Stone Circle The day I found it won't be the same
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,155 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
@Greyback @Kaito hopefully the little pp is ok <3 oh boi

There was little hiding it now. She had been frantic when she found out. It was a lie that it was a surprise to the girl. She had a feeling ever since she came back to Easthollow but Arlette hoped that it wasn't true. However, clearly she was getting closer to her due date, and teats had started to form along with other symptoms. A symptom that was undoubtedly related to being pregnant. It was also something that she could not hide. She had not been certain about the fact that she was pregnant because she had not been showing. Her mother always tripled in size it seemed but she hadn't become such a size. Luckily.

Arlette had been inconsolable for hours when realization had settled in. She was certain her mother was going to be pissed. She would definitely be kicked out, worse exiled. She had not wanted that for Kaito. Greyback already seemed to hate him and this would be a good reason for the patriarch to just throw him out as he had done with Vespera. She wasn't sure what outcome would be worse, be exiled with Kaito, or be separated from him. That alone could send her in another sobbing spree. Eventually, they had to decide what to do, and perhaps, if they would be honest- the Matriarch and Patriarch they might be kind with their final verdict. Arlette was a nervous wreck. She didn't want to lose her family or Kaito...

Her behavior had probably already been suspicious. She had not visited Siarut and Nanook yet, or their newborns. She loved pups and babysit. Now she hadn't bothered to stop by our of fear. She had avoided her mother at all cost since she had the feeling her mother could just sniff out a pregnancy. Same for Greyback, he was usually around his mother, and after his kind welcome she felt sick to have betrayed him so. Her parents would never approve of this. The thought made the female sick, so sick that she actually had to throw up from stress. It would only get worse if they tried to hide it any longer. So, they decided that they were going to tell her parents, and be honest. It had been an accident and hoped for her mother's maternal instinct to kick in.

Arlette walked with Kaito to find her parents. Hopefully, already together. Her legs were shaking, and her stomach was a swirl of anxiety, and perhaps some pups kicking as well. She wasn't even sure what she was feeling. Her mind was too occupied to feel everything going on in her body. They found her parents at their den. Arlette almost collapsed from stress when seeing them. Her bottom lip wobbled, tears springing in her eyes. Her heart hammering in her chest so hard and vividly that she felt like fainting. Her eyes fell onto her mother and Arlette just broke down. She fell to the ground before her parents. "I'msosorry. Iamsosorry--So--Sorry---Ididn'tmean---Didn'tPlan---JustHappened---," she gasped out through her sobs. "Itsallmyfault---. Don't--I--Kaitowasn't--"

She just couldn't say it. She couldn't voice it. "Pleaseforgiveme--Pleasedontkickusout. Please--I--Iamsosorry." She was almost in hysterics. Arlette couldn't get the word out so she submissively turned from her belly onto her back to expose her secret. Her fur by her belly thinner and her teats clearly enlarged. Now she was laying on her back it was clear that her stomach was also far more extended than it should be. Arlette continued to sob. All of her stress from the past days, perhaps even weeks all coming out in one go. She was never good at keeping her emotions to herself.
Mother Overlord
2,653 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Master Ranger
Valette had just told Greyback that they weren't going to have pups. The matriarch was saddened about it, but she also worked through it the last few days, at least she thought she did. She had hoped that Greyback and her would have gotten another chance with raising children. She had also told him that she was doing better since she was giving milk and she was allowed to help Nanook with nursing. It had also been her explanation for the times she had been away. Valette had mostly blamed herself for the lack of a pregnancy this year. She had not been in a good shape ever since winter and the famine.

The Matriarch eventually settled down. Just relieved to have told Greyback. Perhaps it would give him some rest as well. Maybe there was some good in it too. Greyback was getting older, perhaps older than she had realized. Maybe another litter would have been too much. There was some disappointment in the female that she might never have a litter again. She did try to reason with herself that she didn’t want anyone else by her side, with or without pups.

Valette had just settled down besides Greyback when she saw Arlette and Kaito approach. She could instantly tell that there was something with Arlette. She worriedly got to her feet. Her daughter had been strange ever since she had returned from her travels. She had been distant and Valette had seen little of her. She assumed it was just Arlette trying to get used to life without traveling or just spending quality time with Kaito. She seemed to really like the boy. Valette was shocked as Arlette just broke down in front of her feet. She had never seen the girl so upset. With a frown, she looked at Kaito. What did he do!?

Valette’s eyes moved to her daughter as she rolled over. Oh. Valette instantly felt her anger rising. Arlette’s sobbing wasn’t helping. Valette’s face had turned to thunder. She always had a jealous streak, and it instantly flared up. Why was Arlette pregnant instead of her? Arlette knew nothing. She couldn’t raise children. It mingled with pure anger. She had always hated females that get pregnant without her permission. She was the only one that should be allowed to breed, with a few exceptions. And here before her, her own daughter, one of those disgusting tramps. Her anger turned in pure rage when Arlette mentioned that it hadn’t been fucking planned.

” Shut up,” Valette snarled to her daughter. It was perhaps the first time in history she ever talked like that to one of her children. Ever since she had been with Steady that hatred had formed for the disobedience of non-loyal pack members turning up pregnant. Valette remembered how badly she wanted to be pregnant herself, give Steady his own pups. But she was denied over and over since her heat wouldn’t come. All of this while female after female got pregnant without Steady’s permission. In her memory, it were many that year. And when she had her first heat, Steady had passed. It was a very mad associate for the matriarch. ” How dare you to get pregnant! And YOU!,” she snapped at Kaito. ” How dare you defile her in that way. You two aren’t even mated,” Valette spit at him.

Valette bared her teeth and snarled down at Arlette. She wanted to reprimand her, to put Arlette or at least someone, in their place. Arlette knew how much Valette was against all of this. She almost did grab her daughter between her sharp teeth. Almost. What wasn’t helping either was all the other emotions still having to be put in a place: her own disappointment of not having pups this year, Clay deciding to leave, and the secret jealousy towards her sister’s happy family. Her reaction would probably not help with Arlette’s emotions, but she didn’t care. Arlette shouldn’t have gotten herself in this trouble in the first place. Enraged eyes moved from Arlette to Kaito. ”I don’t even want to hear your excuses,” she growled, because that was how every explanation would sound. Excuses. Her eyes as green as her jealousy that sparked her anger.
"The mountains do not break to the wind nor does the sky change for a single individual."
508 Posts
Ooc — Wilthking
Greyback had been with Valette at the time of Arlette's sudden arrival. His heart heavy and mind filled with the knowledge of their punishment. What had he done to upset the gods? What would displease them enough in order to warrant such a fate? Hadn't they taken enough last year? He sighed, angered only to remind himself that everything happens for a reason.

This happened for a reason.

He turned to see Arlette barrel in, her face stained with tears and body shaking before she ultimately turned over to reveal the cause of her hysteria. The patriarch couldn't help but gasp at the sight, mouth agaped and eyes wide. "No," Not Arlette. Not his other daughter too. And Kaito!

He watched as Valette became furious, her temper showing once more as she reigned down on the girl and boy. He had never seen his mate act so ferocious towards others, worse—her own children. The man couldn't help but feel shaken by the display, unsure of what to do. He was furious at Arlette for getting pregnant out of wedlock. Furious at Kaito, Furious at himself for lifting judgment on the boy.

The elder had been right all along.

Glaring at the two, he snorted steam out his nostrils before shaking his head. "You've disappointed us, I hope you both know that." His voice was firm as it was stern. Valette had already made up her mind it seemed, not wanting to hear the excuses. However, Greyback wanted to. "How did this happen? What were you thinking!"