Lost Creek Hollow juego
910 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 

"@Crowfeather," silvertongue purred once she had returned to the hollow. "there is a forming pack west of us. veran told me of them." she began to untangle out her silken chest fur. "arric and akavir of swiftcurrent creek are our newest allies. i have negotiated hunts between us, spar training for riverclan, and a meeting, in a week's time." she did not say how, but would if he asked. crowfeather was gentle and kind, but not once had he looked to silvertongue for that sort of interlude. she was content to love him as they were, with nothing expected.
909 Posts
Ooc — Teo
You have been busy, he offered her in a gentle voice. The shadow’s honey gaze was warm as he mulled over her updates. 

Crowfeather thought it wise to make friends with the others who had settled near the hollow. He had no intention of going to war, if it could be helped. There was no telling what might come in their future, but he wanted to take every precaution. Kindness did not spur wolves to each other’s throats. 

Can you tell me a bit more about them? Do they seem… nice? The tripod settled close to Silvertongue so he could listen to her and marvel at her strengths.
910 Posts
Ooc — ebony

silvertongue grinned. "they seem rough! it is only men there, it appears," and her eyes glittered with pleasure at this knowledge. "there are attackers in the area. they want to come and discuss them at this meeting." silvertongue began to wash her face similarly to a cat, thinking of whom she might seek first at the creek for her lessons.
909 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Only men, he echoed quietly, something stirring in the deepest portion of his belly. Crowfeather did not need to think of men in that way. All his previous experiences with them had led to hurt. Nevertheless, there was something tantalizing about having neighbors with a group of strapping men who prowled their creek and claimed lands – burly frames, rugged features.

When Silvertongue mentioned attackers, Crowfeather shrunk. He thought of the white witch who had mangled him and left him for dead. What could these others want? Would they approach Riverclan with their threats?

Do you- do you think we’re in danger? His voice was a whisper, as though speaking of the attackers would conjure them.
910 Posts
Ooc — ebony

she shook her head. "these two men held them all away. they are very strong. and they will alert us." she played at the edge of his shoulder, leaning her head there for a moment. "and they are teaching me to fight. also we have sandulf and veran." her eyes glowed. "do not fear, mariposa," silvertongue crooned. "we will defend riverclan well."
909 Posts
Ooc — Teo
They were teaching Silvertongue how to fight! Crowfeather looked at her with concern. Was this something that she wished to learn, or something she had decided out of necessity? He had not done well to chase individuals from their land. Not that he had experienced many trespassers, while they were forming. There were a few, though.

Maybe I should learn, too.

The shadow gazed at her quietly. Riverclan was his home, too. He needed to learn how to defend it and the wolves who lived within it.
910 Posts
Ooc — ebony

"we can all learn. arric and akavir are willing to train riverclan. all of us." she looked into his somber and dark face. "are you happy, crowfeather? what is on your mind?" she had meant only happiness for him since leaving akashingo and mereo. this place would be the same.
909 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The shadow nodded in agreement. Arric and Akavir’s names were saved in his head, hoping that he could match them to a pair of faces in the near future. Crowfeather did not share with Silvertongue that he was worried his disability would make him unteachable. Would they laugh at his three-leggedness? He didn’t imagine strong wolves would want to show him anything. It would be a waste of their time.

Silvertongue’s question startled him, pulled him from his nervous thoughts.

Are you happy?

Crowfeather could not answer her honestly. It would have been cruel to tell her that he was anything but happy, for all that they had done together, all that they had accomplished. Crowfeather was not happy. If anything, their formation of Riverclan had been an awakening. The shadow feared that he would watch Sandy and Silvertongue and many others come through their home, making families. And Crowfeather would watch from the sides, wishing that he could share in their fortunes.

Of course I am. A smile was forced to his lips. It did not reach his sad honey eyes. I have you.

A chaste kiss was planted on her cheek.
910 Posts
Ooc — ebony

a chaste kiss! silvertongue leaned into it, her eyes seeing how unhappy he was beneath the words. "crowfeather, you need someone." and she knew it could not be her. this caused a pang inside the star-woman but truly, truly, she wanted more delight for him than to put her own needs ahead. he did not think of her in that way and she did not fault him for it. "a gentle man, with kind eyes." she said aloud what he had not, of attraction, and her glassblue eyes said she accepted all parts of the raven man she so loved.
909 Posts
Ooc — Teo
I wrote this reply like 500 times. I am sorry it's so late... <3 ;w;

The shadow’s breath was caught in the back of his throat. Even Silvertongue would have heard the inhale that triggered it.

Fearfulness erupted in his stomach, spilling down the sides like molten lava.

She knew. She knew without him having spoken it. She knew him better than he knew himself.

Shame replaced the fear. The shame was cold and worn. It felt heavy inside him. Crowfeather did not want to share this conversation with her. He had spent many days trying to convince himself that Silvertongue was the one for him. She was the only one who loved him, despite the horrid things that lived inside his heart.

I- I do not think there is a man who could love me, he said in a haggard voice. This was the truth he had convinced himself of. But- I- His breathing was shaky.

I love you. And he did. Though he did not lust for her, his heart had grown around the comfort she had created for him. Wasn’t that the least that he could do?
910 Posts
Ooc — ebony

never apologize!! it made my heart so happy, all ur posts are worth waiting for!

her beautiful eyes welled with tears and silvertongue pressed closer into the softness of his lovely darkfeather pelt. "yo también te amo," she said, the intake of his breath now mirrored in his own throat. "i always have, crowfeather, ever since i was b —" a pause. "belen." how odd to think of that name now! how odd to remember who she had been! she kissed his chest softly and wound her arm into his own. "i want a man to love you the way that i do."
909 Posts
Ooc — Teo
There is no man who could love me in that way, he told her, voice quiet.

Silvertongue had given up everything so that she could go with him. They had made this hollow into their home. They had shaped it and gathered their joiners and had made a place of peace. She could have been anything. She could have been a wife to a king, if she wished to be. Crowfeather never understood why she had been so willing. He was not worth the goodness she had showed him.

And I do not need one.

Crowfeather’s eyelids closed for a moment. Sandulf said he could not change who he was. He did not believe that. He thought he could be whatever he wanted, if he set his mind to it and released his heart's investment in the man who had broken it.
910 Posts
Ooc — ebony

rain in his words, rain to countenance silvertongue with a greyness. it was for him, this feeling. he did not believe in his own happiness. he was her closest friend and only love, and romance was nowhere so close, held at length by each of them. he represented a goodness that could never be found in the most gilded halls, the purity she had lost there. he was a reminder that she too could shed the skin of akashingo and be reborn. silvertongue could not find it in herself to argue with his attempts to move forward. "well then. you are only stuck with me," she grinned. "and i will always make you tell me the things that weigh your mind."
909 Posts
Ooc — Teo
That’s all I need, he assured her in his tired voice.

The dark figure pressed close to Silvertongue. His eyelids remained closed while her closeness was all he let himself know. Instead of imagining dark nights with the eagle, he thought only of the moment. He let himself exist in the darkness. He let himself float upon it – driftwood on the black sea.

When his eyes opened, the world looked remarkably brighter. Silvertongue’s eyes were like the light around the moon. Crowfeather had never felt more grateful for her love and friendship.