Wheeling Gull Isle and all around, reminders of you are everywhere i go
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
All Welcome 
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She'd never experienced such poor weather on the island. Granted, her times with Undersea had largely been spent in spring, summer and fall. But the constant barrage of snow and sleet was new, and it was entirely unwelcome.

At least there was some refuge in the cavern. Despite the memories that accompanied it, Maegi spent much time there. The cold stone warmed when one stayed long enough in place, and when @Mou chose to join her, the two kept each other relatively snug.

Thoughts of Jaes danced through her mind as she gazed upon the bioluminescence of the cave, curled in a tight pale ball, nose to tail tip. This was a sacred spot. She wondered whether these wolves had faith. Huā had mentioned something along those lines, but from a sister of hers; Maegi didn't know if she still lived here.

This was, perhaps, the time to bring Jaes to the island. Jaes had always been here, of course, but in her heart and soul and within the island itself. Not the hearts and souls of those who dwelled here. Not yet, anyway.

She mouthed an old prayer, half-Daedric, half in common tongue. It just felt right.
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Winter had come for the lands of Teekon much as one might have expected. The world they knew growing far colder and the herds (not that the island had any) having faded, with the rodents scurrying to their burrows and being out and about far less so then prior. The islanders were lucky to still be able to rely on the sea around them for survival. The coast was not kind when it was winter, however and those who tread the beach would be met with a horrid chill. The beach-side always had a breeze, always far more exposed to the elements then the cover of forest and break of winds from rocky terrain for those who lived in the foothills.

Yuelong's luxury was only found in the heart of the lands, at its hill and so this is where the Greek man ventured. After a stroll along the beach to the land-bar for any visitors (or intruders) Aiolos came here to take a break from the freezing damp and salty winds. Into the cavern he came, what little light there were bouncing off the walls, glowing. He spotted Maegi there, curled up into herself for the warmth of her snout and face. His ears turn back, imaging her face (her lip and teeth) likely pained by the weather being exposed as they were to one side.

It is sure colder then the last winter... He murmured, a little comment to allow the woman to know she was not alone now. Likely so, she would have heard the click of his nails on the rock had she not been deeply slumbered. Still, he had no means to startle her with his presence.
moonglow daddy
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
She wondered if her eyes glowed in the cave, too. His did—a luminous dark gold, though the ethereal quality of this place reflected nearly silver in his gaze. They were the first things she saw, followed by his figure emerging from the shadows. Her ears tilted forward to catch his words, and then she nodded, lifting herself up to more of a sitting position.

The worst I've ever known, Maegi agreed. Even the season of the Redhawk-Blackfeather war had not been this bitter (in weather, anyway). She canted her head, staring at him. Ah-Aiolos, right? 

The wraith didn't know him all that well; she'd only heard his name here and there, seen his face, knew he was the second-in-command on this island. His name rang musical and foreign like Huā's. She wondered if they were related in some way. They weren't lovers, at least as far as Maegi could tell.
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Her eyes flickered open from her rest, ears perked to attention. They were two starkly different colors. One bright like the sun and the other dark like twilight sky. She stares back at him and after a moment draws herself upward into a sit. To him, hopefully, a welcoming of his presence. 

She admits it was the worst winter she had known. He guessed that she was around his age and so, perhaps her fourth one. He nods then to her question of confirmation. Yes ma'am. And you were Maegi, right? He was rather certain so, but offered the same air of question as she had. It is good you came when you had. He commented on her and her mate's arrival. After all, surviving this with a pack was hard in itself but on your own, quite a gamble. You had lived here before, right?
moonglow daddy
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Maegi nodded in affirmation, and then again—and then again, smiling slightly. He'd gotten her exactly right. When I was young, yes, she murmured. A familiar warmth surrounded her at the thought of Coelacanth. That warmth, however, was unfortunately now accompanied by a feeling of dread.

Please, please let them be safe. . .

The woman who was in charge of this island took me in, Maegi explained. Her pack was called Undersea. They were kind, gentle, forgiving—like nothing else I had ever known. I came back looking for them, but— She stopped suddenly, punctuating the silence with a shrug. Aiolos could fill in the blanks. They were here, and then they were gone, replaced by Yuèlóng.

And speaking of Yuèlóng: What about you? Are you related to Huā? she asked, gingerly broaching the topic.
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
When she was young... Aiolos offers a brief smile to the woman's words though only this because he did not know how well things had gone for her or not when she was here before. Pleasant enough, seeing as she returned to it, but how it came to be that she felt the need to leave may have not been so pleasant.

She explained then, how it came to be. How Undersea's Leader had brought her in. How it was a forgiving and kind pack like nothing she had ever known before. Surely she missed them but hoped where Undersea now was not, Yuelong may pick up the space for her. As far as Aiolos was considered, Hua was just as gentle and kind. Yet, small and mighty.

And then it would have it, that the disfigured woman before him spoke of her. Oh, no- not at all. He spoke as he got pulled back to the present from his thoughts of this 'Undersea'. I was taken in too, back when the pack was still quite young. Our culture, Hua's and mine, are far different. They came far from different regions of far different background. And then the Greek added, I've been learning he language. It's quite a difficult one... dont remember common being so difficult. He notes with a shrug.
moonglow daddy
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
As always, she was taken in by the idea of a culture different from hers. She had been raised to believe that the daedric religion and rituals were superior above all; later, when she discovered that was not at all the case, she had sought out knowledge of any other way to live. Maegi blinked at him, intrigued.

What is your culture like? she asked, lifting her chin in delicate query. Do you have gods, demons? Rituals. . .? A language, I'm assuming? The questions were tumbling out of her mouth before she could stop them, and she fell silent, giving him a rueful grimace. I'm sorry. Sometimes my curiosity gets the best of me.

She supposed, though, that this was a safe place, and a safe man to ask. Prying could get you in trouble elsewhere.
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
The gingered wolf couldnt help a small smirk as her words came tumbling out and he would shake his head to her sudden realize and grimace as though a silent gesture she had done no wrong. My maiden tongue is called Greek. Do you know other languages? He first allowed, showing a willingness to give answer.

Aiolos would come to realize by her flood of questions, she was a woman of spirituality- even a priestess, perhaps. She shown a mighty interest in cultures beyond her own and in light of wishing to be closer to his packmates (women more specifically of course) he did not mind at all to indulge her. I grew up on an island, where women of Nereides ruled. He dismissed where he had been born entirely, as he did not share that part every frequently. The word of a woman outweighed all men. A small explanation where he would elaborate if needed but as simple as it was, women were above men there.

And we did have rituals, yes, but men were only involved where needed. Which was little and mostly only during couplings. Our Goddesses, he went on, Are Sea and Moon. Hence the very perfect choice for his living quarters.
moonglow daddy
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Greek. Yes, she replied, smiling. Daedric, my family's religious tongue. And my old mentor taught me a few words from his own language. . .In-Innuk. . .kuk. . .I think it was called? She looked sheepish as she stumbled over the name, one she hadn't heard for quite some time now.

Instead, she turned her attention to the man, losing herself and any embarrassment in his story. Intriguing, that. It reminded her of Blackfeather Woods, when Maegi, Tundra and Jakoul had ruled alongside each other. Not that they considered themselves supreme because of their sex—but she immediately saw her old co-leaders' faces in her mind, and felt a pang because of it.

Sea and moon, Maegi mused. Sounds a lot like the religion Huā told me about. Her own family's beliefs. So you fit in well here.

It was something she could get behind, too. The Daedric religion had been full of dark things, with very few redeeming qualities. What Huā and now Aiolos described had beauty. It was ethereal.

Not that the sea couldn't be dangerous—and the moon certainly waned for a time, vanishing to nothing every so often. But at least the concepts were grounding. The thought of moonlight upon the waves did not send her into a dizzying spiral of old nightmares and new fears.
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
I've not heard of either. The man admits sheepishly to her as she mentions the religious tongue of her family and one other she had since come across. Unknowingly to him she would have her thoughts stirred by his words, to wolves she had long lost contact with. One of them was a woman named Tundra, one which Aiolos was acquainted with as well. Last he had seen her she was grouped with another along the coast, a group since left. 

I would like to think so. He said on behalf of him fitting in well here and he was blessed to have found the women on Yuelong and that they had taken him in. Back then many within the ranks were family. Sisters of Hua who ruled with her and cousins which all had now since come and gone- Ying, Ruo, Mei and far more. Much of Yuelong was family then. They broke away from what i've been told, was quite strict and suffocating custom to make anew here. I was but a mere foreigner then... He had been for some time, too, though had found place among them. Now with so many come and gone, they were all foreigners, really. 

I hope your memories of what was here are not too painful for you. He then takes thought to the scarred woman before him and what she had originally come here for, all for naught. And that you and your mate might stay awhile... Or they may come and go too, he thought, like many before her. All things came to an end, he figured.
moonglow daddy
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
congratulations, you win post #1400!

She hadn't expected him to know the languages. Maybe the northern tongue, but Daedric? That was a longshot, and frankly, she'd be a little disturbed if he did know it. For if so, he had likely learned it from a Melonii—and she wanted to put as much distance between herself and the bulk of her family as possible.

Maegi's ears shifted forward, catching each word of the tale of Yuèlóng. What had happened to the rest of the alpha female's family? All she knew of were a child or two; the rest, gone. She sucked in a breath, feeling a pang in her chest as she found sudden kinship with Huā. She knew what it was like to remain behind. To be left behind.

Despite the sorrowful look that might have briefly graced her countenance, she shook her head. Not painful at all, Maegi assured him. This place was good to me. Has always been good to me. I healed here. I found a new life here. I met my husband here. I owe so much to the island.

And with that said— We're not going anywhere, she concluded, lips lifting in a genuine smile.

(At least, not planning on going anywhere) — but she kept that intrusive thought at bay, forging on with, I imagine you plan to stay, too?
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian

And left, they did. At least Hua still had a means of contacting her family, which was good. Ying had formed a pack of her own by her former Spring litter. Ruo was there as well, quite happy from what his son let on. Maybe even Yunxu and Aimi had ventured there, too. Hua remained on the island off the coast of the Teekon Wilds and had had already begun to create a family of her own. Aiolos now could say he was now an extension of the family, his son carrying some of the same blood as his Empress despite the relationship with her cousin having failed.

Aiolos was happy having created a new life from himself here. Having happily abandoned one family to be left behind by another, perhaps 'third times a charm'.

Now, Maegi's life would be renewed here, as it had such before. She explained how she had also met her mate here and now perhaps, should they stay as she says, they could create a family here too. At least Aiolos would be left to know that if Maegi and Mou left it would be of good reason and that they would offer their leaders the kindness many did not, by letting them know of their decision.

Then to her question, a chuckle and nod. Oh I think so... He shifted then so that he may lay his creamy undersides to the cool  earth and stretch out his forelegs, comfortable now in the presence of the war-torn woman. So long as Yuelong still stands and its Empress remains, I dont plan on going anywhere. And he had not wandered off thus far before, being here longer than any other then Hua herself.

And then another change of pace... So you take interest in history and religion... He began in, Are you a scholar, a priestess? He was curious now of her skills and interests.
moonglow daddy
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
He was staying—that was good. There had been so much impermanence in her life that faces staying around, even if only a few of them, was a boost to her psyche. She smiled, and then let the expression linger at his question, though it grew a little watery.

Both? I. . .grew up in a very religious family, but I've left that faith behind, Maegi told him. I was being groomed to take over as Listener—that's the head priestess—but things happened, and I had to leave home. And when I came back, the pack had fallen apart, and everything had changed.

It was a good thing, though. Well, mostly. Her face grew solemn as she thought of the voiceless Relmyna, the usual mourning pang rising to the surface. But beyond her death, the death of the old Woods had ceased prayers to the daedra—at least within those woods. And without that ending, she may not have found the truth. May not have found Jaes.

Maegi looked at Aiolos, but he might think she looked beyond him. . .and he would be right, somewhat. Her focus had been snatched by the past. I worship a new god, Jaes. Much like the god I was named for. Peryite: the lord of the damned and of pestilence. But Jaes is lord of all, with a particular fondness toward those who are broken or twisted, young and defenseless.

She supposed she was a priestess, then, of Jaes. And a scholar, for much like an elephant, she never forgot. And you? she asked, canting her head, a little loath to leave the subject of her lord behind but curious as to his nature. What role do you prefer to play?
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Maegi went onto mention the religion of her family, since abandoned after her return back home only to find the pack she had left behind no longer standing. A solemn expression takes to the woman's duel-colored eyes, watery and brows taunt. Loosing her home had been another struggle on her moral, this was obvious. He was interested to find out she had thought to be the next Listener to her natal pack only to find out her ears got her to listening to another god instead.

I see. Aiolos says only at first, never having before heard of the 'God of all' known as Jaes. Aiolos didnt know if there were other gods in the world, besides the two which he knew of. Hua had different names for her gods and Maegi her own too. They could have all been true, for all he knew for he did not know how many gods existed. Perhaps Jaes calls to this place, he thinks then, We've had quite a number of those broken, physically or emotionally, at our door. He would think then of Jaime, who had been washed up onto their shores battered and bruised. He thought of Orochi and Hyde, one wolf three-footed and the other blind. And then the woman in front of him, holding heavy scarring and disfigurement to her muzzle and cheek.

Then she asks his own trade and he answers the woman promptly. Growing up with the Nereides, men really only had two purposes in life. We were consorts and guardians. Fighting and challenging among the men was how you got any recognition, so I fought. He offered and then continued on. I enjoyed playing guard to our women when they went beyond the territory to the mainland. Since being here, I've done work as a scout to go along with the guardianship and become an ambassador for us. Us being the pack, of course.
moonglow daddy
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Jaes calls to this place, she responded quickly, confidence in each word. I heard Jaes here—though I knew Jaes as Peryite, then—when I first arrived, and I have heard Jaes every return since. The voices of other daedra had faded to nothing upon the island, but Jaes remained. Jaes was always with her.

She smiled at his response. A good role, Maegi praised him. It's hard to be the caretaker of a pack—to make sure they are safe and secure. I'm sure you do a fine job of it. 

Thoughts of safety and security brought her husband to mind, and the wraith was suddenly much colder, in need of warmth. Aiolos made for good conversation, but she had grown weary. I'm going to go look for Mou, see what he's up to, she told the man, rising to all four paws. It was nice to get to know you, Aiolos. . .and it will be nice to see you around. Hopefully for a long time.

Acknowledging any farewell he gave her in return, Maegi slipped past him and headed toward the exit of the cavern. Sea and Moon, she thought, grinning. More gods for her burgeoning, haphazard pantheon.
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
She held certainty, confidence. Her God was here and she knew it, just as Aiolos believed his two Goddess to be. He smiles to this, dipping his muzzle respectfully.

I do my best, as only one can. He says with a small smile, happy for her kind words of him. He knew that a few had showed up at his borders broken and he shouldered them, carried them on his back to safety. He did as he could, but knew that many would suffer the power of nature far from his abilities to shield them.

She then, as the wind whipped and howled outside as a reminder of the heavy winter upon them, desired to seek out her mate. He would have a warmth for her Aiolos could not offer. Aiolos lip twitched, holding back the frown from forming. He had wanted such a thing for himself but it was not meant to be, not yet.

As I feel to you, Maegi. Back legs moving backward to rise back into a sit, he would watch the torn woman leave and then settle back down now onto the cold rock, alone.
moonglow daddy