Alpine Lake Can I sail through the changin' ocean tides?
Sun Mote Copse
2,022 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
All Welcome 
This time when Fennec left the territory, she didn't ask anyone to come with.  Her frustration had grown and she wasn't sure quite what to do with it... it didn't really belong with the picturesque view of her mom and dad and new siblings.  She could have spilled her guts to Bronco or Fig, but neither of them even liked Penn. Only she liked Penn.

Why the fuck did she always have to be the one to ask?  Why didn't anyone ever bother to ask her if she wanted to go with when they left?  Was she really that big of an inconvenience?

She a little felt like crying and a lot felt like chewing a certain someone's smug (she imagined) face off.  So she settled for the middle ground... sitting dismally next to a familiar lake and stewing.  Maybe she'd get lucky and a coyote would try to eat her again.  Then she could take this out on something.

Cool.  Maybe she was an idiot for being friends with an asshole in the first place.  As a self proclaimed asshole herself, she should probably know better.  Well, problem solved.  He could find another friend elsewhere, because she wouldn't bother him with it any more.  She felt her cheeks grow hot with the thought, but as much as it made her eyes prick with tears, it felt right.  She was tired of always asking, so until someone felt like maybe she was worth the time of day to invite along, she'd hold the title of best friend open.

She deserved better, she knew it.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Penn really hadn’t made any progress towards figuring out just what he was going to do next. He knew what he wanted, and he knew in a broad sense what would be required. It was in the details where it got messy. So, he didn’t think—he just acted. It was time to go home. And then, it would be time to leave for good.

He’d gone to the Copse first, but had found Avery just outside of the borders. That had been his first good bye and while it had hurt, it was also somewhat vindicating to learn that he was not the only Blackthorn who needed a change of scenery following Finley’s and Elwood’s demise. He might’ve sought Wraen or Eljay next, but a scent had distracted him completely. It was a scent he’d followed back out into the Wilds. It was the scent he cared about most.

This was the part he hadn’t planned out. It was the part he’d tried not to even think about. He didn’t know how it would go, what she would say, what she would do. He only knew what he wanted. And some small part of him knew that she might very well him to fuck right the fuck off.

Still, Penn walked up to her and went right for it. ”I’m leaving the Copse and I want you to come with me,” he said without preamble. Or even saying hello. Or stopping to make sure she even knew he was there. Maybe he actually should have put more thought into this. Wait, was she crying?
Sun Mote Copse
2,022 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Timing was a funny thing.  Just as she was sitting here internally writing him off, he was coming to do exactly what she wanted.  She didn't hear him come until he was close, and before she could loose some barbed words his way, he was outright asking his question.  No prelude, nothing.

Even despite her inner thoughts, she was immediately furious.  He'd peaced out for weeks without a word and now he wanted her along?  A thoughtful wolf might have figured he needed time... his parents died.  But Fennec only knew how upset she was that he hadn't said a word to her.  They were supposed to be friends.

Great.  Now you want me to come with?  Get tired of running around alone, so now you have to resort to inviting me?  She asked, ears pinning back as she didn't turn to look at him.  This was exactly what she'd wanted.  Her first time leaving had been terrifying... but every time Figment talked about his time with the Frosthawks.  Every time he or Penn or Bronco talked about their trips out.... they made it sound so easy.  It wasn't that easy.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Penn had expected she might not respond... positively. After all, he was asking her to leave her parents and her siblings. Her friends too, though he couldn't see that as being a loss because fuck Bronco. He could see that being hard for her to do, and he could see her calling him an insensitive asshole for even asking her to consider bailing on them. He hadn't really expected her to be mad in this particular way, though. This particular way was a bit bewildering to him.

"What kind of nonsense you speaking, woman?" Penn asked, his brow quirked dramatically, "Resort to inviting you? The fuck? You think if all I wanted was some company, I'd come to you? You're a pain in the ass. I want you to come because I want you to come." He shook his head, knowing his explanation had been a poor one. Poor as in, hadn't made a ton of sense. But he was confused, so serve her right if she got confused now too.
Sun Mote Copse
2,022 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Well, then, took you long enough.  She said back, still with a little spice to her tone.  She'd really thought he'd just up and taken off on her.  But, as was per usual, his tossed in insult actually made her feel better.  Damn right she was a pain in the ass, and damn right he should want her along regardless.  Good.

But... yeah.  Okay.  It was a big ask.  She was aware that the conversation was not going to go well, and she was fully prepared for both Towhee and Phox to hate the idea.  They didn't mind her short trips, but she imagined they wouldn't much like her leaving.  Oh, god, and Fig...

It was her brother that made her reconsider.  Did she really want to leave him behind, for any amount of time?  But he'd done it.  He'd gone off and had adventures and learned things on his own, and he'd come back different.  Older.  Meanwhile she'd sat here, watched over by Towhee, and done pretty much nothing.  Her answer wasn't changing.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Penn was hopeful he wouldn’t have to explain any further, then pleased when he found he didn’t. He smirked at her retort, but didn’t say anything while she processed. Her self-confidence was one of the things he liked most about her. Her lack of drama was another, and her sarcasm probably the most of all. Her previous comment had been way too melodramatic. But she’d rebounded well, and was shortly stealing his breath away.

She said yes.

She was totally into him.

The Blackthorn paused for a moment to process this unexpected turn of events. Not that it was unexpected of her to say yes—he knew he’d be able to get her to eventually. He just thought it would’ve taken longer. ”You will?” he asked, a smile dancing across his face as excitement lit his eyes, ”Just like that?”
Sun Mote Copse
2,022 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Just like that? Yeah.  She huffed out a laugh.  What, I've been wanting to travel for ages, but asking everyone all the time "hey, wanna take a trip?" gets annoying as fuck.  Fennec stood up, letting her previous mood slide away and be replaced by the anticipation for this trip.  Sides, no one ever wants to leave.  Not for long, anyway.  They're all too responsible.

Because that was what really made her feel most comfortable around Penn.  He never really talked trades, or patrols, or responsibilities.  He never made her feel useless for not wanting or knowing what she wanted to do, and he was right there with her in making fun of anyone who was too serious.  

But if you're annoying to travel with I'm totally out. she added with a little grin.  That was... pretty much a guarantee, honestly.  They'd probably last two weeks max before one of them killed the other.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Penn didn't really translate the emotions he was feeling in that moment appropriately. He considered all of it to be excitement over the fact that she had said "yes" and that he was going to get the freedom he'd decided he needed. In truth, it was a bit more complicated than that. He didn't recognize the relief he felt that Fenn was so sure of herself over this decision. He didn't know he'd been anxious about being rejected, or that he'd worried that he really would've had to convince her to come as that would've meant she really didn't want to. He hadn't realized how much he needed her on this journey with him. How much he really didn't want to be alone. How much it mattered that she would choose him.

And thank god because I don't need all that emo crap in my life right now.

His face split into a grin. "I'm the mother fuckin' best to travel with," Penn boasted, lifted his chin a little with pride, "I got no idea where I'm going, no plan, no concern for anything whatsoever. It's awesome. You're going to enjoy the shit out of travelling with me. And, if you're real sweet to me, I might even let you lead the way. Sometimes." It was going to be quite the shit show, more than likely.
Sun Mote Copse
2,022 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Oh, yeah, let me lead?  She gave a little shove in his direction, unsure if it would connect.  He sounded close enough.  As if you could stop me.  And I'll be the judge on that.  As the resident expert on 'no clue where I'm fucking going' I bet there's a thing or two I could teach you.  

He'd hit the nail on the head with his explanation of how this was going to go, and immediately she felt better than she had in weeks.  Months, maybe.  She hadn't been unhappy, but there was this creeping undercurrent of feeling like she was missing out, sitting at home.  This was going to be amazing, and the fact that Penn sounded as excited as she felt made it that much better.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Penn snorted softly with laughter as her nudge just barely connected. He didn't say anything though, just quirked a brow as he smirked at her. He couldn't help but offer a laugh as she continued. She certainly had a point with her last. "Yeah alright, I'll give you that one," he replied, reaching out to nip lightly at her ear.

It occurred to him then with a sudden jolt that the door on his life had swung wide open before him at last. And what was he doing? Sitting here, talking? They were wasting time! "Well, alright, come on then! Let's do this!" he exclaimed, getting up on all fours and dropping back a few steps, "There's so much out there, Fenn. So much to do, so much to see--" he faltered slightly, "--about.. doing. Hey, I know. Let's go to the ocean first. We can chase seagulls, and it'll give you an opportunity to try and drown me for annoying you all day."
Sun Mote Copse
2,022 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She cackled at his slip up, not bothered in the least. She was too excited to be bothered and, as he talked, more and more ready.  Yes!  Let's do this!


Wait.  I probably have to tell mom and dad first, she said, mentally adding Fig to the list with a slight wince.  I'm coming either way, but I can't just leave.  They'd probably come looking for her if she did, and they'd definitely worry.  This way they'd at least know.  But as soon as I do that, I'm holding you to a good drowning.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Penn's excitement fell flat in the instant she said Wait. He knew it was wrong (which was very uncharacteristic of him), but he really didn't want her to go say good bye to anyone. They were going to talk her out of this because they were all a bunch of selfish, overprotective assholes. Which wasn't fair--they weren't assholes, he knew. But they would be if they got in the way of this. It was obvious that Fenn wanted this, which would make it a real dick move if they talked her out of it.

But, what was he going to do? Stop her from saying good bye to her parents? No. He knew what it was like to not have that.

Penn gave a soft laugh and nodded. "Yeah, you're right, we can hold off for a bit," he said, "But don't take too long. And you gotta promise you won't let them talk you out of this. And you kick their asses if they tried to physically restrain you." He thought about telling her to hurry it up too--that he wasn't going to wait around forever. He held it back, though. He was perfectly okay with lying, but he had surprised himself into silence by not knowing whether or not that would've been a lie.
Sun Mote Copse
2,022 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Like anyone can talk me out of anything. She replied, then turned to go.  She wasn't about to rush.  She knew saying goodbye to everyone would take a bit, but she had no problems making Penn wait for her to do it.  It wasn't as if she'd take forever.. and he had asked her.  She'd do what she needed to before.

But once she was done, she'd come back, and then they could start this amazing trip.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Penn smiled as she said her last, unwittingly wearing his poor, stupid heart on his sleeve for all to see. She was so bold, so cocky and clever. For the first time since his parents died, he felt something that could truly have been called happiness. And it was all that blind chick's fault.

He shook his head and let her go without a word. She would be back. And then would come the rest, whatever that was.

Penn was ready.