude. I would be grateful if you replaced it if something happens, but if it's returned in the same state, there's no need to. He had bigger concerns than the old, weathered hide.

He promised to take her hunting in the ocean, and she grinned from ear-to-ear. I look forward to it! Did you know that I have never been in the ocean before? I've only touched the water. I used to be afraid of it, but now I think I am ready to go in when it is safe. After Samani's death, she had been wary of it, but now she was prepared to confront it; her superstitious nature had deprived her of many things, such as swimming in the ocean.

Upon reaching the tide pools with him, she gazed in amazement at the abundance of life present, realizing they had numerous choices for hunting.

She smiled as she gazed at him, admiring his attractive traits, and felt her cheeks warm with embarrassment. Being in his presence made her happy. Looking back down to the pools to distract herself, she asked, What do you think we should hunt?
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn amiled and shifted. Unused to such praise it still made him uncomfortable. He had always been a humble man. More so as he aged.

He would replace it for her. She deserved something new for her new path in life anyway. This he was certain of.

I wasn't until I came here. But I also was ill prepared for the beasts that live in it. They do not come to shore often. But when they do.

He shifted and shook his head. Ready to think on something else. It is refreshing when its hot and the fish are much bigger.

He pointed out a few things. That theres some crabs they are good but we have to watch their pincers. Theres a lobster same thing. That sea anenome there. If we catch it we have to be careful it can huet us. But any of the fish would make a meal or two as well. These here. He pointed out small octopi incredibly smart. Taste good but must be careful of their limbs.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
She was curious about the predators he mentioned, but he didn't seem keen in explaining further, so she decided to drop the subject. She trusted he would give her a heads-up before they went swimming. I look forward to it—whenever we find time to do it! The summer months were set to be bustling, and she hoped they could squeeze in a swim before the weather changed again. 

She observed him as he identified and described different types of prey. While she preferred to stay away from crabs, lobsters, and urchins due to the risk of injury, she considered fish a safe option and found the idea of catching an octopus enticing and exciting. I would be willing to try the leggy thing, she said.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn didn't have the words to describe the predators and he didn't know their names. Just that there were a few and they all had dead eyes. Especially the toothy ones.

We will. Maybe tomorrow if the weather holds up and the tide goes out.

He didn't want her to get pulled out to sea.

He chuckled. Okay. I usually scoop them out and hold their legs. Don't let those legs touch you they're might strong and stick to you. And they move even after its dead for a bit. Just be warned. Bite it hard. It has a lot of give. No bones. So.

He dipped his head and waited quietly to help if he needed too.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
She was thrilled at the idea of going swimming the next day. That sounds like a good idea! she said, clearly excited by the plan. I will send a prayer to Sedna tonight to give us ideal weather. 

Ariadne listened to Rodyn’s instructions and observed the octopus in the pool, finding it challenging to pick a target among them. When she finally selected one and dove her head underwater in to catch it, the clever creature wrapped its tentacles around her snout, causing her to emerge wide-eyed and shake her head in an attempt to free herself.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She was excited. She pulled a soft chuckle from rodyn. Eyes alight with laughter. He nodded. Samani had often prayed to Sedna. On his entire bride price journey he had asked sedna for good catches, good weather. And she had given.

Before he could stop her. She had dove in head first. And the octopus with many legs had grabbed her. Rodyn had had this happen to him once before so he knew what to do.

Okay Ariadne. Put your face back in the water. Take a deep breath before you do. I'll scrape at it and see if it will release ya.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
In the midst of the chaos, she listened to his voice and carried out his guidance. Inhaling deeply, she dunked her head underwater and quickly removed the octopus. She easily got rid of it, and then she emerged above water. Breathing heavily, she was overcome with self-consciousness and embarrassment, and she briefly avoided his gaze.

I guess ... that was wrong, she said, trying to make light of the situation, as saltwater trickled down her face.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn smiled and bent his head. Lifted her own with his muzzle if she'd allow.

It happens. Do you know how i knew to do that?

He gave a dry chuckle. I did the samething. And it took me a lot longer and way less grace to get the beast off of me.

He looked her over. Sometimes you fail in hunting and thats okay. You just gotta try again.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
As he lifted her chin, a gentle smile appeared on her face and her heart skipped a beat. This close encounter with him was completely new to her, and she relished it despite struggling to remember to breathe. 

It happens. Do you know how I knew to do that? he asked, and somehow, despite her nerves, she managed to shake her head in reply. I did the same thing. And it took me a lot longer and way less grace to get the beast off of me. Sometimes you fail in hunting and that's okay. You just gotta try again. It seemed as if he had articulated her new saying—keep trying. 

Okay, she said, looking into his eyes and smiling sheepishly. I will try again. 

She stayed put despite her words, relishing the view.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He was more concerned with making her feel better. The close proximity didn't affect him fully. But he was certainly aware where his muzzle touched hers.

He smiled and moved his head. Leetting her go gently. He didn't want her head to like fly forward and add more insult to injury.

Ready to try again.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
He let her down gently and asked, ”Ready to try again?”

She nodded, feeling a new wave of determination wash over her as she started looking for her next target. There were several octopuses to choose from, and Ariadne spotted a smaller one that seemed to be injured. It moved at a slow and awkward pace, struggling to maintain a straight path. 

Remembering his words from their night fishing trip, she worked to target a spot slightly ahead of it. She focused on the octopus, trying to anticipate its movements despite its unique way of swimming. Her first strike was a miss, yet she continued undaunted, and she continued to chase after it. She snapped a few times until she finally made contact with the creature, bit down firmly, and resurfaced from the water with a wide grin. 

Finally! she breathed heavily as she struggled with the wriggling body, cringing at the sensation of it moving in her mouth. She set it down on the ground and observed as it wilted, feeling a mix of pride, curiosity, and a touch of disgust.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He didn't seek to help. He would let her figure it out. He would just guide if she needed. But he felt part of Ariadne needed to learn new things. And try new things by her own merit.

She was a quick study and remembered what he had said. It was always awe inspiring for hin to see those he taught do better than him in ways.

Rodyn chuckled at her facial expressions. They are strange creatures, but they don't taste terrible. Would you like to try it?
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
They are really strange! she laughed. I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like them. The closest comparison she could make was to a snake, but they were still quite different.

He wondered if she was up for trying it out, and she agreed with a nod, recognizing that it would be a shame to pass up the chance to try something new. Can I eat any part of it? she asked, peering down and prodding it with one of her toes. Or is there a certain part of it that is the tastiest?
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He laughed and nodded his head. They are strange so are crawfish and lobsters are really weird looking. They kinda look like giant crayfish. I also see these things with big heads and long legs, and they hurt if you touch them.

Try and stay away from thr beak there. But the legs amd such aren't bad.

He flipped it so its legs shifted and she could see its little beak mouth
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
The ocean was teeming with peculiar creatures, including the octopus. After discovering it had a beak, she raised an eyebrow and examined it closely. So strange ... she noted after a brief pause, looking genuinely confused. Is it a type of ocean bird? she asked, unsure how else to classify it. 

Following his advice, Ariadne tried one of the legs. Despite its gummy texture and the time it took to chew, she surprisingly found herself enjoying the taste. Mmmm, she hummed once she swallowed. Not bad!