Lost Creek Hollow oscuridad
910 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 

silvertongue was not so good at hunting, but she was learning. today's yield was only an opossum, but she brought it back to where she and @Crowfeather shared their densire with a vigor. setting it down, she looked to the dark man, noting how well he seemed now that they were out of mereo. "what other ideas do you have for this place?" she asked softly, pushing the prey closer.
909 Posts
Ooc — Teo
She was a welcome sight to the three legged man. The smell of food made his mouth water. Crowfeather’s thoughts ventured to his abilities to hunt and whether he would ever run as swiftly as he once had. 

Silvertongue asked what ideas he had for their home. The shadow sat beside her, haunches pushed to her ribs. His gold lantern eyes sought her face. 

I want everyone to contribute all things. Hunting and protecting don’t need to be divided by specialists. Everyone can learn. I want someone skilled with medicine… who can teach someone young. I want all of us to grow together - to help and teach each other. 

He didn’t know if this was possible. A questioning look was given to her.
910 Posts
Ooc — ebony

silvertongue nodded and listened closely as crowfeather described his plans. she had little of her own, happy to follow. but as he elaborated, she began to see how the beautiful place they called home could be what he wanted. "what will you call it first, mariposa?" she asked quietly. first things first. "i think when others see the kindness in your heart, they will wish to stay." her eyes were knowing.
909 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Crowfeather did not know what he might call their new home. He wished for something simple, something fitting. Their little hollow was a slice of paradise wrapped in green foliage and flowing water. 

Maybe… Riverclan. What do you think? She had come from packs that were not like each other. Would she be opposed to another learning curve? The young shadow did not want to lose her, not now - not when he had no one left. 

At Silvertongue’s words, he blushed. 

Is that- Is that why you are here?
910 Posts
Ooc — ebony

"i love the name." silvertongue truly did; she shut her eyes and thought of how fitting it was. and how it carried the sound of his home. "i am here because you cannot get rid of me!" she joked, and then became soft once more. she touched his paw. "you were kind to me in the palace when you were a prince and i was belen. i did not forget."
909 Posts
Ooc — Teo
I do not want to get rid of you, he whispered in response.

Crowfeather did not want to tell her that he had never truly been a prince. He had only been a nervous young man who was too afraid to step out of line. A foolish boy who had believed that things would work out, in the end. He supposed that he wasn’t far from the truth. Though Germanicus was no longer a part of his life, he had found a new home and several special individuals who would share it with him. Life was funny, he thought.

Have you had a chance to meet Sandy yet? the shadow inquired after a moment of thought. He hoped that Silvertongue liked the other man. Crowfeather considered him a winning addition to their forming numbers.
910 Posts
Ooc — ebony

silvertongue smiled up at crowfeather. "not yet. but i will. i have been looking at — green things. trying to learn their names." the young wolf sighed. "i do not know what my role here should be. aside from most beautiful greeter," she joked, though she knew the worth of her appearance. "what is he like, this sandy?" it was easier to speak of others.
909 Posts
Ooc — Teo
She said that she was hoping to learn the names of green things. The shadow blinked curiously, head tilted. The three-legged wolf was curious to hear what might have drawn her attention. As Silvertongue continued talking, she explained that she was not certain what her position in Riverclan would look like. Beneath the humorous comment about her appearance was a true concern.

No, you could be anything! We can all learn how to do some of everything.

Crowfeather had considered her as a leader, though he was not certain if it was something she desired. He had thought of the best way to divide the duties of their members. Faun had skills has a medic. If Silvertongue wished to learn about greenery, she could learn from the soft-spoken woman.

But I could help you learn about some herbs. I- I do not know them all. There is a woman who is stocking a medicine wolf’s den. Her name is Faun and she’s- she’s very nice. I think she would be able to teach, too. A nervous smile found his features. She had asked about Sandy, but he wanted to make sure that her concerns were addressed. Crowfeather did not want for Silvertongue to feel aimless. She mattered to him and would matter to all who joined them.
910 Posts
Ooc — ebony

a woman! well this was certainly something. she wanted to stiffen at the discovery that she was not the only pretty thing here, and thus competition for crowfeather's affection. but — he would not leave her. they were bonded, he and she. and so she relaxed. "i will seek them both out," the vixen assured with a wink. "and yes. teach me," she urged, kissing his shoulder. "i think i should know everything."
909 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Alright, he smiled softly. The expression looked sad upon his features. Crowfeather did not want to let himself feel overwhelmed by what they were doing. The hollow was beautiful. It was a good place for a home. There were good wolves who had joined, who believed in their clan. He could not help but think back and quake at how much things had changed.

Let me show you where the mint grows, he said to her, snout nodding.

The three-legged figure began walking through the hollow. Birds twittered overhead. Their wings could be heard as they lifted out of the trees and into the open air. The chill of the air spoke of winter. It would soon be upon them. Crowfeather worried that they were not fully prepared.
910 Posts
Ooc — ebony

fade & have another? <3

he looked somber for a moment. silvertongue went to his side at once. "amigo." and that he was, despite the crush she still bore. the crisp air was good to her, and she frisked from side to side. "such memories we will make here, crowfeather!"
909 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Yes! <33

The best memories!

The dark wolf smiled at her.

Crowfeather led them through the brush to where he had found mint. The scent of it was still strong. They talked and explored, discovering herbs that were tucked away among dense trees. Even though their numbers were small, the future felt hopeful.