Hideaway Strath I am not God but I'm close enough
This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Pack meeting set about a week prior to the inter-pack hunt thread with The Dominion and potentially also The Forsaken! @Adlartok @Arlette @Turmeric @Sovereign @Maiken

@Arashi was gone. 
Nala was gone. 

Not at the same time, no. Nala had vanished some time prior...
without a word. 
Fury wondered if she had been a spy all along, and if her kindness had been ill-given. 

Shaking her head free of it all for the time being, the Warchief sent up a howl for her current members, a summons that demanded attendance.

Once everyone had gathered, Fury raised her voice for them all to hear. 
"We are having an inter-pack hunt with our allies, The Dominion. There is the possibility another ally will also attend with us. The hunt will take place within the next ten days, in one of The Dominion's hunting grounds." 
Fury is in peak condition
Health (100/100)
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Artok arrived quickly at the summonings and listened as she spoke. Ears forward. It had been some time since he had been in a pack hunt. It would be nice. The thought of other mingling with others that was a little uncomfortable, but he'd do his best to mind his manners.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Maiken had noticed some of the stale scents on thr norders, she had tried to make up for the lacking bodies. She was second to arrive.

She was worried for the future of their pack, but probably not more than Lady Fury herself.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,179 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette arrived to the meeting, sitting next to Artok. She gave him a smile. Then Nyra started to speak-- No Fury. She still had to get used to that. She nodded. She knew about the inter-pack hunt. She liked the idea, though she wondered who would take the lead, who of the alphas. That was another question for later. She was curious about the other pack joining. She wasn't big of a hunter but she would try her best. Plus it was nice to meet new wolves.

Arlette had noticed that Arashi seemed to be gone, his scents were stale. She just supported Fury though. I'm excited, she spoke with a smile. Wondering if there were going to be other news items.
239 Posts
Ooc — Heretic

A bit of an odd and random appearance, but I figured I should make one to let everyone know he's still near.

He had been gone for a decent time now. Travelling the surrounding territory had taken up much of his attention, as had his paranoia for the safety of Fury and her litter. Enemies lurked 'round every corner. 

This new summons caught his attention, however. He'd been in near range when his mate had called for the pack to gather. Out of curiosity, the General made a swift return.

An inter-pack hunt. An interesting topic, but not one he was opposed to. Sweeping through the group, he sat near Fury to listen further to what was being shared.

This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Round 2! Those who haven't joined yet are still welcome to make an appearance <3

Fury caught Arashi's form moving through the crowd. Relief flooded her at the sight of him, but outwardly she remained perfectly composed. 
As all Queens did. 

She shouldn't have ever doubted her mate. 

"I encourage all of you, to make acquaintances with those present at the very least. Arlette and Maiken, perhaps you could bring some herbs to share with them before the hunt?" She suggested with a warm smile. A kind of smile rare for a monster such as herself.
"All of us that attend will be bodies for the hunt." Fury glanced to Sovereign briefly. She wouldn't hunt with them yet, for Fury was not so cruel as to make the Princess partake without knowing what to do first.
Fury is in peak condition
Health (100/100)
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Artok saw the general and studied him for signs of any injuries. He had been unavailable of late, but he saw none. So his attention went back to the queen as she spoke. All of them would be bodies for the hunt.

He briefly thought of his leg. He was a fair hunter. Had managed to make up for his weakness alone. But he had never actually hunted with a pack since his injury that he could recall. A lesser man would have gotten upset about it. Artok just shifted.

If he failed he failed. Just hopefully it wouldn't cause anyone any type of pain if he did. He briefly thought of Arlette and the tiny Maiken. Yea he would stay away from them during the hunt, in case of.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Maiken saw the general arrive. Gave him a brief bow of her muzzle, then refocused. They were to take herbs. She pondered, her face drawn in. She could take some Begamot maybe, she would love to have plums if Arlette didn't know what they were, perhaps no one else did. Or maybe some Aloe, she would confer with Arlette on what to bring.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,179 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette looked up when the general arrived. His scent had been stale but now he was here for the pack hunt. She wasn't sure what to think of it if she was honest. However, she didn't show that hesitation towards the man. The female gave a quick dip of her muzzle when Fury addressed her. Certainly. She would have to discuss with Maiken what to bring.

The female didn't want to bring something too valuable or hard to find, but also not something cheap either. It was a tough choice. The female figured she would have to join the hunt. She was no stranger to the pack hunt. Mostly she would just do what she was told to do. She didn't mind being the driving wheel, as long as she didn't have to make the kill then she was more than okay.
This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Closing this thread after this post! Wanted to get a last reply out of the way before I vdid so lol <3

Fury was warm with pride to hear her packmates excited for the Hunt.
Arlette and Maiken seemed happy to bring herbs for gifts.

"This concludes our meeting today, thank you for coming, everyone." The Warqueen announced, jumping from the boulders to disperse into another task as she assumed the others would also do.
Fury is in peak condition
Health (100/100)
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls